多謝Jimmy Lam Radio 😊
Patrick新歌「2+2=4」喺Jimmy Lam Radio Top 20新上榜取得第13位既成績👍
(By: 小編阿妹)
本週二十首Jimmy Lam Radio播放率最高的中文流行歌曲
今個星期有4首新歌 (new!)
No.20 莫文蔚 Karen Mok 慢慢喜歡你 (non-mover)
No.19 Khalil Fong 方大同 Ten Reasons (down 7)
No.18 林奕匡 Phil Lam - 從世界到我家 (new!)
No.17 馬嘉均 Mason Ma - 捉緊你 (new!)
No.16 洪卓立 Ken Hung - 週日司機 (up 3)
No.15 歐陽日華 Kane Ao Ieong - Crazy For You (down 2)
No.14 吳浩康 Deep Ng - 階磚三 (up 3)
No.13 Patrick Tang 鄧健泓 - 2+2=4 (new!)
No.12 黃思迦 Cga Wong - Soulmate (new!)
No.11 陳奐仁 Hanjin Tan - 拉菲 (down 7)
No.10 Supper Moment - 橙海 (down 5)
No.9 陳蕾 Panther Chan - Runaway (non-mover)
No.8 林二汶 Eman Lam - Yeah (up 2)
No.7 葉巧琳 Mischa Ip - 殘渣 (up 4)
No.6 Kelly Chen 陳慧琳 - 尾站天國 (up 1)
No.5 鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng - 黑彩虹 (up 1)
No.4 吳嘉熙 Cheronna Ng - 把持 (down 2)
No.3 Calvert Fu 符家浚 - 回頭開始 (non-mover)
而佔據第一和第二均是女歌手。HANA 菊梓喬自從加入TVB星夢所推出的劇集歌為人詬病,彷彿失去了之前《七歲》《傻瓜裡的童話》《今天的我》 的獨特性。但今次似乎找到了平衡,《回到以前》貴為9:30《棟仁的時光》片尾曲 ,由HANA 菊梓喬親自作曲,歌中強勁的鼓聲,配合HANA 菊梓喬的強而有力的聲線。雖然HANA 菊梓喬個子嬌小,但她唱起歌來感覺像👍Beyonce般的澎湃diva ,可能感覺是來自她的出身。
She didn't "win at the starting line" but instead started her professional singing career at the age of 30 and has to live with hyperdontia 多齒症. Just like what her boss Herman To何哲圖
@ 星夢娛樂集團 The Voice Entertainment Group said, she could be a huge star because of her eagerness. Just like how a football match is decided - which team wants it more!
No.2 HANA 菊梓喬 -《回到以前》
And Number One goes to Rona Tsui 徐加晴 maintaining her 100% record on Jimmy Lam Radio as Rona Tsui who used to be a demo singer and now a singer in her own right @ VoV Entertainment Group getting no.1 for all of her songs so far!
《大概大概》went to no.1 on 2-Dec-2017 (Sat) and 5 months later today on 5-May-2018 (Sat)
No.1 Rona Tsui 徐加晴 - 《封箱》
作詞:林若寧 Riley Lam
編曲: 何家豪
監製: 何家豪
舊患亦丟進紙箱 餘情無人來贍養
我對你的深刻印象 用膠紙決絕封箱
大量丟下你的相 同時從回憶驗傷
放棄你只怕太牽強 越努力忘記的傷口更傷
忘掉不了的人 遺留於廢物天地
成為爛玻璃 如何逃離失戀期 如何逃離都想你
棄置又回味 沒法對你抽離 盲目的我看我不起
是否很荒謬 心死了還很留戀你 拿捏我的悲與喜
雜物盡量放開它 情懷隨殘骸腐化
我對你本應該放下 大方的接受搬家
自問未學會瀟灑 良辰能留得住嗎
廢置了的你卻牽掛 但你在傳說中多麼愛她
忘掉不了的人 遺留於廢物天地
成為爛玻璃 如何逃離失戀期 如何逃離都想你
棄置又回味 沒法對你抽離 盲目的我看我不起
是否很荒謬 心死了還照常記起 拼命忘掉更加需要你
像廢紙給拋棄 為何我還要儲起
剩下紙箱與我 只好廢物當知己
懷念使我卑微 難逃這廢物天地
還無事生非 明明逃離失戀期 明明完場的舊戲
再努力迴避 舊愛化作紙皮 還未可以放棄得起
是否很荒謬 心死了還很留戀你 連垃圾都給笑死
eagerness中文 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的精選貼文
致英國內政大臣 #盧綺婷 女士的公開信
副本抄送:英國首相 #文翠珊、下議院議長 John Bercow、外相 #莊漢生、反對黨領袖 #郝爾彬、工黨影子內政大臣 Diane Abbott
Letter to Home Secretary Ms. Amber Rudd
Mr. Andrew Kwan-yuen Leung’s application to renounce British citizenship
/Our conclusion is that the Conservative government has been extremely efficient and take utterly extraordinary practice to ensure that Mr. Leung would be able to meet the election deadline for his renunciation. In short, the Conservative government has helped in putting a puppet for Beijing on the Presidential seat of the HK Legislative Council.
The Conservative government has shown its eagerness to please the PRC during this saga, or at the very least, they had been careful to avoid offending or angering the PRC. The attitude shown in this case is so different to the self-assured image set by PM Theresa May's recent scheduling to trigger Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon. It appears as though Theresa May, of all people, has inherited David Cameron’s style of habitual kowtowing to Beijing.
The Conservative government’s flattery to Beijing, as well as the unfathomable mess by their civil servants in response to Andrew Leung's unduly reckless request may nevertheless embarrass UK people. The discretionary power exercised by the UK Government has been arbitrary, inconsistent and violated standard practices. These acts must be an embarrassment for the British people. While the British government’s forceful escorting of a Beijing assigned candidate, against concerns of legitimacy, to the throne of Chairmanship at the Hong Kong Legislative Council, is surely disappointing to the Hong Kong people./
Full letter: https://goo.gl/Xckuly
Theresa May Jeremy Corbyn
Youtube 頻道:http://goo.gl/JtEXoR
Telegram 頻道:https://telegram.me/chu_hoi_dick
eagerness中文 在 PolyEd Centre 親子教育網 Facebook 的最佳解答
希望幫到你! 如果要考英文公開試,請致電37411229
FOR SAMPLE ONLY!~ 留名我哋會再 PM 您 :)
本人乃xxx之家長。小兒將於本年九月入讀小學一年級。現特來函,期盼面提教晦,賜予機會,與小兒進行面試,以便 校長閣下能對他有更深刻認識。
xxxxxxx Content Deleted xxxxxxxxx
本人誠懇希望, 校長先生能與小兒作一短談,給小兒賜教。隨函附上小兒之成績表,歷年獲頒之獎狀,幼稚園校長對小兒之推薦信正本,敬希 卓裁。若有任何遺漏,煩請 閣下致電 : xxxxxxxx 與本人聯絡.
xxx 家長 xxx 謹上
Dear Principal,
Please excuse me for this unexpected letter expressing the eagerness of my son XXX for the education offered by XXXXXXX
xxxxxxx Content Deleted xxxxxxxxx
I would be most grateful if my son could be given an interview with the Principal so that you may obtain a more comprehensive understanding of my son.
Copies of my son’s school reports, certificates and testimonials are enclosed for your consideration.
Should anything be missing, I can be reached at XXXXXX for clarification.
Thanks for your kind attention.
Yours truly,
eagerness中文 在 的片語。 anxious本身除了有"焦慮的"意思之外 的推薦與評價
anxious本身除了有"焦慮的"意思之外,還有"渴望的"意思。 基本上用法分三類: 1. be anxious "for" + N = be longing for + N = be eager ... ... <看更多>