#北美 #極端天氣 #氣候變遷
#美國產業 #美國都市
🇺🇸彙整 2021年02月15~22日,
上週末期間,美國大半地區氣候惡劣,從太平洋西北地區(Pacific Northwest)、大平原(Great Plains)一路到中大西洋州,都是大雪、冰霰、凍雨的天氣。
國家氣象局(National Weather Service)表示,#北極氣團 帶來的冷空氣一路向南,讓過去不常見冰封天氣的地區也寒氣逼人,墨西哥灣沿岸大半部、奧克拉荷馬州與密蘇里州都發布了冬季風暴警告。
地處美國南方的德州一向都是以高溫著稱,這次面臨極端氣候寒流,部分地區甚至降到零下 18 度,美國總統拜登已經發佈德州 #緊急救災命令,應對可能的災情。德州地區起降的班機,已經取消了好幾百個班次;又因為電力短缺加上路面結冰,交通事故暴增,光是星期天一日就有 120 起車禍。
圖2:Texas before the storm on Jan. 31, 2021
圖3: image during the storm and outages Feb, 16, 2021
達拉斯(Dallas)居民布萊克(Thomas Black)15日就貼出照片,只見水管因冰凍破裂的漏水流到公寓走廊的吊扇上,竟因低溫結成一根根「#冰柱」,讓布萊克感嘆「身為德州人,我可應付不了」。還有人家中的水龍頭和浴缸結凍,馬桶蓋四周出現鐘乳石般的冰柱。
作為 #美國最大的產油區,美國每天的石油產能少了4成,倫敦布蘭特原油18日漲破每桶65美元。
美國在2010年之後,因 #頁岩油 開採技術出現革命性的突破,開採成本大幅下滑,刺激美國油氣產量雙雙大幅成長,墨西哥灣也因此成為能源交易中樞,而 #德州則是美國能源產業的心臟。
《金融時報》(Financial Times)報導,大多生產商的設備雖然能夠在一般寒冷氣候中正常運轉,但他們 #並未投資並確保設備能夠承受極端嚴寒的溫度。
海龜研究與保護中心執行董事溫蒂·奈特(Wendy Knight)指出,海龜屬於冷血動物,在遭遇極寒海水後會出現體溫過低,進而出現暈厥或無法移動的狀況。通常每個冬天,德克薩斯州南部的海灘上都會有100至500隻被「凍傻」的海龜被沖上岸,但像今年如此多的數量實屬罕見。
休士頓大學(University of Houston)能源經濟學家賀斯(Ed Hirs),早在10多年前就試圖警告德州電網的 #脆弱性。
他在2013年的休士頓紀事報(Houston Chronicle)發文,標題是醒目的「德州承受著蘇聯式的配電系統之苦」,質疑ERCOT是否在重演前蘇聯中央計畫失敗的覆轍?
確實,德州在上週經歷了逾一個世紀來最冷的幾天,但對經歷過類似危機的德州來說,並非躲不過的 #黑天鵝。只能說德州的電力供應未做好寒冬準備,也低估了在危機來襲前保留電力的需求。
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過83萬的網紅serpentza,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The Communist Party is watching you, no matter where you go, and they will Fox Hunt you if you step out of line.... Articles mentioned in the video: ...
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Khi mẹ thiên nhiên cũng ngồi chung chiến hạm với ta 😎 *thug life* Bữa ngồi xem National Geographic Channel, cái chương này đã đập vào mặt em ngay lập tức. Hiện tượng này thường không phổ biến: Chỉ khi nào bão sấm xảy ra vào chạng vạng, lúc đó trời ngả sang màu cam đỏ thì những cụm mây cao nhất sẽ chuyển thành màu xanh. Và những cụm mây xanh sẽ hình thành mưa đá (chội, giống con của Loki trong fic em đang dịch ghê :)) và lốc xoáy kèm theo sấm chớp. Đọc đến đây thôi não bay mẹ nó lên thiên đàng chơi rồi :) Đỉnh quá Mother Nature êyyyyy. Deadly but beautiful 🤗
*Khuyến khích coi hình :))) Có mấy cái rất thú zị :))))
*TIL = Today I Learn :)) Mèo bắt chước Reddit
#Thunder #Lightning #Greensky #Redlight #Rainbow #Fact #MotherNature #Bezt
the national reddit 在 mrbrown Facebook 的最佳解答
longtailbutterfly, an NSF serving in SCDF, shares a day in his life on Reddit. Thank you for your service.
"Let's tell a story.
I'm working my 24 hr (work 24 hours, off 48 hours) duty. It's 1100 and I just finished morning lecture (equipment drill and familiarisation) in the engine bay of my fire station. It's a Saturday so our rota (platoon-ish) orders nasi lemak. Coding comes in over the loudspeaker and we turn out to a case of locked door, suspected DOA (decomposing body). Traffic doesn't give way to our LF (red rhino), as per usual (smh). We arrive at the HDB unit and instantly we smell the dead body. The knowledge of smell will come with experience. The niece, who called 995, asks me if her uncle will be ok. I already know the body is decomposing but I reply "We're unsure, but we'll try our best". I lie to her face. My pump operator (PO, and the only regular in the crew) looks at me and grimaces. We've been in this situation together many times before. We easily break the door and the smell intensifies. I go in first, followed by the ambulance (alpha) paramedic. We find the body on the bed in the master bedroom. The paramedic tells me, "About two weeks". The body is severely bloated, skin green and black. The face is unrecognizable as it has bloated too much. Bile attempts to escape from between the discolored lips creating bubbles. The smell is sweet but rotten and my fireman gags. I get the relevant information I need and step out for a breather. The niece looks at me and asks what is going on. I look at her and I know she knows he's dead. "You uncle... has passed away". I turn away to avoid the emotions. Emotions are killers in this line of work.
We get back in time for nasi lemak lunch. The chicken is a bit soggy this week. The smell of rotten flesh lingers in my nostrils. I watch the Malay romantic drama that my enciks chose on the TV. It's ok, the girl is cute.
Before dinner we get another call - unit fire confirm case. We race there and reach before the fire engine (pumper). They're caught in traffic and will take another few minutes. Two firefighters and I proceed to the unit. Instantly the thick black smoke chokes my throat and waters my eyes. I struggle with my breathing cylinder because the air hose delivery tool is stuck between my backplate and my back. I say fuck it, neighbours are already screaming for us to hurry. The pressure escalates but I close myself off from the members of public, just like normal. We all focus. The only things I listen to are my matra (radio) and my fireman. I just wear my facemask for minimal protection and crawl in. The fire is well alight on the stove and I shoot at it. The smoke limits my visibility to 0, I now can't see my fingers as I stretch out my arm. I crawl back out and get stuck on a fallen wire. I panic as I think of my family. Emotions are dangerous. A fire biker crawls in and frees me. We step out and I tell the crew the fire is almost finished but our CAF backpacks are finished (water foam sprayers). I send the firefighters down to set up water supply from hydrant and crawl back in with the firebiker. The smoke makes it feel like someone just threw hot ash down my throat. We extinguish the fire using an ass-washing hose from the kitchen toilet. I am coughing badly but he sprays my face with the hose. The kitchen is badly burnt. I can feel the smoke damage in my lungs. The owner and neighbours pat me on the back and thank me for saving their home as I walk out. I smile but I know I took another step closer to death.
We get back at 2200 and order McDonalds. It is the best Double McSpicy I’ve eaten in a while.
At lunch the next day my friend (SAF LTA) tells me how stressful being an instructor at SAFTI has been recently. I remember as my cylinder got trapped on the fallen wire, and how I thought of my family in those few struggling seconds. I nod my head and grunt. " SAF has it tough with JCC and everything huh?" I joke. He agrees enthusiastically.
All in a day’s work for the NSFs in SPF/SCDF. If we fail, someone dies from our direct actions. Welcome to NS. No second chances or semula. Just death. I wish the public knew the risks that some NSFs take each day. We might not be as fit as NDU or as garang as commandos, but we put our lives on the line literally every day.
As an NSF I can say I have saved many lives, fought many fires and contributed to Singapore. No play acting or training for a war that will never happen (though I understand the incredible need for an armed military). I love my job, I love NS and wouldn't trade it for anything else (maybe an EMT vocation).
I am still amazed that many members of public still associate NS with army. I wish people would know. There's no greater feeling in this world than knowing some uncle I helped rescue on my first duty at 0200 will live to eat his favourite mee pok or talk cock with his kakis because of my direct actions. Pride and care right?
At least I get paid $1400 a month (;
UPDATE: Thanks for overwhelming suppourt. If I knew how big this would get I would have proofread my writing more 😒 (some might say it spread like fire in dry grass during lalang season). I would tell more stories but I know that it would compromise my anonymity so I'll just shut my mouth, and unfortunately since this is a throw away you guys probably won't be hearing from me again.
What were my goals for this post?
To bring awareness to the nature and extent of NSF work in SCDF.
To just get some words off my chest.
This post was NOT meant to:
Bash SAF. I know the importance of a trained military (I believe I addressed this point in my initial post). If we didn't have the National Service Scheme, invading Singapore as Indonesia or Malaysia would be easy af.
Over-dramatise our work. I tried my hardest to write from a neutral stand point and deliver facts about incidents as cold, hard, and true as the Ben&Jerrys ice cream in my freezer however what we do on a daily sometimes makes me ask "Am I in a Michael Bay film?". It happens to the best of us.
If you were offended, I apologise. My intentions were merely to raise awareness for the often overlooked and under-praised "little brother" NSFs in SCDF/SPF. So many of our kind deserve recognition for what they deal with.
One last short bit before signing off.
EMTs (medical assistants in ambulances) have some of the roughest calls out there, no contest. I was having dinner with my buddy from BRT who later became an EMT at a high volume station when he dropped Fat Man 2.0 on me. Traditionally he and I have always been tuned to similar wavelengths as the chaos-utopia nature of our jobs is only shared between a select few.
He's an NSF like me -- 18-22, male, horny. As per the norm we were sharing gossip about events or big incidents in the Force, latest happenings and where that one cute paramedic at 33 is now. We were just digging in to our chow when he told me "I had a casualty die in my hands for the first time".
According to him it's not common for that to happen. I nod my head as I spool my pasta. It's has a thick green sauce and I can't help but think of my last DOA. I throw the idea out of my mind. Work is work, recreation is recreation. Usually when EMS arrives the casualty has a high chance of surviving, albeit sometimes with long lasting or even permanent injuries, or the casualty is dead. "Case of fall from height. The skull was completely smashed," he told me between mouthfuls of food, "I had the guy in a head grip but the harder I held his skull, the more my fingers just... pressed into his brain. There was no structural integrity left in the skull." We continued eating, he had told me of a similar case before. It wasn't new news to either of us. The pasta burns my tongue and I sip on my lemon tea. Too sweet. "Then he just stopped breathing. CPR AED didn't work." It was the first time witnessing the transition from alive to dead. They couldn't resuscitate. We paid the bill and started chitchatting about soccer on the way to the MRT. It was one of eight calls on his 8 hour duty. The food place was way too expensive and I made a mental note to never go back (unless I'm with my parents). Who charges $5 for ice lemon tea? Christ.
There are many duties where I don't get a call the whole 24 hours. If it's a busy day we'll get 3-4. 3-4 for him is a light day. Alpha (ambulance) guys really get it the hardest.
If you know someone who has a similar job, just listen to what they have to say. It's not easy for everyone to transition from seeing a broken family outside a unit containing a dead body to eating breakfast with their fam at their favourite prata house while being all happy smiley. We all get desensitised to death and risking everything but desensitisation doesn't mean it doesn't take a mental toll on our minds and well-being. We don't admit it because it's not garang, but everyone needs to get their thoughts off their chest every once in a while. You can help them by lending a ear (or a hug)."
via: https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/4iexp5/a_rant_on_national_service_from_an_nsf/
the national reddit 在 serpentza Youtube 的最佳貼文
The Communist Party is watching you, no matter where you go, and they will Fox Hunt you if you step out of line....
Articles mentioned in the video:
Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/fbi-china-arrests/2020/10/28/5e9bf01a-192c-11eb-befb-8864259bd2d8_story.html
Fox News: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/doj-fbi-indictment-chinese-operatives
Reddit discussion on the video clip of the Chinese Student Communist Party Boss in Germany: https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/jhx2mc/chinese_student_coordinator_in_germany_talking_to/
For a deeper dive into China's Propaganda influence and soft power, watch our liveshow ADVPodcasts: https://www.youtube.com/advpodcasts
Conquering Southern China:
Conquering Northern China:
Stay Awesome China (my new documentary): https://vimeo.com/ondemand/stayawesomechina
For Motorcycle adventures around the world, and a talk-show on two wheels go to ADVChina every Monday 1pm EST
For a realistic perspective on China and world travel from an American father and a Chinese mother with two half-Chinese daughters go to Laowhy86 every Wednesday 1pm EST
For a no-nonsense on the street look at Chinese culture and beyond from China's original YouTuber, join SerpentZA on Friday at 1pm EST
Support Sasha and I on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza
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World's best motorcycle pants are RHOK (search Ebay for them) Some Info: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/help-us-stop-sopa
No more Youtube, no more Facebook, no more Twitter, no more Reddit. If intellectual property owners even THINK that your website is infringing, they can have it blocked. They won't even need proof!! This bill is not to be taken as a joke. We're on a fast track to a socialist government and this is where it starts. If this passes, how far will they take it with the next bill? And if you're American and reading this then....DO SOMETHING....at the very least contact your congress man or sign a petition. That way if the bill gets passed you can at least say you tried.....if not then you just invited it on yourself.
Piemagon: The National Defance Authiorisation Act (NDAA) is even worse than the example you gave in the video, they can indefinetly detain you without warrent OR trail if they SUSPECT you of terrorism!!! Basically if you piss off the wrong person your going to jail for life.

the national reddit 在 Researchers find Russian misinfo campaign across Facebook ... 的推薦與評價
In the years that followed, the campaign shifted to Reddit, Medium, ... themes that align with Russian national interests during the period, ... ... <看更多>