Within the 20 teams that are showcasing on the AppWorks GSEA Startup Showcase, there are 4 founders tackling Healthcare related problems in Greater Southeast Asia. Here’s a sneak peek on what they are doing:
Accredify(SG) - Co-founded by Zheng Wei Quah, a blockchain enthusiast who loves solving complicated problems with simple solutions. They are now working with the Singapore government to provide interoperable and tamper-proof healthcare data to combat covid-19.
ZumVet(SG) - Co-founded by Athena Lee, who tenured as the CEO at “Doctor Anywhere” one of the leading telehealth companies based in Singapore. Building on her previous role, Athena is now passionately working to provide pet care accessibility for pet owners and fur babies. The company has amassed over 500 users and 400 consultations since launching a year ago.
Fatster(TH) - Co-founded by Fabien Keller, who sold his last startup to a major French bank and is now tackling the global problem of obesity. He’s created a mobile app that connects overweight people with other weight-loss buddies, while providing access to nutritional products & experts. Since launching earlier this year, they’ve acquired 15k users and logged 75k hours of activity.
Docosan(VN) - Founded by two Harvard grads Beth Lopez and Natalia Hendrickson, Docosan allows patients in Vietnam to compare healthcare providers across a wide range of specialties, book appointments online 24/7, and manage their own health data. They now have over 100 active doctors on their platform and completed over 240 bookings since launching 7 months ago.
If you would like to find out more about these founders and how they are solving these problems in the Healthcare industry, you can visit the GSEA Startup Showcase website linked below. The website will only be accessible until 23:59 Dec-1 (GMT+8).
同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過47萬的網紅BrandonTan91,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Halloween 2020 event is here with a brand new Galarian Pokemon, Yamask, coming to Pokémon GO together with Mega Gengar, which is obtainable by complet...
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- 關於what is mobile health 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於what is mobile health 在 Papa Azri Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於what is mobile health 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
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- 關於what is mobile health 在 MindBonnieSoul Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於what is mobile health 在 WowisShuYi Wong Youtube 的最讚貼文
what is mobile health 在 Papa Azri Facebook 的精選貼文
Baca sampai habis Guys
Realiti sebenar isu tahanan PATI
1. Dakwaan beberapa pemimpin PH dan NGO pro-liberalisme bahawa Malaysia menindas dan menzalimi PATI, adalah melampau. Ia kemudiannya dituruti dengan kecaman antarabangsa, kononnya PATI di dalam Depot Tahanan Imigresen (DPI) dilayan dengan begitu teruk, khususnya wanita dan kanak-kanak. [1]
2. Hakikatnya, DPI bahkan menyediakan kemudahan kepada tahanan termasuk taman permainan kanak-kanak dilengkapi sudut bacaan, alat permainan, alat tulis, kerusi dan kolam mandi mudah alih selain daripada makan minum, rawatan kesihatan dan keperluan asas lain.
3. Tahanan wanita yang mengandung dan mempunyai anak turut disediakan katil, tilam serta bantal untuk keselesaan mereka, bukan tidur di atas lantai sel seperti yang diburuk-burukkan.
4. Berapakah kos tanggungan keseluruhan DPI untuk tahanan PATI ini? RM3.4 juta sebulan. [2]
5. Berapa lama PATI ditahan dalam sebelum dihantar pulang ke negara asal? 3 minggu sehingga 4 bulan.
6. Kerajaan tentulah tidak mahu menanggung beban kewangan dengan menahan lama-lama PATI ini, tetapi ia bukan sesuatu yang mudah untuk menghantar mereka pulang segera. Berikut merupakan antara sebab-sebabnya:
- PATI gagal mendedahkan identiti kewarganegaraan negara asal
- Ketiadaan dokumen negara asal
- Tertakluk di bawah perintah mahkamah (hukuman penjara)
- Menunggu dokumen dikeluarkan oleh pihak kedutaan negara asal
7. Hal demikian dijelaskan oleh bekas Ketua Pengarah Imigresen, Mustafar Ali seperti berikut:
“…Apabila seseorang itu ditangkap, mereka tiada dokumen, kita memerlukan dokumen mereka dari kedutaan. Kedutaan mereka akan mengeluarkan dokumen untuk membolehkan mereka dihantar pulang ke negara asal.
Jika tiada dokumen langsung, mereka akan digelar sebagai warga tidak bernegara, sebagai contohnya, apabila pihak kami menghubungi kedutaan berkenaan, PATI mengatakan mereka bukan dari negara terbabit. Sama juga kedutaan yang tidak mengaku PATI tersebut warganegara mereka. Jadi, pihak kedutaan tidak akan mengeluarkan dokumen. Bila tidak dikeluarkan dokumen, berapa lama mereka terpaksa tunggu?” [3]
8. Kita sebenarnya tersepit. Rakyat dan kerajaan mahu PATI segera ditangani. Tetapi PH dan NGO dengan desakan antarabangsa (kumpulan hak asasi), mahu sebaliknya.
9. Bagaimanapun, semalam, ketegasan Menteri Kanan (Keselamatan), walaupun bukan seorang yang lantang berbicara, namun jawapan dan tindakannya tegas:
"Walau apa alasan yang diberikan oleh kumpulan yang menentang tindakan kerajaan ini, kita tidak akan tunduk kepada mereka kerana tindakan kita adalah untuk menjaga kepentingan dan keselamatan rakyat kita."
10. Justeru, kerajaan akan menyegerakan penghantaran pulang PATI (yang didapati negatif Covid-19) ke negara asal. [4]
[1] https://www.hmetro.com.my/…/20…/07/473509/dakwaan-tanpa-asas
[2] https://www.bharian.com.my/…/9000-pati-ditahan-di-depot-imi…
[3] Nurina Awanis Mohamed, Mohd Na’eim Ajis, Zawiyah Md. Zain, 2019. Cabaran dalam menguruskan pendatang asing tanpa izin di depot tahanan imigresen Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 15:3 (76-89). Bangi: UKM Press (http://ejournals.ukm.my/gmjss/article/view/32219)
[4] http://www.astroawani.com/…/isu-pati-kerajaan-tidak-akan-tu…
The real reality of the home issue of pati
1. Claims of some ph leaders and pro-liberalism ngo that Malaysia is bullying and terrorizing the essence, is extreme. It was later obeyed with international censure, supposedly the essence in the Immigration Prisoner Depot (dpi) was treated so badly, especially women and children. [1]
2. In fact, dpi even provides facilities to prisoners including children's playground equipped with reading corner, game tools, writing tools, chairs and mobile bath pools instead of eating drinks, health treatment and other basic needs.
3. Pregnant Women's homes and children are also prepared for bed, mattress and pillow for their comfort, not sleeping on the cell floor as they are being are.
4. How much is the overall cost of dpi for this pati prisoner? Rm3. 4 million a month. [2]
5. How long has the essence been held in before being sent back to the country of origin? 3 WEEKS UP TO 4 months.
6. Government would not want to bear financial burden by holding on for a long time, but it's not something easy to send them home immediately. Here are some of the reasons:
- pati fails to reveal the identity of the nationality of the country
- the absence of original country documents
- subject under court order (prison sentence)
- waiting for documents to be issued by the original embassy
7. Things are explained by former immigration director mustafar ali as follows:
"... when a person is arrested, they don't have documents, we need their documents from the embassy. Their Embassy will release documents to allow them to be sent back to the country of origin.
If there are no documents at all, they will be held as citizens citizens, for example, when our party calls the embassy, the essence says they are not from the country involved. It's the same embassy who doesn't admit that the essence is their citizen. So the embassy won't release the documents. When the documents are not issued, how long do they have to wait?" [3]
8. We are actually stuck. The people and the government want the essence to be treated immediately. But Ph and ngo with international pressure (rights group), want the other way around.
9. However, yesterday, the firmness of the right minister (safety), even though not a loud person speaks, but his answers and actions are firm:
" no matter what the reason that the group that opposes the actions of this government, we will not bow down to them because our actions are to keep the importance and safety of our people."
10. Thus, the government will hasten the return of the pati (found negative covid-19) to the country of origin. [4]
[1] https://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2019/07/473509/dakwaan-tanpa-asas
[2] https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/2019/09/606472/9000-pati-ditahan-di-depot-imigresen
[3] Nurina Awanis Mohamed, MOHD NA ' Eim Ajis, zawiyah MD. Zain, 2019. Challenges in managing foreign immigrants at the Malaysia Immigration Prisoner Depot. Malaysian Journal of society and space 15:3 (76-89). Bangi: Ukm Press (http://ejournals.ukm.my/gmjss/article/view/32219)
[4] http://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/isu-pati-kerajaan-tidak-akan-tunduk-ismail-sabri-244387Translated
what is mobile health 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
[FB貼文目標: 每周兩貼-->每周一貼?]
不知道這次的疫情與大跌, 對大家有沒有甚麼啟發呢?
趁著這次疫情, 我將自己的生活做了一下整理, 並持續之前的斷捨離計劃: 整理了居家環境(地下室變得很整齊), 整理了投資筆記(部落格看起來有比較清爽一點, 也做了些筆耕; 筆記也比較organized了), 消化了幾本好書, etc.
最近也睡的挺多, 吃的挺好. 氣色因此變好. 照鏡子的時間也越來越多😆. 也開始重新擦起香水了😊(有十年沒擦了吧?)
而這次疫情, 也讓我對其他事情有了不一樣的看法, 包括在社群裡跟群友的互動, 包括檢視自己的投資能力圈. 當然, 也對投資有了一番領悟(其實就是更加確認自己的投資方式了.)
我其實也希望, 透過這次疫情與大跌, 大家能夠將生命中的事情做一下排序. 比如說, 如果花時間在其他方面, 比花在投資上還有意義&快樂, 而且死了也無憾, 那就別費精力在投資上了, 或是找個適合自己生活型態的投資方式.
總之, 要對自己好一點. 要劃對自己人生的重點.
(我呢? 投資還是我的最愛之一, 所以還是會繼續耕耘😊. 這裡的貼文會減少, 不過希望質感更好.)
Anyways. 分享一下資訊與一些想法.
1. 分析師怎麼看MSFT這次的財報結果: https://driv
其實, 很多時候都很心疼台灣投資人: 工時長, 又忙碌, 也沒甚麼時間了解公司, 但又想在美股獲利.
對投資有興趣但沒時間, 又想要CP值高, 穩健地賺, 可以睡好好地賺, 這裡就有一家公司可以考慮了. 未來幾年, 把它拿來當存股也可以.
還有, 投資資訊多也未必是好事. 有時候斷捨離一下, 會對自己的投資更有幫助, 心也不會雜. 供參.
2. "美國有很多原文 針對數據研究漲幅超過100倍的股票
100年下來平均年複利最高的是快銷品(註: 也就是民生消費品)和醫藥
但衝最快達到100倍的 都是"改變整個人類生活面貌的大變革產業和公司""
Cat: 之前Home Depot成長很快, 也跟那個時候的時代背景有關. 那時候剛好是連鎖店崛起的時代. 好像shopping mall也是那時候崛起.
“We invest in disruptions,” Ely said in an interview April 28. “They are technologically induced or induced by innovation. When that foundational change happens, there is a secular change in that industry for years to come, sometimes decades to come.”
The advantage of this approach is that the forces driving change are so strong that they continue or are even enhanced by economic upheaval.
“Yes, it matters that there is a crisis, but over the long run, it doesn’t matter what happens. These things will continue on. A young person is not going back to a bank branch,” he said.
He further explained the type of long-term industry trends he looks for.
One example is mobile banking, which has been enabled by technological development and the build-out of 4G (and eventually 5G) communication networks. We’re still at an early stage for mobile banking and payments. “There are still 90,000 bank branches in the United States, and they are still growing. Half will go away within the next 10 to 15 years,” Ely said.
To describe the staying power of disruptive innovation, he looked way back: “In the ’80s and ’90s, during that period of expansion, some of the disruptions were PC innovation, with Microsoft MSFT, +1.37%
, and Intel INTC, -1.07%
, and big box stores, such as Walmart WMT, -0.10%
and Home Depot HD, +0.69%
. The point of naming these examples is when you had the crash of ’87 or the ’90-’91 recession, you don’t get rid of your PC and bring back a typewriter.”
Even before the coronavirus crisis, it was obvious that media streaming and mobile financial services were “better ways of doing things,” and that virtual health care “was better than going to a doctor’s office,” Ely said.
Picture: 後院的鴨子(還是雁?)
(住在鄉下唯二的好處, 就是接近大自然, 還有遠離病毒.)
what is mobile health 在 BrandonTan91 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Halloween 2020 event is here with a brand new Galarian Pokemon, Yamask, coming to Pokémon GO together with Mega Gengar, which is obtainable by completing the Timed and Special Research Tasks, which was what we did in this video.
Join me as I travel, eat and play Pokémon GO the way a local trainer would in their own country and city. Visiting one country and one city at at time through Pokémon GO.
Subscribe if you would like to watch my Pokémon GO travel adventure as I visit different countries, cities and communities, https://tinyurl.com/y65jruw2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandontan91/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/brandontan91
Vlogging Set-Up:
Camera - Sony RX 100 Mark 7
Mic - Rode VideoMicro
Screen Recorder - iPad Mini 5
Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2016
All images and names owned and trademarked by Nintendo, Niantic, The Pokémon Company, and Gamefreak are property of their respective owners.
what is mobile health 在 MindBonnieSoul Youtube 的最讚貼文
Remember to Subscribe to my channel MindBonnieSoul and turn on your notification bell!
Constant staring down at the phone or computer may cause a tight and less mobile neck. Not to mention, it could even cause headaches! Understandably, it is difficult to avoid as we work away infront of our computers. So what can we do? Well, we may combat this by practicing neck stretches to relieve the pent up tension. I will also share a special "RESET button" pressure point on our head that we may press. It works wonders! Pressing this point for 1 minute and releasing relieves me of my headaches and gives me a clearer mind. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
IG: @MindBonnieSoul @BonnieSChan
Venue: @BeEarthOfficial
長時間低頭睇手機會鎖住頸部可能會導致頸變緊。更甚至可能引起頭痛! 我明白現今社會很難做到這一點 ,由其是我們要對住電腦工作 。可以做什麽?我們可以通過練習頸部舒展嚟緩解被壓抑的緊張情緒,以此來對抗這種不適。我亦都會分享點樣可以喺頭部搵到一個特別穴位。按壓此點1分鐘然後鬆開,可以減輕頭痛,並使頭腦更清晰!
記得訂閲我的YouTube 频道收看其他的課程!
Namaste. 大家保重身體 !
what is mobile health 在 WowisShuYi Wong Youtube 的最讚貼文
Otter Box is a company that provides drop protection phone cases. They provide screen protectors for your mobile phones and tablets too!
Follow Otter Box's social media:
- Instagram @otterboxasia
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OtterboxAPAC
Do remember to subscribe! ❤︎
Collaboration with Cheryl Chin (@cheryl.chin)
Do follow and subscribe to our skin and health care store @nu.igniters
Music credits:
Please give this a video a thumbs up & comment below if you have any questions/ video suggestions I should do! :)
Social media: Relaxing Piano: Studio Ghibli
- Blog : passionateigniters.wordpress.com
- Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/shuyi2699/
- Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/wongshuyi_2699/
- Snapchat : shuyi2699
- Email : shuyi2699@gmail.com
Thank you! :)
* FTC ; video NOT sponsored, all items / products are NOT sponsored.