#1. 【九季聽懂美國影集1-7】 破產姊妹花第一季第七集,The Pretty...
... 這集主題是「我們總是太在意別人眼中的美麗」,Society is way too concerned with other people's ... You are so judgmental, you know that?
#2. judgmental 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#3. "“No one is born ugly, the problem is we live in a judgmental ...
韓語. 中文(繁體,香港). 中文(簡體). 有關韓語的問題. “No one is born ugly, the problem is we live in a judgmental society.” 用韓語要怎麼說?
#4. NON-JUDGMENTAL在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
non-judgmental的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. If a person or thing is non-judgmental, they do not judge or criticize: 2. If a person or thing…
#5. Society can be very judgemental when it comes to accents.是 ...
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供Society can be very judgemental when it comes to ... 是什么意思,Society can be very judgemental when it comes to accents.
意思 、发音、翻译及示例. ... regional note: in BRIT, also use judgemental ... As a society we are incredibly judgmental of young people such as you and your ...
Only when they are hidden from the judgmental eyes of society. 我是对我们社会的判断。 We fear judgement in our society. 否符合社会公正的价值判断。
#8. 華人文化中之脈絡性普遍主義:情境故事法分析取向 - 臺灣大學 ...
Moral reasoning and leadership among men in a Papua New Guinea society. ... Comparing the participants' judgmental differences and consideration factors ...
#9. 英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake) - 金門日報
... you in this case but the prejudice of this modern society really prevented males ... others' comments or acts without being too judgmental or hypercritical.
#10. 心理學名詞
American Society of Plastic Surgeons ... ethical judgement. 倫理判斷 ... International Society on Infant Studies(ISIS) 國際嬰兒研究學會 internet addiction.
#11. is easy to reach - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言
大量翻译例句关于"is easy to reach" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#12. fault finding翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
fault finding中文的意思、翻譯及用法:故障探測,故障尋找;診斷工具。英漢詞典提供【fault finding】的詳盡 ... judgmental審判的,判斷的;評頭論足的,吹毛求疵的.
#13. 認知偏誤列表- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Gerd Gigerenzer 曾批評將認知偏見視為判斷錯誤,並傾向於將其解釋為與邏輯思維的理性偏差。 解釋包括信息處理規則(英語:information-processing rules,或稱心理捷徑( ...
#14. judgmental是什么意思、翻译 - 红联Linux门户
judgmental 什么意思,judgmental翻译. 基本解释 ... I wish our society was more live and let live. ... Society can be very judgemental when it comes to accents.
#15. 英語核心字彙完全攻略單字Unit 1-5 (更正版).pdf
(D) The author says that only young people take selfies. Unit. 1. Society ... 94 衍judgmental adj. 作主觀判斷的 news feed [njuz] [fid] n.
#16. 判斷還是不判斷Ⅱ | 耶穌會中華省
Judgement 「如果你的弟兄得罪了你,去,要在你和他獨處的時候,規勸他;如果他聽從了你,你便賺得了你的兄弟;但他如果不聽,你就另帶上一個或兩個 ...
#17. 語言與政治立場:臺灣電視新聞之分析Language and Political ...
the scope of analysis is limited to text only with discourse and society left unexplored. ... sides nor drew any judgmental conclusion.
#18. 同理與倫理 - 明光社|
非判斷化的態度(Non-judgemental Attitude) ... 案主自決」的重要性,不要混亂了「改良與革命、控制與照顧」而左右了案主的意思或主導了事情發展。
#19. 家庭與時間因素對女性工作影響之探討
我感覺他希望我輕鬆,換言之他希望女孩子主內有這個意思。 ... Rapoport, Robert & Rhona Papoport 1965 “Work and Family in Contemporary society.
#20. 2019年版本國際保險監理官協會(IAIS)保險核心原則(ICP)(1).pdf
identify changes in the economy, society or business environment in ... which insurers may pose, using its judgement and the information,.
#21. Mindset 中文
The fixed is the more common one because that's what society te. ... Her judgmental mindset has cost her a number of friendships. 15.
#22. 2/11(Sat) How can we become less judgmental? (Host:Michael)
What is the difference between judgmental and discerning? ... afraid to actually tell when others were incompetent, much of modern society would unfold.".
#23. 靜觀知多點 - 家庭健康服務
靜觀是指有意識(Purposefully) 地以一個不加批判(Non-judgmental) 的心, ... 「如實地覺察」的意思是:我注意到自己這些想法,這些情緒和這樣的身體 ...
#24. Pieces of April
字面上意思是小花苞都還來不及開花就已被捏死,意即破壞了興致,或是不給他人機會 ... criticizing others or who is very judgmental, though in other contexts, ...
#25. 從俗民方法學觀點初探人工智能如何作為一種社會現象
行動者(agency)與社會(society)之間的那條界線提出了新的問題 ... 1 這意思是說,1950 年代開始,人工智能技術的開發者與科學家們,關注.
#26. 國小教師備課歷程中的資訊需求與資訊尋求行為之探究 - ntcuir
資訊一詞的拉丁詞源是Information,意思是通知、報導或消息。1928 年, ... 用同理心(empathy)、接納、及非批判(non-judgemental)的態度,支持及鼓 ...
#27. 英文測驗題庫彙編04~107-new年(解答顯示檔)
(A)registration(B)translation(C)nationality(D)society 67.A: I lost my passport! ... (A)juvenile(B)judicial(C)jubilant(D)judgmental
#28. 第一章 - 香港教育城
慈善組織會社正名應為「組織慈善救濟及壓止虛假行為協會」(Society for Organizing Charity Relief & Repressing ... 五、非判斷化的態度(Non-judgmental attitude)
#29. 初級成人華語歌曲教材之設計編寫與教學應用研究 ... - 政治大學
中提及全球中文熱的未來發展趨勢,美國亞洲協會(Asia Society)提到,在美. 國,2015 年預計將有75 萬名高中生學習中文;在日本,致力於推動中小學.
#30. 我中英文同步發言或翻譯集錦 - 林瑞碧
When you finally realize that nothing is permanent in this life, you will become more tolerant, more forgiving and less judgmental. 所有動物都想活下去。請擦除 ...
#31. Simple Life 簡單就是對自己的一種解放
她很nice 沒有寫出來但我真的希望是能登出的因為那是我完整的意思 ... be a better place if we can practice non-judgemental 50% of the time.
#32. 從兒童發展心理學的角度看華文世界的兒童文學創作
筆者所採用的是非隨機抽樣方法中的判斷抽樣(judgmental sampling), 主要從一些 中、 ... 「具體」的意思是指「在要解決的問題中,存在著能被直接感覺或想像出來的具體 ...
#33. 一個人的療癒:真正的放下,是你不介意再度提起 - Goodreads
However, the first two sections of the book explain, in detail, how most of society has been trained incorrectly on how to grieve, and how unhelpful this is ...
#34. 悬崖内尔尼斯- 前言播客 - 云顶集团官网
我的意思是, 人们走进来,对那些在他们的生活中有很多重大挑战的年轻人有很高的需求. ... 你们的世界,与那些与你们没有相同经历的人建立关系, or our local society, ...
#35. 本期專題無處不在的影像是怎樣練成的
雖然Lomographic Society推廣的是以新 ... 的意思,如果我們接受這個世界就像相機所記錄的一樣。 ... 造了一隻鞋之後,不斷為它修補,意思是我們不懂珍惜物品。
#36. 海運安全調查機制之檢討與分析 - 交通部運輸研究所
in its judgement - would have resulted in accidents in other circumstances, or when the occurrence has a ... classification society (subject to any national.
#37. 內科部血液腫瘤科住院醫師訓練手冊 - 台中榮總
自願:病患不受身體約束、心理威脅、及資訊操控,而自發性的做成意思決定。 ... guidelines of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. J-Clin-Oncol.
#38. 53(總第一三七期)
香港聖樂促進會本年度與香港中文大學崇基學院神學院合. 辦的「聖樂與崇拜研討營」於8月6至11日於本院舉行,. 主題為「聖餐與崇拜牧養」,有240位來自各地 ...
#39. 品牌特性與組織吸引力關係之研究 - 國立中山大學
Business and Society, 40: 397-415. Robertson, I. and Smith, M.(2001), ... (1971), Conjoint Measurement for Quantifying Judgmental Data. Journal.
#40. 一將難求 - 國防部
諷刺的是,軍方不願依據單純的地理位置來畫分地緣區塊,意思就是 ... 性決策」(judgmental decision making under uncertainty),此為芝加.
#41. 臺灣各地方法院人口販運定罪判決影響因素之研究
以按字面意思簡單定義為「跨越『國境』之犯罪」,而跨境犯罪也可以採相同方式簡單 ... 又把這門學科稱為「法律與社會」(Law and Society)或「法學與社會科學」(Law and.
#42. 社點039 「性」事• 盛事by Social Work and Social ... - Issuu
from Social Work and Social Administration Society SSS HKUSU ... 意思同同志對同志友的異性戀⼈⼠ 同(homophobia) 寫為同性戀懼症意思對同性戀到 ...
#43. 高點醫護
(C) judgmental (D) delinquent (E) bilateral ... polity, from the public and private sectors to academia and civil society. 32 The Second used electric power ...
#44. Zheng Bo 鄭波
Positioned against the flux of mechanised society, Zheng suggests in his provocative ... 越人類」的意思,指代生命各種形式的無限可能性。
#45. 朝陽科技大學幼兒保育系碩士論文
本研究採合目標抽樣法,又稱立意抽樣(judgmental sampling),由研 ... 解研究問題的美感教育意思,這也能讓訪談的過程中獲取較豐富且深入的. 內容。 二、研究場域.
#46. 目錄 - 財團法人聖嚴教育基金會
righteousness, non-judgmental, pure in spirit, last and a servant ... revival of Buddhism in society is a process of education that begins.
#47. Exploring the role and balance of visual arts teachers to ...
Third work - Society (contextual) with Meticulous ink painting… ... non-judgemental 所以不需要與學⽣ 說美與不美⼀ 起去探索物料的可能.
#48. 宗教与灵性- Google Play 图书
Then, we can face everything with wisdom and come through any crisis. US$8.98. Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics.
#49. Mohawk gets US kindergartner suspended 美幼稚園禁止學生 ...
This has angered some people who were on the fringe of society a few years back when ... Boris: I never knew you could be so judgmental.
#50. potentially 的中文意思、potentially 翻譯 - 美妙體態瑜珈在你家
potentially中文,你想知道的解答。potentially例句.Abruptdismissalwasapotentiallydangerouselem...| 美妙體態瑜珈在你家.
#51. 聽神談【關於「原始」與「評判」】 - 與神對話|
我只是在告訴你,「原始」這個字一點也沒有輕蔑的意思。 ... It is the mark of a primitive society to call regression progress.
#52. 成功大學電子學位論文服務
In modern society, cancer is perceived as a serious disease and often leads ... 背單字的過程中,要記住相對應的中文意思對台灣高中生來說是比較困難的。
#53. The second wave of “cancel culture” - Vox
... everybody in the society, whereas they haven't been ever in this country. ... framing the phenomenon as people “be[ing] as judgmental as ...
#54. 公策file03羅清俊
(三) 判斷預測(judgmental forecasting) :德菲技術(Delphi Technique) ... (一) 為了評鑑美國60年代所推行的大社會計畫(Great Society) 。
#55. 2030年就業趨勢與展望研究(一) - 全民勞教e網
(Shaping the Future of an Inclusive Digital Society)為題,討論各領域因應未來所需具備思 ... (Judgmental methods)等四種類型[35]。有關四種統計分析/計量經濟推估 ...
#56. leftover women-翻译为中文-例句英语
But it continued, in a less judgmental vein: "They're free, and can stand on their own ... as well as less-than-generous assumptions from society at large.
#57. 策略性企業社會責任之研究: 以台灣積體電路公司綠色供應鏈 ...
Control Society,APICS)於1998 年第九版辭典,供應鏈係:1.從原物料開始 ... 抽樣選出(purposive or judgmental sampling method)。本研究訪談分析對象,.
#58. 美语训练班第114课 - 美国之音
Society has become a lot more health conscious these days. ... sound too judgmental, judgmental is spelled j-u-d-g-m-e-n-t-a-l, 意思是对别人 ...
#59. 九十四學年度指定科目英文考試試題解析(上) - 隨意窩
其實due to雖然中文意思是因為,由於但基本上都是用在negative的地方,看看以下的 ... But does our society encourage children to break the rules?
#60. 藥物濫用對健康與社會之衝擊:問題與對策
The Impacts of Drug Abuse on Health and Society: ... (non-judgmental style)和動機性(motivational style)的模式進行簡單.
#61. 基督教是否在自挖墳墓? - 時代論壇
Judgemental 意思 係不看事實﹐在沒有對話下將人當敵人。 ... to nothing about SODO and the Ming Kwong Society, on what grounds can you agree with Ma's comment ?
of the economy and society, and accelerated the era of technology, ... investment properties, significant estimation and judgement were.
#63. 科技法律研究所- 碩士論文 - 國立交通大學機構典藏
regulation and judgement analysis of overseas and internal. Also, qualitative research ... 有明確宣示其監看政策以及員工是否有同意的意思表示(不論明示或默示).
#64. 英语单词adjust是什么意思_adjust的翻译_用法_例句-外博网 - 词典
We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to civil society... 我们一直在培训我们的战士,以使他们适应普通的社会生活。
#65. The Meaning Construction of Self-starvation— - CORE
Figure 2: Merplay among individual, family and society ... being isolated, likely due to their ngid judgmental attitudes or seif-withdrawn ... 有过意思!
#66. Will Digital Reading Erode Our Ability To Understand the World?
赏析:be framed by意思是“被框定”;terms of engagement是“条款”之意,同treatment, rule。 (15) Our society is shifting under the stresses of ...
#67. 拒绝的经济学家by Robert Skidelsky
#68. China Regenerative Medicine International Limited 中國再生 ...
member of the Hong Kong Society of Notaries, a general accredited ... judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated.
#69. 东南亚文学与文化研究专辑
报》这类用法的特点,是“拈词”与名词并没有必然的意思。例如“开打”在 ... Therefore, they inherited a judgmental viewpoint as a.
#70. 同性婚姻是人權嗎? | 性文化資料庫
格雷卻相信寬容「無可避免和本質上是有判斷的(judgmental),我們寬容的就是那些我們 ... 他們這種裁決,顯示人權公約的意思其實非常清晰,難以扭曲。
#71. 邁爾斯-布里格斯性格分類法 - Wikiwand
#72. University of Southampton Research Repository
languages in society and how these languages should be used, taught, and learnt”. ... and judgmental functions of beliefs and replace predisposition with an ...
#73. English to Chinese -
And sometimes, as society develops, it goes in cycles, like the changing of the four seasons. ... “我的意思是,老實說,我暗暗確實是這樣說的。”.
#74. 薩滿復興與電子樂時代的後嬉皮文化Psytrance - 雪花新闻
之所以被稱爲是“長青”(perennial意思是普遍的、永恆的),是因爲它出現在 ... Stop being judgemental, Every soul is incredibly beautiful,那種 ...
#75. 年報
供的相同意思. 「董事會」. 指董事會. 「華潤集團」 ... Society. Mr. XU graduated from London South Bank University in 1997 ... major judgmental areas;.
#76. Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報告附註 - 富邦銀行
Zhang, Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, of Mercer (Hong Kong) ... value is significant or prolonged is judgmental by nature so profit and.
#77. How Anchoring Bias Psychology Affects Decision Making
The first bit of information you learn can sometimes bias the decision you ultimately make. Psychologists refer to this as the anchoring ...
#78. 拿起你的弓箭,射下九個太陽: - 《劇場》的實驗電影與香港第一 ...
(ahistorical)的特質,意思是電影的流通與發行在某種程度上決定了電影歷史如何被書寫 ... barely any ideology that could explain the tremendous shifts in society.
#79. 美语训练班- 第114课 - 英语学习频道
Society has become a lot more health conscious these days. ... sound too judgmental, judgmental is spelled j-u-d-g-m-e-n-t-a-l, 意思是对别人 ...
#80. Malaysian BF dumps pregnant girlfriend - 我與你的重要談話
It is easy to blame the women, but society at large is doing ... 他的社交圈子,如果男朋友隐瞒自己的真实身份,是什么意思说明他对你不真诚。
#81. 亚当·斯密道德理论的核心是什么?——The Theory of Moral ...
Adam Smith and Four Metaphors of the Civil Society ... It is more like a judgmental faculty or mechanism instead of just a responsive emotion.
#82. 犯罪故意概念中的“危害社会”:规范判断与归责机能,北大法宝V6官网
In Chinese Criminal Law,“harmfulness to society” is the most characteristic ... 横向对比看,日本刑法第38条第1款只笼统规定,“无犯罪意思的行为,不处罚。
#83. 在"英语"词典里inappropriate}的意思
以下的英语单词和«inappropriate»具有相近或相同的意思,隶属于同一个语法类别。 ... The law society citations allege comments Levant made in the column were ...
#84. Social capital 中文
Feels valued by society. ... Principle of Non-Judgemental Attitudes. Principle of Control Emotional Involvement. capital是什么意思答:capital词义:名词: ...
judgemental society意思 在 【九季聽懂美國影集1-7】 破產姊妹花第一季第七集,The Pretty... 的推薦與評價
... 這集主題是「我們總是太在意別人眼中的美麗」,Society is way too concerned with other people's ... You are so judgmental, you know that? ... <看更多>