【「秒殺」英文點講? 】必學!必俾Like!
例句1: 琴日我遇到個好勁嘅對手,結果比佢秒殺囉!
I met a very strong opponent yesterday and he easily knocked me out!
例句2: 同我拗手瓜?我實秒殺你㗎!
Arm-wrestling with me? I can knock you down in a second!
例句3: 你好肚餓定喇!秒殺晒成張枱啲嘢食嘅!
You must be starving! You’ve just finished the whole table of food in a flash!
例句4: 佢精簡嘅回覆秒殺晒所有批評佢嘅人呀。
His concise reply gives all those who criticise him a knockout blow.
例句5: 好易啫!我好有信心可以秒殺佢!
It’s just a piece of cake! I’m confident to get it done in an instant!例句6: 甲:你覺得佢喺forum答成點呀?乙:秒殺啦!
A: What do you think about his reply on the forum? B: Touché!
例句7: 想秒殺英文?睇呢本書啦!
Do you want to master English in the blink of an eye? Let’s read this book!
#PatrickSir英語通通識 #小學雞英語_系列 #秒殺
#PatrickSir #HKEdutainer
Supported by EDFLOW-Education
Produced by @Giraffe International Productions