... 巨大肌瘤(huge myoma)。可以是單一性(isolated)或多發性(multiple)。 ... 有些甚至於位於子宮外(extra-uterine myoma),如子宮闊韌帶肌瘤(broad ligament myoma)。 ... <看更多>
「multiple uterine myoma中文」的推薦目錄:
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 子宮肌瘤- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 的相關結果
子宮肌瘤(Uterine fibroids或是Uterine Fibroma或是leiomyomata)是發生於子宮的平滑肌瘤( ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。 ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine Fibroids 子宮纖維瘤 的相關結果
纖維瘤可以在子宮內、子宮肌壁或子宮外生長。有些婦女的纖維瘤會導致痛楚痙攣和大量. 經血。在這些情況下,服用消炎藥和避孕藥可幫助減少癥狀。 ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 多發子宮肌瘤英文 - 三度漢語網 的相關結果
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域
多發子宮肌瘤 Multiple uterine myoma 【病理學名詞】
子宮肌瘤; 肌瘤子宮 Uterine myoma 【病理學名詞】
阻產性子宮肌瘤(前置子宮肌瘤) Previous myoma 【病理學名詞】 ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 multiple uterine myoma 中文- 多發子宮肌瘤… - 查查綫上辭典 的相關結果
multiple uterine myoma中文 :多發子宮肌瘤…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋multiple uterine myoma的中文翻譯,multiple uterine myoma的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 子宮肌瘤Myoma Uterus 2 - Dr.Tseng曾志仁醫師 的相關結果
Abnormal uterine bleeding, excessive or prolonged menses ... Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata: multiple myoma in the subperitoneal surface. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 uterine myoma 中文 - Brigitte 的相關結果
中文 詞彙學術名詞病理學名詞Uterine myoma 子宮肌瘤; 肌瘤子宮 ... 子宮頸癌10 Carcinoma in Situ CIS 原位癌11 Uterus myoma 子宮肌瘤12 Multiple Myoma 多發性. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 子宮肌瘤Uterine Fibroid 疾病病徵- Seedoctor 睇醫生網 的相關結果
有關子宮肌瘤(Uterine Fibroid)預防及治療資料。相關醫生文章為你剖析子宮肌瘤,醫務信箱解答子宮肌瘤上的疑問,尋找適合的治療方案。 ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 婦科疾病的全方位手術 的相關結果
Multiple uterine myomata. 外科手術的演進. 第一代:傳統開腹式手術. 挽救生命,為患者解除病痛. ▫ 第二代:微創手術,一般通稱腹腔鏡手術. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 myoma 中文 的相關結果
myoma-graph 肌瘤描記器. Parasitic myoma 寄生性肌瘤. 更多. 收起. 中文詞彙. 學術名詞. 病理學名詞. Multiple uterine myoma. 多發子宮 ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 leiomyoma中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
Decreased expression of this gene in human uterine leiomyoma is found to be inversely associated with the expression of estrogen receptor ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine fibroids - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic 的相關結果
You can have a single fibroid or multiple ones. In extreme cases, multiple fibroids can expand the uterus so much that it reaches the rib ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine Fibroids - Gynecology and Obstetrics - MSD Manuals 的相關結果
Several drugs are used to relieve symptoms, reduce fibroid growth, or both: GnRH agonists. Exogenous progestins. Antiprogestins. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 What Is a Submucosal Fibroid and How Can It Be Treated? 的相關結果
There are four types of uterine fibroids with submucosal fibroids ... A submucosal fibroid is non-cancerous, but it can lead to multiple ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Fibroids | Johns Hopkins Medicine 的相關結果
Fibroids: What You Need to Know. Uterine fibroids are an extremely common condition in which solid tumors develop in the uterus. Fibroids are not cancerous and ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine Fibroids - New York State Department of Health 的相關結果
Uterus - Womb; What causes fibroids? Can fibroids turn into cancer? Who usually develops fibroids? Symptoms; How do you know you have a fibroid? ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine fibroids | Office on Women's Health 的相關結果
Uterine fibroids. Fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the wall of the uterus (womb). Fibroids are almost always benign (not cancerous) ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Effect of magnetic resonance imaging characteristics on ... 的相關結果
Abbreviation: MRIs, magnetic resonance images. Fibroid number. Uterine fibroids can be divided into single fibroid, multiple fibroids (Figure 4) ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Epidemiology of Uterine Fibroids – From Menarche to ... - NCBI 的相關結果
In an ultrasound-screening study (NIEHS Uterine Fibroid Study, UFS) of a ... the uterus is enlarged (e.g., pregnancy) or there are multiple UL in the uterus ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 多發子宮肌瘤英文,Multiple uterine myoma中文,病理學名詞... 的相關結果
多發子宮肌瘤英文,Multiple uterine myoma中文,病理學名詞... | 子宮肌瘤英文怎麼說. 多發子宮肌瘤英文怎麼說,多发子宫肌瘤中文是什麼意思? ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Treatment of Uterine Fibroid Symptoms with Relugolix ... 的相關結果
Abstract Background Uterine fibroids are a common cause of heavy menstrual bleeding and pain. ... Chinese Translation 中文翻译. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Ovarian Cysts and Uterine Fibroids - Symptoms and Treatment 的相關結果
Ovarian cysts and fibroma are common conditions which impact fertility. Learn more about fibroid treatment, symptoms, and diagnosis with BWH. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Myomectomy | Michigan Medicine 的相關結果
Myomectomy is the surgical removal of fibroids from the uterus. ... can also improve anemia before surgery by stopping uterine bleeding for several months. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) | HealthLink BC 的相關結果
UFE has several advantages over hysterectomy, myomectomy, and treatment with GnRH-a (the hormone-suppressor medicine used to shrink fibroids). General ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Counselling Patients with Uterine Fibroids: A Review of the ... 的相關結果
Complications of Uterine Fibroids and Their Management ... the pain starts before any bleeding and continues for several days after the end of bleeding. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Fibroid Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - UCLA Health 的相關結果
What are the benefits of uterine fibroid embolization? ... Additionally, large or multiple fibroids can increase the risk of:. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Broad ligament uterine fibroid: Management with Davinci ... 的相關結果
Two uterine fibroids, intramural sub-serous in nature were seen on ... perception of the surgical field and improved ease of multi-layered uterine closure. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Center for Uterine Fibroids 的相關結果
Uterine leiomyomas, commonly known as fibroids, are well-circumscribed, non-cancerous tumors arising from the myometrium (smooth muscle layer) of the uterus ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine Fibroids: Diagnosis and Treatment - American ... 的相關結果
Uterine fibroids are common benign neoplasms, with a higher prevalence ... because it provides several statistically significant advantages, ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Treatment of Uterine myoma with High Intensity Focused ... 的相關結果
Some pregnant women with Uterine myoma have several complications during their pregnancy, such as miscarriages, premature labor, and low birth weight of the ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Pedunculated Fibroid: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment 的相關結果
Hysterectomy. This is a surgery that removes the entire uterus. Myomectomy. A myomectomy is a surgical procedure that removes one or multiple fibroids. Uterine ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 UTERINE FIBROIDS (UTERINE MYOMAS) - LA IVF Clinic 的相關結果
Surgery to treat fibroids can also affect fertility in several ways. If the endometrial cavity is entered during the surgery, there is a possibility of post ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Disappearance of the blood supply to a giant uterine myoma ... 的相關結果
Diagnosis: She was diagnosed with multiple giant uterine myomas in pregnancy. Interventions: No intervention was performed on the woman. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine Leiomyoma (Fibroid) Imaging - Medscape Reference 的相關結果
Leiomyomas of the urterus (or uterine fibroids) are benign tumors that ... T2-weighted MRI shows an enlarged uterus with multiple fibroids. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine artery embolization for symptomatic uterine fibroids 的相關結果
Uterine fibroids cause heavy prolonged bleeding, pain, ... Similarly, for several safety outcomes our findings showed evidence of a ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 認識子宮肌瘤( myoma, leiomyoma, fibroid, fibromyoma of the ... 的相關結果
認識子宮肌瘤( myoma, leiomyoma, fibroid, fibromyoma of the Uterus). 一、 甚麼是子宮肌瘤. 子宮肌瘤是指子宮平滑肌和結締組織纖維異常增生所 ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine Fibroids - MedlinePlus 的相關結果
Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors in women of childbearing ... such as infertility, multiple miscarriages or early labor. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 子宮平滑肌瘤Uterine myoma|疾病症狀與相關新聞 - KingNet ... 的相關結果
子宮平滑肌瘤 Uterine myoma. 是所謂的「子宮肌瘤」或是「子宮肉瘤」,是中年婦女最常見的一種良性腫瘤。超過三十五歲以上的婦女,平均每四到五個人就會有一位患有子宮 ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Fibroids - NHS 的相關結果
Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the womb (uterus). The growths are made up of muscle and fibrous tissue, and vary in size. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Medical/Surgical Procedures | Medindia 的相關結果
U · Umbilical Hernia - Surgical Procedure Indexed Also As - Surgery for Umbilical Hernia · Ureteroscopy · Uterine Fibroid Embolization · Urethral Stricture · Urinary ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Neurocrine Biosciences hiring Sr. Data Manager in ... - LinkedIn 的相關結果
... endometriosis* and uterine fibroids*, with three pivotal and five mid-stage clinical programs in multiple therapeutic areas. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine Fibroids: Embolization and Other Treatments 的相關結果
Sagittal T2 - weighted MR image of the uterus demonstrates multiple , non - degenerated leiomyomas in submucosal ( curved arrow ) , intramural ( arrows ) ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's ... 的相關結果
Stewart ( J. ) & Hurlburt ( R. W. ) Extirpation of a uterine fibroid , together with the ... Winslow ( R ) Supra - vaginal hysterectomy for multiple uterine ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine Myoma, Myomectomy and Minimally Invasive Treatments 的相關結果
11.10), and after its complete removal, the uterine wall defect shows through the incision. When multiple leiomyomas are found, as many as possible ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Topographical and Pathotopographical Medical Atlas of the ... 的相關結果
Pathotophography of the Peivis Uterine fibroids are hormone-dependent, benign, ... Uterine fibroids are single, but more often - in the form of multiple ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Index Medicus - 第 45 卷,第 1 期,第 2 篇 - 第 1961 頁 - Google 圖書結果 的相關結果
An odd case of multiple " cannonball metastases " . ... 2003 Sep ; 23 ( 5 ) : 577 . tive study in patients with uterine fibroids ] Imperato F , et al . ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Cumulated Index Medicus - 第 10 卷 - 第 10077 頁 - Google 圖書結果 的相關結果
Gusberg SB , et al . irradiated uterus carcinoma within the period from Minerva Ginec ... Radiotherapy in the treatment of sarcomas of the multiple myomas . ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine Fibroids: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors & Treatment 的相關結果
There are several places both inside and outside of your uterus where fibroids can grow. The location and size of your fibroids is important ... ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 Uterine Fibroids | ACOG 的相關結果
This patient FAQ explains what uterine fibroids are, as well as diagnosis and treatment options. ... <看更多>
multiple uterine myoma中文 在 子宮肌瘤(Uterine Myoma)-康宏銘 - 書田泌尿科眼科診所 的相關結果
子宮肌瘤(Uterine Myoma). 康宏銘. 執筆/ 書田診所家醫科主治醫師康宏銘. 子宮肌瘤是最常見的子宮腫瘤,也是女性骨盆腔內最常見的多發性腫瘤,35歲 ... ... <看更多>