【APEC 開徵實習生啦 📢】
☑ APEC會員公民 (例如我國)
☑ 取得或正就讀經濟、公共政策、統計或相關領域大學學位者 (具量化分析與瞭解使用STATA統計軟體者 很❗加❗分❗)
☑ 正在就讀或即將就讀上述領域碩士班者
☑ 具英文口說與書寫能力
1⃣ 針對APEC政策支援小組(PSU)研究案進行資料蒐集及文獻回顧
2⃣ 蒐集、彙整及處理量化數據及質化資料
3⃣ 協助撰擬政策報告、研究報告與相關簡報資料
4⃣ 更新與管理社經資料庫
🔺 申請截止日期為2021年1月17日 😱
🔺 在職期間每個月會有1,000星幣生活津貼 (不用擔心吃土XD)
🔺 需赴新加坡APEC秘書處工作
🔺 2021年整年間至少實習3個月
詳細申請辦法攏抵加 ⬇
#魔法部公告與防疫規定 https://reurl.cc/VXGW3A
#APEC官網 www.apec.org
#PSU網頁 https://reurl.cc/Z7R816
#PSU招募網頁 https://reurl.cc/avpxN4
想瞭解實習生衝蝦的話 👇🏻
搜尋 #APEC秘書處實習生架構規範 (APEC Secretariat Internship Framework Guidelines) 會有更詳細的介紹ㄛ
As a member of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, we’re always keen to see young people from #Taiwan working in the organization. It also gives young Taiwanese people a chance to broaden their horizons, increase Taiwan's role in international organizations and make important contacts throughout the region!
#APEC is currently looking for an intern for its Policy Support Unit (PSU) based in #Singapore. Applications from masters students in the fields of #economics, #PublicPolicy and #Statistics and undergraduates in their senior year with good English skills will be considered! Send in your application before January 17!
You can find more details about the position and the work the PSU does at the links below:
APEC: www.apec.org
PSU: www.apec.org/About-Us/Policy-Support-Unit
Vacancy: https://bit.ly/3hR1OsV