外交部再度資助非政府組織 #娜迪亞倡議 (Nadia’s Initiative),協助修復伊拉克巴錫卡鎮(Bashiqa)的亞茲迪禮拜堂,透過重建當地重要社區中心,讓難民重返家園,以及回復正常生活,預計25,000人因此受惠。
外交部在2020年,也曾透過娜迪亞倡議的協助,捐贈10萬片口罩到伊拉克辛賈爾 (Sinjar)等地區,協助醫護人員及流離失所的民眾防治疫情。
娜迪亞倡議(Nadia's Initiative)由2018年諾貝爾和平獎得主娜迪亞穆拉德(Nadia Murad)於同年創立,主要是協助中東地區流離失所民眾,並倡導為性暴力倖存者提供全面支持的非營利組織。
Last year, at the height of the pandemic, Nadia's Initiative helped distribute 100,000 masks donated by #Taiwan to front-line workers and families in displaced person camps in #Iraq and we’ve continued to work with the non-profit to help vulnerable people and minority groups in the country and to secure #ReligiousFreedom.
MOFA recently provided funding for the restoration of the Sheikh Obaker Temple in #Bashiqa, investing in #Yazidi religious sites to ensure that the ISIS-led Yazidi Genocide that took place just seven years ago does not extinguish the faith of this religious minority! The temple has now reopened to the community!