Yummy Food In Sky Avenue! 🤗
到云顶只想吃Burger & Lobster?推荐云顶23家小吃到豪华大餐餐厅!😱😱😱
云顶的Sky Avenue新开张后人潮源源不绝,每个周末都爆满,新餐厅也一间接一间开始营业。一到用餐时间,你就有选择困难症吗?推荐你云顶📍23家餐厅,从不同风味的主食、各种人气小吃到甜品,肯定把你的肚皮撑得满满的!
1. 📍BarBQ Plaza
每次上云顶冷冷的天气都超想吃烧烤火锅!🍲现在可以满足你啦,因为BarBQ Plaza终于在Sky Avenue开幕了。各种烧烤套餐,能烤肉又能喝汤,还有风景看。想吃的话记得早点来,不然就要排队咯。
2. 📍Starbucks Coffee Reserve
在全马只有六间的Starbucks Coffee Reserve精品咖啡吧☕,装潢与质感有别于一般的星巴克。除了普通的点餐柜台,更添加了吧台,所有咖啡制作过程一目了然。这间星巴克主推各种慢滴、虹吸式的精品咖啡,每次推出的咖啡都是产量非常小的。目前限定的是Kenya Kamwangi和Guatemala,有兴趣的话不妨去参观一下。
3. 📍Dal.Komm Coffee
Korean Drama出镜率很高的咖啡厅。☕位于Sky Avenue3楼户外的Dal.Komm Coffee很适合晚餐后来喝一杯咖啡,和朋友Share一份Cruffin,聊聊天。想吃韩国Bingsu的话这里也有哦!🍨
4. 📍I Love Yoo!
5. 📍Richdad
6. 📍阿业靓汤
7. 📍Boat Noodle
泰国🇹🇭船面,除了经典的两个口味,还有Tomyam和Dry Noodle。推荐泰国甜品Hot Steamy Sangkaya,热热的蒸面包沾上Sangkaya酱,还有正宗的泰国奶茶。
8. 📍Gindaco
在Pavillion KL红极一时的日本人气章鱼小丸子🐙!烤得微焦的外皮,内陷Juicy加上弹牙的小章鱼,再配上各种酱汁和配料。推荐新口味Ebi Mayo,刚烤好的章鱼烧淋上美乃滋和鱼蛋,超好吃!👍👍
9. 📍Madame Waffle
在这里我们不吃Waffle,我们吃猫山王!榴莲爱好者千万不能错过新推出的Musang King Durian Creme Brûlée Crepe!卷成Cone形的可丽饼,中间是冰冷的Vanilla Gelato,上层则是猫山王内陷,最后还会用喷枪喷上一层焦糖,让你一次过品尝不同层次的口味!
10. 📍Tokyo Secret
除了各种口味的cheese tart,Tokyo Secret还新推出了Syukurimu - 脆脆泡芙!长形的泡芙外表洒满脆脆的杏仁粒,“咔嚓”一声内陷则是会爆浆的custard!一根只需RM9.90,现在还有买5送1的Promotion哦!
11. 📍BMS Organics
12. 📍Morganfield’s
这里是肉食爱好者的天堂!🐷各种口味的Pork Ribs,豪迈的摆盘,分量惊人,可以供3 - 4人分享。星期一到五还有Brekkie & Light Lunch Promotion,价格只从RM14.90起。
13. 📍Babajia
云顶的娘惹餐馆。各种常见的娘惹菜肴在这里都能找到。Nyonya Laksa还不错👍👍
14. 📍Eggette Lab
香港古早味小吃鸡蛋仔!🐣现点现烤的鸡蛋仔有高达10种口味选择,价格只从RM7.50起。推荐Tricolour,是店内的No.1 Best Seller,可以一次品尝Original,Chocolate和Charcoal Cheese三种口味。位于First World Plaza,属于人潮比较少的区域,吃了鸡蛋仔可以逛逛哦!
15. 📍Dream Color
台湾梦幻饮料Dream Color!以天然植物色素调配的水果汁,每种饮料都至少搭配两种水果,一层层的缤纷色彩,好喝之余还能满足你视觉上的感受。拿着一起拍OOTD,超帅的🌈
16. 📍Nene Chicken
两层楼高的韩式炸鸡店,6pcs的Wingettes & Drumettes只需RM18.90起。口味方面有原味和不同辣度选择,爱吃辣的话可以挑战Freaking Hot口味,Soft Drinks还有的Free Refill。选择二楼的座位可以吹风还可以看风景,很有韩剧feel🙈
17. 📍Tian Ma Bird Nest
18. 📍Royale Vietnam
19. 📍JR Curry House
印度风味的咖喱屋,有各式菜肴供你选择,还有小龙虾炸鸡等。🍛必吃他们家的Signature菜肴- 咖喱羊肉!
20. 📍Only Mee
21. 📍Texas Chicken
Texas Chicken的炸鸡是出名的大分量又好吃,尤其是Spicy口味,外皮香脆,肉质鲜嫩,就算是鸡胸肉也不会干涩。除了炸鸡,你吃过他的Sundae冰淇淋吗?有草莓和巧克力两种口味🍫🍓,上层是类似Sorbet口感的冰淇淋和果酱,下层则是让人有满满惊喜的Biscuit,而且只需RM4.90,推荐必吃!
22. 📍Llao Llao
23. 📍Dome Cafe
不管你是想要吃前菜、主食、小吃还是甜品,这里都可以满足你。这里也有很多西式Breakfast选择,如Egg On Toast、Fruit Cereal的。不想吃中餐的话就换换口味吧。
云顶还有更多更多的美食等你发掘!赶快约上你的吃货朋友,一起到云顶Food Hunting吧!还有记得收藏这帖子,下一次去云顶的时候就可以参考,不用头痛啦!
LIKE【 走吧!我们旅行去!】以获得更多旅游、活动与美食资讯!
Instagram: www.instagram.com/comeonletstravel (@comeonletstravel)
yogurt custard toast 在 Vkeong Food Blog Facebook 的最讚貼文
Bakery Cafe HACHI, a Japanese owned bakery is the latest addition to Sri Hartamas, which meets the community's demand for high quality and healthy products that are preservative free.
More than 40 types of bread, bun and pastry are baked fresh daily as early as 3am by chief baker and chef Ms. Chinami Date 👩🍳 who has more than 10 years of experience working in some of the best Japanese-French bakeries in Asia.
To mark the grand opening of Bakery Cafe HACHI on the 25th of December, they are giving out 100 ⛄️SNOWMAN BUNS⛄️ for FREE on first come, first served basis starting from 10am.
#Hachi #Bakery #Cafe #SriHartamas #Bread #Bun #Pastry #Croissant #Christmas
【Authentic Japanese-French Bakery in KL 🇯🇵🍞🥐】
Bakery Cafe HACHI, a Japanese owned bakery is the latest addition to Sri Hartamas, which meets the community's demand for high quality and healthy products that are preservative free.
More than 40 types of bread 🍞, bun 🥖 and pastry 🥐 are baked fresh daily as early as 3am by chief baker and chef Ms. Chinami Date 👩🍳 who has more than 10 years of experience working in some of the best Japanese-French bakeries in Asia
To ensure the authentic taste of their creations, only the finest ingredients like imported flour from Japan and French butter are used 👍
Their signature HACHI Toast Bread is the must buy item here. It tastes delicious eaten on its own, or with cold cuts, cheese, or as a toast topped with butter and jam.
Besides being a bakery, you can also enjoy an array of hot drinks, warm toasts and sandwiches prepared using their in-house breads.
When toasted, the HACHI Toast Bread's crust becomes crispy (not crunchy) while the center remains soft and delightfully chewy almost similar to mochi in texture. It also has a naturally light, sweet flavor that complements savory toppings and fillings 😋
Hachi Toast Bread - RM7.40
Cheese Toast with ham, salad and yogurt - RM15.90
Keema Curry with cheese - RM21.40
White fish with tartar sauce bun - RM6.80
Korokke bun - RM5.90
Mango Crispy Croissant with custard cream & fresh mango - RM6.20
Earl Gray & Japanese Apple bun - RM3.60
Melon Pan (cookie bun topped with melted butter) - RM3.40
Croissant - RM3.20
Japanese Curry Bun - RM5
Salty Butter bread roll - RM3.20
..and many more
Bakery Cafe HACHI (next to Starbucks)
P-07B , Plaza Damas, Hartamas Shopping Centre, Kuala Lumpur
Hours: 8am - 8pm daily, no off days.
Tel: 03-6206 2668
**To mark the grand opening of Bakery Cafe HACHI on the 25th of December, they are giving out 100 ⛄️SNOWMAN BUNS⛄️ for FREE on first come, first served basis starting from 10am. All you need to do is like their Facebook page or follow them on Instagram to be entitled for this special Christmas gift.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/BakeryCafeHACHI/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/bakerycafehachi/
#bakery #cafe #SriHartamas #Hachi #BakeryCafeHachi #JapaneseBakery #Bread #Bun #Pastry #PorkFree #NoLard #KualaLumpur #PlazaDamas #Cheese #Toast #Healthy