恭喜古迪納夫(John B. Goodenough)、惠廷厄姆(M. Stanley Whittingham)及家吉野彰三位因為開發鋰電池而獲得今屆諾貝爾化學獎。其中古迪納夫以97歲之齡成為史上最年長的諾貝爾獎得獎者。古迪納夫在近年來一直是獲獎的大熱門,到今年終於獲得遲來的肯定。
the nobel prize in chemistry 2019 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的最佳貼文
🌟 2019諾貝爾獎化學獎 🌟
Announcement of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019
美國物理學者 John B. Goodenough (97歲)
英國化學家M. Stanley Whittingham(77歲)
日本化學家Akira Yoshino (71歲)
“for the development of lithium-ion batteries.”
Lithium-ion batteries have revolutionised our lives and are used in everything from mobile phones to laptops and electric vehicles. Through their work, this year’s Chemistry Laureates have laid the foundation of a wireless, fossil fuel-free society.
1970年代,Whittingham 早已使用鋰強大的驅動力以釋放外層電子,發展出第一個可實際使用的鋰電池。
高齡97歲的Goodenough 是近代鋰電池發明人之一,他增強鋰電池的電壓至4伏特,為強而有勁的電池設計出對的條件。
This year’s #NobelPrize laureate Akira Yoshino succeeded in eliminating pure lithium from the battery, instead basing it wholly on lithium ions, which are safer than pure lithium. This made the battery workable in practice.
In the early 1970s, Stanley Whittingham, awarded this year’s Chemistry Prize, used lithium’s enormous drive to release its outer electron when he developed the first functional lithium battery.
Goodenough doubled the lithium battery’s potential, creating the right conditions for a vastly more powerful and useful battery.
the nobel prize in chemistry 2019 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的最佳貼文
🌟 2019諾貝爾獎化學獎 🌟
Announcement of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019
美國物理學者 John B. Goodenough (97歲)
英國化學家M. Stanley Whittingham(77歲)
日本化學家Akira Yoshino (71歲)
“for the development of lithium-ion batteries.”
Lithium-ion batteries have revolutionised our lives and are used in everything from mobile phones to laptops and electric vehicles. Through their work, this year’s Chemistry Laureates have laid the foundation of a wireless, fossil fuel-free society.
1970年代,Whittingham 早已使用鋰強大的驅動力以釋放外層電子,發展出第一個可實際使用的鋰電池。
高齡97歲的Goodenough 是近代鋰電池發明人之一,他增強鋰電池的電壓至4伏特,為強而有勁的電池設計出對的條件。
This year’s #NobelPrize laureate Akira Yoshino succeeded in eliminating pure lithium from the battery, instead basing it wholly on lithium ions, which are safer than pure lithium. This made the battery workable in practice.
In the early 1970s, Stanley Whittingham, awarded this year’s Chemistry Prize, used lithium’s enormous drive to release its outer electron when he developed the first functional lithium battery.
Goodenough doubled the lithium battery’s potential, creating the right conditions for a vastly more powerful and useful battery.