您喜欢您的消毒液中的酒精味道吗? 虽然有点呛鼻...但它让我感到安全与受保护!🤭 直到我遇到了它...我就爱上它了😍 HONEY DAY 免洗消毒喷雾 —— 它是婴儿爽身粉的味道的咧!😂哈哈! 现在我的手可以一整天都闻起来像婴儿爽身粉的味道了!
感谢@Angeline把它们送来给我❤️ 如果您想订购可以找她!您买得越多就越便宜哦🤭,所以赶快聚集您的家人和朋友一起下单吧!
Do you like the Alcohol smell from your sanitizers? 🤭 I do because I feel safe...But then I prefer this la, 🍯 HONEY DAY which has Baby Powder Smell 😂 Haha! Now my hands can be smelling like Baby Powder all day...
Thanks Angeline for sending them my way! If wanna order can look for her ya. The more you buy the cheaper 🤭 so gather your family and friends.
Buy Here! https://wa.link/eq539j
More details⤵️
◽ 1 for RM13
◽ 3 for RM37
◽ 6 for RM73
◽ 10 for RM120
✔️Credit Card Size with 300 times spray
✔️ Perfect fit pocket and bag
✔️ Contains Natural Aloe Vera
✔️ Moisturising and Hydrating
✔️ Childs and Pets Friendly
✅达到99%消毒杀菌 Up to 99% Disinfection
✅75% alcohol 酒精
✅可以喷300次 Can spray up to 300 times
✅敏感肌 小孩 放心使用 Suitable for Sensitive skin / Child
✅ 适合任何年龄层肌肤 Suitable for all age group and skin type
✅ 拥有大马卫生部 LAB TESTED 认证 Lab tested certificate
✅宠物可用 Pets friendly
✅秒吸收 不油腻 Strong absorption / Non-Sticky
✅清淡香味 持久留香 Long Last Smell
✅含有天然Contains natural Aloe Vera
✅温和不伤手 Gentle and Mild
✅润肤护手 Moisturizing
✅修护干燥皮肤 Repair dry skin
✅保持双手光滑 柔润 Keep hand smooth
✅舒缓敏感皮肤 Soothe sensitive skin
✅高颜值 时尚设计 Fashion Design
✅方便携带 不占位置 Easy to carry & store/keep