#1. The r/WallStreetBets Glossary: A field guide to apes, stonks ...
Years ago, the most rapacious cutthroats in the stock market were slick, ... Apes: Retail investors bullish on heavily-shorted stocks.
#2. WallStreetBets Slang and Memes - Investopedia
When used by WallStreetBets, the apes are retail investors who are bullish on heavily-shorted stocks like GameStop. If the “apes” are united ...
#3. Are The Apes Now Running Wall Street? - Forbes
volatility in our stock is caused…by a 'short squeeze' in which coordinated trading activity causes a spike in the market price…investors [who] ...
#4. AMC's "Apes" Care About Their Agenda, Not the Company
For AMC's retail investors, who refer to themselves as "apes" -- an homage to Rise of the Planet of the Apes, whereby apes are deemed "stronger ...
#5. Don't Try to Fight an Uphill Battle Against the GameStop 'Apes'
To put it concisely, apes are social-media traders battling against powerful institutional investors by attempting to push heavily short-sold ...
#6. WallStreetBets is America - Vox
Commenters call themselves “degenerates” or “apes. ... They're also well aware that the stock market — and the group — is a casino.
#8. Definition of APE - FinanceTalking
Annual Premium Equivalent - a measure of new business sales growth in the insurance industry. The APE includes new regular business premiums on an annualised ...
#9. How The 'Apes' Took Over AMC - The Journal. - WSJ Podcasts
And he says it for Aron, the stocks dramatic rise seemed like the ... need permission from shareholders, meaning permission from the apes.
#10. r/wallstreetbets - Wikipedia
r/wallstreetbets, also known as WallStreetBets or WSB, is a subreddit where participants discuss stock and option trading. ... to themselves as "autists", "retards", "degenerates", and "apes".
#11. How The AMC Apes Cracked Wall Street - YouTube
#12. On a very Black Friday for investors, many Reddit Apes were ...
The worst day for U.S. stocks so far this year saw all three major ... many meme stock trading Apes on social media used the down day to ...
#13. What is Short Selling? This Analogy Explains Why GameStop ...
Using emojis of apes, snakes and bananas, one Twitter user manages to ... Video of 'Normal Person' Explaining the Stock Market Goes Viral.
#14. Ape - Urban Dictionary
An Ape, also known as a “smoothbrain” is an individual who knows nothing else other than Buy/HODL. This is his code. He does not play into FUD but instead ...
#15. Going ape provided whoppertunities for degenerates in 2021
Ape Investor in meme stocks. ... now so engrained in the language that it has warranted its own entry in the Oxford English Dictionary, ...
#16. Explaining The Lingo And Memes Of WallStreetBet
Apes Together, Strong comes from the prequel Planet of the Apes movies and is in reference to how the many apes working together can be stronger than humans.
#17. Reddit 'apes' send KC-based AMC stock to the moon - The ...
Hugo, from Olathe, Kansas, started investing in the stock market two years ago, but he said this is the first time he stopped paying ...
#18. 'APE' Is The New 'FANG', But What Is 'APE'? - Benzinga
20 Stocks Moving in Tuesday's Pre-Market Session ... Welcome, "APE." ... Altimeter Capital's CEO Brad Gerstner explained that the "FANG" ...
#19. Definition of 'Annualized Premium Equivalent' - The Economic ...
Definition : Annualized premium equivalent (APE) is a common measure of ascertaining the business sales in the life insurance industry.
#20. First Gamestop, now gorillas. Redditors are pouring ... - CNN
Why gorillas? It's a bit of an inside joke: WallStreetBets members refer to themselves and others on the page as "apes," as part of the group's ...
#21. AMC AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc - Yahoo Finance
Find the latest AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. (AMC) stock discussion in Yahoo Finance's forum. ... APES hold all the cards once it begins.
#22. What does APE mean in Trading? -
The meaning of APE is Annual Premium Equivalent and other meanings are located at the bottom which take place within Trading terminology and APE has 2 ...
#23. From diamond hands to stonks: internet stocks slang explained
Apes together strong / : An expression of solidarity with other investors pursuing the same goal. Bag holder: If someone sells their stock to ...
#24. From YOLO to diamond hands, here are 9 pieces of lingo you ...
The members have their own lingo to discuss stocks. ... GameStop would go to the moon, meaning the stock price would have no limit in gains.
#25. Trading Lingo from Wall Street Bets Decoded - SingSaver
It is a common term on WallStreetBets used by investors who go all in or invest a significant amount in a particular asset like apes stock.
#26. AMC Entertainment: The Apes Of Wrath - Seeking Alpha
People who stay in these "valuation doesnt matter" stocks will get killed. I should say the average Joe who started trading when covid hit.
#27. Dispatches From the Frontier of NFTs, Crypto, and Meme Stocks
2021年12月15日 — Bloomberg Wealth reporters spoke to investors about what drew them into the complex and risky new markets that have defined 2021.
#28. APES IN CONTROL : r/wallstreetbets - Reddit
Hold on to that stock like Harambe with that child ... Imagine if “Ape Markets” actually became a term used in econ classes to describe situations like this.
#29. 8 Reddit Stocks Trending in January - US News Money
The Reddit community could send these stocks soaring. Reddit became an unlikely hub for stock trading in early 2021. Groups of online traders in Reddit's ...
#30. AMC For Dummies Written by An Ape -
Apes are the term used to describe the retail investors who are trying to stop hedge funds from shorting AMC stocks and destroying the ...
#31. Why Bored Ape Avatars Are Taking Over Twitter - The New ...
Bored Ape Yacht Club, which launched in April, is a strange combination of gated online community, stock-shareholding group, ...
#32. Apes Together Strong | Etsy
Ape Definition AMC/GME stock t-shirt. financialmemes ... Apes Together Strong Diamond Hands Decal | Stocks Decals | Gorilla Decal | Vinyl Decals.
#33. What Dark Pool Trading Volume Says About AMC Stock
Their desire to see AMC shares head to the moon depends on it. Twitter speaks. AMC apes, investors and enthusiasts: what do you believe is ...
#34. Ape Wisdom | Trending Stocks on Reddit
# Name Symbol Mentions 24h Upvotes 1 GameStop 1 GME 818 ‑39% 9,019 2 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 2 SPY 710 ‑32% 3,112 3 Tesla 3 TSLA 262 ‑72% 1,591
#35. GameStop stock surge lingo: Here's what Reddit's ... - CNET
Here are some of the slang terms that are part of a movement that's assisting in driving the price of some stocks.
#36. NFTs: Forget apes and penguins — Let's talk diapers ...
It boils down to this: With NFTs, virtually anything can be gamified to promote desired marketing outcomes. Gamification — defined by Gabe ...
#37. Online Trading - COL Financial - Philippines
Reading Stock Quotes. Stock quotes show you the willingness to buy and sell in a market. A Bid (or buying) price represents the ...
#38. The Ape's Guide to the Stock Market: Top 25 Tips & Tricks to ...
The Ape's Guide to the Stock Market: Top 25 Tips & Tricks to help prepare you ... Take all the tips and tricks with a grain of salt (meaning use at your own ...
#39. 11 animals of the investing world other than bulls, bears that ...
Most investors understand what bulls and bears denote in the stock market. Some may even know what a dead cat bounce means but there are ...
#40. What are hedge funds, and how did they (accidentally ... - ABC
... there are only 65 million shares on GameStop on the stock market. ... One Reddit member (called "aoechamp") explained what they have ...
#41. GameStop: Reddit users investing in gorilla conservation - BBC
Reddit users have been symbolically adopting apes and donating to ... GME as they're known on the New York Stock Exchange, as the adopter.
#42. What The Hell Is Going on With AMC? - IGN
AMC stock is having a wild week as retail investors on Reddit and ... AMC "stonks" are up as "apes" rally — so what does that mean?
#43. Compiled APES 110 - Sept 2017 - APESB
1 The definition of Engagement Team in APES 110 does not exclude ... exchange, or are marketed under the regulations of a recognised stock exchange or other ...
#44. Power to the Primates: Inside the Subreddit Investing Group ...
Anyone watching the stock market lately knows that a Reddit subgroup for ... Some users refer to themselves and others as “apes,” “retards”, ...
#45. Can Reddit's silver "apes" beat the market? | Reuters
Then WallStreetBets returned its focus to stock markets; silver calmed. ... Demand in the West is strong, but in India, one of the biggest ...
#46. AMC's apes went bananas for the movie chain's stock Monday ...
While the markets fall hard, the mother of meme stocks AMC kicks off the Christmas week with a gain, thanks to a blockbuster weekend and a ...
#47. human being | Britannica
Human beings are anatomically similar and related to the great apes but are ... American population in the aftermath of the stock market crash of 1929.
#48. Compiled APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional ...
The definition of Engagement Team in APES 110 does not exclude ... stock exchange, or are marketed under the regulations of a recognised stock exchange or.
#49. Planet of the (AMC) Apes - by PETITION LLC - PETITION
During 2021 to date, the market price of our Class A common stock ... be “freely tradable,” meaning the firm could sell the shares at any ...
#50. Bulls, bears and animals of the stock market - Morningstar
But there are other animals in the stock market jungle too. ... It stems from the explanation that if you throw a dead cat against a wall at ...
#51. Apes and The Dragon King: A Sociologist's Thoughts on the ...
It is extremely concerning to me that individual investors merely purchasing stocks has caused so much economic turmoil in the markets. It's ...
#52. Why is GameStop stock going up? Thank Reddit - Protocol
(Here's a good explanation of how that back-and-forth went down.) ... Single stocks like GameStop were trading so much they cost Robinhood hundreds of ...
#53. Proposed rule: Reporting of Securities Loans ... -
Trading Practices, Division of Trading and Markets, Securities and ... Should the Commission define what it means to “loan a security”?
#54. AMC's stock price is detached from reality and its CEO loves it
3 million investor “apes” strong. On the company's earnings call, Aron revealed AMC had more than 3 million individual shareholders who owned ...
#55. Most successful chimpanzee on Wall Street - Guinness World ...
Raven, a six-year-old chimpanzee, became the 22nd most successful money manager in the USA after choosing her stocks by throwing darts at a list of 133 ...
#56. BlackBerry is Reddit's latest meme stock | Engadget
Trading volume has shot up dramatically as well, from less than 5 million shares on May 24th to more than 346 million on Wednesday. The r/ ...
#57. Monkey beats man on stock market picks | Financial Times
Even a chimpanzee picking stocks at random could easily beat the US stock market, according to academics at the Cass Business School in ...
#58. How Bored Apes are shaking up the NFT space - Mint
Sold as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the Bored Ape NFTs are actually part of a bigger NFT buying trend. Mint explains this new investment trend.
#59. BAPES™ (Business Apes) Brings Star Jets International
BAPES™ (Business Apes) Brings Star Jets International Private Jet ... within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, ...
#60. How to make and sell an NFT | Fortune
And they have the potential to make real money, too— the CEO of crypto exchange Coinbase said last month that the NFT market could quickly ...
#61. Neil Strauss Pens the Bored Ape Yacht Club 'Tell-All' - CoinDesk
So how is Strauss involved with the Bored Apes? ... or roughly $2,600, meaning the implied market cap is over $2.3 million.
#62. The Bored Ape Phenomenon and the Rise of Crypto Apes
So, what does it mean to “ape” exactly? Essentially, it means to buy a new coin. So, if you come across a conversation on Twitter with someone ...
#63. Jim Cramer (@jimcramer) | Twitter
Hans buys $1 million Verizon stock ,Market yawns. I like it ... ServiceNow truly impressive.. one of the few growth stocks that was loved.
#64. Apes Together Strong - Wall Street Bets - StayHipp
In reference to the stock market in forums like Wall Street Bets, this emoji and phrase refer to people finding strength in unity.
#65. NFTs & football: What are they & which players are involved?
So what are NFTs, why are footballers trading them, and what is the deal with the cartoon apes? GOAL takes a look. Article continues below ...
#66. Takeoff Launches His Own NFT Platform Called Apes in Space
NFT owners will have the chance to win Ethereum, Migos tickets and more. Takeoff Apes in Space NFT ...
#67. AMC Stock: How Much $10000 Invested This Year Is Worth Now
Not many stocks will · Just a $10,000 investment in the struggling movie theater chain would be worth $129,765 now. · Why all the love for · AMC ...
#68. Welcome to the stonk market - The Verge
So retail traders bought into stocks — not with the idea of making a ... But the rallying cry of r/WallStreetBets is “Apes together strong!
#69. 'I put my life savings in crypto': how a generation of amateurs got
(Unlike listed stocks, bitcoin can be traded 24 hours a day.) ... (“Ape” is internet slang for a bullish retail investor.) ...
#70. AMC Share Price: Market manipulation on the way ... - FXStreet
AMC Apes point to market manipulation in dark pool charts with a new ... on Monday as the stock surges 7% in the first hour of trading.
#71. What Is Stock Market Manipulation? - The Balance
Definition and Examples of Stock Market Manipulation. Market manipulation is an intentional effort to deceive and defraud investors by artificially affecting ...
#72. Mighty Ape
New Zealand's place to shop online with thousands of in-stock Electronics, Computers, Musical Instruments, Games, Books, Toys, Hobbies, ...
#73. 'Apes saving apes': Why Gamestop traders spent ... - WWLP
Now, the subreddit is banding together once again, this time in the service of adopting endangered gorillas. It's all part of a well-meaning ...
#74. The Story Behind 'Stonks' - Merriam-Webster
Buying low and selling high in the meme market. What to Know. Stonk, a deliberate misspelling of stock (meaning “a share of the value of a ...
#75. Is it Time for Bargain Shopping or Cliff Watching?
Meaning stocks outperformed the average annual growth rate of ~10% by a healthy amount over the past two years. This is all just to say, they ...
#76. Binance NFT | Marketplace for NFTs and Mystery Boxes
Discover the latest premium NFTs and Mystery Boxes. Buy, sell and trade in-game assets, digital art and digital collectibles on Binance NFT today.
#77. 無題
View live ADX stock fund chart, financials, and market news. ... This was a 3 for 2 split, meaning for each 2 shares of ADX owned pre-split, the shareholder ...
#78. APENFT price today, NFT to USD live, marketcap and chart
supply of 999,990,000,000,000 NFT coins. If you would like to know where to buy APENFT, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in APENFT stock are ...
#79. 無題
These 9 Penny Stocks Are on Many Investors Watchlists Right Now. ... 2 days ago · The pandemic era has been dominated by Reddit "apes," retail traders, ...
#80. 無題
AMC's beta is close to negative 4 meaning when the stock market crashes, ... #hodl until moon glad to have the best group of #AMC apes finally joining me ...
#81. BAPE: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know & Some Things ...
Alongside Neighborhood, Hysteric Glamour and other such brands, A Bathing Ape and Nowhere helped to define the "Urahara" style of the '90s.
#82. Immutable X | The first Layer 2 for NFTs on Ethereum
A Limitless Exchange Protocol · The future of asset trading is digital. · Zero gas fees for peer to peer trading. · Set your own trading fees. · No custodial risk; ...
#83. 無題
She explained that Mayoral is a prime example of how the art world is ... NFT, or digital collectibles, can represent art, music, trading cards and more.
#84. Solana (SOL) Price, Charts, and News | Coinbase
SOL is available to buy and sell via exchanges like Coinbase. ... SOL also serves as a “governance token,” meaning that holders also are able to vote on ...
#85. Ape Inu (APEINU) on BSC -
APEINU price today is $0 with a 24-hour trading volume of $0. APEINU price is up 0% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 10,000 APEINU coins and ...
#86. Stratechery by Ben Thompson – On the business, strategy ...
Clayton Christensen explained in The Innovator's Solution: ... in a given tier of the market — companies must compete by making the best possible products.
#87. Decrypt: Your guide to Bitcoin, Ethereum & Web 3.0
In 2021, crypto exchanges chose a new marketing battleground: professional ... Bored Ape Yacht Club's disinterested-looking ape NFTs have a rabid following.
#88. CryptoPunks - Larva Labs
Via this market you can buy, bid on, and offer punks for sale. Below, you'll find information about the status of each Punk in the market. Punks with a blue ...
#89. News | The Scotsman
Mariana, 52, a marketing researcher who volunteers in a Kyiv territorial defence unit, ... Stock photo from 2002 of a fox hunt.
#90. 無題
Meaning "person who vulgarly apes his social superiors" arose 1843, popularized 1848 by ... See Definitions and Examples » Translation of "snob" in Spanish.
#91. G-Loot – Level-up your gaming skills with 24/7 esports
Experience the thrill of competitive Esports with G-Loot.
#92. Top NFT Floor Price by Trading Volume | CoinGecko
Get NFT collections floor price, trading volume, where to buy and popularity. ... 2, Mutant Ape Yacht Club, 20.99 ETH, 11.5%. 375,469.12 ETH, 3,020.41 ETH ...
#93. 無題
These Mystery Boxes contain APE/MONKEY NFTs like Solana monkey business, Degen ape ... Limited availability: offer valid for 5 days only, while stocks last ...
#94. A Fight Over GameStop's Soaring Stock Turns Ugly | WIRED
Today, a war over the value of video game retailer GameStop's stock has caused what market guru Jim Cramer called “the squeeze of a lifetime ...
#95. GameStop? Reddit? Explaining what's happening in the stock ...
Explaining what's happening in the stock market ... Increased volume can indicate a short squeeze, meaning people who had bet against the ...
#96. 無題
Stock market Insights & financial analysis, including free earnings call ... stocks, stock market, short selling, short interest explained Scan the QR ...
#97. Thus Spake Zarathustra - 第 3 頁 - Google 圖書結果
And just the same shall man be to the Superman: a laughing-stock, ... Once were ye apes, and even yet man is more of an ape than any of the apes.
#98. THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA (Modern Classics Series): The Magnum ...
What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock, a thing of shame. And just the same shall man be to the Superman: a laughingstock, a thing of shame.
apes stock market meaning 在 How The AMC Apes Cracked Wall Street - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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