【2021 #駐點計畫 強力募集中🎉🎉🎉】
也剛好新年新希望想到國外 long stay 做研究
擱按呢仔拄好也對下面這些議題有興趣 👇
#鞏固邦交 #美國對外關係 #印太戰略 #區域重要情勢發展 #全球及區域經濟 #中國銳實力或假訊息 #擴大國際參與空間
可千萬別錯過惹 💪 (2月20日截止申請注意 !!
申請前應詳閱公開說明書▶ https://reurl.cc/Ezq1YR
#不可不知的魔法冷知識 👇
#魔法部 為了補助國內學者專家,出國就外交有關議題進行研究,以供作外交施政參考並協助拓展國際學術聯繫管道,促進瞭解、爭取對台灣的支持,決定施展 #知識就是力量 之術,這就是這個「外交部安排學者專家出國進行 #學術外交 計畫」的由來。
Have you been inspired by a Taiwanese academic that you think would be a great boon to #Taiwan overseas? Why not tell them about this MOFA scheme, which aims to promote academic research on Taiwan-related diplomatic issues overseas and to support international academic exchanges?
Academics interested in researching any of the seven following topics are encouraged to file their application before February 20:
👉 Consolidating diplomatic ties
👉 #US foreign policy
👉 The #IndoPacificStrategy
👉 Regional incidents and developments
👉 Global and regional economics
👉 The PRC’s sharp power or #disinformation campaigns
👉 Expanding international participation
Participants must be Taiwanese nationals and be currently working as professors, assistant or associate professors or researchers of an equivalent rank at a Taiwanese university or research institute, or be a post-doctoral researcher.
More details here: https://bit.ly/2JJh52c