5 天前 — distillery 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 ... As we have said already, the distilleries and their products make an invaluable contribution ...
#2. distilleries - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"distilleries" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... copper and ironfoundries, distilleries, potteries and agricultural [...].
#3. distillery - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
KK[dɪˋstɪlərɪ]; DJ[diˋstiləri]. 美式. n. 蒸餾室;釀酒廠. Dr.eye 譯典通 · distillery · 查看更多. IPA[dɪˈstɪləri]. 美式. 英式. n. 釀酒廠. 牛津中文字典 ...
distilleries中文 :n. 蒸餾間,釀酒廠( distillery的名詞復數) …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋distilleries的中文翻譯,distilleries的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#5. distilleries的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
N-COUNT(採用蒸餾法的)釀酒廠. A distillery is a place where whisky or a similar strong alcoholic drink is made by a process of distilling.
#6. distillery是什么意思? distillery翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
distillery 的解释是:蒸馏间, 酿酒厂… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:distillery的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#7. DISTILLERIES 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
The Liberties Whiskey Distilleries. 自由威士忌酿酒厂的. Kentucky Bourbon Distilleries Tours. 肯塔基波旁酿酒旅. 人们也翻译.
Distillery \Dis*till"er*y\, n.; pl. {Distilleries}. [F. distillerie.] 1. The building and works where distilling, esp. of alcoholic liquors, is carried on.
#9. distiller - 蒸餾器 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
中國大陸譯名: 蒸馏器. 以distiller 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙.
#10. distillery翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
distillery中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 釀酒廠;蒸餾室。英漢詞典提供【distillery】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#11. distilleries 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#12. distillery-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: a.m. - Visit of the Damoiseau distillery,在英语-中文情境中翻译"distillery"
#13. distilleries 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释distilleries这个英文词呢? distilleries这个英文词,中文意思如下:酿酒厂。 Meaning of distilleries for the defined word.
#14. The Akashi-Tai Brewery and The Kaikyō Distillery
Languages English Français 日本語 한국어 简体中文 繁體中文. This site uses cookies to improve our services. By continuing browsing, you accept the use of ...
#15. The World Atlas of Whisky: More Than 200 Distilleries ... - 博客來
書名:The World Atlas of Whisky: More Than 200 Distilleries Explored and 750 Expressions Tasted,語言:英文,ISBN:9781845339425,頁數:336,作者:Broom, ...
#16. 'distillery' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典
'distillery' 的简体中文Translation of | 官方柯林斯英语- 汉语词典网上词典。10 万条英语单词和短语的简体中文翻译。
#17. 美國人的原罪溶在酒裡
Distill的拉丁文詞根stillare意思是「滴落」。由distill派生出名詞distiller(以蒸餾法造酒的人)和distillery(造酒廠)。 這個故事和美國歷史上的 ...
#18. Distiller | LinkedIn
Distiller | 493 位LinkedIn 關注者。Distiller is the largest community for spirits consumers on the planet. Rate, review & discover your next favorite pour.
#19. distilleries的中文意思_用法 - 沪江网校
corn distillery 玉米酒精厂. distillery yeast 酒精酵母,酒精酵母. beverage distillery 【机】 造酒厂. distillery refuse 烧酒业下脚料.
#20. distillery - 中文百科知識
相關詞條 ; distillery ; 溫莎 · 概述 溫莎連鎖 城市名稱 洋酒品牌 歷史回顧 ; Gujinggong Liquor · Product Briefs Enterprise Culture ; Siziwang Banner · Ethnic Population ...
#21. distillery - 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. distillery nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (place where alcohol is distilled), 酿酒厂 niàng jiǔ chǎng. 蒸馏酒厂
#22. Kavalan Whisky 噶瑪蘭威士忌
#23. distilleries是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全
#24. distillery - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
在PONS在线词典中查找distillery的英语中文对照翻译。包括免费词汇训练器、动词表 ... In 1931, eighteen sugar distilleries and four factories were in production.
#25. distilling单词的级别、释义、真人发音、例句 - 轻松背单词
distilling. 级别, 附加级. 音标, [ dɪs'tɪlɪŋ ]. 解释, n.蒸馏(作用)v.蒸馏( distil的过去式和过去分词)( distilled的过去分词);从…提取精华. 英英释义.
#26. 使用Adobe Acrobat Distiller 建立PDF。
在Acrobat Distiller 中,您可以選擇用於將文件轉換為PDF 的設定、保全選項和字型資訊。您還可以使用Acrobat Distiller 視窗來監視等待中的PDF 轉換 ...
#27. HITACHINO BREWING Tokyo Distillery - 秋葉原/啤酒吧
... BREWING Tokyo Distillery (秋葉原/啤酒吧)的店鋪資訊!有感想、評價與照片等,有來自使用者的真實資訊!也有關於地圖及餐點菜單的詳細資訊。(繁體中文)
#28. Chemical Distillery | 精英危险中文站维基| Fandom
化學釀酒廠船舶中發現的成分:經常被運輸船使用。被毀壞的運輸船可以從航道上的戰鬥餘波中打撈出來。已知可從高安全系統中的信號源中打撈出來。化學蒸餾廠允許從另一種 ...
#29. distilleries翻译为:蒸馏间,酿酒厂( d
distilleries 的中文意思:蒸馏间,酿酒厂( d,点击查看详细解释:distilleries的中文翻译、distilleries的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握distilleries ...
#30. 澳洲頂級蒸餾酒廠—澳洲旅遊局 - Tourism Australia
您可以到那富鄉村特色的酒窖又或者幽靜的杜松子酒園(Gin Garden)品嚐當中屢獲殊榮的酒品,並享受島上熱情好客的態度。 Applewood Distillery. Applewood Distillery位於 ...
#31. High Coast Distillery - Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei
而為避免致使消費者將其品牌與其他相似名稱品牌混淆,自2018年7月起,原酒廠名稱BOX DISTILLERY,將更名為『HIGH COAST DISTILLERY』,中文品牌名稱將同步調整為「瑞典 ...
#32. 法蘭克福水牛蹤蒸餾酒廠(Buffalo Trace Distillery)附近的飯店
Capital Plaza Hotel酒店位于法兰克福(Frankfort)市中心,距离Buffalo Trace Distillery酿酒厂和肯塔基州议会大厦(Kentucky State Capitol)不到2公里,配有健身 ...
#33. 多倫多景點】Distillery Historic District 滿是酒香的文創古釀酒 ...
Distillery Historic District(繁體中文官方網頁): Address: 55 Mill St, Toronto, ON M5A 3C4, Canada,電話:+1 416.364.1177,
#34. 英语-汉语distillery翻译
'distillery'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。 ... During prohibition there was an abundance of illegal distilleries, while illegal drugs have ...
#35. olomouc distillery 中文意思是什麼 - 線上英文字典
olomouc distillery 中文意思是什麼. olomouc distillery 解釋. 奧洛穆茨蒸餾廠. olomouc : 奧洛摩治; distillery : n. 1. 蒸餾室。2. 酒廠。
#36. distillery是什麼意思 - 海词词典
The same family has run this successful whisky distillery for most of this century. 這個家庭在大半個世紀里成功地經營著這家威士忌酒廠。
#37. 登入以讚好或回應。 - Instagram
438 個讚好,28 則回應- Instagram 上的Maplewood Brewery & Distillery(@maplewoodbrew):「 PANTS DROP AT THE LOUNGE TONIGHT! Come snag your limited edition ...
#38. 產品
Ardgowan Distillery. 有關艾高旺 艾高旺遠征 ... + 中文(簡体). 理性饮酒。继续浏览此网站,您必须确认您已达到居住国家的法定饮酒年龄。请浏览此网站,将代表您 ...
#39. Islay Whisky Distilleries - 愛丁堡威士忌學院
How to Pronounce the Scotch Whisky Distillery Names in the Islay Region. ... perfect place for whisky distilling due to the ready supply of barley and peat.
#40. Glen Grant Whisky Distillery and Garden - 旅遊景點評論
評論 ; 所有語言 ; 英語(226) ; 德語(24) ; 中文(繁體)(0).
#41. 蒸餾廠英文,distilling plant中文,食品科技 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 蒸餾,蒸餾器,蒸餾廠,靜止 still 【食品科技】 蒸餾廠 distilling plant 【食品科技】 蒸餾廠液 distillery stillage 【食品科技】
#42. 新港酒廠New Harbour Distillery - 東虹有限公司
有感於近年來食安事件頻傳,以秉持著行銷健康無汙染食品的初衷創立東虹有限公司。所有的南非產品都是自己親自去開普省精心挑選,追求著食品安全、健康及美味; ...
#43. distiller中文翻譯 - 字典
distiller 漢語翻譯. v.t. 蒸餾;釀出(液汁),分泌,滲出,使一滴滴流出;<書>散發出,散布 v.i. [化]餾出 i v.t. 分泌,滲出:plante qui distille du venin 分泌毒液的植物
#44. 林多爾修道院威士卡-1494
Distilling was taking place on this site at least as early as 1494, ... Learning as much as we can from the great Scottish distillers around ...
#45. distiller中文翻译- 法语词典_单词乎
法语distiller的中文翻译:v.t. 蒸馏;酿出(液汁),分泌,渗出,使一滴滴流出;散发出,散布v.i. [化]馏出i v.t. 分泌,渗出:plante qui di,distiller例句,法语词典。
#46. 蘇格蘭旅遊|10間好評威士忌酒廠,報你知!
·布萊爾阿蘇酒廠Blair Athol Distillery · ·麥卡倫酒廠The Macallan Distillery · ·波摩酒廠Bowmore Distillery · ·泰斯卡酒廠Talisker Distillery.
#47. 翻译'distillery' – 字典中文-英文
检查“ distillery”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中distillery的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#48. Lists of distilleries - Ryukyu Awamori
A web portal for knowing and enjoying more about Awamori. Language 日本語 English 繁體中文 简体中文 한국어 ภาษาไทย. MENU.
#49. Chase Distilleries | PotatoPro
Chase Distilleries is the company founded by Will Chase after he sold Tyrrell's Potato Chips. Most prominent product of Chase Distilleries: potato vodka.
#50. Wakatsuru Saburomaru Distillery|Japanese Whisky Distillery
Saburomaru Distillery is the only distillery in the Hokuriku region ,Japan. ... 中文. Wakatsuru Saburomaru Distillery. The Only Whisky Distillery in the ...
#51. Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers 莫里森蘇格蘭威士忌酒廠
當時以生產威士忌利口酒為主,例如:已傳承數百年的家族配方所研發的可倫巴奶油威士忌利口酒(Columba Cream Liqueur)。 ◩1996年:. 於伯斯(Perth)的班克夫特村(Bankfoot) ...
#52. distillery的意思在线翻译:英文解释,中文含义,短语词组,音标读音 ...
共找到1项关于distillery意思的翻译解释和用法说明. 相关词• distillery 单词意思查询Top5 • outlet的意思 • logo的意思 • menu的意思 • combo的意思 • premium的意思
#53. distillers的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇 - 英语人
distillers. 单词解释请参考:distil. distillers的基本解释: n. 蒸馏酒者, 蒸馏器( distiller的名词复数). 相关中文词汇: 蒸馏酒者.
#54. Shochu Tasting, Distillery Tour | Travel Tips - 鹿児島県観光連盟
With 113 distilleries and over 2000 different brands, Kagoshima is known as the kingdom of shochu.
AGRO GRAPE DISTILLERY es una empresa fundada en el año 2.018, dedicada a la fabricación y al envejecimiento de alcoholes.
#56. 格蘭利威品牌故事中文影片- YouTube
#57. 格蘭利威三桶大師精選1000ml
該款威士忌「充滿果味、酒體順滑和平衡感」。 #The Glenlivet Master Distillers Reserve#三桶熟成系列#利威大師一公升#Glenlivet #Triple Cask#單一純麥威士忌.
#58. Governor Hochul Announces Applications Now Available for ...
Legislation signed by Governor Hochul on December 21, 2021, created new temporary permits for breweries, wineries, distilleries, ...
#59. Australian rum distillery Sunshine & Sons wasting nothing ...
1 天前 — A Sunshine Coast distillery is using local sugar cane, pineapples and tropical fruit to create rum using Australia's only certified organic ...
#60. distillery 中文意思是什麼
Electronic factory, food processing plant, distillery, cogeneration plant. 電子廠食品廠酒廠汽電共生廠等。 This distillery' s 10-year old whisky is the best ...
#61. Campari Group | Campari Group
繁體中文. Pусский. عربى. عربى. Nederlands. 繁體中文. 日本語. Accessibility StatementCompliance status. We firmly believe that the internet should be ...
#62. Desert Door Distillery | Driftwood, TX - Visit Austin
Desert Door is America's only sotol distillery, crafting a uniquely Texan spirit. Escape to our Desert-modern tasting room, located on the eastern edge of ...
#63. Nelson County distillery receives millions for expansion ... - MSN
On Thursday, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear announced that the Bardstown Bourbon Co. distillery would be expanding in a $28.7 million expansion.
#64. Mohegan Sun: Now Open! | Casino & Resort in CT
Chat with some of the distilleries' representatives and experts on their style whiskeys and other libations! Indulge in some barbeque by Backyard Smokers ...
#65. Cape May Brewing Co – Cape May Brewery Website
繁體中文. Pусский. عربى. عربى. Nederlands. 繁體中文. 日本語. Accessibility StatementCompliance status. We firmly believe that the internet should be ...
#66. Events & Exhibitions Calendar - Sunday, April 3rd, 2022
Distillery & Gristmill Tours. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Gristmill. On this guided tour, see the distillery where George Washington made his whiskey ...
... Teeling Whiskey Brabazon Series 4 in the Single Malt 13-20 year category, Clonakilty Distillery O'Hara's Cask Finish Special Limited ...
#68. Proof of vaccination - Province of British Columbia -
English | 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Français | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | فارسی | Tagalog ... breweries or distilleries; Local public transportation (BC ...
#69. Bisenet pytorch. tensorflow pytorch quantization super ...
基于pytorch的中文语言模型预训练模型源码更多下载资源、学习资料请访问CSDN文库频道. ... For the last two weeks I have been reading and distilling the knowledge ...
#70. Heriot-Watt takes part in Edinburgh Science Festival
Edinburgh Business School · Students · Staff · Alumni · 中文网 · Heriot-Watt University ... Students in brewing and distilling laboratory.
#71. Winebow | Fine Wines + Spirits
Winebow represents some of the most established, family-owned properties, as well as a new generation of winemakers and distillers who are dedicated to ...
#72. Argo Contemporary Art Museum & Cultural Centre ... - ArchDaily
Argo Contemporary Art Museum & Cultural Centre is a former 1920s beer distillery in the heart of Tehran that Ahmadreza Schricker ...
#73. Montgomery Parks Announces April Special Events
中文. Select a language. Other, Select Language, Afrikaans ... distilled organic liquors from McClintock Distilling(opens in a new tab).
#74. The Week Ahead: US Non-Farm Payrolls, PCE Inflation - CMC ...
Eastside Distilling (US), Q4. Expensify (US), Q4. Inspired (UK), Full-year. Paychex (US), Q3. THURSDAY 31 MARCH, RESULTS.
#75. Updates and Information on the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Receive email updates about CDC's public health work. California Department of Public Health (English / 中文 / Español). Information and California specific ...
#76. 國光客運KUO-KUANG eBus
起站地區: · 上車站: · 下車站:.
#77. 美國簡史(中文導讀英文版) 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
But in order to make rum the Puritan distilleries had to have large quantities of sugar and molasses. These necessary ingredients could be imported quite ...
#78. 柳林風聲(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
He talked of the reddening apples around, of the browning nuts, of jams and preserves and the distilling of cordials; till by easy stages such as these he ...
#79. 平面设计基础教程与上机指导/: 2005年版 - 第 334 頁 - Google 圖書結果
( 3 )单击【选项】按钮,设置【下载中文字体)为“位图” ,选中【将 PostScript 写入文件】复选框, ... 然后选中【重置 Distillers 选项】复选框,如图 11.76 所示。
#80. 酒訊Wine & Spirits Digest 10月號/2021 第184期
... 款珍稀經典出版品資料中文書名:新世紀日本威士忌品飲指南深度走訪品牌蒸餾廠, ... Whisky 宮城峽蒸餾廠——驚為天人之水 Kirin Distillery 富士御殿場蒸餾廠——性格獨 ...
#81. 蒸馏间_酿酒厂( distillery的名词复数) - distilleries翻译 - 新东方 ...
distilleries 是什么意思?distilleries怎么读?新东方在线字典为用户提供单词distilleries的释义、distilleries的音标和发音、distilleries的用法、例句、词组、词汇 ...
distilleries中文 在 格蘭利威品牌故事中文影片- YouTube 的推薦與評價
... <看更多>