Pura Lembuyang Luhur (第二篇)
這回比團員提前一天到峇里島,本想安排晃去這座廟(Pura Lembuyang Luhur),好險沒去,無敵遙遠,而且我還想來回,腦子病了。(莊同學你可以釋懷了.. )
從Kuta 吃完午茶 — 酪梨醬吐司(好吃一定要介紹一下,見圖) 才出發前往,大概也是兩個多小時左右的車程,懞懂的上山、停車、買票、約法好多章(尤其不能接吻),跟著朝拜的人們走一個五分鐘斜坡就到了第一站 — Gate to heaven(IG超熱門打卡地方),Gate 看出去就是阿貢火山 (Mt.Agung)。
沿路有幾座廟,最頂端那座約四小時的路程 on foot。
這天一直是大雨不斷,就算阿貢火山不清楚,但我怎麼看都不覺得這裡就是網路上那美輪美奐的地方啊!之前去婆羅浮屠(borobudur) 那所謂大佛的詐騙感一躍升起,整個傻妞上身拿著手機開始詢問當地走來走去的閒人(negative energy) ..
Confirmed 再 Confimed ! 好吧我先去旁邊更上一層樓的廟冷靜一下,這才有了前面的霧氣瀰漫俯瞰篇。👉 https://www.facebook.com/863055133747142/posts/2222251114494197?sfns=mo
朝著gate 排隊照相半小時起跳,下大雨的這天感覺也是排隊排到歪腰,那gate 其實是本地人朝拜進出的門,所以你我等來等去,一個小時就過去了。而且原先跟朋友討論,關於前面有水可以拍倒影這件事———還真的有!但!是- 假- 的!
要下山時都已經近傍晚,沿路還被莫名收了停車費,兩千塊IDR,因為看我沒有零錢就只收一千 (huh?)
一路到烏布(Ubud)都是超小的路、或是超超小的 short cut,路燈根本就是個奢侈的幻想。而且對於剛在大雨中被當地照相手一拍就是幾百張的手機電力感到很焦慮,我不想在黑暗的山區失去導航啊!為什麼租的車子USD充電功能會壞掉!擔憂的事情通常會發生,不然一般不擔憂的(說啥呢?)。
Pura Lembuyang Luhur (2nd post)
Long story short.
Very time consuming for the commute.
I have to say this IG photo is not easy to get! Long queue and heavy rain, I felt so silly. And all is about the mirror effect if you are looking to get a reflection in picture.
To the top of the mountain, 4 hours walk, closer to heaven. I shall do it next time when there is no busy ceremony going on.
#峇里島 #bali #temple
usd to idr 在 亞德媽咪。背著背包遊世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
Honeymoon 180 days -Day4 (Sedana Jaya guest house )ㄧ晚270NT的旅館還有附早餐,超適合背包客來住
We took the kurakura bus to ubud. The ticket only cost 120,000 IDR for a return ticket (around $9 USD) so cheap! It took 1.5 hours to go to ubud from kuta. The hotel which we chose in Ubud is really so nice. 😍We have a large room, private bathroom, and a delicious breakfast included every day. The hotel is in a good locotion with kind owners. There is no AC but has a fan, which is okay since it's not too hot here. The only thing I don't like is neighbour's roosters. They will wake you up at 5a.m. with their crowing. Without that part everything would be absolutely perfect.
Oh, and it only costs $9 per night!
我們這天從庫塔DFS 公車總站搭了Kurakura 公車到ubud,來回票價僅270NT,路程約1.5小時,這次的民宿非常的棒,一個晚上 台幣270元,就可以有私人衛浴,及免費早餐,而且就在Ubud 熱鬧的大街上,還有很好用的WIFI ~ 這邊的早餐每天都有提供新鮮果汁跟水果,再讓你選一樣主食,cp值超高,很適合背包客住,唯一美中不足的就是隔壁的鄰居最近養了公雞,每天一大早就開始叫你起床....
#cheaphotel #ubudhotels #ubudhotspot
#honeymoon#traveltheworld#instatravel #travelgram #instadaily #iphoneonly #travelersnotebook #travelmore #travelgirl #traveldiary #traveldeeper #travellingthroughtheworld #travelcouple #honeymoontrip #traveladdict #travellife #backpackingtheworld #backpackingadventure #backpackingsoutheastasia #backpackinglifestyle #backpackingdream @ Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
usd to idr 在 Captain Joe Facebook 的最讚貼文
Repost from @workoutembassy via @igrepost_app, Thanks @iamcaptainjoe of @barragazz #Malaysia for being part of the #reaction!
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Line: Michael De Fretes
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Email workoutembassy@gmail.com
And get yours for IDR 20,000/USD 2.00
All proceeds will be donated.
usd to idr 在 US Dollar To Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate Today 的推薦與評價
US Dollar To Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate Today USD To IDR Dollar To Rupiah 1 us dollar to indonesian rupiah 5 us dollars to indonesian ... ... <看更多>