<提升自我寫作能力篇- 用字(字彙與片語)精進>
▲”She worked hard to improve the quality of the product. This way she made it more profitable.”
▲”Sparing no efforts to ameliorate the quality of the product, she made the product more profitable.” (分詞構句[兩句整合為一句] + 用字提升)
△解說:喬認為在任何語言中都有此現象,中文中說「她很快樂」可換成「她快樂似神仙」(當然中文口語中不太可能這樣說啦)。同樣地,英文寫作亦如是,口語與寫作本來就無法混為一談(英文口語中可以說 I feel fucking good! 寫作中可能就要改寫To my delight, I feel awesome!),在英文口說中我們可能傾向把get這個字代替obtain/ acquire/ understand,但是在英文寫作中可以把字彙用得越明確是越好的,寫作中應該要避免使用get這種相對模糊的字彙,同樣的情況也發生在good/ bad,我們要說到底是對哪個面向正面(positive/ beneficial/ important)亦或是負面(negative/ devastating/ detrimental/ harmful)。
喬曾在寫作分享中提及「改變寫作習慣( goo.gl/CdOO0B )」的分享,並不是主張完全捨棄初階的字彙,而是知道同一意思的字有幾種寫法(e.g. 『開始』- start, begin – initiate – inaugurate)。除此之外每個字彙的用法都必然理解完全,甚至把英英解釋理解一番(喬常用字典: dictionary.com | dictionary.cambridge.org ),可以精通每個字彙就可以逐步提升自我的寫作能力。
◆adroit = adept (adj.) 擅長的
◆exacerbate = deteriorate (V.) 惡化
◆ameliorate = improve, enhance (V.) 改善; 改良
◆evasion = excuse (n.) 藉口
◆esoteric = abstruce, enigmatic (adj.) 奇異的
◆erudite = educated (adj.) 博學多聞的
◆affluent = abundant (adj.) 豐富的
◆jeopardy = danger (n.) 危險
*in jeopardy 危險中
◆exasperate = aggravate (V.) 激怒; 惡化
◆extraneous = irrelevant (adj.) 無關的
◆exemplify = illustrate (V.) 論證
◆exhaustive = thorough (adj.) 徹底的
◆expedient = convenient (adj.) 方便的
◆exotic = foreign (adj.) 外國的; 異國的
◆expedite = hasten (V.) 加快
◆consecutive = continuous (adj.) 連續的
◆zeal = passion (n.) 熱情
◆alleviate = relieve (V.) 減輕; 緩和
◆abstain = refrain (V.) 戒絕; 迴避
◆accessible = available (adj.)可進入或使用的
◆affirmative = positive (adj.) 積極的; 正面的
◆afflict = trouble , ail (V.) 使痛苦; 折磨
◆affliction = adversity (n.) 痛苦; 煩惱的事
◆affiliate = join (V.) 成為會員
◆concede = admit (V.) 承認
【喬之所有寫作相關文章連結頁面: goo.gl/QBhNwh 】
abstain意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[托福和雅思單字表+mp3] Human Biology and Health care
Audio file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/82yk91rhvzwswl2/HBH.mp3
老師這次花了很多時間幫大家整理了 human biology and health care 的單字,為了讓同學不會聽到睡著,老師融入了很多音效...但是建議不要晚上的時候聽,免得被嚇到喔!
老師雖然每次在提供單字表時都會附上中文解釋,但這只是方便學生更快知道這個單字最通用的意思,不代表是它最完整的涵義及用法。除此之外,有心的同學應該進一步使用其它工具查詢,最好是單字,配詞與句子一起背 (死背一個單字是無用的),再透過經常使用單字的方式,加強自己對單字的認知和應用。當然,你也可以利用老師或字典提供的單字音檔,進而增加自己對單字的辨識能力和發音!
Use the audio file to improve your pronunciation of these words. The file can also be used as a simple listening and spelling test! Further, like I said many times in class, you must learn in context! Do not just learn the vocabulary words and collocation. You must also construct sentences, read articles suitable for your level on the given topic, and then use the new words and phrases in writing. The accumulation of background knowledge is also essential. Always learn in meaningful context!!!
Human Biology and Health care
abdomen (n.) 腹部
absorb (v.) 吸收
abstain (v.) 避免
abuse (v.) 濫用
accident (n.) 意外
ache (n.) (持續性地)疼痛
admit (v.) 准許進入; (be admitted to a hospital 送入醫院 )
airway (n.) (肺的) 氣道、氣管
allergy (n.) 過敏
allergic (adj.) 過敏的
alternative medicine (n.) 另類醫療
ambulance (n.) 救護車
amputate (v.) 截斷; 截肢
anesthesia 麻醉
ankle (n.) 腳踝
antibiotics (n.) 抗生素(複數)
appendix (n.) 盲腸
artery (n.) 動脈
bacterium (n./pl.=bacteria) 細菌
balanced (a.) 均衡
bandage (n.) 繃帶
benign (a.) 良性的
beware (v.) 注意
biohazard (n.) 生物性危害
biological (a.) 生物的
biology (n.) 生物學
blood (n.) 血液
blood pressure (n.) 血壓
blood vessel (n.) 血管
body (n.) 身體
bowel (n.) 腸
breathe (v.) 呼吸
bruise (n.) 青腫
calorie (n.) 卡路里(熱量單位)
cancer (n.) 癌
carbohydrate (n.) 醣類
cardiovascular diseases (n.) 心臟血管疾病
care (n.) 照顧
carrier (n.) 帶茵者;病媒
cast (n.) 石膏
cell (n.) 細胞
cell division (phr.) 細胞分裂
chicken pox (n.) 水痘
chiropractor (n.) 脊骨神經醫師; 按摩醫生
cholesterol (n.) 膽固醇
circulation (n.) 循環
clinic (n.) 診所
clone (n. / v.) 複製
cold (n.) 感冒 (I caught a cold.)
colon (n.) 結腸
condition (n.) 狀況
conscious (adj.) 有意識的
contagious (a.) 有感染性的
cough (v./n.) 咳嗽
cough syrup (n.) 止咳糖漿
CPR (n.) 心肺復甦術
critical (a.) 關鍵的
crutches (n.) 柺杖,
cultivation of bacteria (phr.) 細菌培養
cure (v./n.) 治癒 ; 療法
deform (v.) 變形
dentist (n.) 牙醫
dermatology (n.) 皮膚科
deteriorate (v.) 惡化
diabetes (n.) 糖尿病
diabetic (a.) (患) 糖尿病 (n.) 指糖尿病患者
diet (n.) 飲食
diet (v.) (以治療、減肥為目的的) 節食
digestive system (n.) 消化系統
DNA (n.) 脫氧核糖核酸 drug (n.) 藥品;毒品 egg (n.) 蛋
embryo (n./adj.= embryonic) 胎兒
emergency medical kit (n.) 應急醫療包
emergency room (n.) 急診室
emotion (n.) 情感
excrete (v.) 排泄
fertilize (v.) 【生物】授精
fever (n.) 發燒
flu/influenza (n.) 流行性感冒
gene (n.) 基因
genetically engineered (phr.) 基因修改, 製造
genetically modified (phr.) 基因修改
glucose (n.) 葡萄糖
hallucination (n.) 幻覺
heal (v.) (傷口)癒合; 痊癒
health (n.) 保健
hemoglobin (n.) 血紅素
hereditary (a.) 遺傳的
high blood pressure (n.) 高血壓
hormone (n.) 荷爾蒙
hospital (n.) 醫院
hospitalized (a.) 住院的
ill (a.) 生病的
illness (n.) 生病; 疾病
immune (a.) 免疫的
immune system (n.) 免疫系統
immunity (n.) 免疫
infect (v.) 傳染(疾病)
infection (n.) 傳染;感染
infectious (a.) 有傳染性的
inflammation (n.) 發炎
injection (n.) 注射
injury (n.) 受傷
inorganic (n.) 無機
instant (a.) 立即的
insurance (n.) 保險
intestines (n.)腸子
intoxicated (a.) 中毒
irregular (a.) 不平均的
itch (n.) 癢
IV drip (n.) 靜脈滴注
kidney (n.) 腎臟
knee (n.) 膝,膝蓋
lap (n.) 膝部
latency period (n.) 潛伏期
latent (a.) 潛伏的
lens (n.) 晶體
limb (n.) 肢
liver (n.) 肝臟
long-term effects (n.) 長期影響
lung (n.) 肺
malignant (n.) 惡性的
malnutrition (n.) 營養不良
mature (a.) 成熟的
medical treatment (n.) 醫學治療
mental health (n.) 心理健康
metabolism (n./v.=metabolize) 代謝
mineral (n.) 礦物
muscle (n.) 肌肉
nerve (n.) 神經
nurse (n.) 護士
nursing home (n.) 養老院
nutrition (n.) 營養
nutritionist (n.) 營養師
olfactory (n.) 嗅覺
operate (v.) 動手術, 開刀
organ donation (n.) 器官捐贈
organic (n.) 有機
osteoporosis (n.) 骨質疏鬆
over-the-counter (a.) 成藥
pain (n.) 疼痛
palm (n.) 手掌
pancreas (n.) 胰臟
paralyzed (a.) 癱瘓的
patient (n.) 病患
pediatrician (n.) 小兒科醫師
perspiration (n./ v.=perspire) 汗
pharmacist (n.) 藥劑師
pharmacy (n.) 藥局
physician (n.) 醫師
physiological (a.) 生理學的
pill (n.) 藥丸
polio (n.) 小兒麻痺
prescription (n.) 處方籤
prevention (n.) 預防; 預防方法
protein (n.) 蛋白質
psychiatrist (n.) 精神病醫師
psychiatrist / shrink (n.) 心理醫生
psychologist (n.) 心理學家
psychology (n.) 心理學
rash (n.) 疹 ; 疹子
reaction (n.) 反應
recovery (n.) 復原
red blood cells (hemoglobin) (n.) 紅血細胞
relationship (n.) 關係
relaxed (a.) 冷靜
reproductive organs (n.) 生殖器官
revive (v.) 復原
runny nose (n.) 流鼻涕
sanitary (a.) 衛生的
scar (n.) 疤; 傷痕
scrape (n.) 擦傷
serum (n.) 血清
short-term effects (n.) 短期影響
sick bed (n.) 病床
sinus (n.) 靜脈竇
skin (n.) 皮膚
smallpox (n.) 天花
sneeze (v.) 打噴嚏
social health (n.) 社交健康
sore (a.) 痛的; 疼痛發炎的
spine (n.) 脊椎
starch (n.) 澱粉
stem cells(n.) 幹細胞
sterilize (v.) 消毒
stomach (n.) 胃
stuffy nose (n.) 塞住的鼻子
suffer from (phr.) 受...之苦; 受...困擾
surgeon (n.) 外科醫生
surgery (n.) 手術
symptom (n.) 症狀
syndrome (n.) 症候群
tablet (n.) 藥片
test (n.) 檢驗
thermometer (n.) 溫度計
throat (n.) 喉嚨
tissue (n.) (動植物的) 組織
touch (v.) 接觸、觸摸
toxic (a.) 有毒的
transplantation (n.) 移植
treatment (n.) 治療
trunk (n.) 軀幹
tuberculosis (n.) 結核病
tumor (n.) 腫瘤
unwholesome (a.) 不衛生的;不健康的;有害身心的
uterus (n.) 子宮
vaccinate (v.) 打預防針 (inoculate with a vaccine, vaccinate against…)
vaccine (n.) 疫苗
vein (n.) 靜脈
virus (n.) 病毒
vision (n.) 視覺/視覺/視力
vitamin (n.) 維他命、維生素
weight loss (n.) 體重減輕
well (a.) 健康的
wheelchair (n.) 輪椅
white blood cells (n.) 白血細胞
Complete List 完整托福和雅思單字表+mp3: http://tinyurl.com/lk3fglc
英文單字學習 I: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq2ym9m3ihsbuy6/vocabI.pdf
英文單字學習 II: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eu51xclk7qxb211/vocabII.pdf
英文單字學習 III: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fsx6zx150c2q7so/vocabIII.pdf
Free Online Dictionaries 免費線上字典和辭典: http://tinyurl.com/kzctz56
abstain意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
【玳瑚師父玄學論】 「運」從口入
Eat Your Way to Good Fortune (English version below)
你妳們是否有注意到?坊間的診所是越來越多間。大醫院也不祇是我們所知的那幾間如: 中央醫院、亞歷山大醫院、國大醫院、萊佛士醫院......據吾所知,有一間新的醫院就儜立在義順一帶。或許人們心中會暗道: 真的有必要或需要嗎?有沒有必要或需要,"肉眼"目前是看不出端倪來。但是,有一點是較明朗的。那就是,國人的健康已到達了"不健康水平"。
每種食物都有其所屬的五行。每一種病也同樣有其所屬的五行。茹葷茹素,其實也是命中五行之所需。常言道: 健康來自於均勻飲食。這句話是沒錯,但祇說對了一半。真正要達到健康,除非你妳懂得,命中所需之用神,再配合「武動生命」。
吾所謂命中之用神,是指排開生辰四柱,補以所缺之五行,就是你妳命中之用神也。舉個例子; 倘若你妳是生於冬天之人,最好別食生冷食物、別吃太多雪糕、冰棒、冬粉、果凍,等等。其實所有婦女小姐們,本來就不應該食太多生冷食物,如;生魚片、白木耳、白菜、鹹菜、冬菜、燕窩、雪蛤、西瓜、椰子,等等。不說妳們不知道,這些生冷食物乃是婦女病的"罪歸禍手",千萬不可掉以輕心、任意亂食啊!吾再次的披露這秘密,乃吾一向關注婦女病。
Have you noticed that there are more clinics and medical centres nowadays? The major hospitals, are no longer the familiar ones like Singapore General Hospital, Alexandra Hospital, National University Hospital and Raffles Hospital. There is a new one being built in Yishun just not too long ago. Perhaps we may think if it is necessary to have so many medical facilities. Well, our naked eyes probably cannot discern if this many hospitals are required. But one thing for sure, the health of Singaporeans has deteriorated to a unhealthy level.
I am sure you have heard of the Chinese phrase "Illness goes in via your mouth". But alas, many of us are still careless in our choice of food, ultimately bringing various diseases into our body. Are you aware that if this continues, it will affect your longevity? All that you have planned, your family, career, further studies, romance etc, will be like a rock sinking into the ocean. All vanished and gone! Ha! Ha! Ha! It is better to keep the forests in order to have the wood for fuel! With life all gone, what hope would there be?
Every kind of food has its own elemental type. The same goes for the different type of ailments. Whether you are suitable to be a vegetarian or not also depends on the elements in your birth chart. Many say having a balanced diet will lead to a healthy life. That is only half correct. In actual fact, one needs to know what your favorable elements are according to your birth chart, coupled with adding exercise to your lifestyle.
To know what elements are needed for your health, we first need to lay out your birth chart and find out what is lacking. For example, if your are born in winter, refrain from cold or raw food like ice cream and popsicles, vermicelli, jelly, etc.
Actually for the ladies, you ought to abstain from excessive cold, raw and cooling food like sashimi, white fungus, cabbage, salted and preserved vegetables, bird's nest, hashima, watermelon, coconut etc. Perhaps you are not aware if I did not divulge, but the above food are the top causes of many female ailments. Please be on your guard and not eat willfully. I share this information again as I am always concerned about female health issues.
To turn the tide and eat your way to good fortune instead of illnesses, there is a deep vault of knowledge which I will transmit should the affinity arises in the future.
abstain意思 在 [字辨] refrain from 和abstain from 的差異- 看板Eng-Class 的推薦與評價
In giving an oral presentation,stick to the outline and _____all the
unnecessary details.
(A) refrain from
(B) give in
(C) leave out
(D) abstain from
查了一下leave out的解釋為:to not include someone or something
(Cambridge dictionary)
另外,我比較好奇的是通常refrain from和abstain from的意思很接近
[refrain from]
2.有另一個說法則是說refrain from所搭配的動作,通常是"短時間"、"當下"的動作
[abstain from]
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1523417591.A.D8A.html
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