Resepi ayam masak lada hitam
250 gram ayam (dipotong kecil)
½ biji bawang besar (dikisar)
3 ulas bawang putih (dikisar)
1 inci halia (dikisar)
4 sudu sos lada hitam
Sedikit mixed herbs
Sedikit kicap
Sedikit serbuk lada hitam
1 biji tomato
Daun sup (untuk hiasan)
Cili hijau (untuk hiasan)
Sedikit minyak untuk memasak
1 biji tomato
Sedikit air
Cara penyediaan:
1. Perapkan ayam dengan kesemua bahan di atas selama 30 minit.
2. Tumis ayam yang diperap dengan sedikit minyak.
3. Siap untuk dihidangkan. Hiaskan dengan hirisan cili hijau dan daun sup
Blackpepper chicken recipe
250 grams chicken (cut into smaller pieces)
½ onion (blended)
3 cloves of garlics (blended)
1 inch of ginger (blended)
4 tbsp blackpepper sauce
A bit of mixed herbs
A bit of soy sauce
A bit of blackpepper powder
1 tomato
Parsleys (for garnish)
Green chillies (for garnish)
A bit of cooking oil
A bit of water
Cooking method:
1. Marinate the chicken with all of the above ingredients for 30 minutes.
2. Stir fry the marinated chicken with a bit of oil.
3. Ready to serve. Garnish the dish with sliced green chillies and parsleys.
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Black Pepper Chicken recipe. Ingredients: Chicken leg quarter Garlic Shallot Black pepper Soy sauce Oyster sauce Lemon juice... ... <看更多>