Dear friends, today is my birthday and my wish this year is to #CancelCancer.
Thank you for your message, gifts and flowers. This year, what I really hope to achieve is to raise funds for the National Cancer Centre Singapore by selling this T- shirt that I am wearing. The world #cancelcancer is written personally by me. Pardon the ugly handwriting. 🤣
I have created this giving Sg page. Please click on it if you have a few dollars to spare.
Birthdays are very special to me. It is the day we were born, the day we celebrate the joy of living. On my birthday every year, my friends shower me with gifts and plan parties throughout the month of August. And I relish in the love unabashedly. This year however, I think about my friends and loved ones who are battling with anxiety, depression, cancer, who might not make it to their next birthday. It dawned on me that nothing will make me happier, than to pledge my birthday henceforth, to the fighters around me.
Thank you 🙏 so much.
National Cancer Centre Singapore
who depression 2030 在 觀念座標 Facebook 的最佳解答
※ 2016.04.18 醫療經濟 ※
世界衛生組織(WHO)公佈一份調查:全世界每十人中,就有一人受到憂鬱症(Depression)或是焦慮(Anxiety disorder)困擾;罹患這些精神疾病的人,或著無法工作、或著生產效率不佳,每一年因此造成約 10 億美元的經濟損失。最新刊登於科學期刊《The Lancet Pschiatry》的學術研究也指出,國家應投入精神醫療防治,防治帶來的效益遠大於投入成本。
根據 WHO 所發佈的資料,全世界受憂鬱或焦慮症所苦的人,在過去幾年逐年增加。1990 年至 2013 年間,由原先的 4.16 億人增加到 6.15 億人。由全球人口數來計算,這意味著全世界每十人就有一人受這類疾病所苦。在非致命疾病的支出中,有 30% 用在心理疾病的支出。
最新的學術報告以 36 個國家為分析對象,並計算評估從 2016 至 2030 年間的心理疾病醫療支出——包括治療、心理咨商、藥物治療——歸結出全世界可能投入的支出高達 1470 億美元。然而,可能增加的勞動力和生產力為 5%,預估有 3990 億美元的經濟價值:這意味著每一美元的投入,可能帶來 4 倍的經濟效益。
然而,根據世界衛生組織 2014 年的心理健康調查報告,各國政府在心理健康的醫療支出,僅佔所有醫療支出的 3%。
科學期刊《The Lancet Pschiatry》的學術學術論文:…/PIIS2215-0366(16)30024-4/fulltext…/…/2016/depression-anxiety-treatment/en/