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#容貌焦慮 #P圖
00:00 開頭
01:56 修圖竟然也犯法?
02:44 挪威政府這樣說
03:17 修圖造成的隱性傷害
04:15 憂鬱的挪威少年少女
05:13 支持新法案的聲音
06:01 修圖標籤治標不治本?
07:05 我們的觀點:不真實的美
08:27 我們的觀點:為何網紅要修圖?
10:03 問題
10:23 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→Picture Perfect: The Direct Effect of Manipulated Instagram Photos on Body Image in Adolescent Girls:https://bit.ly/3BlDCHo
→Why experts say Norway’s retouched photo law won’t help fight body image issues:https://wapo.st/2WC5nN6
→Pinterest bans weight loss ads. That won't end anti-fat messaging, but it's a good start.:https://nbcnews.to/3Bu52e7
→Norway's law against altered photos:https://bit.ly/3yw0jH1
→Influencers react to Norway photo edit law: 'Welcome honesty' or a 'shortcut'?:https://bbc.in/3jqsVx7
→Influencers in Norway will soon have to disclose when paid posts include edited or manipulated body photos:https://bit.ly/3sYPmNd
→New Norway law mandates social media influencers disclose photo editing:https://bit.ly/3juujia
→Norway Law Forces Influencers to Label Retouched Photos on Instagram:https://bit.ly/3kBqEhX
【 延伸閱讀 】