奧數比賽時間緊逼,仲要唔畀用計數機,Check唔切嘅結果,就係連賭Sir都會犯careless mistakes。📢係正常㗎,人係會犯錯㗎!
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅賭Sir【杜氏數學】HermanToMath,也在其Youtube影片中提到,?DSE M2 Integration課程入口: https://afterschool.com.hk/course/M20002/herman-to-integration/ #記得用專屬優惠碼HERMANTO ---------- ?杜氏數學 官方網站: http://www.HermanTo...
ial 學校 在 梁芷珊Canny Leung Facebook 的最佳貼文
2020 IGCSE / IAS / IAL / O Level取消
#motd #moodoftheday #20200324
有史以來第一次,以上公開考試,包括早前宣佈取消的GCSE / A Level / IB,全球大型公開考試,今年全部取消。
受影響的學生,仍會收到公開試的評級及證書 — 是以其本身就讀學校所提供之最佳證明,以評定學生成績。
取消IGCSE / IAL全文:
Update from Cambridge International on May/June 2020 exams
23 Mar 2020
The situation with the Covid-19 outbreak is changing rapidly. In recent days, many more countries have decided to extend school closures into May and June, making it impossible for many of our schools to hold examinations.
We have been consulting closely with our global community of schools, who need as much certainty as possible at an uncertain time. Our priority is to protect the safety and wellbeing of our students and teachers, ensure fairness for all our students and support them in continuing with their education.
Today, therefore, we have taken the difficult decision not to run our international examinations in the May/June 2020 series in any country. This includes Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level, Cambridge International AS & A Level, Cambridge AICE Diploma and Cambridge Pre-U.
We recognise that students have been working very hard towards these exams. We will be working with schools to assess students’ achievements using the best available evidence. Students will receive a grade and a certificate from Cambridge International, given the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their programmes of study. This will ensure students do not face disadvantage as a result of these extraordinary circumstances.
We will provide guidance to schools on how students will receive those grades. We are talking to universities worldwide, and they are factoring these unprecedented circumstances into admissions decisions, so students can continue with their education journeys as soon as possible.
We are also aware of the impact the situation may have on student motivation and learning. Many of our schools are working hard to deliver teaching online to support their students’ learning. We will continue to offer a wide range of support and resources for schools, teachers and students on our dedicated pages on our website at
We will provide an update for schools on Thursday 26 March and as regularly as possible. We know that schools will need clear guidance very soon, and we are working around the clock on how to deliver valuable outcomes to students in the many countries where we work.
For more information, including details about the Checkpoint series please visit our FAQ pages.
ial 學校 在 賭Sir(杜氏數學) Facebook 的最讚貼文
你享受考試嗎?以「最短時間」智勝咗佢,超級功利,超級Exam Oriented!餘下嘅時間,發展自己真正享受嘅人生,好嗎?
👉杜氏數學 官方網站:
🏅全港唯一「完爆」【DSE Core+M1+M2】、【AL Pure+Applied】、【CE Maths+A.Maths】和【IAL 全12份Maths卷】的數學補習導師
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🏅流行文學作家 著作:
🧠 Mensa Club member
🎓 中文大學 數學碩士畢業(Big Data stream)
🎓 中文大學 風險管理學士畢業
👉👉👉 真‧完美考試戰績
新制中六DSE: (2016 M2 + 2017 M1)
🏆數學必修 (Mathematics) 一take過 奪5**
🏆數學延伸M1 (Calculus and Statistics) 一take過 奪5**
🏆數學延伸M2 (Algebra and Calculus) 一take過 奪5**
舊制中七高考: (2011)
🏆純粹數學 (Pure Mathematics) 一take過 奪A
🏆應用數學 (Applied Mathematics) 一take過 奪A
舊制中五會考: (2009)
🏆數學 (Mathematics) 一take過 奪A
🏆附加數學 (Additional Mathematics) 一take過 奪A
國際高考International Advanced Level: (2017+2018)
🏆Core Math 1 2 一take過 奪A
🏆Core Math 3 4 一take過 奪A
🏆Further Pure Math 1 一take過 奪A
🏆Further Pure Math 2 一take過 奪A
🏆Further Pure Math 3 一take過 奪A
🏆Mechanics 1 一take過 奪A
🏆Mechanics 2 一take過 奪A
🏆Mechanics 3 一take過 奪A
🏆Statistics 1 一take過 奪A
🏆Statistics 2 一take過 奪A
🏆Statistics 3 一take過 奪A
🏆Decision Math 1 一take過 奪A
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ial 學校 在 賭Sir【杜氏數學】HermanToMath Youtube 的最讚貼文
?DSE M2 Integration課程入口:
?杜氏數學 官方網站: http://www.HermanToMath.com
?賭Sir 幫你急救 DSE 數學: https://hermantomath.skx.io/courses/6328693527937024
?️賭Sir是杜氏數學Herman To Math的始創人
?全港唯一「完爆」【DSE Core+M1+M2】、【IAL 12科Maths】、【AL Pure+Applied】、【CE Maths+A.Maths】的數學導師
? Mensa Club member
? 中文大學 數學碩士畢業(Big Data stream)
? 中文大學 風險管理學士畢業
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新制中六DSE: (2016 M2 + 2017 M1)
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?數學延伸M1 (Calculus and Statistics) 一take過 奪5**
?數學延伸M2 (Algebra and Calculus) 一take過 奪5**
國際高考International Advanced Level: (2017 + 2018)
?Core Math 1 2 一take過 奪A
?Core Math 3 4 一take過 奪A
?Further Pure Math 1 一take過 奪A
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?Mechanics 1 一take過 奪A
?Mechanics 2 一take過 奪A
?Mechanics 3 一take過 奪A
?Statistics 1 一take過 奪A
?Statistics 2 一take過 奪A
?Statistics 3 一take過 奪A
?Decision Math 1 一take過 奪A
舊制中七高考: (2011)
?純粹數學 (Pure Mathematics) 一take過 奪A
?應用數學 (Applied Mathematics) 一take過 奪A
舊制中五會考: (2009)
?數學 (Mathematics) 一take過 奪A
?附加數學 (Additional Mathematics) 一take過 奪A
#DSE #M2
ial 學校 在 賭Sir【杜氏數學】HermanToMath Youtube 的精選貼文
杜氏數學 官方網站: http://www.HermanToMath.com
賭Sir 幫你急救 DSE 數學: https://HermanToMath.skx.io
?️賭Sir是杜氏數學Herman To Math的始創人
?全港唯一「完爆」【DSE Core+M1+M2】、【IAL 12科Maths】、【AL Pure+Applied】、【CE Maths+A.Maths】的數學導師
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⚡關於 Kapita Group Limited:
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ial 學校 在 賭Sir【杜氏數學】HermanToMath Youtube 的最佳貼文
杜氏數學 官方網站: http://www.HermanToMath.com
賭Sir 幫你急救 DSE 數學: https://HermanToMath.skx.io
?️賭Sir是杜氏數學Herman To Math的始創人
?全港唯一「完爆」【DSE Core+M1+M2】、【IAL 12科Maths】、【AL Pure+Applied】、【CE Maths+A.Maths】的數學導師
❤️YouTuber Go網絡課程 全港最平+獨家 報讀優惠:
?報讀初班 $600 (原價$800): https://www.youtubergo.com/payment/b-...
?報讀初班+中班 $1500 (原價$1800): https://www.youtubergo.com/payment/bm...
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官方網頁: https://www.dsemth.com/
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❤️Uber免費送你$25優惠: https://www.uber.com/invite/2utyzr
杜氏數學 國際官方網站 http://www.hermantomath.com
DSE 數學【速效課程】 訂購詳情 http://hermantomath.skx.io
《數學 DSE 狀元神技秘笈》系列
《攞分唔使識得計》系列 (以 DSE Maths PaperII 為骨幹的免費課程)
杜氏數學 Herman To Math 考試戰績:
A ── 會考 Math 數學
A ── 會考 Additional Math 附加數學
A ── 高考 Pure Math 純粹數學
A ── 高考 Applied Math 應用數學
5** ── DSE Math 數學
5** ── DSE M1 數學延伸部分(一)
5** ── DSE M2 數學延伸部分(二)
A ── IAL Core Math 1 2
A ── IAL Core Math 3 4
A ── IAL Further Pure Math 1
A ── IAL Mechanics 2
A ── IAL Mechanics 3
A ── IAL Statistics 1
A ── IAL Statistics 2