athlete's foot中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

#1. athlete's foot中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
athlete's foot 翻譯:腳癬。了解更多。
#2. 「香港腳」不是hong kong foot、「黑眼圈」不是用black...一次 ...
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that would cause itching, or pain in some cases.(香港腳是一種黴菌感染,會導致發癢,在某些情況中會造成疼痛 ...
#3. 足癣- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
足癬(拉丁語:Tinea pedis)是由皮癣菌感染足部皮肤导致的皮癣菌病。足癣是用于诊断的医学术语,其ICD-10分类代码为B35.3。在华语地区常称为脚气;在英国、香港、 ...
#4. 認識「香港腳」Know more about Athlete's Foot - 屈臣氏
Athlete's foot, medically known as Tinea Pedia, is caused by fungal infection on the skin of the feet. Symptoms may include itching, peeling, ...
#5. athlete's foot - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"athlete's foot" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#6. 口語上"Athlete's foot" 才是最常見的用法。這個說法據稱源自 ...
"Athlete's foot"(IPA 音標為/ˈæθlits fʊt/)字面意思是「運動員的腳」,但其實這個字就是英文口語當中的「香港腳」。有些人認為中文裡「香港腳」這個 ...
#7. 香港腳的英文不是「Hong Kong foot」!15個小毛病英文怎麼 ...
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that would cause itching, or pain in some cases. 香港腳是一種黴菌感染,會導致發癢,在某些情況中會造成疼痛感 ...
使用Reverso Context: It can cure anti-fungal skin infections, such as yeast or athlete's foot.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"athlete's foot"
#9. 如何識別香港腳的症狀|足部護理(How to Recognize Athlete's ...
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection of our skin. ... 如何識別香港腳的症狀|足部護理(How to Recognize Athlete's Foot Symptoms | Foot Care).
#10. ATHLETE'S FOOT - 汉语翻译- bab.la英语-汉语词典
This ranges from the relatively minor, like athlete's foot, ringworm and thrush, to serious invasive fungal infections of the blood and organs. more_vert.
#11. athlete's foot - WordReference.com 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. athlete's foot n, (fungal infection), SCSimplified Chinese 足癣zú xuǎn. SCSimplified Chinese 脚气zú xuǎn,jiǎo qì.
#12. athlete\'s foot - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
香港腳;腳濕氣. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. athlete's foot. ph. 香港腳;腳濕氣. Dr.eye 譯典通. athlete's foot. n. 足癬. 牛津中文字典. Mountain View Santa Clara更新 ...
#13. 脚癣- 症状与病因- 妙佑医疗国际 - Mayo Clinic
脚癣(足癣)是一种皮肤真菌感染,通常始于脚趾间。因鞋子较紧而导致足部大量出汗的人经常患有此病。 脚癣的 ...
#14. athlete's foot是什么意思? athlete's foot翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
athlete's foot 的解释是:脚癣… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:athlete's foot的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#15. 簡介:香港腳 - CFH健康知識網
香港腳,醫學上稱為足癬(tinea pedis),因常見於運動員,因此又稱運動員的腳(athlete's foot),是一種由真菌類皮癬菌(tinea) 感染所引起的病症。
#16. athlete's foot — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“athlete's foot” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#17. 足癬 - 亞洲大學附屬醫院
足癬就是我們俗稱的香港腳(足蹠白癬、足癬、Tinea pedis, Athlete's foot),是一種黴菌的皮膚感染。 致病原因. 香港腳致病菌為皮癬菌(dermatophyte),皮癬菌主要分為 ...
#18. 在"英语"词典里athlete's foot}的意思 - Educalingo
字典中脚气的定义是足部皮肤的真菌感染,尤其是脚趾和脚底之间的真菌感染技术名称:足癣。 ... 点击查看«athlete's foot»在英语词典里的原始定义。
#19. Amazon.com: Lanmayee Foot Fungi Spray+Daub,Athletes ...
Amazon.com: Lanmayee Foot Fungi Spray+Daub,Athletes Foot Treatment Kit.Most Athletes Foot Between Toes.Foot Itching,Foot Smelly,Burning,Blisters,Cracking ...
#20. 足癬(tinea pedis),俗稱香港腳(athlete's foot) ,為黴菌 ...
病人用藥教育 惱人的香港腳(上). ◎文╱蘇純慧. 足癬(tinea pedis),俗稱香港腳(athlete's foot) ,為黴菌感染所導致的足部表淺皮膚疾病。
#21. athlete's foot中文是什么意思 - 查查在线词典
athlete's foot 的中文意思:【医学】脚气,脚癣。…,查阅athlete's foot的详细中文翻译、例句、发音和用法等。
#22. athlete's foot的中文释义 - 沪江网校
athlete's foot. 名词[医]脚癣. 英英释义. fungal infection of the feet.
#23. ATHLETE'S FOOT 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译
ATHLETE'S FOOT ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“ATHLETE'S FOOT” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#24. Athlete's foot 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Athlete's foot 释义: Athlete's foot is a fungal infection in which the skin between the toes becomes cracked... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#25. 足癬(香港腳) - 張英睿皮膚專科診所
足癬(Tinea Pedis)又稱香港腳(Athlete's Foot),是最常見的黴菌病,常在夏季發生或者是因為夏季潮濕悶熱的環境造成原本的足癬症狀加重,冬天足癬 ...
#26. Athlete's foot - Symptoms and treatment - Skin | Bumrungrad
Athlete's foot, or tinea pedis to give it its medical name, is a fungal infection that usually begins between the toes.
#27. athlete's foot 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释athlete's foot这个英文词呢? athlete's foot这个英文词,中文意思如下:脚气足癣足癬,古籍称之为田螺皰、風邪腳氣,俗称脚癣、脚溼气、 ...
#28. 足癬的歷史:香港腳真的與香港有關? - CUP媒體
香港腳的正確名稱是「足癬」,英文的醫學學名叫「Tinea pedis」,通稱叫「Athlete's foot」,中文又譯「運動員腳」。它是一種由真菌感染足部而引發的 ...
#29. Tinea Pedis (Athlete's Foot) - Dermatologic Disorders
Tinea Pedis (Athlete's Foot) ... Tinea pedis is a dermatophyte infection of the feet. Diagnosis is by clinical appearance and sometimes by potassium hydroxide wet ...
#30. 念珠菌陰唇炎 - 卡黴速停抗黴菌乳膏
中文 產品名/ 卡黴速停® 乳膏1% 英文產品名/ Canesten 1% Cream 學名/ Clotrimazole 衛 ... Canesten Antifungal cream for athlete's foot and skin fungus treatment.
#31. Closeup Skin Athlete's Foot Psoriasis Fungus, Hong Kong ...
圖片庫的closeup skin athlete's foot psoriasis fungus, hong kong foot, foot disease 圖片Image 32039581.
#32. Tinea - Healthdirect
Tinea is a common fungal skin infection. Learn about the causes, types - such as athlete's foot and jock itch - and tinea treatment and symptoms.
#33. Athletes's Foot | Member Services - Blue Cross NC
Athlete's foot is a skin disease caused by a fungus that gets its name because the infection was common among athletes. The fungus grows in warm, dark, ...
#34. Athlete's Foot In Children | Children's Hospital Colorado
An itchy rash of the feet and between the toes; Skin infection caused by a fungus; Age over 10 years. Symptoms of Athlete's Foot.
#35. How can I avoid catching my husband's athlete's foot?
Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a common fungal infection. Anyone who has suffered through the maddening itch of athlete's ...
#36. 香港腳的英文怎麼說?常見有四種寫法...
athlete's foot athlete=運動員tinea pedis tinea=癬, pedis是拉丁文pēs的變型,pēs=腳,加起來就是足癬...
#37. Managing Athlete's Foot - Forefront Dermatology
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that usually begins between the toes. It commonly occurs in people whose feet have become very sweaty while confined ...
#38. Athlete's Foot - Pharmasave
Athlete's foot, known as dermatophytosis of the foot or tinea pedis ("foot fungus"), is a common skin infection that affects the feet.
#39. Athlete's Foot | Pinetarsol Official Site Hong Kong
Athlete's Foot, also known as tinea pedis, is caused by fungal infection. In Malaysia's climate where the environment is exceptionally hot and humid, ...
#40. 香港腳Athlete's foot 疾病病徵- Seedoctor 睇醫生網
「香港腳」(Athlete's foot) 的正確名稱是腳癬(tinea pedis)。是真菌滋生引起的。 病徵是腳底、腳趾、腳趾罅等地方有痕癢、甩皮、脫皮、紅腫、以至水庖等現象。如果有細菌 ...
#41. Athlete's Foot | Quality HealthCare
Athlete's foot, known medically as tinea pedis, is a skin disease induced by a fungal infection of the foot. Although athlete's foot is infectious, ...
#42. What Is Athlete's Foot? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis ...
Athlete's foot, or tinea pedis, is a type of fungal infection of the feet. Several types of fungi, including yeasts, can cause athlete's foot.
#43. Athlete's Foot Treatment & Symptoms - Dr. Scholl's
Athlete's foot, also called tinea pedis, is a common skin infection caused by fungal organisms that grow on the feet, typically between the toes.
#44. 在线翻译athletes-foot是什么意思,包括英文解释,中文 ... - 英汉词典
[植]基细胞。 • foot fastener belt 脚扣皮带。 ath.lete's foot. athletes- ...
#45. Athlete's Foot Treatments - Westlake Dermatology
Athlete's Foot Treatment. Athlete's foot (or tinea pedis) is a skin infection in the foot caused by a fungus, usually occurring between the toes.
#46. Podiatrist Centre in Singapore | Athlete's Foot Treatment
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is the most common type of fungal skin infection and usually presents as a rash on the skin of the foot.
#47. Athlete's Foot - The Foot Doc™
Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a fungal infection that usually occurs between the toes or on the soles of the feet. The fungus that causes the ...
#48. Tinea Pedis Athletes Foot Fungal Infection 庫存照片1498532477
Tinea Pedis or or Athlete's foot or Fungal Infection on toes of Southeast Asian, Burmese child in Clinic. It is a superficial dermatophyte infection limited ...
#49. Suffering From Athlete's Foot? Try Tea Tree Oil - LinkedIn
The symptoms of athlete's foot are characterized by itchy or burning toes/feet, excessive peeling skin on the feet/toes, scaling, and pink or ...
#50. Athlete's Foot Treatment, Symptoms, Prevention and Causes
What is athlete's foot (tinea pedis). It is a common skin infection typically occurring between the toes or on the soles of the feet. It is caused by a skin ...
#51. Athlete's Foot Between the Toes - NAFTIN.com
However, athletes are particularly prone to this fungal infection. Athlete's foot between the toes is also common in anyone whose feet may sweat a lot while ...
#52. What to Do When Athlete's Foot is Burning Up Your Court
Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a fungal infection of the skin. Like most types of fungus, this brand thrives in areas that have ...
1330 名粉絲,399 人正在追蹤,1983 則貼文- 查看THE ATHLETES FOOT ... The Athlete's Foot è lo store con la migliore selezione di sneaker dei top brand.
#54. Athlete's Foot and shoes that cause it - BioPed
Athletes Foot is a fungal infection of the skin and is also known as tinea pedis.
#55. Athlete's Foot in Austin, TX - Snyder Dermatology
Athlete's foot, known as tinea pedis, is a fungus infection that occurs most commonly on the feet of athletes, where sweat and bacteria form.
#56. Athlete's Foot (for Parents) - Advocate Aurora Health
Fungal skin infections are also known as tinea infections. When fungus grows on the feet, it is called athlete's foot (or tinea pedis). It got this name because ...
#57. Athletes Foot Treatment in Flushing, Elmhurst & Brooklyn, NY
Athlete's foot is an extremely contagious infection caused by a fungus that results in itchy, burning, dry, and flaking feet. The fungus that causes Athlete's ...
#58. Do Flip-Flops Protect Against Athlete's Foot?
Public showers, locker rooms and swimming pools are breeding grounds for the fungi that cause athlete's foot. Footwear can help prevent ...
#59. Athlete's foot - Vejthani Hospital | JCI Accredited International ...
Athlete's foot, medically known as tinea pedis, is a fungal skin infection that usually begins between the toes. It is more common in individuals who wear ...
#60. Ringworm - Types of Fungal Diseases - CDC
It is called different names based on its location on the body – for example, ringworm on the feet is also called “athlete's foot.”
#61. Athletes foot. Close-up of Trichophyton rubrum — 插圖 - iStock
立即下載此Athletes Foot Closeup Of Trichophyton Rubrum 向量插圖。在iStock 的免版稅向量圖庫中搜尋更多香港腳圖像,輕鬆下載快捷簡易。
#62. THE ATHLETE'S FOOT - Casuarina Square
The Athlete's Foot Australia offers you a great range of quality running shoe brands, football boots, and lifestyle footwear such as sandals, casual dress ...
#63. Fighting fungi: athlete's foot | Teladoc Health
As shoes, socks, and feet turn damp and remain warm, the infection can develop and thrive. An athlete's foot infection can also reach to your toenails, which ...
#64. Ringworm | Vancouver Coastal Health
Ringworm of the feet is commonly called “athlete's foot”. Causes. Ringworm is caused by a fungus. It's not caused by a worm. Ringworm is contagious.
#65. Athletes Foot - Pharmacy Direct
Athletes Foot Athletes foot is a common fungal infection of the areas around the toes. Athletes foot causes itchy sore feet and is very contagious.
Smelly feet and a strong foul odor in more severe cases of athlete's foot infections. JOCK ITCH. Jock itch (tinea cruris) is a contagious fungal infection that ...
#67. Athlete's Foot Treatment | Kansas Foot Center, Wichita
When the fungus infects the skin of the feet, it causes athlete's foot. When it infects other areas, it can produce jock itch, ring worm, or fungal toenail ...
#68. Facts About Athlete's Foot
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is an itchy, scaly, red rash that can burn and sting. It is an infection caused by the same fungus that is ...
#69. Athlete's Foot - Dania Dermatology
Athlete 's foot (tinea pedis) is a common fungal infection that develops in the moist areas between the toes or on the soles of the feet.
#70. Athlete's Foot - Westchester Dermatology Medical Clinic
Athlete's Foot · Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is a common fungal infection that develops in the moist areas between the toes or on the soles of the feet. · Risk ...
#71. Athlete's Foot - Kiwi Chemist
Athlete's Foot · Filters · Resolve Plus 0.5% Cream 30g · Lamisil Cream 1% 15g · SolvEasy Tinea Cream 1% · Daktarin Powder 30g · Resolve Jock-itch Cream 25g · Resolve ...
#72. SolvEasy Tinea Cream - Ego Pharmaceuticals Australia
Using SolvEasy Tinea Cream is a quick and easy way to treat athlete's foot. This effective formulation continues to act for days after the last application.
#73. Tea Tree Oil vs. Tinactin for Athlete's Foot | NutritionFacts.org
Speaking of fungus, what about tea tree oil in the treatment of athlete's foot? That may actually be our most common fungal skin infection, ...
#74. Athlete's foot 是什么意思,中文意思| 脚癣英文怎么说| 医学
LetPub推出的科学术语在线词典汇集了最全面的专业术语词汇翻译,SCI论文对照, 包括多种学科领域。如中医常用医学名词,传染病学名词,儿科医学名词,内科学专业名词, ...
#75. Athlete's Foot Symptoms - AFC Urgent Care
Tinea Pedis, most commonly known as Athlete's Foot, is a contagious foot fungus that affects areas on your body such as feet, toenails and hands.
#76. ATHLETE'S FOOT - Dr. Geller | Beverly Hills CA
Athlete's Foot is a common skin infection on the foot caused by fungus, and occurs most often between the toes.
#77. 14 Ways to Treat and Prevent Athlete's Foot - wikiHow
#78. Buy Canesten Once Daily Antifungal Athletes Foot Cream with ...
Athlete's foot usually occurs between your toes, but it can also affect the soles and side of your feet. Good to know! You don't have to be an athlete to get ...
#79. Lamisil Athlete's Foot Treatment Cream, 1 oz. - the HSA Store
The cream can relieve athlete's foot symptoms such as itching, burning, cracking, and scaling; It can also treat jock itch and ringworm. Specifications: Size: ...
#80. Foot Ailments: Entire Foot - Athletes Foot - FootSmart
Wet feet trapped in closed-in shoes, socks and hose provide the perfect environment for the athlete's foot fungus, which thrives in warm, dark, moist climates.
#81. Signs of Athlete's Foot
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection on the feet that causes a red, scaly and itchy rash between the toes. The skin may form blisters, ...
#82. Running with Athlete's foot - Alpine Foot & Ankle Clinic
Athlete's foot is a very common problem affecting runners from the ... Athlete's foot, otherwise known as Tinea pedis, ... 繁體中文 日本語
#83. Athlete's Foot - Beverly Hills Physicians
Athlete's foot is the most common term to describe a fungus condition involving the skin of the feet and toes. Another term is Tinea Pedis.
#84. Athletes Foot Treatment in Frisco, Tx | RNV Podiatry
Athletes Foot Treatment - At RNV Podiatry in Frisco Texas, Dr. Rachel Verville, podiatrist and Athletes foot doctor provides treatment for Athletes foot.
#85. Athletes Foot Treatment | Podiatrist | Astoria Queens NY
Athletes Foot. Athlete's foot is a very common skin infection of the foot caused by the ringworm fungus, and is exacerbated by warm, moist conditions.
#86. Athlete's Foot - Dr. Jeffrey J. Betman & Associates
Athlete's foot is an extremely contagious infection caused by a fungus that results in itching, burning, dry, and flaking feet.
#87. Athlete's Foot - Family Foot & Ankle Care of Jasper
Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, is the most common type of fungal skin infection in humans. It has close relations to other types of fungus that ...
#88. Canesten Anti-Fungal Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis) Cream 50g
Canesten Clotrimazole cream is a convenient broad spectrum anti-fungal cream for the treatment of athlete's foot.
#89. Lamisil Athlete's Foot Treatment Cream, 1 oz. - The FSA Store
The cream can relieve athlete's foot symptoms such as itching, burning, cracking, and scaling; It can also treat jock itch and ringworm. Specifications: Size: ...
#90. 香港腳(足癬)如何根治、保養與預防?醫師圖文完整解答
就靠你把正確知識傳播出去囉! Reference. UpTodate: Dermatophyte (tinea) infections; UpTodate: Patient education: Ringworm, athlete's foot, and ...
#91. Category:Athlete's foot - Wikimedia Commons
Media in category "Athlete's foot". The following 24 files are in this category, out of 24 total. Articulo sobre pie de atleta y los ...
#92. 公務員事務局- 搜尋政府部門常用辭彙
英文, Athlete Affairs Department [Hong Kong Sports Institute]. 中文, 運動員 ... 中文, 卓越成就獎〔香港體育學院運動及獎學金計劃〕 ... 英文, athlete's foot.
#93. Scholl Athlete's Foot Spray 150ml - 友和 YOHO
Contains Tolnaftate, an antifungal medication to treat Athlete's Foot Fungi. How to use. Us this medicine only on your skin. Keep out of eyes. Wash and dry ...
athlete's foot中文 在 口語上"Athlete's foot" 才是最常見的用法。這個說法據稱源自 ... 的推薦與評價
"Athlete's foot"(IPA 音標為/ˈæθlits fʊt/)字面意思是「運動員的腳」,但其實這個字就是英文口語當中的「香港腳」。有些人認為中文裡「香港腳」這個 ... ... <看更多>