美國彭博商業週刊專文報導:[ 瑪莉.居禮實驗室中的核廢料至今仍沒有完全解決 除污作業仍就持續進行中/ France Is Still Cleaning Up Marie Curie’s Nuclear Waste ] (08/28/2019 Bloomberg Businessweek)
“Her lab outside Paris, dubbed Chernobyl on the Seine, is still radioactive nearly a century after her death. /她位於巴黎市郊的實驗室,被戲稱作賽納河畔的車諾比,在她逝世將近一個世紀之後仍舊有著放射性輻射污染。”
見微知著;「法國核產業就像一架沒有降落跑道的飛機一樣」綠色和平的Yannick Rousselet說到。「我們便是法國嚴峻的核廢問題的活證明;」該實驗室所在地Arcueil的市長Christian Métairie則說。「我們的狀況讓人懷疑,我國是否有能力應付這個問題。」
France Is Still Cleaning Up Marie Curie’s Nuclear Waste
.Her lab outside Paris, dubbed Chernobyl on the Seine, is still radioactive nearly a century after her death.
by Tara Patel
In 1933 nuclear physicist Marie Curie had outgrown her lab in the Latin Quarter in central Paris. To give her the space needed for the messy task of extracting radioactive elements such as radium from truckloads of ore, the University of Paris built a research center in Arcueil, a village south of the city. Today it’s grown into a crowded working-class suburb. And the dilapidated lab, set in an overgrown garden near a 17th century aqueduct, is sometimes called Chernobyl on the Seine.
No major accidents occurred at the lab, which closed in 1978. But it’s brimming with radioactivity that will be a health threat for millennia, and France’s nuclear watchdog has barred access to anyone not wearing protective clothing. The lab is surrounded by a concrete wall topped by barbed wire and surveillance cameras. Monitors constantly assess radiation, and local officials regularly test the river. “We’re proof that France has a serious nuclear waste problem,” says Arcueil Mayor Christian Métairie. “Our situation raises questions about whether the country is really equipped to handle it.”
Nuclear power accounts for almost three-fourths of France’s electricity, vs. a fifth in the U.S. There’s no lasting solution for the most dangerous refuse from the country’s 906 nuclear waste sites, including some of what’s in Arcueil. Low-level material is to be sent to an aboveground storage site in northeastern France. But radium has a half-life of 1,600 years, and there are traces of a uranium isotope at the Curie annex with a half-life of 4.5 billion years. “France’s nuclear industry is like a plane that took off without a landing strip,” says Yannick Rousselet, a Greenpeace campaign leader......
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