#Opinion by #decentralizehk 高重建|"There is one thing in common among all the cases mentioned above: none of the people involved have been convicted of any crime. Freezing citizens’ assets as a form of punishment before they ever face a trial is a handy tool for the regime. When not even courts can order the freezing of the lifetime savings of a citizen, the regime surely has no reason not to use the handy tool to crack down on voices of opposition. Besides, with the national security law having taken effect, the government is equipped with even bigger power. It can easily freeze more assets of more people. Surely more cases of frozen assets will emerge."
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With isolation, domestic abuse activists fear ‘explosive cocktail’
“Safer at Home.” It’s a slogan of choice for the mandatory ( ) confinement ( ) measures aimed at curbing ( ) the spread of the coronavirus. But it’s not true for everyone.
As the world’s families hunker ( ) down, there’s another danger, less obvious but just as insidious ( ), that worries advocates ( ) and officials: a potential spike ( ) in domestic violence ( ) as victims spend day and night trapped at home with their abusers, with tensions ( ) rising, nowhere ( ) to escape, limited or no access ( ) to friends or relatives — and no idea when it will end.
“An abuser will use anything in their toolbox to exert ( ) their power and control, and COVID-19 is one of those tools,” said Crystal Justice, who oversees ( ) development at the National Domestic Violence Hotline, a 24/7 national hotline in the United States. In cities and towns everywhere, concern is high, and meaningful numbers are hard to come by ( ). In some cases, officials worry about a spike in calls, and in others, about a drop in calls, which might indicate that victims cannot find a safe way to reach out for help.
In Los Angeles, officials have been bracing ( ) for a spike in abuse. “When cabin fever ( ) sets in, give it a week or two, people get tired of seeing each other and then you might have domestic violence,” said Alex Villanueva, the sheriff ( )of Los Angeles County.
“One of the key challenges of this health pandemic is that home isn’t a safe place for everyone,” said Amanda Pyron, executive director of The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence, based in Chicago. “Victims and the abusers have to stay at the scene of the crime.”
Similar concerns have arisen in hard-hit ( ) continental Europe. In France, “it’s an explosive cocktail,” says Nathalie Tomasini, a leading lawyer for domestic violence victims there. Being trapped in an apartment with an abusive partner, she said, is akin to ( ) “a prison with no open window.”
In addition to intimate partner violence, concerns have also been raised about child abuse. In jurisdictions ( ) everywhere, the chief worry is not only that coronavirus tensions could trigger more abuse, but that with kids out of school, more cases could go unreported or unnoticed.
“If kids are not at school, those reports aren’t getting made,” said Jessica Seitz, public policy director for the advocacy group Missouri Kids First. “That’s really a crack ( ) in the system.”
Without educators ( ) in place, “We really need neighbors to check on next-door children and children in the neighborhood,” said Tom Rawlings, director of Georgia state’s Division of Family and Children Services.
Back at the National Domestic Violence Hotline, which is based in Austin, Texas but has staff working remotely now, advocates are urging people in potentially risky situations to use the more discreet ( ) chat and text options available on their website, and to formulate ( ) a personal safety plan. This could include setting up a standing call with relatives or establishing a code phrase to signal an emergency.
因疫情封城禁足 反促長家暴危機
為遏止冠狀病毒傳播而頒布的禁足令,選用「Safer at Home」(待在家更安全)作為口號,以強制民眾待在家。然而,待在家裡並非對每個人來說都會更安全。
「這種大流行病的主要挑戰之一是,家裡並非對每個人來說都是安全的地方」,芝加哥「網絡:反家暴倡議」(The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence)的執行董事阿曼達‧派蓉說道。「受害者與施暴者只能待在犯罪現場」。
倡議團體「密蘇里州兒童優先組織」(Missouri Kids First)的公共政策主任潔西卡‧塞茲表示:「如果孩子們不在學校,這些案件就不會被通報」。「這真是系統的漏洞」。
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crack down on crime 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳解答
[是日偽Data Science]咩情況應該用Pie Chart?侮辱讀者同自己智商嗰時。
TLDR:唔好用Pie Chart。任何情況下都唔好。有乜嘢衰過Pie Chart?就係3D Pie Chart
1. 你鍾意可以睇原文(但要訂戶:)Korea Set to Crack Down on Chaebols With Corporate Reform (https://bityl.co/4YtH),但反正重點不在內容,我只係討論呢個圖。絶對係chart crime
2. OK,美斯,彭博當然係專業的(唔專業我唔使一個月畀幾舊水睇),但今次我可以講,呢個圖,我去整都好過佢。
3. 我在Patreon貼過呢張圖,叫讀者睇下有乜問題。咁多人都答到,加埋唔係100%。亦唔止係四捨五入問題。但如果只係咁,就唔會要寫篇文啦。
4. 更重要嘅係:根本,唔應該用pie chart.實情,差不多任何情況都唔應該用pie chart.用pie chart 係挑戰人類文明底線的,應該所有稍為有淅醋嘅data visualizer都會叫你唔好用,特別係任何正經嘅文章
5. Pie chart有乜問題?之後細講。但不如我地首先講下,點解咁多問題,都仲有人用?事實彭博都常用,我以前啲報告都有用過—所以唔使拎嚟打我面,但,我係跟公司規矩用。係呀,公司叫食屎咪食。而有啲媒體,例如Quartz,New York Time,Washington Post之類,in house嘅工具根本就冇pie chart(*)
6. 咁Pie chart咁多問題,都仲有咁多人用,總有原因。好簡單,同零食,content farm,賤男,淫婦,陰謀論一樣,極具性格而無奈未可當正餐,但一個字:過癮,而且靚。
7. 人性就係鍾意「圓」,圓滿(https://bityl.co/4ZGS)。亦有研究做過,人類普遍鍾意曲線嘅嘢(https://bityl.co/4ZGQ),例如Double May(問教宗就知)。而起角嘅嘢呢(例如埃汾),多數都會畀人覺得危險(本人有期嘅username就叫「危險的啤」)。事實我地祖先嘅世界,大自然,係曲線多,去到較近代先有人工建築咁多直線。
8. 亦因為咁,Pie chart由遠古時代開始已出現,我地祖先(特別係數學同哲學撚)對圓形有異常嘅執迷,就帶到去今日。但,人要長大嘛。
9. 講返呢個圖,南韓5大財閥佔該國GDP。數字我望過冇錯(**)我自己做過一次,你呢五個數字放入Excel,auto suggest就會畀個pie chart你,就係咁嘅嘢。
10. 但點解加埋唔係100%?因為,就係加埋唔等於100%咯!5大加埋就係南韓GDP 44.2%。咁而家個圖整出嚟,就係當44.2%係100%(!)之下,5大各自佔呢入面嘅幾多%。唔知講乜?亦可以理解為,每間公司在5大呢個universe入面各自佔幾多。死未?「例如你見Samsung,塊餅大約係三份一,就係16.4% as a % of 44.2%,即係37%左右」。記住呢句嘢,下面再講
11. 你話唔想咁煩,咁可以點?得,你咪加個others(comment會貼圖)。靚仔晒。不過有乜後果?首先,原來Others過半,感覺幾混吉。另外,唔劃刻度,你可能都睇唔到LG同SK邊個大啲。
12. 解決方法?好撚簡單:唔撚好用Pie Chart.你用個Bra Chart(特登打錯的)咪得!(Comment 會貼)。我又唔使加個Others,又visualize 到原本個效果!
13. 咁點解仲要用Pie Chart?巴閉咯,英雄主義。
14. 事實上,頭先我就已經講咗Pie Chart嘅問題了。叫你save低嗰段,你睇多次。或者,而家望下佢原本個圖,睇多次。請問,Samsung嗰塊餅,係大過三份一,定細過三份一呢?亦即係問,隻角係大過120度定細過?驗眼乎?(答案係37%,大過三份一)
15. 另外,Hyundai同SK嗰兩塊,你遮住個刻度,敢唔敢話好易睇到邊舊大邊舊細?你得嘅話,「咁不如話我知,呢兩舊大過五份一,定細過?」(答案:一個大過,一個細過!)
16. 用Bra Chart,咪唔會有呢個問題咯!邊個長邊個短,一睇睇到,21%同19%都分到。
17. 頭先講過,Pie Chart嘅吸引力,嚟自人類對圓形嘅迷戀,特別係遠古年代。但呢樣嘢正害咗大家,中一科學堂應該頭幾堂就教你,我地嘅感官,係唔可靠嘅。所以先要儀器,否則個個目測得啦。
18. 人類雙眼,判斷啲Pie邊舊大邊舊細嘅能力,極低。要判斷一舊Pie佔total幾多,更低。實驗做過,一般人consistently 低估銳角嘅大細,而又高估鈍角嘅大細(https://bityl.co/4ZGH).又:細過90度就銳角,大過90度就鈍角,要咁寫我都覺得唔好意思,香港嘅STEM又係得啖笑
19. 一百年前已經鬧:“The circle with sectors is not a desirable form of presentation”, “In a sense, it might be construed as an insult to a man's intelligence to show him a pie chart.”
20. 記住係靚,但張無忌老豆(好似係)教佢,靚嘅嘢就害你。The point of charts is to communicate data effectively. 但當然,有時始終係it’s more about art than science
21. 下次再有你唔妥嘅同事用Pie Chart,記住以上呢堆句子。正文完,下面係……延伸閱讀
22. 係呀,你以為我鳩寫,但我寫Pie Chart都睇五六篇文的,台上一分鐘台下十年功啦。美斯啦,「你咁叻,你寫丫」。所以點解要訂我 Patreon(https://bityl.co/4Y0h),我幫你訂埋啲文睇埋消化埋整理埋仲令你有得笑。以下呢幾篇,應該包咗當今全世界最出名嘅幾個Data Visualizer了
23. Save the Pies for Dessert (https://bityl.co/4YvU)—呢篇長啲,但多圖多例子。如果只睇一篇就睇呢篇。Stephen Few ,神級人馬
24. The Worst Chart In The World (https://bityl.co/4ZG0)—呢篇簡單又好睇
25. Pie Charts(https://bityl.co/4ZH9)— 教父級,Edward Tufte,不過只講文反而上面嗰篇好睇啲。
26. The pie chart: Why data visualization’s greatest villain will never die(https://bityl.co/4YvP)—好似要訂戶,而埃汾是訂戶,我幫你訂晒所有嘢仲要睇埋消化埋,亦係一個支持埃汾Patreon嘅理由(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)
27. Should You Ever Use a Pie Chart?(https://bityl.co/4YvS)—同樓上同一個作者,詳細,但深啲。
28. 係喎,明明Data Visualization 唔係埃汾本行(***),居然要睇咁多篇文.證明我有幾咁痛恨Pie Chart.
(*)留意,唔用Pie chart嘅,似乎都係比較「左」嘅媒體。左in American context.WSJ 彭博之類依然會用。
(**)但呢類XX行業 XX活動 佔 GDP XX% 嘅講法,我一路都好質疑,你見我好少寫。我到而家都唔係好知點計出嚟。例如呢個圖,五大財閥集團嘅收入,同GDP比。但大佬,GDP係valued added喎,真係可以同上市公司嘅收入相比?
(***)本人既唔識data 又唔識 visualization(你見呢度平時啲圖就知),正如用PowerPoint嘅人(都係我)既冇Power又冇Point
Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100蚊唔使,3個月已700人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)
crack down on crime 在 Crime Crackdown | 扫黑风暴 | Sun Honglei, Lay Zhang, Liu Yijun 的推薦與評價
Crime Crackdown | 扫黑风暴 | EP01 | Sun Honglei, Lay Zhang, Liu Yijun | WeTV【INDO SUB】. 257,763 views257K views. Premiered Aug 14, 2021. ... <看更多>