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Continue ReadingKuwait case study. Oil rich country but money is running out / by investman
Kuwait, one country in the Middle East region.
Rich from occupying oil resources for a long time.
But you know, Kuwait is in big trouble today.
Well, the country's reserve funds are running out.
What happened to Kuwait? Invest man will tell you about it.
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Kuwait is an Asian country in the Middle East region.
Which is an abundance of oil resources.
In 2019, Kuwait had a GDP value of 4.3 trillion baht and a population of 4.4 million people.
Make GDP per capita of Kuwait population equal to 977,000 baht.
4 times more than GDP per head of Thai people.
Kuwait has an area of 17,818 square kilometers, which is about 30 times smaller than Thailand.
Despite being the world's 152th small country.
But Kuwait is the world's 6th most crude resource country.
And one of the country members who expired oil (OPEC)
Kuwait has a crude oil reserves up to 101,500 million barrels. This amount is estimated to be 6 % of the world's crude oil reserves.
If crude oil prices are around $ 40 per barrel, Kuwait's crude oil reserves will be worth 128 million baht.
When things are like this, it means
Oil resources are highly important to Kuwait economy.
Year 2019 Kuwait's crude export revenue is worth 1.5 trillion baht.
In which such value is considered.
90 % of Kuwait's total export income
90 % of Kuwait government income
And 35 % of GDP, Kuwait
In 2016
Anas Al-Saleh, Kuwait's finance minister in those days, warns the government to lower the country's expenditure budget to be prepared for a moment when petrol prices will fall in the future.
But his warning is right. Many people laugh at me.
Because most people believe that the country will continue to earn massive oil exports income.
After that, come on
During the 2016-2018 s, crude oil prices continue to adapt.
It's something that makes many people confident that Anas Al-Saleh warnings won't happen.
But then the emergence of the trade war between US and China in 2019 begins to pressure the global oil demand to slow down.
And the incident started worse than that
When the world later, the COVID-19 outbreak begins.
Plague plague making global travel and production drops.
The global oil demand is reduced from the same.
Besides, there's a fuel war between Saudi Arabia and Russia that both of them won't reduce their production capacity. The oil prices are increasingly adapting.
2018 Dubai crude oil prices average $ 70 per barrel
2019 Dubai crude oil prices average $ 64 per barrel
While the first 6 months of 2020, the average Dubai crude price is only $ 41 per barrel.
What happens is income from crude oil exports
90 % of Kuwaiti government income is greatly reduced.
Make the government not enough money to pay for public sector employers.
At present, more than 80 % of Kuwait people, or around 3.5 million people work as government employees.
Make government spend money in country's reserve funds during the 3 months after COVID-19 outbreak. The fund has gone down to over 411,000 million baht.
Which if crude oil prices don't rise from the same.
It will only make Kuwait government pay for public sector employees until November this year.
Enough is like this next year, Kuwait government needs to make a budget deficit.
Which will cause budget deficit to the level of 1.4 trillion baht
Thinking about a deficit, increasing almost 3 times more than the 2019-2020 fiscal year.
And the budget deficit is the 7th year in a row since 2014
What's worrisome is if the government needs to borrow money.
Among lower oil prices, Kuwait may earn enough oil export income to pay back the loan.
Make it now Kuwait has to have a concept of country reform.
Under Vision 2035 slogan: New Kuwait
The point is that it's important to try to reduce oil industry revenue reliance on revenue.
Which is to follow how much Kuwait's long-term plan this time will accomplish.
From this story preview of Kuwait country
It's something to remind us whether it's a country, corporation or individual.
Being too dependent on income in any way is a high risk.
Like this case, Kuwait relies on income from crude oil exports up to 90 % of export income.
If one day the main income drops or disappears.
From a long time ago, I might lose money easily too..
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- Form 56-1 Year 2562, Thai Oil Public Company Limited
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...Continue ReadingWhere has the gum to think and think? / by investing manly
′′ Think, think, friend, chew, if you want to chew, chew, think ′′
Catchy slogan of gum thinking thinking
I believe that many people should have heard this.
But today have we ever noticed that gum can think about it. It's gone from the shelf.
Why is it like that
And now what is the gum thinking thinking
Invest man will tell you about it.
Scenario and Economic Update with Blockdit
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Gum thinking, produced by the limited Meng Seng limited Candy Factory which was founded since 2506 by Mr Chan Taem Kangkha. In the beginning, the Meng Seng Candy Factory manufactured ′′ Gum. Parrot ′′ which was considered a popular gum for kids in the past.
The success of parrot gum
In 2527, the company began to expand machinery to produce another brand of gum called ′′ thinking gum ′′ which appears to be unexpected because of modern packaging. Straight in bright yellow with blue red and green band on the box.
Importantly, the advertising of chewing gum thinking using slogan which makes most people remember easy to catchy is ′′ thinking, thinking, chewing friends, chewing, thinking ′′ makes gum thinking, thinking, thinking, chewing, thinking, chewing, thinking, chewing, thinking, chewing
At present, there will be 2 groups in Thailand.
1. gum with sugar (Sugarised Gum)
2. sugar-free gum (Sugar-Free Gum) but use sweetener instead of sugar.
But did you know that over time, the gum market keeps receding.
Year 2557, the gum market value is around 3,000 million baht.
Year 2561, the gum market value is around 2,000 million baht.
Apart from consumer behaviour that changes, the younger generation chews gum less.
The growth of trends in staying healthy over the years has also affected the gum business.
Gum can contain sugar ingredients or sweeteners instead of sugar. So consumers who care about health avoid.
And gum thinks about the name that people in the past have been familiar with. It's slowly gone away. It's why people say that gum thinks about it. But in fact, the gum is still thinking about it. But there will be some channels for sale.
So what do you think about the results of gum?
Income and profit of the company. limited Candy Factory. Manufacturer of thinking gum and candy.
Year 2562 Income 39 million baht.
However, in addition to the gum and candy manufacturing business, the company has expanded to other related businesses.
Nakhon Liang Glucose limited, a glucose-sized manufacturer which is used as an important ingredient in the food industry.
Year 2562 Income 893 million baht.
The company of M. S. S. Group limited is the organizer of snack and gum products of all affiliates.
Year 2562 Income 189 million baht.
Tai Yok Glucose limited is the leading supplier of Glucose Sizesirappropriate Fruit Savings, Monohydrates, which are the essential ingredients of cooking.
Year 2562 Income 775 million baht.
When all proceeds are gathered, we will see that the whole company has a total income of almost 1,900 million baht. It's considered not too small.
From the past, the income of the gum business is the main business. But today, it's reduced to 2 % of the total income in the company.
When things were like this in 2562, the company began to adjust the strategy to run business into another business with handshake with clothing brands and bags to produce fashionable goods, including entering into the healthy food market to grow the company. Long term.
Adaptation of gum thinking is an interesting case study.
Imagine if we went back time 30 years ago and someone told us that one day, gum thinking about doing business, clothes or food, health, we might think it's strange.
But today, consumer behaviors have changed to different from the past. Some products from one day were popular. One day, popularity changed.
Therefore, adaptation is essential in making our business survive.
If I read this here
We don't think that gum can't think. It's as bad as we think.
And expanding the business to do something else that we didn't expect..
Scenario and Economic Update with Blockdit
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value slogan 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的精選貼文
1. 個題,「李明治都出手私有化,正!」。就係師傅老馮見到呢單消息嘅反應。佢繼承咗師公,即係佢師傅,嘅良好習慣,就係晚晚睇啲announcement 。呢啲匠人精神,正如四點起身蒸點心呀之類,去到我呢代就失傳了。
2. 李明治甚麼嘛,真係大鑊過許冠傑,四十歲以下嘅應冇乜人識。可以Google 下。聯合集團/聯合地產,可能會有啲人識
3. 個故事應唔太複雜(https://bit.ly/3apFIZ4):就係聯合集團(373),私有化聯合地產(56)。雖然兩間公司你都未必聽過。但56呢啲咁細冧把嘅公司,總有啲歷史(當然有例外,例如7號仔之類,遲下開篇新文講)
4. 你去望下隻56,成100億市值的!唔好以為仙股。另外,至少,睇起上嚟,係幾平。公司兩星期出咗業績,舊年純利,你估幾錢?成30億!即係3.3倍PE。仲有派息添!勁過匯豐!
5. 你睇個Book value嘅,400億咁滯!咩事?如果我冇記錯,隻國泰都係600億左右咋下,今年蝕到趴街後分分鐘得返500億。TVB都係咁上下。
6. 係喎,400億book,100億市值,大幅折讓的。當然其他香港好多呢啲股票,原因有很多。啲古怪小型地產股特別多。
7. 咁呢間56號,100億市值,年賺30億,400億book嘅公司,到底係做乜嘅呢?原來都有幾多業務,仲要其實你應該知的
8. 業務很多,只能略講。首先,叫得係聯合地產,梗係有地產。香港地,有乜好過收租?之前咪話永安(289)(係呀,楊愛瑾嗰間永安,未執的),都60億市值,兩間紐卡素(球會)咁大。「但係永安老細威啲定紐卡素班主威啲?」。就係主要收租。
9. 講返,聯合地產,最出名,聯合鹿島大廈,但只係佔一半(另一半?好似係「鹿島」的)。仲有,灣仔間Novotel,北角間Ibis,都係佢地。童年(?)崩壞未?
10. 香港以外嘅,大陸有間天安(28),散收收各種物業都有。仲有菲律賓都有酒店,真正跨國集團。
11. 但仲有重頭戲。香港地,除咗做地產,仲要做乜呀?梗係做金融。
12. 公司旗下,仲有新鴻基。86嗰間新鴻基公司,唔係16嗰間新鴻基地產,雖然唔少人知道兩間公司同源,但已無關係(*)。
13. 新鴻基而家仲有乜?其實部份已經賣咗畀光大,變成「光大新鴻基」。剩返嘅,主要係財仔咁咯。仲有,就亞洲聯合財務!Yes UA!(可見呢個slogan好成功)
14. 講左一大輪公司有乜業務。私有化為乜?梗係益大股東。梗係價殘,抵到爛,大股東有錢,收返自己用咯。全世界都係咁
15. 373渣住56 七成半。咁買起埋其他,都係25億(未計溢價)。
16. 幾錢私有化?話1.92。但特別啲,0.42現水,1.5係56派息出嚟。拿,到時除咗息又撻Q咩之類,就食花生啦
17. 隻56停牌前,1.43。而家畀1.92你,52週未見過,算唔算有良心,睇你點睇。實情金融海嘯之後,都冇乜幾多日見過1.92。
18. 不過啦喎,都話大折讓咯。公司每股帳面值,就5.7。而家1.92收返,咪折讓66.3%—原本係75%折讓呀!
19. Bonus (https://bit.ly/3apFIZ4): 要約人之財務顧問:禹銘投資管理有限公司。明既就明啦
(*)Once upon a time 仲有新鴻基銀行,然後擠提香咗,變咗阿拉伯(!)銀行嘅仔。然後改名做港基國際,四十歲以上嘅應該識,再之後就賣咗畀台灣佬,就係你今日見到嘅富邦(香港)。而其實富邦(香港)想賣盤,人人都知,聽聞舊年幾乎搞掂,但反送中後撻Q。仲有,港基原本係636,後來富邦香港就都係636,之後私有化咗。而家個冧把變咗嘉里物流,但當然係無關的。
課程編號填: CC01
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