Ingkung Ayam khas Blitar. Bahan Ayam Bawang Merah Bawang putih Merica Ketumbar serai Lengkuas Jahe Kunyit Daun Jeruk Santan Air Garam, Gula Chicken Powder Kecap.
Hello! My name is Rosyidah Dobson and I am an Indonesian living in Hong Kong. My channel is about my passion for cooking and love for my family. Our children enjoy staring in videos and sharing their everyday experiences like: cooking, reading and playing. I really enjoy teaching my children and my wonderful Canadian husband about cooking and Indonesian heritage. My channel is bits and pieces of my collection for everyone to enjoy! Please leave a comment if you would like to know more about any receipe viewed or my everyday life. Take care and enjoy!
Email : [email protected]