geogenanthus 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

Geogenanthus Ciliatus The Most Dramatic Plant In My Collection, #houseplants, #rare plants, #plants, #plant care, #plants # plant shopping, ... ... <看更多>
#1. 宅栽- Geogenanthus ciliatus 黑嚕嚕系列的第二種植物紫 ...
Geogenanthus ciliatus 黑嚕嚕系列的第二種植物紫黑色的銀波草因為原產在南美洲的山上,比較怕熱秋天入手種看看.
#2. Geogenanthus ciliatus 照顧,種植,繁殖,開花時間
Geogenanthus ciliatus 養護指南 ... 通常,應每週澆一次水,或土壤在表層以上3厘米處乾燥時澆水。徹底澆水,直到水滲入土壤,多餘的水從排水孔排出。
#3. Geogenanthus undatus 銀波草| 蝦皮購物
Geogenanthus undatus 銀波草原產於南美洲熱帶雨林的鴨跖草科植物,葉面縱向具有銀綠色條紋,橫向有凹凸起伏的皺褶,葉背呈紫紅色,葉片質地硬實,是一款細緻具特殊 ...
#4. 銀波草屬Geogenanthus | 分類群 - 台灣生物多樣性網絡
銀波草屬Geogenanthus ; 最後修改於. 2021-01-30 ; 編號. TBN UUID: 59ec2483-940f-4f30-9514-a16b0bfb5359 ; 其他編碼. TaxonFile系統樹編碼: ...
#5. 銀波草Geogenanthus undatus 室內植物觀葉植物 - 埔茂花市
銀波草Geogenanthus undatus 室內植物觀葉植物. 5吋大小. 鴨拓草科銀波草屬. 葉背葉柄是紫紅色. 全葉波浪狀,造型可愛. 光照:半日照,明亮散光處. 空間溼度高.
#6. Geogenanthus Ciliatus (aka the Geo Plant) Care Guide
Geogenanthus Ciliatus is native to the rainforest floors of Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru. Plants that grow on the floors of rainforests are ...
#7. TaiBNET - 臺灣物種名錄
Phylum Tracheophyta 維管束植物門. Class Magnoliopsida 木蘭綱. Order Commelinales 鴨跖草目. Family Commelinaceae 鴨跖草科. Genus Geogenanthus 銀波草屬.
#8. Geogenanthus Ciliatus - Plant Care - Planterina
If you do not have a lot of bright light in your space, then Geogenanthus Ciliatus will be right at home. These houseplants are understory dwellers making them ...
#9. Geogenanthus ciliatus - Wikipedia
Geogenanthus ciliatus is a flowering plant species in the family Commelinaceae As currently circumscribed, the genus Geogenanthus includes two other species ...
#10. Geogenanthus ciliatus G.Brückn. (世界植物區系) - Pl@ntNet
Geogenanthus ciliatus G.Brückn.. 科Commelinaceae. 屬Geogenanthus. 世界植物區系.
#11. The Geogenanthus Ciliatus - Growth And Care Guide
Geogenanthus ciliatus or geo plant is a flowering species from the Commelinaceae family. It has its origin tied to the rainforests of Peru, ...
#12. Geogenanthus Ciliatus Care in a Nutshell - Plantophiles
Geogenanthus Poeppigii – also known as the Seersucker plant, this variety has leathery leaves in shades of light, silverish-green as well as dark green. The ...
#13. Geogenanthus | medium - Costa Farms
Botanically known as Geogenanthus ciliatus, this unique tropical plant features big, purple-black leaves for an out-of-this-world look.
#14. Geogenanthus Ciliatus 'Midnight Pearl' is a pet-friendly plant!
Geogenanthus Ciliatus 'Midnight Pearl' is a rare houseplant with leathery, almost black leaves featuring a subtle, pink middle vein.
#15. 6" Geogenanthus 'Ciliatus' - BWH Plant Co
Geogenanthus 'Ciliatus' is a unique houseplant best known for its big oval-shaped dark purple leaves that looks almost black. Give this plant medium to low ...
#16. Geogenanthus Ciliatus Care - Sun, Water, Soil & Humidity
Light: Geogenanthus Ciliatus prefers indirect sunlight. Any room with a bright window will do, and stay 3 to 6 feet away from the nearest light source.
#17. Geogenanthus 'Midnight Pearl' - FloraStore
This mysterious plant is unlike any other. The Geogenanthus Midnight Pearl has beautiful shiny, leathery leaves which are purple-black in color with a blue ...
#18. Geogenanthus Ciliatus Care & Growing Guide
South American native, Geogenanthus Ciliatus, also known as just Geo, is a gorgeous flowering tropical plant within the spiderwort family. This ...
#19. Geogenanthus Cilliatus - House of Kojo
Geogenanthus Cilliatus A stunning species whose dark, round leaves can grow quite large. Ecuador and North Peru. Gorgeous blue-tinted foliage when kept ...
#20. Geogenanthus Ciliatus The Most Dramatic Plant In ... - YouTube
Geogenanthus Ciliatus The Most Dramatic Plant In My Collection, #houseplants, #rare plants, #plants, #plant care, #plants # plant shopping, ...
#21. Geogenanthus Ciliatus - House Plants Delivery Toronto
Geogenanthus Ciliatus, aka the Geo Plant, is a highly sought-after plant that is almost as hard to find as it is to pronounce the name!
#22. Geogenanthus poeppigii - NParks
Etymology: The genus "Geogenanthus" is derived from 3 Greek words that mean earth ("geos"), borne ("genus") and flower ("anthus"). The specific epithet " ...
#23. Geogenanthus Ciliatus - Plant Care - Teak And Terracotta
Originally from South America and known for its impressive round glossy leaves, the Geogenanthus Ciliatus is impressive with its purple hue.
#24. Geogenanthus ciliatus - Jordan's Jungle
... we're sold out for now. Check back soon or get notified when these are back! Pickup currently unavailable at 545 Pawtucket Avenue. Geogenanthus ciliatus.
#25. Geogenanthus - Etsy
Check out our geogenanthus selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our house plants shops.
#26. Geogenanthus Ciliatus - Plants - Evergreen Seeds
Geogenanthus ciliatus is a very rare plant from the South American rainforests. It is considered a decorative indoor plant owing mainly to the unique-looking ...
#27. 6" Geogenanthus ciliatus - Canopy Plant Co.
Geogenanthus ciliatus is an uncommon tropical indoor plant that is native to Ecuador. The black, almost leathery, foliage on this species is extremely ...
#28. Geogenanthus Ciliatus - Lush Plant Co.
The Geogenanthus Ciliatus is highly sought after for it's unique, luxe leaves. They grow bright green with a thick purple stripe, and as they mature the ...
#29. Geogenanthus poeppigii - Ecuagenera
Customers who bought this product also bought ; Geogenanthus ciliatus. US$18.00 ; Geogenanthus undatus. US$15.00 ; Ceratostema rauhii. US$45.00 ; Philodendron ...
#30. GEOGENANTHUS CILIATUS | Flourish Plant Mkt.
Large dark purple round leaves with a low profile. Botanical Name: Geogenanthus Ciliatus. Common Name: Geo Plant. Native to Ecuador, Colombia & Peru.
#31. Geogenanthus poeppigii - Seersucker plant
Another species in the Geogenanthus genus. The Geogenanthus poeppigii is commonly called the Seersucker plant due to the ridges on the leaf that mimic ...
#32. Costa Farms Trending Tropicals Live ...
Geogenanthus Ciliatus ships in a white-wood, 6-inch mid-century modern planter. To avoid water spillage, this container does not have holes. Geogenanthus ...
#33. Geogenanthus poeppigii - Gabriella Plants
This plant is stunning with its wavy leaves and dark purple undersides! Tolerant of lower light conditions as well.
#34. Geogenanthus - Grand Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
A specialized manufacturer and supplier of Geogenanthus in Taiwan. Welcome to visit our website to browse more Geogenanthus relative products.
#35. Geogenanthus ciliatus - Araflora, exotic flora & more
Geogenanthus ciliatus is a rare plant from South America. The glossy leaves are exceptionally dark and appear almost black with a blue shine.
#36. Geogenanthus poeppigii | Frog and Frond
A Geogenanthus poeppigii specimen with 4 leaves rooted in a small pot. Side view of thick red stem on Geogenanthus poeppigii grwoing from pot. Purple leaf ...
#37. Geogenanthus poeppigii - foliage factory
A creeping or trailing plant, Geogenanthus poeppigii produces abundant suckers. Its leaves are very ornamental.
#38. (問)@蘭花讚@ 銀波草Geogenanthus undatus | 露天市集
直購價: 99999 - 99999, 庫存: 1, 物品狀況: ?冽?,物品所在地: 台灣, 價格更新時間:2020-09-21, 上架時間: 2015-04-21, 分類: 生活居家> 庭院、花草園藝> 花苗、樹苗, ...
#39. 6" Geogenanthus Ciliatus - Plant Goals
Gorgeous, deep dark purple-black foliage. Bright indirect light, allow soil to dry completely before watering thoroughly.
#40. Seersucker Plant (Geogenanthus poeppigii) - Logee's
Seersucker Plant (Geogenanthus poeppigii) ... Seersucker Plant is an easy-to-grow Amazon native that has a long history of bringing beauty to the indoor container ...
#41. Geogenanthus Poeppigii #2, Commonly Called The ...
Geogenanthus Poeppigii #2, Commonly Called The Seersucker Plant, Stunner Vivarium Plant ... Overnight shipping available anywhere in Canada. Launch our live chat ...
#42. Geogenanthus - Plants By Genus - GLASS BOX TROPICALS
Geogenanthus ciliatus. Species: Geogenanthus ciliatusCommon name(s): Native to: Ecuador and PeruTemperature preferences: Warm to cool growingWater ...
#43. Geogenanthus peoppigii pot 10cm - Cycadales.eu
Item description : 1 rooted cutting of Geogenanthus poeppigii in a 10cm pot. You receive a plant similar to the pictured one. Habitat and Description : This ...
#44. Geogenanthus Ciliatus Plant - Little Leaf Shop
Geogenanthus ciliatus This uncommon houseplant has quickly become sought after by plant collectors! The deep purple, glossy foliage almost looks completely ...
#45. Geogenanthus ciliatus G.Brückn. - Plants of the World Online
Geogenanthus ciliatus G.Brückn. ... The native range of this species is Ecuador to N. Peru. It grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. It is used as a medicine ...
#46. Geogenanthus ciliatus - iNaturalist
Geogenanthus ciliatus is a flowering plant species in the family Commelinaceae (the dayflower & spiderwort family). As currently circumscribed, the genus ...
#47. Geogenanthus, 6in, Ciliatus
The Geogenanthus Ciliatus is a flowering plant that comes from the Commelinaceae, otherwise known as the dayflower & spiderwort family.
#48. Geogenanthus Ciliatus 6 - Chalet Nursery
The Geogenanthus Ciliatus is a trendy and hard-to-find houseplant. Native to Ecuador and Peru, it grows on the rainforest ground.
#49. Geogenanthus poeppigii (Seersucker Plant) | Steve's Leaves
Geogenanthus poeppigii has striped and rippled leaves that have earned it the common name of Seersucker Plant. This plant is native to the understories of ...
#50. Costa Nursery Interior Plant Geogenanthus Ciliatus - 6-in Pot
The Geogenanthus Ciliatus is a plant with deep-purple and green foliage that constitutes an attractive house plant. It requires a moist soil at all times, ...
#51. Geogenanthus ciliatus 'Midnight Pearl' 12cm Pot
Geogenanthus ciliatus 'Midnight Pearl' is an extraordinary and very rare houseplant boasting totally unique colour-changing foliage.
#52. Geogenanthus in Flora of Taiwan Checklist @ efloras.org
Geogenanthus Ule. Code: 622 007 00 0. Volume & Page: VI(ed1): 153. Lower Taxon. Geogenanthus undatus (Koch & Lind.) Mildbraed & Strauss ...
#53. Geogenanthus Ciliatus 6" - MICRO PLANT STUDIO
Geogenanthus Ciliatus 6″. $52.00. 4 in stock. SOIL FOR PICK UP OR DELIVERY. We carry two bag sizes of Coast of Maine organic soil.
#54. Geogenanthus ciliatus - Useful Tropical Plants
Geogenanthus ciliatus is a perennial plant, forming a mat of growth about 15cm tall. The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a ...
#55. Geogenanthus poeppigii - Ecuagenera USA
Geogenanthus poeppigii · Customer Reviews · You may also like · Geogenanthus ciliatus Ecuagenera · Nautilocalyx erytranthus · Caladium hortulanum · Aglaonema Siam ...
#56. Geogenanthus poeppigii | Plants | GrowTropicals.com
A gorgeous species with beautiful texture and patterning. Peru, North Bolivia and North Brazil. Amazing corrugated texture Attractively striped leaves May ...
#57. Geogenanthus ciliatus 'Midnight Pearl' - grow urban.
This incredibly rare specimen is renounced for it's rounded black leaves and striking purple stems. Order Geogenanthus ciliatus 'Midnight Pearl' for ...
#58. Geogenanthus poeppigii - Tropicals Plants
Geogenanthus poeppigii. Reference: Geogenan-poeppigii. Write a review. $18.00. Tax included. Geogenanthus poeppigii. Quantity. Add to cart.
#59. Geogenanthus - UkrBIN
Rank, Taxa. Family, «« Commelinaceae. Genus, Geogenanthus, 1, 3, 1, 2. Nested Taxa. Species, Geogenanthus ciliatus. Species, Geogenanthus poeppigii.
#60. Geogenanthus Ciliatus: Plant Care and Growing Guide
The Geogenanthus ciliatus is an easy plant to care for, but it does have a few unique growing features which are worth paying attention to.
#61. Geogenanthus - FrogDaddy
Geogenanthus. Amazonian plants that are definite show stoppers. There are only 3 described species. Geogenanthus Remove filter. Filters (1).
#62. 银波草属Geogenanthus|iPlant 植物智——植物物种信息系统
银波草属(yín bō cǎo shǔ). PPBCCVHColTPLIPNIDuocetCFHCUBGGBIFiDigBioEOLBHLWFOPOWOBingBaidu生物志库. Geogenanthus Ule. 植物百科 · 名称分类 · 植物志 · 植物图片 ...
#63. Geogenanthus Ciliatus, Geo Plant | The Houseplant Coll.
Geogenanthus Ciliatus might be hard to pronounce, but it is easy to care for! This plant displays large, rounded leaves which are so glossy you can almost ...
#64. Geogenanthus ciliatus Midnight Pearl | Other green plants
Country of origin. Netherlands ; Main color. Does not apply ; Min number of cuttings/plants per pot. 3 ; Minimum plant height. 20 cm ; Packaging unit. 236.
#65. Geogenanthus ciliatus, Rare calathea, Terrarium plant
A truly amazing plant hails from Amazonian basin, with shiny round leaves get about 6-7" in dark purple hue, that they appear nearly black when grown under ...
#66. Personalized Geogenanthus poeppigii Care - Greg App
Learn exactly what Geogenanthus poeppigii needs to thrive, get reminders when it's time to water, and join the growing community on the Greg App.
#67. Geogenanthus ciliatus - Geo plant - Ed's Plant Shop
Geogenanthus ciliatus, more commonly called (and easier to say) Geo Plant is a fun, fleshy-leaved plant that is sure to bring a little interest into your ...
#68. Geogenanthus Poeppigii | Seersucker Plant - Végétal Design Qc
Geogenanthus Poeppigii | Seersucker Plant · Une magnifique plante qui se démarque par l'aspect et la couleur de son feuillage. Ses feuilles gaufrées sont striées ...
#69. Geogenanthus (1GGEG)[Overview] - EPPO Global Database
Geogenanthus (1GGEG). Menu. Overview →. Overview. Code created in: 2011-11-20. Basic information. EPPO Code: 1GGEG; Preferred name: Geogenanthus. Taxonomy.
#70. Geogenanthus ciliatus - VI Plant Shop
Name: Geogenanthus ciliatus AKA: Geo plant Why we love it: This rare plant is sought after for is highly unique foliage. The new growth is bright green with ...
GEOGENANTHUS POEPPIGII - 2" · Light: Shaded/ some indirect · Soil: Rich with organic matter · Water: Keep lightly moist · FertIlizer: Slow release.
#72. Geogenanthus Plant - Sheridan Nurseries Online
Deep purple on deep green foliage makes this plant a great piece in your décor. Keep continuously moist. Partial sun is suitable.
#73. Geogenanthus ciliates 'Midnight Pearl' - N1 Garden Centre
The Geogenanthus ciliates 'Midnight Pearl' is a striking plant with beautiful foliage. It has leather-like leaves that are almost black and have a subtle ...
#74. Geogenanthus - Mindat.org
Geogenanthus. Description. Geogenanthus is a genus of plants with 3 species in the family Commelinaceae (the spiderwort and dayflower family).
#75. Geogenanthus cilatus - REWILD
This new and beautiful rare plant has stunning dark black leaves. It loves medium to bright indirect light and unlike most indoor plants loves to stay moist ...
#76. Geogenanthus cilliatus - Vedas Plant Shop
Geogenanthus is such a unique looking plant! With it's thick and iridescent, purple-green leaves, you can tell instantly that these are not native to North ...
#77. Geogenanthus poeppigii - Jungle Leaves
Geogenanthus poeppigii. 44,99€ 24,99€ incl. VAT. Very rare species from South America with striped and wavy leaves. Grows up to 70 cm high.
#78. Taxonomy browser (Geogenanthus poeppigii) - NCBI
Geogenanthus poeppigii. Taxonomy ID: 168071 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid168071). current name. Geogenanthus poeppigii (Miq.) ...
#79. Geogenanthus poeppigii (Miq.) Faden - World Flora Online
Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2023): Geogenanthus poeppigii (Miq.) Faden. Published on the Internet;http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000429461.
#80. Geogenanthus ciliatus 6 - Sprout Home
Geogenanthus, or "seersucker plants," are named for their puckered foliage. These plants have long been a tradition for houseplant enthusiasts and the ...
#81. Rare Geogenanthus Ciliatus - Black/Purple in color - 6" Pot
Geogenanthus Ciliatus, sometimes refereed to as the Geo Plant, is native to Ecuador and Peru, where it grows on the rainforest ground.
#82. Seersucker Plant (Geogenanthus poeppigii) · iNaturalist Canada
Geogenanthus poeppigii, commonly called the seersucker plant, is a flowering plant species in the family Commelinaceae (the dayflower & spiderwort family).
#83. Geogenanthus - Encyclopedia of Life
Image of Geogenanthus ciliatus G. Brückn. Creatures » … » Plants » … » Angiosperms » … » Spiderwort Family.
#84. Geogenanthus ciliatus 'Midnight Pearl' - Van Meuwen
Geogenanthus ciliatus 'Midnight Pearl' is an extraordinary and very rare houseplant boasting totally unique colour-changing foliage.
#85. Geogenanthus - Wikispecies - Wikimedia
Geogenanthus. Language; Watch · Edit · Geogenanthus ciliatus ...
#86. Geogenanthus ciliatus 'Geo' Dark Leaf Houseplant
LIMITED AVAILABILITY* The 2022 Tropical Plant of the Year, Geogenanthus ciliatus AKA "Geo" is loved for its super deep purple foliage and the shine of these ...
#87. Geogenanthus cilatus - Geo Plant - 6-inch pot - Hicks Nurseries
This rare houseplant is dark and mysterious! It has striking black-purple foliage and is surprisingly easy to care for. Plant Details: Geogenanthus cilatus ...
#88. Meet Geogenanthus, the Hot New Houseplant
Formally known as Geogenanthus ciliatus and colloquially as Geo, it's a tropical plant native to the rain forests of Central and South ...
#89. Medium Geogenanthus 'ciliatus' - Dahing Plants
The Geogenanthus (say it with me: jee-oh-je-NAN-thus sil-ee-ATE-us) features a palm-sized circular dark purple leaf, color almost like the rubber plant as ...
#90. 6" Geogenanthus Ciliatus – Anna's Garden, Home & Wellness
Native to Ecuador and Peru, where it grows on the rainforest ground, The Geogenanthus plant is adored for its deep-purple and green foliage.
#91. Geogenanthus poeppigii (Seersucker Plant)
Geogenanthus poeppigii (Seersucker Plant) · You may also like · Hours & Contacts · About Us · Our Slogan · Regenerative Practice.
#92. Geogenanthus ciliatus - Planta
Geogenanthus ciliatus · How to Fertilize Your Plant. Most plants require fertilizing every now and then to ensure that they get the right nutrients in order to ...
#93. Geogenanthus Ciliatus Care Guide - Just Houseplants
Purple-black Geogenanthus ciliatus, or simply “Geo” for short, is a relatively quiet plant in the houseplant realm, but it shouldn't be.
#94. Geogenanthus - The Plant List
Statistics. The Plant List includes 5 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Geogenanthus. Of these 3 are accepted species names.
geogenanthus 在 宅栽- Geogenanthus ciliatus 黑嚕嚕系列的第二種植物紫 ... 的推薦與評價
Geogenanthus ciliatus 黑嚕嚕系列的第二種植物紫黑色的銀波草因為原產在南美洲的山上,比較怕熱秋天入手種看看. ... <看更多>