The watts things interfered with my new college life . 瓦茨的一切與學院中的新生活相抵觸。 更多例句: 1 2 3 ...
interfere 造句 / 例句. 1. We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere. 我们所持的态度是:干涉是错误的。 《牛津词典》.
#3. interfere造句_interfere例句_interfere用法_优词词典
interfere 造句 / 例句 · 1. We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere. · 2. I try not to let work interfere with my personal life.
#4. interfere造句_用interfere造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的 - 字典
interfere造句. 1. Don't interfere with him. 不要打扰他。 2. interfere的解释. 2. Come on Sunday if nothing interferes. 如果没有别的事相扰,就请星期天来吧。
#5. interfere造句,Please,don't interfere with me talking请不要干涉我的 ...
interfere造句 ,Please,don't interfere with me talking请不要干涉我的谈话。这个句子对吗? heizi 1年前 已收到1个回答 我来回答 举报.
The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate. 中央銀行今天對貨幣市場進行了干預,試圖穩定匯率 ...
#7. interfere造句,Please,don't interfere with me talkin - 百度知道
interfere造句 ,Please,don'tinterferewithmetalking请不要干涉我的谈话。 ... 不对,应该是:Please don't interfere my conversation.
#8. 考試造句
Causing of attempting to cause disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the United States with intent to interfere or influence the morale of ...
intervene to造句1、Park rangers have had tointervene tokeep tourists at a safe distance. 2、The Arab League asked the United Nations ...
#10. 你问我答/ Delay、postpone 和put off 的区别 - BBC
我们可以分别用delay、postpone 和put off 造句来说这个情况。请听例句。 ... Interfere、meddle 和intervene 三个表示“干涉、干预”近义词的区别.
#11. understanding - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
"they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other's business" "there was an understanding between management and the workers".
#12. 单词汪第22 期Day 7_单词作业一起来- 朗播
裁决,决定【造句】The final verdict is that the compensation of mi. ... No one would like other people to interfere with his or her private ...
#13. interfere with造句 - 会计知识网
Drug problems frequently interfered with his work 吸毒问题频频干扰他的工作.○弄坏(器材等)例句:I'd get fired if he found out I'd been interfering with his ...
#14. horn 干涉'的解释、双语例句、在线造句 - 句酷
With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. 对于欧洲任何国家现有的殖民地与附属国,我们 ...
#15. 越俎代皰意思 - 三度漢語網
英語翻譯 interfere with others' affairs. 相關漢字成語:越 俎 代 皰 相關漢字解釋:越 俎 代 皰 ... 成語星旗電戟造句. ▸ 成語飛蒼走黃造句. ▸ 成語舐癰吮痔造句.
#16. 干擾的意思,干擾造句,干擾注音 - 國語辭典
3.軍事用語。使用電磁波覆蓋或插入另一電磁波,造成通訊器材或設備的損壞、失效或暫時中斷。 英文to disturb, to interfere, perturbation, interference (physics).
#17. right的4個意思造句_句子大全網
right的4個意思造句right用作形容詞(adj.)*In general, I think we're on ... Not have the right to interfere with sb.'s freedom of choice in marriage.
#18. 從漢語連動式到普遍語法與象似性的介面Interfacing Universal ...
當該功能缺陷影響到正常造句,諸如象似性這類廣義的認知功能會介入造句過程,與普遍語法 ... When this gap interferes with sentence-production, ...
#19. SLA第七次讀書會文書紀錄 - 心得報告
... systems or rules) interfere or prevent him or her, to some extent, ... 班學習文法時,老師一直用造句或著玩遊戲(但還是要造句)的類型讓我們在不知不覺中get到 ...
#20. 干涉用英文怎么说 - 沪江英语
干预;干涉; To interfere through use of force ... 喜鹊用英语怎么说、怎么读、用法、同义词、反义词、英文造句等学习资讯,助外语爱好者共同进步.
#21. 用contrast with造句 - 布格伦科技网
用contrast with造句 ... contrast 造句/ 例句1. We aim for 80%contrastas a general rule of thumb. ... 用interfere with造句.
#22. 井水不犯河水:詞語簡介,現實釋義 - 中文百科全書
造句 :我們井水不犯河水,相安無事。 ... 外文名:The well water does not intrude into [interfere with] the river water -- each one minds his own business.
#23. production什么意思中文interfere是什么意思中文翻译
interfere 是我们在英语中常见的动词,那么interfere做动词都表达哪些意思呢?下面本站小编为大家带来interfere的英语意思和例句,欢迎大家学习!
#24. When should I use the word “ memasuki “? Can I use “ masuk ...
2. meddle, interfere : Dia suka memasuki/mencampuri urusan orang lain. He likes to interfere in other people's business.
#25. interfering是什么意思 - 英语词典
#26. 多角字彙術:They've been going out for a few months. - 登峰美語
But, I don't want anyone there to interfere in our lives. ... 不道德的;傷風敗俗的、interfere (v.) 妨礙 ... 照樣造句→.
#27. IES 2012 Summer CN 212 Rubrics
with minor errors that do not impede comprehension; good vocabulary range. ... 良——言语输出基本流畅,但由于说话者需要时间遣词造句,说话过程中会伴.
#28. bother动词造句,用bother写一句话- 经典句子 - 九库说说
13、提示例子Don't interfere with my business I saw no reason why I should bother with you any more 我想我也不必为你再费心机了.
#29. 「英文正確發音篇」第235集:學習intercom, interest, interfere ...
#30. interfere+with造句 - 红宝石
在银行取到假钱,回家后才发现怎么办?银行内部朋友教了我一招","f":"生活妙趣馆","idx":1,"attr":[{"pos":2,"name":"video"}],"exData":"=" ...
#31. intervene翻译为:阻碍;出面;插嘴;介
intervene 的中文意思:阻碍;出面;插嘴;介,点击查看详细解释:intervene的中文翻译、intervene的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握intervene这个单词。
#32. 用harm造句简单 - 欧宝知识网
harm造句31、New York City-based chiropractor Dr Arnie Angrist warns keeping a "fat ... If we interfere, it may do more harm than good.
#33. 用lytic造句大全_快好知
1. Consequently, the lytic activity of faecal water was decreased. Dietary phosphate did not interfere with these intestinal effects of calcium. 2. Fo.
#34. fortyish造句 - 河智科学网
单词fortyish例句大全,用单词fortyish造句: she looked fortyish and she ... 本文标签: dismay造句 conclude造句 interfere造句 apparently造句 ...
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用paint造句子简单 ... 一叶障目,不见泰山造句愚者千虑,必有一得造句别有洞天造句造句推荐榜排比句大全短一点 ... 妨碍的动词interfere的现在分词.
#36. interfere是及物动词吗 - 容易答知识网
最佳答案: 1、用法区别:intervene口气重,干涉。另一个口气轻,只是干扰,打乱。intervene既可以做不及物动词,也可以作及物...
#37. manifest造句- 百度云网盘资源合集 - 三五九信息
manifest造句相关关键词: manifest例句manifest的用法insulate造句manifest英语用法nominate造句manoeuvre造句postulate造句manifest的名词形式intervene造句.
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#39. intervene in造句 - TaoFx
intervene in造句,英语考研词组- 豆丁网,It's difficult to see true measure in a sentence. 用true measure造句挺难的The true measure of the danger is ...
#40. intervene - wqzx
intervene,【intervene】什么意思_英语intervene的翻译_音标_读音,Intervene definition: If you intervene in a situation ... intervene造句_用intervene造句大全.
#41. 以下二十個英語單詞造句(很簡單!急用!) - Howcando問答
Don"t interfere with him. This wine is brewed from rice. I bought these chocolates loose, not in a box. Coffee contains caffeine.
#42. manifest造句- 百度云网盘资源合集
manifest造句相关关键词: manifest例句manifest的用法insulate造句manifest英语用法nominate造句manoeuvre造句postulate造句manifest的名词形式intervene造句.
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... 盘资源合集,manifest例句manifest的用法insulate造句manifest英语用法nominate造句manoeuvre造句postulate造句manifest的名词形式intervene造句.
#44. 小触知识网
小编在网络上发现很多网友对的关注度比较高,小伙伴们现在肯定也是对与的内容非常的感兴趣了,都想要了解具体的到底是讲些什么内容,我们分三部分详细 ...
#45. political turbulence-翻译为中文-例句英语
... turbulence and are loath to let bad politics interfere with good business. 法国的对华港口解禁也代表着法国承认中国在反伊斯兰恐怖主义活动中的重要地位。
#46. With 的意思
正常词组是interfere with sth ,但with sth 常被省略.2 挣扎着的意思.1、读音: ... acquaint怎么记; 用acquaint造句; acquaint的名词; acquaint词性; ...
#47. Disingenuous synonym
... culture that interferes / gros may not or others consider English-English ... and examples? disingenuous造句, disingenuous造句, 用disingenuous造句, ...
#48. 依據教育部110年5月19日通報及教育部國民 - 國立苗栗特殊 ...
針對本課聲音鐘課文內容解析,介紹重點生字意思,並結合學生生活情境進行造句練習。並. 透過網路影片,請學生尋找自己生活周遭中可能出現的聲音鐘, ...
#49. Dispensation pronunciation
... of us to walk in service to the Law of One In The Light, NO ONE can INTERFERE. ... and examples? dispensation造句, dispensation造句, 用dispensation造句, ...
#50. 如何依照英文期刊規定使用based on與on the basis of - 華樂絲
... treatment and is based on changing the emotional and psychological associations with sleeping that interfere with proper sleep.
#51. meddle with - 英中– Linguee词典
I said last Wednesday that this Council had no power to meddle or interfere with matters of diplomacy between China and the United Kingdom, but that it is ...
#52. hinder的意思在线翻译,解释hinder中文英文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
3. To interfere with action or progress. 阻碍:阻碍行动或进展. hinder的词源:. 4. Middle English hindren 中古英语hindren. 5.
#53. to prevent something from happening - synonyms ...
interfere with. phrasal verb. to prevent something from happening or developing in the correct way. head off. phrasal verb. to prevent something from taking ...
interfere造句 在 「英文正確發音篇」第235集:學習intercom, interest, interfere ... 的推薦與評價
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