How are you today?
I gave myself a little treat at lunch. Jude has been crankier than usual for a few days now, probably because he’s teething, and last night at about 4am his crying really got to me. Half-conscious, I reminded myself not to lose it. He’s a baby, crying is his way of communicating. He needs me, so he cries. I took control of my emotions, at the same time making a mental note to give myself a break today. I am grateful to have my helper care for Jude as I escape for a bit of “pak-tor” (date) time with the DH now and then.
The Dirty Houjicha Latte and Burnt Cheesecake at @thekinscafe provided a much needed perk-me-up, and ended my lunch on a satisfying not-too-sweet note.
Many of you have asked when I will be back at work, thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. ❤️ I’ll be back on-air at @yes933 in May. Before that, I’ll be doing my first IG Live with @yenlim__ this coming Saturday at 8pm on @madam.partum. I’ll be sharing my journey as a mother, how it all started with me plunging into motherhood without sufficient preparation and support, eventually finding myself at a complete loss and caught up in the baby blues. Hope to “see” you. 💕
P.S. Can u see that strand of white hair on my head? These days, I’m just happy I have hair, black or white doesn’t matter. 😂
#lunchtime #dirtyhoujichalatte #burntcheesecake #selfcare #motherhood #howareyoutoday #babyblues #postpartumblues #postnatalblues
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過18萬的網紅Celeste Wu 大沛,也在其Youtube影片中提到,CelesteTerry官網 IG FB粉絲團 Bourjois - 果然美肌光輕粉底 # 51 https://w...
the strand ig 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最讚貼文
"Cannot choose. Finish everything. Don't waste food."
This is what I have been saying to my kids since Day 1 and yes, I still find myself repeating that from time to time. Still, these three kids know better than to leave anything on their plates or in their bowls because it's a no-no when it comes to food wastage in our home. It's a blessing and luxury to even be able to have food on the dining table when there are many others who are less fortunate and suffering from hunger.
So even if there is just one slice of meat, one strand of vegetables or few grains of rice left, the kids know they have to remain in their seats till they finish every last bit. Of course, they have to wash their own dishes afterwards too. #自己的事自己做
This year, we are once again pledgeing our support for the annual #CleanPlateChallenge organised by @foodfromtheheartsg.
Do you know? Food waste is a critical issue, especially since the amount of food waste generated in Singapore has increased by about 20% over the past 10 years. In the last year alone, 744,000 tonnes of food was wasted - equivalent to two bowls of rice per person a day.
You can do your part to raise awareness about food waste and promote the habit of mindful eating by supporting this meaningful campaign. From now to 16 Oct, simply finish your food, take a photo of your clean plate or takeaway box and upload it onto Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #CleanPlateChallenge, and tag @deliveroo_sg and @foodfromtheheartsg (IG)/
Food from the Heart (Singapore) (FB).
For every submission, Deliveroo will donate S$1 to Food From The Heart, with donations totalling up to S$10,000. They
will go towards beneficiaries of Food From The Heart's School Goodie Bag programme, which focuses on providing underprivileged primary and secondary school students and their families with food rations and better nutrition.
We are definitely going to keep up this habit at home, and even when we are out, and say no to food wastage. So yup, kids, like it or not, please eat everything that Mama cooks for you. Haha. You don't have a choice so learn to be thankful for homecooked food hor. Thanks for being my little food heroes!
#ahappymum #noleftovers
the strand ig 在 Foodcafealcholic_hk Facebook 的最佳貼文
🥮Mega Giveaway ☕️
好多謝大家一直支持🍔嘅Giveaway ,令到我哋可以由一個月舉行1-2次開始逐漸變做逢星期六就有一次Giveaway! 由於參加人數眾多,得獎名額唔係太多,我哋都想多啲人分享到得獎嘅喜悅😊~ 所以今次好榮幸可以同 @orangedishpopup 合作,送出大量獎品🎁
Orangedish係香港首個popup形式嘅shared dishes kitchen,現時設立於上環,同唔少香港本土商店合作,現階段有Dr. Sutton’s Coffee, Moono, Cookie DPT等,比大家係同一個地點就可以一次過享受唔同嘅美食🧸 介紹下今次送出嘅獎品先:
As the Moon月餅禮盒($315/4件裝) Moono主打100%純素,不含雞蛋牛奶,無麩質~ 今次襯中秋推出嘅月餅都唔例外,完全vegan friendly🌱 入面分別有兩種口味: 抹茶芝麻 & 柚子紅豆。非常推薦抹茶芝麻,芝麻味好濃,配中間嘅抹茶夾心,減低左黑芝麻嘅甜度,兩者balance得幾好,入口質感亦唔會鬆散😉 柚子味就相對比較清新,入面嘅紅豆餡唔會過甜,面層嘅忌廉帶少少柚子嘅微酸,幾Fresh!佢哋仲有多款口味嘅純素曲奇,所有產品都不含防腐劑,人工色素同香精,完全可以放心食用😚
Dr. Sutton’s Coffee 將墨爾本街頭咖啡風味帶入香港Cafe☕️ 飲過佢哋嘅Iced Latte with oat milk,飲落順滑濃郁之餘仲帶燕麥香甜味~絕對係朝早同放工都會想飲返不嘅咖啡👩🏻💻 依家Follow @orangedishpopup & @drsuttonscoffee 仲可以以$20 享用試飲優惠
📅抽獎日期: 12/9/2020- 18/9/2020 (23:59)
🥇 頭獎x1:1盒MOONO 【AS THE MOON 月餅禮盒】+1杯Dr Sutton’s Coffee (總值HKD$356)
🥈 二獎x5: 1包 MOONO純素cookie + 1杯Dr Sutton’s Coffee(總值HKD$99)
🥉 三獎x10:1杯Dr Sutton’s Coffee (HKD$41)
1.Follow Follow @orangedishpopup @moono_hk @drsuttonscoffee @foodcafealcoholic
3.留言tag一位朋友仔👫 + 兩個emoji 🍊+🌓
‼️依家cap埋個post上自己story並tag埋我哋2個嘅IG page(🍔+orangedish)即增加10次中獎機率!🍔會mark低你哋個名再入機抽‼️
留言次數不限,越留得多中獎機會就越大😍 截止後一個禮拜後會係IG story公佈結果!若中獎者係通知後一日內未有回覆,將會重新抽過🙇🏽♂️
*中獎者需要係個人ig 上傳一個限時動態並tag返以上兩個page以表示已獲取禮物* @ Bonham Strand
the strand ig 在 Celeste Wu 大沛 Youtube 的精選貼文
Bourjois - 果然美肌光輕粉底 # 51果然美肌光輕粉底-51-亮膚色/p/BP_650265
Loreal - 24H無瑕完美粉底液 # 130巴黎萊雅-24h無瑕完美粉底液-130-明亮色/p/BP_172459?text=loreal粉底&page=0
I’m Meme - 我愛精靈女神打亮盤我愛精靈女神打亮盤/p/BP_177680?text=IMMEME&page=1
Loreal - 油光OUT恆霧蜜粉餅 # 100巴黎萊雅油光out恆霧蜜粉餅-100白皙色-9ml/p/BP_158836?text=loreal蜜粉&page=0
Rosy Rosa - 果凍感低敏粉撲五角形果凍感低敏粉撲五角形n-6入-袋/p/BP_129473?text=rosy%20rosa&page=0
CNP - Propolis Ampule in Cushion # 23
LUNA - Long Lasting Tip Concealer # 02
Anastasia - Brow Wiz # Taupe
Kate - 凝色柔滑眼線膠筆 # BK-1
UZU - Eye Opening Liner # Gray
Canmake - 花漾戀愛修容組# 10花漾戀愛修容組-970-10/p/BP_174770?text=canmake&page=3
Canmake - 唇頰兩用霜# CL01唇頰兩用霜-1451-cl01/p/BP_512239?text=canmake%2001&page=0
Fenty Beauty - Sun Stalk’r # India Sun
Colourpop - Coconuts About You Kit
(# gimme s’more & # cherry pickin)
Colourpop - You’re A Peach Kit
(# rise n shine & # z boys)
Colourpop - Cherry & Bright Kit
(# city of stars & # cutie fruity)
Colourpop - Gimme A Slice Kit
(# chimichanga & # a go go)
Colourpop - Guava Have Kit
(# maui wowie & # chubby bunny)
Colourpop - Dragon My Heart Around Kit
(# the strand & # treasure island)
植村秀 - 無極限超時輕粉底 # 764
雅詩蘭黛 - 粉保濕訂製雙效氣墊粉餅 # warm vanilla
Addiction - 晴癮防曬粉底液 # 003
Laura Mercier - 煥顏粉露 # Ivory (PR)粉底/煥顏粉露-prod12704724.html;'slider%201-2',%20id:%20'homepage-slider-1',%20creative:%20'flawless%20lumiere',%20name:%20'homepage-slider-1'%7D)
3INA - The 3in1 Foundation # 224
Make Up For Ever - ULTRA HD超進化無瑕粉底液
Addiction - 癮耀顏水凝粉霜 # 003
植村秀 - 天生光圈鑽石光粉底液 # 764
Tom Ford - Traceless Touch Foundation # Buff
Bobbi Brown - 彈潤提拉精華粉底 # 1 warm ivory
嬌蘭 - 24K純金光系列粉底液 # 01
SUQQU - 晶采光艷粉霜 # 101
Bobbi Brown - 高保濕修護精華粉底 # 2 sand