not palpable中文 意思:《英漢醫學詞典》not palpable …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋not palpable的中文翻譯,not palpable的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
not palpable醫學中文,未觸及柔軟器官. soft: adj. 1.軟的,柔軟的(opp. hard, to ...... 詳細翻譯>> · organ: n. 1.【音樂】(教堂用的)管風琴(=〔美國〕 pip .
#3. soft organs not palpable 中文意思是什麼 - 線上英文字典
palpable : adj. 1. 摸得出的,可觸知的;【醫學】可以觸診的。2. 明白的,明顯的。adv. -bly ,-bility n.
#4. solid organs not palpable 中文意思是什麼
palpable : adj. 1. 摸得出的,可觸知的;【醫學】可以觸診的。2. 明白的,明顯的。adv. -bly ,-bility n.
#5. palpable醫學中文,大家都在找解答 旅遊日本住宿評價
no palpable mass,no tenderness翻譯成中文| palpable醫學中文 ... soft organs not palpable 中文意思是什麼| palpable醫學中文. palpable : adj. 1.
No known allergy to food or environment substance. Family History: ... Palpation: No palpable nodule; no tenderness
#7. 臨床診斷學學習手冊 - 長庚大學
其間任何一個小地方出了差錯,均會產生醫療上的重大問題,其中實習醫學生亦有其 ... A laryngocele may only be seen on Valsalva maneuver and may not be palpable.
#8. 外科-乳腺Paget疾病,臨床醫學教室 - 高點醫護網
大多局部性分佈(tends to be a localixed disease frequently) ,一般可觸及(a palpable mass). 診斷. 最常以微小的鈣化點(Microcalcifications) 外觀, ...
#9. 病歷書寫常用字彙與句型範例
例如:This is not essential, for it is quite possible to perform ... 11) could not stand the abdominal cramping (抽痛) any more ... 十六、醫學常用拉丁字.
#10. TCTerms – 膀胱未及,肝脾未及,未扪及(Cantonese)
English translation: The abdomen was soft without tenderness or any abnormal palpable mass. The bladder, liver and spleen were not palpable.
#11. palpable醫學中文、biopsy醫學中文、murmur中文醫學在PTT ...
not palpable醫學中文,醫學術語翻譯, 請幫忙!!! 體檢發現Conscious: clear Eye: conjunctiva : not pale Sclera: not icteric Neck: supple Chest: symmetric expans.
#12. 臨床醫學概論
臨床醫學概論 授課大綱 ... He had noticed no pruritis, and had not felt sweaty or febrile. ... Skin: mild yellowish discoloration Thyroid: not palpable.
#13. palpable - 可觸到的 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
可觸到的;可觸知的. palpable. 以palpable 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 醫學名詞, palpable, 可觸到的;可觸知的 ...
#14. 壹、兒科實習教學目標: - 成功大學醫學院附設醫院小兒部
小兒部實習醫學生(Intern)教學訓練計畫書 ... 實習醫學生(Intern)教學課程召集人:蔡孟哲醫師、謝旻玲醫師 ... Liver/Spleen: not palpable/ not palpable.
#15. 乳房攝影及BIRADS診斷| 醫學影像學習園地 - 中國醫藥大學
乳房攝影及BIRADS診斷 Mammogram-ACR BIRADS. 文/ 夏顥瑜 陳昱廷 廖庭儀 鄭雯欣 李偉慈 李瑋涓 楊有容 陳彥佑. 簡介 乳房X光攝影能偵測乳房微鈣化的轉變及早期病變的不 ...
#16. palpable 中文意思是什麼- 線上英文字典 - 健康急診室
palpable中文 · palpable mass醫學中文 · lump中文 · not palpable醫學中文 · spleen ... 您即將離開本站,並前往palpable 中文意思是什麼- 線上英文字典.
#17. palpable mass - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"palpable mass" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... see no genuine palpable will or commitment [...].
#18. 甲狀腺超音波對於診斷甲狀腺結節良惡性的臨床價值
繁體中文DOI: 10.6834/CSMU.2011.00128 DOI ... However, to find cost-effective way to further workup of non-palpable incidentally found thyroid nodules ...
#19. 疾病名稱:Varicocele ICD-10-CM:I86.1 - 臺北榮民總醫院
泌尿科醫師、家庭醫學科醫師、小兒科醫師。 貳、 重要臨床準則 ... (一) Subclinical: not palpable or visible at rest or durine Valsalva maneuver, but.
#20. 行政院衛生署豐原醫院病歷審查表(量的審查)
一般醫師都用英文書病歷,表達也許不能發揮,可以中文表示。很多精神科病人之敘述,常用 ... No lymph node adenopathy, No palpable mass, No open wound/Tenderness.
#21. 中醫門診教學紀錄表
五、現代醫學理學檢查/實驗室檢查/影像暨特殊檢查 ... Soft AND flat, No superficial vein engorgement. No umbilicus herniation. Liver AND spleen NOT palpable.
#22. 大家都在找解答。 | palpable mass中文 - 訂房優惠報報
palpable mass中文,大家都在找解答。no palpable mass,no tenderness翻譯成中文| palpable醫學中文... palpable中文,palpable是什麼意思,palpable發音和翻譯| ...
#23. 中心導管組合式照護之5項要件 - 疾病管制署
學歷高雄醫學院護理系 ... 非直接接觸技巧(non-touch)操作,但置放中心血流導 ... 狀硬化(palpable venous cord))、感染或導管輸液不順暢.
#24. 眼科實習醫學生訓練計劃
c.c.:Pain,conjunctiva congestion,a palpable mass over ... pain,red eye,discharge(prulent or not),eyelid swelling slit lamp:corneal.
#25. 2020年胸腔病例討論會
[Abdomen]--> Liver:non palpable Spleen:non palpable Mass:no Tenderness:no Bowel Sound:normal Rigidity:non Ascites:non Distension:mild.
#26. 醫學中文normoactive - 藥師家
sound;no murmur Abdomen:soft and flat shape:bowel sound;normoactive tenderness(-) on epigastric&LUQ;rebounding pain(-) liver:not palpable ... 看的 ...
#27. 腎臟科病曆書寫Admission Note注意事項 - 中山醫學大學
Palpation: no thrill, apical pulse over 5th ICS,mid- clavicle line. ... splenomegaly. no palpable mass. no tenderness.
#28. 「soft and flat醫學中文」懶人包資訊整理(1) | 蘋果健康咬一口
醫學 術... 醫學術語翻譯2010年12月6日— ... Heart: RHB,no murmur Abdomen: soft and flat,no palpable mass,no tenderness or painLiver/Spleen: not palpable BS: .
#29. 病人照護
No palpable lymph nodes. - No accessory muscle use ... Digital rectal examine: not done ... ③ 根據病人的資料以及意願、最新的醫學證.
#30. palpable 醫學中文
palpable中文palpable 是什麼意思,palpable發音和翻譯:: 可觸知的… palpable中文: ... it can be felt even if it's not something physical– it's often used to talk ...
#31. palpation中文(繁体)翻译:剑桥词典
Palpation of the precordium revealed a normal apex with no heave or thrill. 来自Cambridge English Corpus. Rectal palpation as the preceding ...
#32. 心雜音- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
心雜音是血流通過心臟瓣膜時產生的心音,可以用聽診器聽見。 心雜音有兩種類型。 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。建议您根据您的偏好切换 ...
#33. 沙門式桿菌引起之化膿性動脈瘤在一類風濕性關節炎病人英文題目
中文 題目:沙門式桿菌引起之化膿性動脈瘤在一類風濕性關節炎病人 ... 中山醫學大學醫學研究所3 ... or tenderness; the liver and spleen were not palpable.
#34. 每週案例選粹-201436
而包括Petechiae、 purpura、 ecchymosis 皆是non-blanchable(給予指壓時, ... 性的血管炎,典型的症狀包括散佈於下肢及屁股上突起的紫斑(palpable ...
#35. 台灣胰臟醫學會函 - 台灣消化系內視鏡醫學會
台灣胰臟醫學會109 年度春季醫學病例研討會 ... 主辦單位:台灣胰臟醫學會、亞東紀念醫院外科部一般外科 ... abdominal palpable mass, no palpable lymph node.
#36. Admission note - 台灣專科護理師學會
NO. General. Body weight loss, Fever / chill, Appetite ... Digital Rectal examination: no palpable mass , no bloody on glove. Peripheral vascular:.
#37. Tenderness 醫學中文
由C-fiber傳遞. b. 包括灼痛(burning pain)、 內臟鈍鈍的痛(aching pain) 、抽痛(throbbing pain). ... 詳見醫學聲明。. 腹痛 ...
#38. 為師之道在於聞道而已?
在我的學生時代,我常常在想,醫學知識極為生硬繁雜而且大多需要死背,或許讓 ... not suffused; sclera not icteric; neck: no palpable lymph node; ...
#39. 910918 Cystadenoma - 朱耕甫21.pdf
○Abdomen: Inspection:soft, no tenderness, no protruding mass. Auscultation:hyperactive bowel. Palpation:No palpable mass.
#40. Wilkin-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: That's not to say that exercise is not making the children healthy in other ways, says Wilkin, just that it's having no palpable effect ...
#41. 北區重症討論會
林口長庚兒童醫學中心. 兒童急診加護科. 研究醫師 : 王昱 ... Nose: no nasal flaring, not boggy nasal turbinates. Throat: not injected; no ... No palpable mass.
#42. 台灣胰臟醫學會函 - 中華民國癌症醫學會
主辦單位:台灣胰臟醫學會、亞東醫院一般外科. 報到時間:13:00~ (不收費) ... 台灣消化系內科醫學會受訓醫師 ... abdominal palpable mass, no palpable lymph node.
#43. [Vacuum-assisted biopsy and wire localization for the ... - X-MOL
[Vacuum-assisted biopsy and wire localization for the diagnosis of non-palpable breast lesions]. Zhonghua zhong liu za zhi [Chinese journal of oncology] Pub ...
#44. Intrapelvic migration with long-term retention of a rectal ...
An extrinsic thermometer tip over the upper rectal region was palpable by digital rectal examination. On physical examination, no infections or signs of ...
#45. skin turgor 中文
Infants and young children with these conditions can rapidly lose lot of fluid, if they do not take enough water skin turgor 中文意思是什麼skin turgor解釋 ...
#46. 常見的甲狀腺疾病
1 財團法人國泰綜合醫院新竹分院家庭醫學科主治醫師. 2 財團法人國泰綜合醫院內分泌科 ... Grade 0: 無甲狀腺腫大(no goiter)。 ... and not visible when neck fully.
#47. “NP”是“Not Palpable”的英文缩写,意思是“摸不着”
医学 类作者 AOETC. 英语缩略词“NP”经常作为“Not Palpable”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“摸不着”。本文将详细介绍英语缩写词NP所代表英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释 ...
#48. 良性卵巢腫瘤Benign Ovarian Tumors - 中山醫學大學附設醫院
No symptom or symptoms such as local discomfortable, menstral dysfuction, infertility, dysmenorrhea. 3. Low abdominal pain, palpable abdominal mass, ...
#49. 壓瘡及其分期
STAGE 1 PRESSURE INJURY: Non-blanchable erythema of intact skin ... Full-thickness skin and tissue loss with exposed or directly palpable fascia, muscle,.
#50. 右附件触不清| Chinese to English | Medical (general) -
right adnexa was not palpable/not palpated. Explanation: Palpation of right adnexa: not palpated 医学术语:触诊用palpate, 不用touch
#51. 義大醫院兒童醫學部
HILAR (NOT PALPABLE, FOUND ON CHEST RADIOGRAPH OR CT). Tuberculosis. Histoplasmosis. Blastomycosis. Coccidioidomycosis. Leukemia/lymphoma. Hodgkin disease.
#52. 淋巴癌 - 仁愛醫療財團法人腫瘤治療中心
依據實證醫學精神,並於指引中註明主要參考文獻(至少為peer review ... Assessment of Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: The Lugano Classification.
#53. 臺北醫學大學附設醫院小兒科
提供正確小兒科學之基本概念,使實習醫學生熟悉小兒科各種常見疾病的診斷與. 治療方法,對一般小兒科疾病的處理原則 ... Bowel sound: normoactive, no palpable mass,.
#54. Rebound tenderness 才是正確的寫法@ 急診小醫師 - 隨意窩
She described the pain as @ ymmcc 急診醫學野外登山攀岩露營潛水@ ymmcc. ... No palpable masses, rebound tenderness, guarding, fluid thrill, shifting dullness ...
#55. Intracranial Rosai-Dorfman disease with unusual transcranial ...
A 48-year-old woman presented with a growing palpable mass at the left ... We reported this case not only because of its rarity, but also because of the ...
#56. 565519576.pdf - 護理研究所
運用基礎醫學及護理專業知識技能,展現病史收集與身體評估能力。 ... Digital examination: no palpable mass, external hemorrhoid.
#57. 基層醫療急性發燒之鑑別診斷 - 台灣醫學會
臺中榮民總醫院兒童醫學部感染科 ... 陳彥旭高雄醫學大學附設醫院內科感染科 ... Abd : soft & flat normal active bowel sound no palpable mass.
#58. 2013年男性生殖醫學與性醫學最新發展研討會
Idiopathic: No demonstrable cause of male infertility, other than idiopathic OAT syndrome ... Indication: azoospermia patients with palpable.
#59. gross - DICT.TW Dictionary Taiwan
英漢字典、漢英字典、和英辭書、英英字典、英漢醫學字典、注音查詢、中文輸入法字典。 ... Advowson in gross Law, an advowson belonging to a person, and not to a ...
#60. 甲狀腺超音波對於診斷甲狀腺結節良惡性的臨床價值
校院名稱: 中山醫學大學. 系所名稱: 醫學研究所. 論文出版年: 2011. 語文別: 中文 ... However, to find cost-effective way to further workup of non-palpable ...
#61. Abdominal hernias: Radiological features - PMC - NCBI
Imaging modalities can aid in the differential diagnosis of palpable abdominal ... most hernias are not clearly visible in frontal or frontal oblique views, ...
#62. Management of Rectal Bleeding in the Community
Non -specific symptom. • Majority due to self-limiting ... Training of primary care physicians on non- ... Digital rectal examination: definite palpable.
#63. 腸阻塞(Ileus)
新光醫院 急診醫學科. 蔡先生,81歲男性 ... Soft but distended; Bowel sound: hypoactive; No palpable mass; No tenderness; Tympanic percussion.
#64. 臨床藥學部跨院訓練-TDM 主 題:Phenytoin各論暨案例報告
中 文 名. DILANTIN CAP 100MG ... Non-linear pharmacokinetics ... Neck and lymph nodes: Supple; no enlarged thyroid; no palpable neck nodes;.
#65. skin turgor 中文
1. tent-flap中文翻譯,tent-flap是什麼意思| tenting醫學中文. ... if they do not take enough water skin turgor 中文意思是什麼skin turgor解釋皮膚腫脹skin: n 1 ...
#66. 中華民國骨科醫學會110 年度第79 次學術研討會(線上)
中華民國小兒骨科醫學會臺灣脊椎外科醫學會臺灣骨科研究學會 ... Physical examination showed palpable mass about 9 cm x 6 cm, solid, not movable on proximal.
#67. What is Palliative Care? - Get Palliative Care
Palliative care is based on the needs of the patient, not on the patient's prognosis. It is appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness, ...
#68. Calm before the Storm | NEJM
There was no family or personal history of liver disease or inflammatory bowel disease. ... The gallbladder was not palpable. Figure 1.
#69. Untitled Document
在眾多診斷乳癌的程序中,醫學超音波乳癌影像診斷為接受度最高的及時診斷 ... tool for detecting and diagnosing breast tumors, particularly palpable tumors.
#70. 醫學院- 香港中文大學學術研究文庫- Converis标准配置
Heart Is Not the Source of Increased Circulating Endothelin: Evidence ... High Resolution Ultrasound of Palpable Breast Lumps: A Prospective Study 1995).
#71. 物理诊断学/病案书写格式及举例 - A+医学百科
英文病历示例(中文稿). 患者,李华,男,69岁,退休教师,因 ... Thyroid glandswere not palpable, there were no thrill or brunt. The trachea was in midline.
#72. Not palpable: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
Not palpable : 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录、定义、短语.
#73. 醫學研究雜誌第41卷第5期 - 第 240 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Axillary lymph nodes were not palpable. She had no other past significant history of illness. Her elder child was 7 years old, while younger was 1‐year‐old.
#74. 中醫臨床病例辨證彙編(上) - 第 144 頁 - Google 圖書結果
HEENT • conjunctiva:not pale • sclera:anicteric • pupil:isocoric • light reflex:+/+. • throat:not injected • neck:supple, no palpable LAP.
#75. 頭頸部軟組織超音波 - 第 264 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Physical examination revealed a 2-cm , non-tender, movable cystic mass in the upper jugular region but no other remarkable findings. No palpable thyroid ...
#76. 歡迎詞 - 中華民國核醫學學會
uptake of bone scintigraphy does not reflect amyloid fibril itself. ... 目的:PIPETTE 中文名稱-微量吸管,在一般實驗室是非常基本而且也是最 ...
#77. 醫學研究雜誌第38卷第5期 - 第 236 頁 - Google 圖書結果
A palpable mass over the left upper abdomen with percussion dullness of the lower ... Bronchoscopy did not show evidence of an endobronchial growth or ...
#78. Fibroids | Johns Hopkins Medicine
What are fibroids? Fibroids are growths made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue. These growths develop in the uterus and appear alone or in groups. They range in size, from as small as a grain of rice to as big as a melon. In some cases, fibroids can grow into the uterine cavity or outward from the uterus on stalks. An estimated 20% to 50% of women of reproductive age currently have fibroids, and up to 77% of women will develop fibroids sometime during their childbearing years. Only about one-third of these fibroids are large enough to be detected by a health care provider during a physical exam, so they are often undiagnosed. In more than 99% of fibroid cases, the tumors are not cancerous and do not increase the risk for uterine cancer. What causes fibroids? The cause of fibroids is not known. Research suggests each tumor develops from an abnormal muscle cell in the uterus and multiplies rapidly when encountering the estrogen hormone, which promotes the tumor's growth.
#79. 醫學研究雜誌第41卷第2期 - 第 99 頁 - Google 圖書結果
國防醫學院 ... The patient's attendants did not give any history of ... the right hypochondrium and a palpable liver just below the right subcostal margin.
#80. 醫學研究雜誌第39卷第1期 - 第 53 頁 - Google 圖書結果
A palpable mass in the right scrotum was noted, without marked tenderness but ... no signs of hemorrhagic shock emerged, and the area of ecchymosis did not ...
#81. 早期乳癌的局部性乳房放射治療- Lehman, M - Cochrane Library
This is not the most recent version of this Review. Please comment on the current version. view the current version 30 Aug 2021 ...
#82. 後腹腔許旺細胞瘤:病例報告與文獻回顧
奇美醫學中心外科部泌尿外科1 病理部2. Retroperitoneal Schwannoma- A Case Report ... Physical examination revealed no palpable mass. The results of laboratory.
#83. 乳房肿块:早期评估很重要- 妙佑医疗国际
... Healthy Living"(妙佑医疗国际健康生活)以及妙佑医疗国际三盾徽标均为Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research(妙佑医学教育和研究基金会)商标。
#84. OOO 年度急診醫學科專科醫師甄審口試 - NET
OOO 年度急診醫學科專科醫師甄審口試. 第1 頁,共3 頁 ... Throat: not injected, no vesicle formation. ... Abdomen: Soft, no tender, no palpable mass.
not palpable醫學中文 在 palpable醫學中文、biopsy醫學中文、murmur中文醫學在PTT ... 的推薦與評價
not palpable醫學中文,醫學術語翻譯, 請幫忙!!! 體檢發現Conscious: clear Eye: conjunctiva : not pale Sclera: not icteric Neck: supple Chest: symmetric expans. ... <看更多>