#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀3條
• 上個週末是向來電影票房比較難有表現的勞動節檔期,沒想到 Marvel 首部以亞洲人為主角的 PG-13 保護級電影《Shang-Chi and the Legends of the Ten Rings 尚氣與十環傳奇》衝出了跌破眼鏡的佳績。該片北美首週票房賣破7140萬美元,成為2021年僅次於《Black Widow 黑寡婦》的8030萬的北美首週票房記錄。全球票房估計超過1.27億美元。因為是少之又少以亞洲人為主角的超級英雄電影,而且還是知名度相對低的漫畫,外界原本對該片的票房預期都相當保守,萬萬沒想到甚至賣得比重量級大片《F9 玩命關頭9》還要受到觀眾歡迎。
• 《尚氣與十環傳奇》還一口氣衝出了這些記錄:打破了美國勞動節連假過去由2007年版的《Halloween 惡靈07月光光心慌慌》的賣座記錄;以1320萬美元票房打破勞動節連假的 IMAX 票房紀錄;歷年的9月票房記錄之中,也只有前後兩集的《It 牠》賣超過《尚氣與十環傳奇》。當然勞動節原本是屬於擁擠的暑假檔結束之後整個業界喘口氣的時候,過去本來就很少有大片選在這個檔期上映,更別提一部製作成本超過1.5億美元的漫威電影。但此刻嗷嗷待哺的電影院業迫切需要這部賣座電影。一個禮拜前的 CinemaCon 之上,NATO 美國電影院經營者協會才公開催促會員極盡所能一定讓該片賣錢。
• •雖然該世界最大的電影市場——中國政府還沒有放行《尚氣與十環傳奇》,因此中國上映日期仍然還沒有訂出來,但外界普遍的評論是漫威非常小心翼翼地處理了漫畫中原本的刻板印象毛病,若有機會上映應該能獲得不錯成績。
• 《尚氣與十環傳奇》衝出好票房的其中一個原因是 Disney 選擇了45天空窗期的發行模式,因此沒有在第一時間前往電影院買票的觀眾很可能要45天後才有可能在家裡看到該片。稍早,另一部採用零空窗期的同步上架發行策略的漫威電影《黑寡婦》則引發女主角Scarlett Johansson 對簿公堂。下一步要上映的漫威電影《Eternals 永恆族》目前還沒有完全確定發行方式,雖然 Marvel Studios 的 Kevin Feige 曾暗示該片應該會上 Disney+。
• Comscore 的票房分析師 Paul Dergarabedian 說《尚氣與十環傳奇》的票房意義非凡,因為這是2019年7月的《Spider-Man: Far From Home 蜘蛛人:離家日》以來首部在電影院獨家發行的漫威電影。《尚氣與十環傳奇》等於驗證了漫威電影仍然可以驅動大量觀眾前往電影院。
• 早先 Disney 的執行長 Bob Chapek 曾把《尚氣與十環傳奇》的電影院獨家上映模式說成是一種「實驗」,引發該片男主角劉思慕跳出來反駁說該片從來不是一個,而是被低估的文化和娛樂產品。"We are the surprise. I’m fired the f**k up to make history on September 3rd; JOIN US." 劉思慕的發言一語成讖。
• Forbes 則利用這個時機提醒大家 Disney 2009年花40億美元買下 Marvel,如今預估整個 Marvel 價值530億,約佔整個 Disney 市值的16%。相比之下,同樣花40億買下來的 Lucasfilm 相形之下遜色許多。
◇ 新聞來源:
Marvel’s Shang-Chi smashes Labor Day record with $71.4m in ticket sales(https://flip.it/4q30Bl)
Box Office: ‘Shang-Chi’ Smashes Labor Day Record with $83M-Plus(https://flip.it/3_dOrx)
From Avengers To Shang-Chi, What Marvel Studios Is Really Worth To Walt Disney(https://flip.it/aN3bbn)
│韓團 BTS 的微博帳號因違法募款而被關閉帳號│
◇ 新聞來源:China's Weibo Bans BTS Fan Account for Illegal Fundraising(https://flip.it/.tU1_f)
│ 後來賣給 Amazon 的 Paramount 電影《The Tomorrow War 明日之戰》在中國上映賣得800萬美元│
◇ 新聞來源:Rare ‘Tomorrow War’ Theatrical Release Scores $8 Million in China(https://flip.it/qjuX3i)
同時也有27部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過361萬的網紅Dan Lok,也在其Youtube影片中提到,In This Video, Dan Lok Explains How To Answer The Interview Question "What Kind Of Work Environment Do You Like?" Improve Your Skills And Confidence F...
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ticket plus 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的精選貼文
In This Video, Dan Lok Explains How To Answer The Interview Question "What Kind Of Work Environment Do You Like?" Improve Your Skills And Confidence Further With The Valuable Courses From The Dan Lok Shop: https://bestworkenvironment.danlok.link
What kind of work environment do you like? This is a common question during job interviews. Discover the 3 best ways to answer this question and one mistake many people make when answering this question. Plus, after watching this video, you'll also understand why the interviewer is asking this question.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Video Highlights ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 - Intro: What Kind Of Work Environment Do You Like?
1:00 - Why Do Interviewers Ask This Question?
3:15 - Answer #1
5:27 - Answer #2 (Management Position)
6:03 - Answer #3
? Join my YouTube Membership to get access to EXCLUSIVE perks ?
Check out these Top Trending Playlists -
1.) Boss In The Bentley - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46OWsrbWGPnPW8mvDtjge_6-
2.) Sales Tips That Get People To Buy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Csz_hvXzw&list=PLEmTTOfet46PvAsPpWByNgUWZ5dLJd_I4
3.) Dan Lok’s Best Secrets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZNmFJUuTRs&list=PLEmTTOfet46N3NIYsBQ9wku8UBNhtT9QQ
Dan Lok has been viewed more than 1.7+ billion times across social media for his expertise on how to achieve financial confidence. And is the author of over a dozen international bestselling books.
Dan has also been featured on FOX Business News, MSNBC, CBC, FORBES, Inc, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider.
In addition to his social media presence, Dan Lok is the founder of the Dan Lok Organization, which includes more than two dozen companies - and is a venture capitalist currently evaluating acquisitions in markets such as education, new media, and software.
Some of his companies include Closers.com, Copywriters.com, High Ticket Closers, High Income Copywriters and a dozen of other brands.
And as chairman of DRAGON 100, the world’s most exclusive advisory board, Dan Lok also seeks to provide capital to minority founders and budding entrepreneurs.
Dan Lok trains as hard in the Dojo as he negotiates in the boardroom. And thus has earned himself the name; The King of Closing.
If you want the no b.s. way to master your financial destiny, then learn from Dan. Subscribe to his channel now.
YouTube: http://youtube.danlok.link
Dan Lok Blog: http://blog.danlok.link
Dan Lok Shop: https://shop.danlok.link
Facebook: http://facebook.danlok.link
Instagram: http://instagram.danlok.link
Linkedin: http://mylinkedin.danlok.link
Podcast: http://thedanlokshow.danlok.link
#DanLok #InterviewQuestions #WorkEnvironment
Please understand that by watching Dan’s videos or enrolling in his programs does not mean you’ll get results close to what he’s been able to do (or do anything for that matter).
He’s been in business for over 20 years and his results are not typical.
Most people who watch his videos or enroll in his programs get the “how to” but never take action with the information. Dan is only sharing what has worked for him and his students.
Your results are dependent on many factors… including but not limited to your ability to work hard, commit yourself, and do whatever it takes.
Entering any business is going to involve a level of risk as well as massive commitment and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT WATCH DAN’S VIDEOS OR SIGN UP FOR ONE OF HIS PROGRAMS.
This video is about What Kind Of Work Environment Do You Like?

ticket plus 在 Yunny Hou Youtube 的最佳解答
3, 2, 1! Jump into this pool of pink with us as we explore the different rooms inside this Color Pool Museum in Insadong.🌈💕 We had so much fun playing in the colorful ball pools, it was especially funny when the balls makes all of our hair goes crazy staticky hahahaa. Just a quick highlight video of us explore this museum, having fun with no one else there hehehe!!
* We wear masks all the time inside the museum except for the parts where we would take it off to put on the side for a few video clips or photos *
3, 2, 1! 和我們一起跳進粉色球池吧!💛 我們去了位於仁寺洞的這個彩色泳池博物館~ 這裡真的是IG打卡的人氣地點,所有的🌈 彩色主題房間都超美超可愛也超好玩的!整個博物館裡面除了我們沒有別人,所以我們花了一個早上的時間都在不同的球池裡面玩來玩去的哈哈哈,有點瞬間變回小孩的感覺~~
*我們除了拍照和部分影片片段有把口罩拿下來放旁邊,其他在博物館的時候都是戴著口罩的喔 *
Color Pool Museum #컬러풀뮤지엄
Operation Hours: 11am - 8pm
Ticket Adult: 15,000원
Music by Joakim Karud - I'll be there - https://youtu.be/q1DXnIyMnOY
Music by Dylan Rockoff & Max Wells - Highlight Reel - https://thmatc.co/?l=B05F82BC
Music by Dylan Rockoff - Competition - https://thmatc.co/?l=ECA9630E
Track: Poolside — LiQWYD [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/ROh5Uc9P39o
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/Poolside
What I use:
♡ Camera | Canon G7X Mark ii
♡ Doodles | SketchBook iPad App
♡ Editing | Final Cut Pro x Adobe Premiere Pro

ticket plus 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最佳貼文
Sell Me This Pen Is One Of The Most Common Sales Interview Tasks. In This Scenario, Dan Shows You Examples of How To Answer Your Interview Questions Creatively.
(Note: These tips are not encouraging you to be deceitful, but rather showing you how to think outside of the box.)
After Watching Our Free Training, This Task Will Be No Problem. Learn To Sell Anything To Anyone By Following A Proven Framework. Get Access Here: https://3bestanswersforinterview.danlok.link
Your interview is going great, but then the interviewer asks you, “sell me this pen.” What do you do? How do you react? Learn the 3 best answers to your sales interview. Plus, find out why the interviewer keeps asking this question.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Video Highlights ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 - Intro
0:55 - The Framework
1:25 - 3 Things The Interviewer Is Looking For
3:05 - How To Sell The Pen (Answers)
? Join my YouTube Membership to get access to EXCLUSIVE perks ?
Check out these Top Trending Playlists -
1.) Boss In The Bentley - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46OWsrbWGPnPW8mvDtjge_6-
2.) Sales Tips That Get People To Buy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Csz_hvXzw&list=PLEmTTOfet46PvAsPpWByNgUWZ5dLJd_I4
3.) Dan Lok’s Best Secrets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZNmFJUuTRs&list=PLEmTTOfet46N3NIYsBQ9wku8UBNhtT9QQ
Dan Lok has been viewed more than 1.7+ billion times across social media for his expertise on how to achieve financial confidence. And is the author of over a dozen international bestselling books.
Dan has also been featured on FOX Business News, MSNBC, CBC, FORBES, Inc, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider.
In addition to his social media presence, Dan Lok is the founder of the Dan Lok Organization, which includes more than two dozen companies - and is a venture capitalist currently evaluating acquisitions in markets such as education, new media, and software.
Some of his companies include Closers.com, Copywriters.com, High Ticket Closers, High Income Copywriters and a dozen of other brands.
And as chairman of DRAGON 100, the world’s most exclusive advisory board, Dan Lok also seeks to provide capital to minority founders and budding entrepreneurs.
Dan Lok trains as hard in the Dojo as he negotiates in the boardroom. And thus has earned himself the name; The Asian Dragon.
If you want the no b.s. way to master your financial destiny, then learn from Dan. Subscribe to his channel now.
YouTube: http://youtube.danlok.link
Dan Lok Blog: http://blog.danlok.link
Dan Lok Shop: https://shop.danlok.link
Facebook: http://facebook.danlok.link
Instagram: http://instagram.danlok.link
Linkedin: http://mylinkedin.danlok.link
Podcast: http://thedanlokshow.danlok.link
#DanLok #SellMeThisPen #SalesTraining
Please understand that by watching Dan’s videos or enrolling in his programs does not mean you’ll get results close to what he’s been able to do (or do anything for that matter).
He’s been in business for over 20 years and his results are not typical.
Most people who watch his videos or enroll in his programs get the “how-to” but never take action with the information. Dan is only sharing what has worked for him and his students.
Your results are dependent on many factors… including but not limited to your ability to work hard, commit yourself, and do whatever it takes.
Entering any business is going to involve a level of risk as well as massive commitment and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT WATCH DAN’S VIDEOS OR SIGN UP FOR ONE OF HIS PROGRAMS.
This video is about Sell Me This Pen - 3 Best Answers For Your Sales Interview.

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