【Wota Travel|The Sanchaya 🇮🇩 】
何以島嶼成為我們度假的既定印象之一?每人答案不同,但相同在旅人們對海島的獨有情懷。也許是海浪聲🌊,禁不住聯想出遼闊的藍天 ; 也許是因為島嶼總有種隔世之感,具備自成一派的文化生態🐸🐢。
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#民丹島 屬於 #印度尼西亞,為 #廖內群島最大一座。接近赤道位置,#海水維持清澈透光 的絕佳狀態,和夢中會出現的場景一樣,#綿長銀色沙灘、搖曳斑斕的 #熱帶大型植物🌴,乘坐船艇,迎風吶喊!🌬
The Sanchaya 具有 #洗鍊清新的19世紀殖民風格,座落在一圈椰林之中。趁著近日冬季❄️☁️,前往熱帶地區享受慵懶氣溫!隨日照映著海,#舒適且奢華的藝術酒店 結合 #島嶼風情,相當適合發呆一下午的愜意時光。☀️
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與 #民丹島的南洋文化 完美融合,The Sanchaya 由俄羅斯藝術家兼導演 Natalya Pavchinskaya 操刀設計,注入且重新演繹 #獨特的品味內裝,有來自緬、泰、柬、印尼等地 #藝術品。椰林搖曳,在看似慵懶單純的環境,我們實則不斷恢復心靈狀態,發呆也好,享用 #海島鮮嫩海產 也罷,只要入住其中,便是拋開煩惱,#愛惜自己的美好假期。
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the sanchaya 在 LeiaLauren Facebook 的最讚貼文
Hello The Sanchaya!
Your monochromatic colonial architecture against the lush greenery is too gorgeous! So happy we brought Luke here for his first trip ❤️ #leialaurenluketravels
the sanchaya 在 Elaine73 Facebook 的最佳貼文
To my second born, please remember that I do not love you any less, I never did and never will. For second or first, I love you still. ❤️
Today my baby walked into class and never looked back at me. 😱 Part of me is glad he enjoyed school, another part cannot believe how fast he is growing up. #Alwaysmybaby 😰 Can time stop for a minute? ⏰
#Throwback to #Bintan where we frolicked in the sand in our @offspringsingapore diaper and trusty Buzz Away Insect Spray! ☀️
I love how fashionable our @offspringsingapore pull up pants are, the superb absorbency makes it perfect for day and night - no leakage 💦ever! 🙌🏻✨
Thumbs up for the gentle, all natural insect repellent made from Citronella, Rosemary & Wintergreen and organic natural plant extracts. 🌿 Bye bye insects! 👋🏻😈
Need to head to the beach again soon! 🌴 Happy #Friyay, have a great weekend y’all✨✨✨✨🙌🏻
#holiday #sgkids #babyelriclim #sgfamily #offspringdiapers #sgmotherhood #sgmummy #bintan @ The Sanchaya