布膠帶(英語:Duct tape),中文譯名或依其高強度特性譯為牛皮膠帶,或依其諧音譯為「大」力膠帶,或稱鴨子膠帶、導風管膠帶、防水布膠帶等,是一種含有布層的感壓黏 ...
#2. 【英文大哉問】一次搞懂Gaffer Tape 和Duct Tape 的差別
Tape 是我們熟知的膠帶,但由於膠帶的種類非常多,所以我們特別為大家介紹兩種容易被混淆的膠帶。他們常被應用在工業、拍片、日常生活中, ...
duct tape 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. duct tape. noun ...
duct tape中文 :n. 強力膠布(常用于維修或粘貼管道漏洞) …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋duct tape的中文翻譯,duct tape的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#5. 幕後最愛!耐熱堅固無痕,認識「膠fa」呢卷萬用法寶的故事 ...
英美國家一般簡稱Gaffer's Tape 為gaff tape,中文譯作電線膠布,而香港 ... 製造嬰兒洗髮水和爽身粉的那家公司)的duct tape 為原型,改造出「膠fa」 ...
#6. "duct tape" 和"tape" 的差別在哪裡?
Duct Tape is a type of tape, which was made during World War II While Tape on the other hand can refer to any kind of tape · 中文(簡體) · 中文( ...
使用Reverso Context: duct tape (to save space, consider wrapping a few feet around a large marker or Sharpie, instead of bringing a whole roll),在英语-中文 ...
#8. 膠帶為什麼這麼結實? (Why Is Duct Tape So Strong?)
【TED-Ed】為什麼要擦防曬乳? (Why do we have to wear sunscreen? - Kevin P. Boyd). 41K. 中文 B1 中級. KT膠帶: 膕繩肌(KT Tape: Hamstrings) ...
duct tape 中文 · 名词(Noun). A generally gray waterproof tape used for many purposes, and possessing nearly mythic status in American culture. · 动词(Verb).
#10. duct tape 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
duct tape. 分享單字. US /dʌkt tep/. ・. UK /dʌkt teip/. A1 初級. 定義 影片字幕. n. 強力的布背防水膠帶。 Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play ...
#11. 大力膠布- 3M
製造商零件編號 說明 現有數量 查看詳情 3939‑48MMX55M TAPE DUCT CLOTH SIL 1.89"X 60YDS 26 ‑ 即時供貨 查看詳情 DT17 TAPE DUCT CLOTH BLK 1.89"X 35YDS 0 查看詳情 1‑50‑3903‑BLUE TAPE DUCT CLOTH BLUE 1"X 50YDS 16 ‑ 即時供貨 查看詳情
#12. duct tape - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"duct tape" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#13. Duct Tape | 中文Unturned 维基| Fandom
Duct Tape (布膠帶、大力膠帶)是常見的製作材料。是很多物品的製作材料之一。 在2.0+版中的PEI地圖中常出現在民區,特別是製作材料區。 Arena地圖的石柱區也會出現布 ...
#14. duct tape 中文duct - Onht
duct tape 中文duct. 使膠布具防水功效。一般綑成一卷,特別是製作材料區。 Arena地圖的石柱區也會出現布膠帶。 在2.0+版中是動物皮背包,通常在外層包有聚乙烯, ...
#15. duct tape翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
duct tape中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:牛皮膠布;布基膠帶;管帶。英漢詞典提供【duct tape】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#16. duct tape是什么意思? - 百度知道
Duct tape 【物】 用来密闭供暖或空调管道的银色宽胶布. 一种多功能, 防水耐热的胶布. 一般有三层. 名字来于这种胶布常用来密闭供暖或空调管道(air ...
#17. 04662-00086-00 - Tesa - Duct Tape, PE (Polyethylene) Cloth ...
tesa® 4662 self adhesive strong duct tape; Consists of a 27 mesh woven PET/cotton fabric backing coated with a natural rubber adhesive; Excellent adhesion ...
#18. duct tape中文,duct tape是什麼意思,duct tape發音和翻譯
duct tape意思,大家都在找解答。duct tape中文n. 強力膠布(常用于維修或粘貼管道漏洞) …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋duct tape的中文翻譯,duct tape的發音, ...
#19. 3M Scotch 防水布膠帶2048D | Costco 好市多
3M Scotch Cloth Duct Tape #2048D · 商品敍述 · 商品規格 · 配送及其他說明 · 商品評價 · 評論 · PDP Message example delivery TW · PDP Message example promotion TW.
#20. duct tape的中文释义 - 沪江网校
duct tape. phr. (用于铅锤测深、房屋修理等的)银灰色胶布带,强力胶布,胶带,管道胶带. 英英释义. a wide silvery adhesive tape intended to seal joints in ...
#21. duct tape 中文叫咩?(頁1) - DIY 地帶- 電腦領域HKEPC Hardware
duct tape 中文 叫咩? duct tape 中文叫咩? 或者行內師傅會點叫? otisshan 發表於2013-11-25 01:06. 牛皮膠紙.
#22. 博客來-Silence is Golden Duct Tape is Silver: Funny Notebook ...
書名:Silence is Golden Duct Tape is Silver: Funny Notebook-Sketchbook with Square Border Multiuse Drawing Sketching Doodles Notes, ...
#23. duct tape - 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. duct tape nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (strong adhesive tape), SCSimplified Chinese 强力胶带qiáng lì jiāo dài
#24. 3M 布膠帶與強力膠帶 - 3M 台灣
3M in 台灣. 中文- ZH. Change 3M Location 儲存. 產品 行業 品牌 ... 47 產品. Duct Tapes · 大力膠帶 · 3M(TM) Glass Cloth Tape 398FR White, 2 inch ...
#25. duct tape的中文釋義_用法 - Nulaw
“duct tape” 和“tape” 的差別在哪裡? duct tape的同義字@megamo yes, “tape” can refer to both adhesive tape and a video or audio cassette tape. “do you ...
#26. Duct tape 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
...a broken lid held on with duct tape. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. 查看 ...
#27. 產品類型PVC 管路膠帶
#28. duct tape - 从英语翻译成中文 - PONS 词典
在PONS在线词典中查找duct tape的英语中文对照翻译。包括免费词汇训练器、动词表和发音功能。
#29. 簡單的Duct Tape收納法
Duct Tape (中文有人翻大力膠布)好用眾所皆知,修東修西、固定物品、生火、當容器...各種用法都有,除了馬蓋仙隨身攜帶,連流言終結者都拍了好幾集Duct ...
#30. 胶带 - 以撒的结合中文维基- 灰机wiki
胶带(Duct Tape)是一个胎衣†中加入的饰品。 效果. 角色的环绕物停止旋转。 角色的会发射眼泪的跟班停止移动。 注意. 拾起胶带的一瞬,跟班/环绕物便会停止移动/ ...
#31. 翻译'duct tape' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ duct tape”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中duct tape的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#32. duct tape英语怎么读,翻译成中文是什么意思
duct tape - 英英词典 · NOUN[名词] · a wide silvery adhesive tape intended to seal joints in sheet metal duct work but havinany other uses. 一种宽 ...
#33. Dungeons and Duct Tape - Epic Games Store
Dungeons and Duct Tape. 聽好了,就是你!由於你犯下了危害王國的罪行,因此被判在地城裡度過餘生!這個中世紀地圖帶來的新的物品,供你在試圖逃出這 ...
#34. duct-tape - 翻译为中文
duct -tape 从英文到中文的翻译.
#35. 3M™ Duct Tape萬用強力膠帶
#36. duct tape – 中文翻译– Multitran 词典
中文, 俄语, 德语, 阿拉伯语. Google | Forvo | + · duct tape · 展览 · 封管带 · 增加 | 报告错误 | 获取短网址 | 语言选择诀窍.
#37. duct tape - 中国的翻译
"duct tape"翻译中国语文: 字典英语-中文. Duct - translation ...
#38. 原来胶带还能补飞机?牛皮的那种可以 - BiliBili
这种胶带在英文里称「Duct tape」,duct是通风管的意思,这是因为灰胶带最常. ... 牛皮胶带最早其实就是个布条,也叫「Cotton duck」,中文里叫「鸭 ...
#39. 胶带(Duct Tape) - 地牢战术(Dungeon Tactics) - MC百科|最大的 ...
胶带(Duct Tape)资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组地牢战术(Dungeon Tactics),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft(我的世界)MOD(模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD下载。
#40. duct tape的中文翻釋和情境影片範例 - 訂房優惠報報
duct tape中文 ,大家都在找解答。超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與 ...
#41. Duct tape的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文 - 青云翻译
Duct tape. 5个回答. 布基胶带 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 胶带 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 输送管磁带 2013-05-23 12:24:58 回答:匿名. 胶带
#42. Duct Tape is Silver Graphic Novelty Sarastic 趣味T 恤: 服裝 Duct Tape is Silver Graphic Novelty Sarastic 趣味T 恤: 服裝,鞋子和珠寶. ... 繁體中文; 英文. 最佳評論, 最新. 最佳評論. 熱門評論美國 ...
#43. 英语-汉语duct tape翻译
In addition, the ship supplied a scraper to remove the barnacles underneath her boat, duct tape, soap, shampoo and body lotion. more_vert.
#44. Duct Tape | izi.TRAVEL
zh-hans Language: 中文. English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Nederlands Português Română Русский Svenska 中文 ... Duct Tape. 只有荷兰语英语 ...
#45. duct-tape中文意思 - 英汉词典
duct -tape的中文意思,解释和翻译是:n. 强力胶布(常用于维修或粘贴管道漏洞) [网络] 胶带。
#46. duct tape (英语→ 西班牙语)
热门:西班牙语译英语、法语译英语、日语译英语。 其他语言:保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚语、芬兰语、德语、希腊语、匈牙利语、意大利语、 ...
#47. Lifeventure Duct Tape DT超強防水修補膠帶-5M/大力貼五公尺 ...
感謝官網提供圖文說明. 因每台電腦、顯示器設定均有所不同,顏色僅供參考之用,以實物為準。敬請見諒。 因店面商品流量甚大,購物前請先留言詢問是否有現貨喔!
#48. PVC Duct Tape - Globe Industries Corporation
PVC Duct Tape - This tape is a PVC film coated with a rubber-based adhesive, having good flexibility and high corrosion resistance.
#49. 3M 3939-2 Silver Duct Tape 銀色防潮膠帶48mm x 60 碼** 原 ...
搜索WAH CHIT. 繁體中文 │ English HKD|USD|RMD. 3M 3939-2 Silver Duct Tape 銀色防潮膠帶48mm x 60 碼** 原箱9折**. 圖片 1 放大/ 更多圖片. 數量: pcs/roll
#50. duct tape 3m - 軟體兄弟
軟體兄弟 · duct tape中文; 文章資訊. Give your repair the powerful combination of color and strength with 3M Colored Duct Tape. Product information.
#51. Zero Case (duct tape and residue) | 大城數(2008) - Perrotin
大城數, 'Zero Case (duct tape and residue)'; Acrylic and Bondo on stretched canvas; 18 1/4 x 26 x 9 in 46.4 x 66 x 22.9 cm; Unique.
#52. 【duct tape】在多语言下的意思、翻译、词源、用法、例句
名词(Noun). duct tape (countable and uncountable, plural duct tapes). A generally gray waterproof adhesive tape used for many purposes. Son, ...
#53. 手綁帶| Duct Tape
... ☆ 手綁帶| Duct Tape. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. ☆ 超絕手套. 外觀: 戰場實測. Preferred by hand-to-hand fighters, these wraps protect the ...
#54. PVC Duct Tape - Symbio, Inc.
Symbio provides PVC duct tape which is ideal for wrapping duct and sealing pipes, offering protection against leakage with excellent bonding power.
#55. What's the Difference Between PVC Duct Tape and Cloth Tape?
The base material of PVC duct tape is PVC, and its industry name: anticorrosive tape and anticorrosive duct tape. Its adhesive force is strong, if the pipeline ...
#56. roll W 2 in. × 180 ft - Duct tape - Sigma-Aldrich
Duct tape roll W 2 in. × 180 ft; find Sigma-Aldrich-Z206873 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at ...
#57. duct tape - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
n. strong cloth-backed waterproof adhesive tape. Oxford American Dictionary · duct tape · 查看更多.
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#59. 購買The Escapists 2 - Dungeons and Duct Tape - Microsoft
Hear ye, hear ye, for crimes against the crown you have been sentenced to plan the perfect escape from a massive medieval fortress!
#60. Duct tape - The Free Dictionary
duct tape. n. A usually silver adhesive tape made of cloth mesh coated with a waterproof material, originally designed for sealing heating and air-conditioning ...
#61. Dungeons and Duct Tape - The Escapists 2 - Steam
The Escapists 2 - Dungeons and Duct Tape. 開發人員 ... 不支援繁體中文 ... Do you have what it takes to escape Dungeons and Duct Tape. Dungeons and Duct Tape ...
Multiple duct tape production lines, supported by multiple industrial chains. Efficient production, and timely delivery. We have perfect quality management ...
#63. Duct Tape Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find duct tape stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#64. duct tape 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
English Definition. (名) As a noun. A wide silvery adhesive tape intended to seal joints in sheet metal duct work but having many other uses.
#65. 9051 BLACK - DUCT TAPE, PE CLOTH, 50M X 48MM
Buy 9051 BLACK - Pro Power - DUCT TAPE, PE CLOTH, 50M X 48MM. Newark offers fast quotes, same day shipping, fast delivery, wide inventory, ...
#66. Duct Tape Marketing - 照片 - Facebook - 登录或注册
地点 堪萨斯城 Duct Tape Marketing 照片. 中文(简体); English (US) · Español · Français (France) · العربية · Português (Brasil) · Italiano · 한국어 · Deutsch ...
#67. The Escapists 2 - Dungeons and Duct Tape PC 版| Origin
你有沒有逃離「Dungeons and Duct Tape」的本事。 ... 支援語言. Deutsch (DE), English (US), Español (ES), Français (FR), Italiano, Русский язык, 中文(简体) ...
#68. Duct Tape | 3D Warehouse
a roll of Duct Tape #duck #duct #sticky #tape.
#69. Gaffer, Duct, Cloth Tape | Farnell UK
Buy Gaffer, Duct, Cloth Tape. Farnell offers fast quotes, same day dispatch, fast delivery, wide inventory, datasheets & technical support.
#70. HVAC Foil Tape vs Duct Tape - LinkedIn
HVAC Aluminum Foil Tape is different from the traditional sense of the Duct Tape, is a special Duct tape use for Thermal Insulation outer ...
#71. Ideal Tape 469 Duct Tape - General Insulation
Ideal Tape 469 is a duct tape suitable for a variety of applications including packaging, bundling, and securing abatement and waterproofing projects.
#72. Nashua Tape Military Duct Tape AKA 100 Mile An Hour Tape ...
Nashua Tape Military Duct Tape AKA 100 Mile An Hour Tape Olive Drab. Brand New: Brand New. 售價. HK$ 90. 推廣滿$1000送$100現金券.
#73. duct tape - Sesli Sözlük
The government tells us we can protect against a chemical attack by duct taping the windows. A generally gray waterproof tape used for many purposes, and ...
#74. duct tape 4662 fabric adhesive tape silver 48X50 - Hoffmann ...
Version: tesa® 4662 duct tape bonds with excellent adhesive strength even on rough and dusty substrates. It is waterproof, supple and flexible. Ideal for ...
#75. What does duct tape mean? -
Definition of duct tape in the dictionary. ... a wide silvery adhesive tape intended to seal joints in sheet metal duct work but having many ...
#76. Utility Grade - Duct tape manufacturers - Vibac
UTILITY GRADE. Our Duct Tapes are suitable for general repair applications, bundling, patching and mending. The polypropylene coated cloth provides ...
#77. Duck Tape Printed Duct Tape, 1.88 in x 10 yd, Rainbow
Shop quality Duck Brand products! Must-have Duct Tape products for your room! Art & Craft products to meet your classroom needs.
#78. Silver Cloth Duct Tape - ABRO
... العربية, 简体中文, Nederlands, English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Português, Русский, Español. Home / Tapes & Stretch Films / Silver Cloth Duct Tape.
#79. Once and for All: Is It Duck Tape or Duct Tape? - Adweek
“I always assumed it was duct tape because it has a reasonable explanation, right? Ducts have to be taped. What possible use could ducks ...
#80. Duct Tape it! FREE - Google Play 應用程式
Duct tape everything, tape them fast, tape them in style and get combos to maximize your score! "Duct Tape it!
#81. Chuck Norris-Duct Tape - SchoolTube
Chuck Norris-Duct Tape. From Options High School - El Paso - TX_Contributors_128168621 on September 9th, 2019. 0 likes 0 2 plays 2 ...
#82. Scotch Transparent Duct Tape @ GreenRock的雜想 - 隨意窩
各式膠帶中,我最推薦於野外求生的便是Duct Tape,以前的文章中便有介紹過。現在3M 出了透明版本的Duct Tape,強韌依舊,但是多了@ @ powmiaswat.
#83. Blacktapeproject - Instagram
Blacktapeproject. Artist. HOUSE OF DRAGONS MIAMI The only skin safe artistic body tape. Non Toxic Non Residue World Wide ...
#84. Plantar warts - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
Using duct tape to remove warts is a harmless but unproven approach. To try it, cover the wart with silver duct tape, changing it every few days ...
#85. How To Make A Gift Card Holder Out Of Duct Tape - 包爾科技 ...
make tape how duct holder gift out to card a of · Newton Gifts · Memebox Coupon Code April 2014.
#86. Video reveals horrific 'bastardisation' of recruit at Victoria's ...
It's the full gamut, the full range of any type of assault you can imagine. It's torture," his lawyer told 7.30. A man with masking tape over ...
#87. Duct Tape Lips-歌詞-Caspr|MyMusic 懂你想聽的
Duct Tape Lips-歌詞-無歌詞-MyMusic懂你想聽的,打開APP立即開始聽歌.
#88. Crossing the Border - The New York Times
Yes, There Was Duct Tape: The Harrowing Journeys of Migrants Across the Border. Crossing the Border newsletter: There is some truth to the president's ...
#89. Alt-F4 #53 - Laziness through Automation
I have to point out that all of this is very duct-tape-y and will likely break very easily as the mod's code changes.
#90. Best Silo Podcasts (2021) - Player FM
... kanda silo la kuwo lu doo lu to ko menu be ko ka a bulubaa tambindi a la sitifaani du?o to ani? a la seneyaa to an? wolu tanoo lu. Duct Tape Marketing ...
#91. 3 0(サンダル) RX シューズ SALOMON|SALOMON ...
3 0(サンダル) RX シューズ SALOMON|SALOMON(サロモン)のファッション BEAMS 別注 × SLIDE BEAMS SLIDEvans park series · duct tape · custom culture
#92. Top 7 tips to reduce your heating bill - PGE
Tip #3: Make sure all the ducts that run throughout your building have duct sealant or metal-backed (foil) tape over the seams and ...
duct tape中文 在 Duct Tape Marketing - 照片 - Facebook - 登录或注册 的推薦與評價
地点 堪萨斯城 Duct Tape Marketing 照片. 中文(简体); English (US) · Español · Français (France) · العربية · Português (Brasil) · Italiano · 한국어 · Deutsch ... ... <看更多>