fizz vs yasuo reddit 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

#1. How do you deal with the fizz vs Yasuo matchup? - Reddit
Its one of the harder ones since Yasuo has more sustain and damage than Fizz in the first 1-3 levels its hard to trade, his…
#2. Fizz vs Yasuo Matchup Advice Needed : r/fizzmains - Reddit
Curious to hear advice about tips, tricks and general life hacks on how to lane better against yas with Fizz. 4.
#3. fizz vs yasuo matchup : r/fizzmains - Reddit
Hi! Do you play Fizz with PTA every game, or is there some sort of extra benefit that PTA gives you over electrocute against Yasuo? I imagine ...
#4. Fizz vs. Yasuo? : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
Fizz will never land an ult against a decent Yasuo and later in the game Yasuo's wind wall can even deny your ult engages on their carries. Also Fizz does bad ...
#5. I use to dominate the Fizz vs Yasuo matchup - Reddit
I use to dominate the Fizz vs Yasuo matchup but i feel like ever since conqueror i can't beat a good yasuo now. any advice fizz mains?
#6. Fizz vs Yasuo (level 2 solokill) : r/fizzmains - Reddit
Learn how to play the Yasuo matchup and snowball the game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCDYdEi4EwU.
#7. Tips against Fizz : r/YasuoMains - Reddit
I main both, Fizz usually shits on Yasuo. Play aggressive pre lvl3. Only time where you can severely screw him over.
#8. Yasuos (that don't suck) are giving me a run for my money?
Yasuo has always been a skill matchup imo. He is very strong against melee mids with bad waveclear, since he can weave in and out with his e to ...
#9. Yasuo vs Fizz (help) : r/fizzmains - Reddit
Short Bursty trades when elec gets up just Q > AA > W gets your whole combo in like a sec and then just E out. don't play too passive in the ...
#10. Q. Fizz v Yasuo Matchup : r/fizzmains - Reddit
So usually Fizz beats up Yasuo during laning phase, or more of I assume he does from my own experience, although I'm barely ranked and have ...
#11. How to play fizz vs yasuo and zed? : r/fizzmains - Reddit
19 votes, 22 comments. 16K subscribers in the fizzmains community. The Official subreddit for the Tidal Trickster, Fizz.
#12. The Yasuo matchup : r/fizzmains - Reddit
So, I have about 1 year in League now, and I can't play against yasuo with fizz, he will just stack tornadoes and force me to e, ...
#13. How do you play on mid against Fizz? : r/YasuoMains - Reddit
You are Yasuo, you should never play defensive unless you are really far behind, or have a weaker level 1-2. Also, into AP assassins (Diana, ...
#14. [](/fizz) Fizz vs Yasuo : r/summonerschool - Reddit
Hey, new fizz main here, I always groan whenever I am matched against a yasuo and expect to lose my lane. I try to poke at him, ...
#15. Need help with dealing with fizz : r/fizzmains - Reddit
Never understood why or how Yasuo vs Fizz is a skill matchup/advantaged for Fizz. Yasuo will hard shove lane and spam Q while you farm under ...
#16. I think I should ONLY play fizz : r/fizzmains - Reddit
Do you max W first on Fizz when playing against Yasuo? Because if you just trade autos with him, he'll win the trade as he's an AD champion.
#17. Help Me Out With Fizz Matchup : r/YasuoMains - Reddit
I struggle so much when against fizz. ... IMO after the rework fizz went from being a skill matchup to heavily in yasuo's favor.
#18. How to Counter Yasuo with Kayle ft. C9 Febiven - Reddit
So would you max E first vs yasuo or still Q? ... I bet Fizz would be pretty good against him, too. ... now everyone will pick kayle vs yasuo.
#19. How i counter yasuo, katarina, fizz : r/summonerschool - Reddit
How i counter yasuo, katarina, fizz. I saw many people having problems against these champs so i said to give it a shot and tell how i think ...
#20. Need to clarify something about AHRI v FIZZ : r/leagueoflegends
I played a game a few days ago and i was fizz vs ahri, the ahri for some ... snowballs and how ridiculously well he scales. basically fizz and yasuo are the ...
#21. How do you mid vs. Yasuo? : r/summonerschool - Reddit
Yasuo has a very weak early game, and strong early laners can really mess him up. Fizz and Kha'zix are really good against him, especially if he doesn't ...
#22. How to lane against Fizz...???? : r/summonerschool - Reddit
Do not recommend unless proficient with yasuo, but it can be done. Chogath: shove wave, farm, get big, ignore fizz. He literately can't do anything but watch ...
#23. how do i win vs fizz : r/azirmains - Reddit
nah dude, go for the HoB runes vs fizz and bait his E, hes still pretty easy compared to others like yasuo,yone,irelia,zed...
#24. How do I deal with a yasuo+tryndamere combo? - Reddit
You should lool to roam bot either right after they have backed or you killed them. Fizz vs yasuo is an interesting match up as yasuo can beat up on fizz early ...
#25. How to counter Yasuo and Fizz playing as Sylas? - Reddit
Basically the title, any input on how to play this matchup would be much appreciated :) This is mid-lane btw^^
#26. Hard matchups for Yasuo mid : r/wildrift - Reddit
I'm a mid main who hates laning vs Yasuo. ... Fizz: pretty unplayable xD very hard until level 3 as his damage is higher than yours and his ...
#27. Yasuo vs Fizz, pussy lane. Is this lane even winable? - Reddit
Yasuo vs Fizz, pussy lane. ... Id tell you that no lane against a Fizz is winnable. ... r/YasuoMains - Prestige Inkshadow Yasuo + Border.
#28. What is Ziggs' most difficult matchup? : r/summonerschool
My pick against Ziggs would always be Yasuo, as he has pretty much everything ... Alistar, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Fiora, Fizz, Galio, Jarvan, Jayce, ...
#29. Can't figure out how to lane against fizz : r/summonerschool
Just fyi, I play mostly Brand with some Yasuo and Veigar mixed in (and I'm getting Ahri next time I play:D) Can anyone who knows how give me some pointers on ...
#30. I have a love/hate relationship with this champion. : r/fizzmains
Fizz vs lux is maybe the easiest matchup in the game. ... Honestly what I feel is a hard counter to Fizz (if played right), is Yasuo.
#31. Fizz vs Yasuo [ MID ] Lol Korea Grandmaster Patch 13.1
Fizz MID vs Yasuo Ranked Korea Season 13⭐ Summary ⭐Game: League of Legends Type: Ranked Solo 5vs5Patch: 13.1Tier: Grandmaster 375 ...
#32. 無題
Travis browne vs matt mitrione highlights high five. ... Gubernikoff george, Fizz vs yasuo build mid, Pirelli 2009 calendar photos digital photos, ...
#33. League of Legends Videos and Streams :: Page 435 - Mobafire
Fizz vs Syndra In-Depth... By Vapora Dark ... Viktor vs Yasuo Mid Post... By TooMuchGG ... Top 10 reddit clip montage #4. By Badbeing.
#34. Why is Zoe, Yasuo, Zed, Riven and Vayne so hated in League ...
Do not play tank vs him, since he can run klepto and get a lot of money from it. To counter Swain mid : You can play high damage assassins, which you can kill ...
#35. New LoL Skins: All League of Legends Skins Released in 2023
Dawnbringer vs. Nightbringer, Nasus, Renekton, Jarvan IV, Vayne. April 20, 2023. LoL Patch 13.8. Inkshadow, Yasuo, Yone, Aurelion Sol, ...
#36. Patch 13.7 Notes - League of Legends
W slow decreased, slow vs isolated targets decreased. ... Yasuo fell behind the power curve and got the wind knocked out of him.
#37. reddit urf tier list {3MQV2Y}
Zed, Ahri, Fizz, Lee Sin, Ezreal, Corki, Kayle, Lucian AP, Master Yi, Sona, Senna, Soraka, Nami, Blitzcrank, AP Rakan, Wukong, Jarvan IV and any mid.
#38. Los campeones más odiados del LoL en 2023 según Reddit y ...
El subforo de Reddit de League of Legends es uno de los más grandes del mundo y el más importante ... Yasuo | 572 votos ... Fizz | 279 votos.
#39. Fizz vs Yasuo Build - LoLalytics
Fizz wins against Yasuo 53.25% of the time which is 3.58% higher against Yasuo than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Fizz ...
#40. Yasuo's Windwall is Extremely Annoying. Should Riot Change ...
According to Gamefaqs, rated by LoL players, Yasuo (W) – Windwall is the top 2 most annoying ability in the game, just 1 vote after Fizz (E) ...
#41. Yone Vs Aatrox
TikTok video from Zedstyle_ (@zedstyle_): "Aatrox VS Pantheon #yasuo #yone #fypシ ... Mundo Draven Ekko Elise Evelynn Ezreal Fiddlesticks Fiora Fizz Galio ...
#42. LoLdle Answer for 14 May: "Rock solid." - AFK Gaming
12th February: Follow the wind, but watch your back - Yasuo ... Reddit user Pimeko posted on the League of Legends subreddit about the Wordle-inspired game ...
#43. Caitlyn :: Wild Rift Build Guide (Patch 4.1c) - WildRiftFire
... Diana Dr. Mundo Draven Ekko Evelynn Ezreal Fiora Fizz Galio Garen Gragas Graves ... Warwick Wukong Xayah Xin Zhao Yasuo Yone Yuumi Zed Zeri Ziggs Zoe.
#44. Koreanbuilds.net - Free Daily Updated League of Legends ...
Want to become better at League of Legends in Solo Queue? Koreanbuilds.net is an automated free resource for League of Legends champion builds from the best ...
#45. Reddit Urf Tier List
Yone is the older-half brother of Yasuo (Yasuo was a original spec in AUT Old ... Blitzcrank, Cassiopeia, Darius, Ekko, Fiora, Fizz, Gangplank, Jhin, Kayn, ...
#46. Reddit Urf Tier List
Reddit Urf Tier List1 GOD TIER Tier 1 These are champs that are typically banned. ... Zed, Ahri, Fizz, Lee Sin, Ezreal, Corki, Kayle, Lucian AP, Master Yi, ...
#47. LoL Wild Rift Tier List || Patch 4.1 Updated
This also goes to say that champions who can counter them are pretty strong right now as well, and considered as a must-pick— the tank shredders. What it takes ...
#48. Mythic Zed Pro Builds for Items, Runes in 13.9 - Probuild Stats
VS. 6 / 5 / 7. The Keystone Conqueror. The Rune Tree Sorcery. Summoner Spell Flash ... The Champion Icon for Fizz. VS. 9 / 9 / 2. The Keystone Conqueror.
#49. Fizz vs Yasuo Counter Build - MOBA Champion
Fizz does a decent job of countering Yasuo. Normally, he wins a acceptable 51.5% of games the champions oppose one another in. In Fizz versus Yasuo matches, ...
#50. Fizz vs Yasuo Matchup Stats - OneTricks.gg
Fizz Mains. vs Yasuo Mid. vs Yasuo, Overall, Stat. 45.7%, 55.5%, Win Rate. 2.81:1, 2.89:1, KDA. -8, -5, CS Diff pre 6. -15, -9, CS Diff at 15.
#51. Yasuo vs Fizz: See the Best Counters & Matchup Statistics
The most in-depth matchup stats for Yasuo vs Fizz based on 111 matches! See how to counter Yasuo at and get more wins.
fizz vs yasuo reddit 在 Fizz vs Yasuo [ MID ] Lol Korea Grandmaster Patch 13.1 的推薦與評價
Fizz MID vs Yasuo Ranked Korea Season 13⭐ Summary ⭐Game: League of Legends Type: Ranked Solo 5vs5Patch: 13.1Tier: Grandmaster 375 ... ... <看更多>