nulldc 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

A nullDC ALL-IN-ONE Launcher and optimizer to ensure easy setup for nullDC(Naomi/Atomidwave/Dreamcast), Mednafen(NES/SNES/Genesis/MegaDrive/GBA/GBC/Neo-Geo ... ... <看更多>
nullDC is an open source Sega Dreamcast and NAOMI emulator for Windows, developed by drk||Raziel (currently under the nickname skmp) and ZeZu.
#2. 在家體驗DreamCast末代遊戲機:NullDC配置指南 - 每日頭條
寫這一篇教程,還有一項重要原因是NullDC這一個模擬器和其他的軟體比如pcsx2,snes9x等相比缺乏具體的教學和指導,然而配置難度又相對較高,國內資料 ...
免费地下载NullDC针对于Windows. 强大的Dreamcast模拟器. NullDC 是一个Dreamcast模拟器,由世嘉发布的最后一个游戏机,这么多年之后,仍然被认为是最好的游戏机之一。
nulldc. [DEAD, LOOK FOR REICAST] A dreamcast emulator, for win86. nullDC was a sega dreamcast ...
#5. Download NullDC for Windows 10, 7, 8/8.1 (64 bit/32 bit)
NullDC is an Open Source Sega Dreamcast and NAOMI Emulator for Windows Operating Systems. NullDC requires DirectX 9.0c, Visual C++ runtime libraries and you ...
#7. nullDC - Sega Dreamcast - Downloads - Emulators - emutopia
nullDC is an open source Sega Dreamcast console and NAOMI arcade machine emulator for Windows. Links. GitHub - skmp/nulldc: nullDC, a sega dreamcast emulator ...
#8. nullDC - Emulation General Wiki
nullDC is an open-source Dreamcast and Naomi emulator. Download[edit]. Windows, nullDC ...
#9. nullDC - The Emulator Zone
nullDC is a freeware Sega Dreamcast and NAOMI, the arcade version of the hardware developed by Sega. It is developed for the Windows platform.
#10. nullDC Emulator Download - CoolROM.com
CoolROM.com's emulator information and download page for nullDC (Sega Dreamcast).
#11. Download NullDC Final V.1.0.4 With BIOS Emulator for ...
NullDC is a Dreamcast emulator for SEGA's last console, the Dreamcast, which is widely regarded as one of the best consoles of all time. Games ...
#12. Running Sega Dreamcast Games on Your PC with nullDC
If a game happens to use it, then it will not work in nullDC. It's worth noting that DEMUL does support WinCE, so that is one thing that does ...
#13. nullDC-PSP : drk||Raziel, xiro, hlide - Internet Archive
Sega Dreamcast emulator for PlayStation Portable. Addeddate: 2021-01-13 19:33:08. Identifier: nullDC-PSP.
#14. nullDC下载_Dreamcast模拟器绿色汉化版 - Win7旗舰版
nullDC 是一款支持众多游戏的DC模拟器器,nullDC是精选的DC模拟器典藏版本。玩家通过winwin7分享的这款nullDC即可在电脑端也能体验DC游戏!
#15. NullDC Netplay Launcher BEAR (Beat Em All Raw) - GitHub
A nullDC ALL-IN-ONE Launcher and optimizer to ensure easy setup for nullDC(Naomi/Atomidwave/Dreamcast), Mednafen(NES/SNES/Genesis/MegaDrive/GBA/GBC/Neo-Geo ...
#16. Re: [求助] demul0.7a及nullDC無法執行DC遊戲- 看板Emulator
cpu:i5-760 gpu:gtx-650 ram:4g os:win7x64 上面是我的文書機規格跑nulldc 當然沒問題用來跑最新版demul 及flycast 也都很順顯然您的問題在於顯卡太舊 ...
#17. nullDC(dc游戏模拟器) v1.0.5最新版附使用教程 - 欧普软件园
nullDC 的安装程序已经包含了一些插件,玩家只需要把那些插件按自身的情况来设置一下就可以了。运行模拟器主程序nullDC_100b1.exe后选择Options → Select Plugin就进入了 ...
#18. nullDC Alternatives: Top 7 Similar Game Emulators
The best nullDC alternatives are Redream, Reicast and DEmul. Our crowd-sourced lists contains seven apps similar to nullDC for Windows, Linux, Android, ...
#19. 什麼是nullDC?(Open Source開發) - Solvusoft
nullDC 是一個開源的世嘉和世嘉尚美視頻遊戲系統仿真器用於Microsoft Windows和其他平台。
#20. DC模拟器(nullDC)下载v1.0.4 rev149中文版
#21. How to Play Sega Dreamcast Games on Your Computer ...
In this guide, we show you how to play Sega Dreamcast games on your computer with NullDC. This guide shows you one way of fixing the no VMU detected bug.
#22. DC模拟器(nullDC)下载v1.70EX汉化中文版
nullDC 是一款好用的DC游戏模拟器,使用该模拟器可以完美地在PC平台运行各种红白机游戏,相信大家小时候都玩过游戏机,现在是电脑时代了,想不要再玩一下呢?
#23. nullDC(DC模拟器) v1.7EX珍藏版版 - KK下载站
nullDC 一款简单易用的DC模拟器,很多玩家特别喜欢DC游戏主机上的游戏,为了大家可以随时玩DC游戏特地为大家分享了这款DC模拟器,通过该模拟器可以让 ...
#24. 用"nulldc"造句 - 查查在线词典
nulldc 的造句和例句: 1. A new plugin and video shader for nullDC were released on January 10, 2008, to fix some display bugs and add the support for ...
#25. nullDC 1.0 Download (Free) - NullDC 1.6.exe
nullDC is the best Sega Dreamcast emulator available for Windows. nullDC runs several Dreamcast games at good speed, with full sound and ...
#26. nulldc官方下载_dc模拟器1.70典藏版免费下载- 系统之家
nulldc 是一款功能非常强大的DC游戏模拟器,支持你在PC端运行各种红白机游戏。运行游戏时需加载虚拟光驱,建议选择zNullGD,正确载入了游戏镜像的盘符 ...
#27. Download nulldc setup emulator download @ Juniors powder ...
nullDC is a freeware Sega Dreamcast and NAOMI, the arcade version of the hardware developed by Sega. It is developed for the Windows platform.
#28. nulldc最新版v1.04下载 - 快盘下载
nulldc 是一款非常好用的DC游戏模拟器,能够将街机类游戏移植到电脑上,帮助大家找回童年回忆。
#29. nulldc模擬器 - 軟體兄弟
nulldc 模擬器,nullDC中文版,支持众多的DC模拟器游戏,这款nullDC是精选的DC模拟器典藏版本。 DC模拟器nullDC. 核心优化DreamCast 模拟器;光驱插件建议 ...
#30. How to Load ISO on NullDC - ItStillWorks
NullDC is a Sega Dreamcast video game emulator for Microsoft Windows. In addition, NullDC is a NAOMI arcade emulator.
#31. nullDC Emulator for DC on Windows | Emuparadise
nullDC is an open source Sega Dreamcast and NAOMI emulator for Windows, developed by drk||Raziel (currently under the nickname skmp) and ZeZu.
#32. nulldc 最新
31 10 2019 · DC模拟器中文版.Cn 提供数据仓储服务,推荐使用Chrome内核浏览器访问本站。 DX11 Plugin with Internal Render Scaler for DEmul x86 v0. DC模拟器nullDC v1.
#33. NULLDC (Dreamcast Emulator) Works in 3D vision - Nvidia
Posted by bullripper: “NULLDC (Dreamcast Emulator) Works in 3D vision”
#34. nullDC-PSP | PSX-Place
nullDC -PSP version pre-alpha 0.1. A Sega Dreamcast emulator for PlayStation Portable. # AUTHORSHIP Originally developed by drk||Raziel ( ...
#35. nulldc模拟器PC版v1.70EX免安装版 - 软件学堂
nulldc 模拟器这款软件是一款非常不错的主机游戏模拟器软件,这款软件可以让使用者在Windows的环境中模拟DC游戏的运行环境,只要有游戏资源, ...
#36. SEGA DreamCast(DC)模擬器:nullDC 1.0.4 SVN rev136
11 年前 - 『nullDC』為SEGA 家用電視遊樂器主機DreamCast(DC)的模擬器可同時使用四支手把進行遊戲,並支援鍵盤、搖桿、滑鼠等輸入裝置,與利用記憶卡來儲存遊戲進度 ...
#37. NullDC-BEAR v1.92 - EmuCR
NullDC -BEAR v1.92 is released. A nullDC ALL-IN-ONE Launcher and optimizer to ensure easy setup for nullDC(Naomi/Atomidwave/Dreamcast), ...
#38. Nulldc installation problems. - Arcade Controls Forum
Now I am going back to Windows XP and trying out the defacto standard for Dreamcast emulators, Nulldc. This too has met with failure as it ...
#39. nulldc手柄设置教程nulldc操作设置图文说明 - 跑跑车游戏网
#40. nulldc v1.04 要怎様才可以也玩得到Naomi的rom[已解決]
本帖最後由fanco668 於2014-5-28 23:27 編輯. DC 模擬器偶覺得這麼多模擬器中最難的一個... {:1_152:} 先問一下樓主你使用nullDC 104 是全部遊戲都 ...
#41. nulldc _ 搜索结果
点击查看更多相关视频、番剧、影视、直播、专栏、话题、用户等内容;你感兴趣的视频都在B站,bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有及时的动漫新番,活跃的ACG氛围 ...
#42. dc模拟器nulldc怎么引导 - 百度知道
Nulldc.1.0.3,运行模拟器要安装vcredist_x86 2005 首先打开模拟器 我们第一步要做是给模拟器配置插件,视频分为2种插件一种C视频插件(无法模拟雾化效果,可以玩某些 ...
#43. NullDC - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
nullDC es uno de los primeros emuladores que soporta a la placa arcade NAOMI, desarrollada sobre la base de hardware de la Dreamcast. Ésta noticia fue liberada ...
#44. NullDC ▷ Best Dreamcast Emulator for PC + 5 Alternatives
On the other hand, the compatibility list between Dreamcast and NullDC games is the most complete that can be found in any emulator for this console, a question ...
#45. Download nulldc setup emulator download @ Mixing adderall ...
File: nulldc setup emulator download Ву: tenjohnces Speed: 11 Mb/s Comprеssiоn: exe Total downloads.
#46. Nulldc 1.0.6 UPDATED on ramehenic - Trello
Nulldc 1.0.6 nulldc, nulldc bear, nulldc bios, nulldc final, nulldc netplay, nulldc unable to find bios, nulldc final with bios, nulldc psp, nulldc setup, ...
#47. nulldc模拟器v1.70 典藏版下载 - 6188手游网
nulldc 模拟器是一款强大的DC游戏模拟器,在使用这款nulldc模拟器之后就可以让你在电脑上运行各种红白机游戏,在运行这些游戏的时候是需要去运行加载 ...
#48. nullDC(dc模拟器) - 非凡软件
nullDC 是一款非常好用的DC模拟器,能够将街机类游戏移植到电脑上,帮助大家找回童年回忆。nulldc使用起来非常方便,只需要点几下按键就可以开始游戏。
#49. DC模擬器nullDC 1.0.0 beta 1.6 中文版(免安裝) @ 劉愛的部落格
【軟體名稱】:DC模擬器nullDC 1.0.0 beta 1.6 中文版(免安裝) 【軟體語言】:中文【軟體分類】:遊戲主機模擬器【軟體性質】: 免費軟體【檔案大小】:1.87MB【放置 ...
#50. DC模拟器nullDC V1.70EX 中文典藏版 - 街机游戏下载
DC模拟器nullDC V1 70EX 中文典藏版使用步骤: 1、用虚拟光驱载入游戏镜像2、选择模拟器菜单上的Options在选择光驱指定您的虚拟光驱盘符3、在点菜单上的GO选择光驱引导 ...
#51. Emulator nulldc - PhoenixInteractiveNL/emuDownloadCenter ...
nullDC is a emulator for Sega Dreamcast made by Stefanos Kornilios Mitsis Poiitidis and has a Freeware license, the GUI language is English.
#52. nullDC - PSP Archive
nullDC is a Dreamcast emulator for PSP, currently in an experimental stage. The emulator was originally developed in 2008. The source code was lost for many ...
#53. DC模拟器NullDC简单使用教程& 使用EmuCheat修改教程
有网友问怎么用这个模拟器,直接写个简单教程上来!照图操作吧!1、准备工作:下载NullDC模拟器:kof2112原版:nullDC/Naomi (2015/09/18) fan123 ...
#54. 在家体验DreamCast末代游戏机:NullDC配置指南 - 什么值得买
#55. nullDC - Sega - Dreamcast Emulators - Zophar's Domain
nullDC, an emulator for Sega - Dreamcast running on the Windows OS. Download all nullDC files for free!
#56. nullDC Dreamcast Version 1.0.4 r150 - 1Emulation.com
nullDC is the top open source Sega Dreamcast emulator for Windows. From the homepage: Builds require the Visual C++ 2010 and DirectX 9c ...
#57. NullDC Lag : r/EmulationOnPC - Reddit
So I'm running the latest version of NullDC and I got the ISO downloaded for Crazy Taxi 2 and the game seems normal when it starts except ...
#58. Music tracks, songs, playlists tagged nulldc on SoundCloud
Play tracks and discovery playlists tagged nulldc on SoundCloud desktop and mobile.
#59. Justin Wong 在Twitter 上:"NULLDC Bear and Fightcade 2 ...
NULLDC Bear and Fightcade 2... SUCH A BROKEN COMBO! 上午9:03 · 2020年7月25日·Twitter Web App.
#60. Will this look better than the NullDC emulated version?
1 & 2 look really good on the NullDC emulator because it scales to your desktop resolution and there is also an NVIDIA Inspector AA code you ...
#61. nullDC(dc游戏模拟器) v1.0.5最新版附使用教程 - 当兔软件园
本站为您提供nullDC(dc游戏模拟器),nullDC是一款功能强大的DC游戏模拟器,支持众多DC模拟器游戏,有了这款软件用户就可以在电脑上玩各种dc游戏了, ...
#62. NullDC a new Dreamcast Emulator for PC - gHacks Tech News
Yesterday NullDC was released which is a Dreamcast emulator for PC. It is supposed to be the emulator with the most playable titles running ...
#63. nullDC模拟器使用图文教程 - 电玩999
nullDC 的安装程序已经包含了一些插件,玩家只需要把那些插件按自身的情况来设置一下就可以了。运行模拟器主程序nullDC_100b1.exe后选择Options → Select ...
#64. Dreamcast Emulator nullDC v1.0.4 r141 plugins bios vmu (late ...
Dreamcast Emulator nullDC v1.0.4 r141 plugins bios vmu (late 64 bit. DOWNLOAD: https://urloso.com/2c31oe. 1640289674. Related.
#65. Help with nullDC Controls | Next Generation Emulation
When I choose nullDC Keyboard it won't let me change the date, but if I choose nullDC Controller it allows me to change the time and date but ...
#66. nullDC(DC模拟器) V1.70ex 汉化版下载 - 完美下载站
nullDC 是一款免费的DC游戏模拟器,是不是很怀念小时候玩的街机游戏呢?nullDC支持你在PC端运行各种红白机游戏。运行游戏时需加载虚拟光驱, ...
#67. nullDC | AppNee Freeware Group.
nullDC is a free, open source 32-bit Sega Dreamcast and Sega NAOMI (arcade edition of Sega hardware) game consoles emulator for Windows, first released in ...
#68. NullDC...On Your Phone - The Dreamcast Junkyard
That's right - now (or at least sometime soon) you can play DC games on your Android device! As you can see from the video, this new incarnation of the NullDC ...
#69. Re: [求助] demul0.7a及nullDC無法執行DC遊戲- 模擬器
Re:[求助]demul0.7a及nullDC無法執行DC遊戲@emulator,共有9則留言,4人參與討論,4推0噓5→, cpu:i5-760gpu:gtx-650ram:4gos:win7x64上面是我的文書 ...
#70. NullDC - Fighting Games Online
NullDC is another dreamcast emulator that was actually available long before Demul came to be. Recently, there has been a renaissance for netplay with this ...
#71. nulldc News, Reviews and Information | Engadget
Get the latest nulldc info from our tech-obsessed editors with breaking news, in-depth reviews, hands-on videos, and our insights on future products.
#72. [RESOLVED] nullDC error - General - Spesoft Forums
I'm using the latest version of nullDC v1.04 r136 I believe. Everything was working fine in Maximus Arcade. I Didn't get this error until ...
#73. DC模拟器nullDC-170EX简易教程 - 街机中国
DC模拟器nullDC-170EX简易教程. 街机cn 来源:厂商 发表于:2018-11-15. 下面是下载包中的各部分使用教程. 大家不要觉得麻烦,其实操作步骤很简单;正常运行游戏只需要 ...
#74. NullDC 1.0.4 r136 - Dreamcast - Emulator.Games
NullDC 1.0.4 r136 emulator download for Windows only at Emulator.Games. NullDC 1.0.4 r136 is a Dreamcast emulator by NullDC that plays games for this ...
#75. nulldc模拟器最新版v1.70 ex典藏版 - 极光下载站
nulldc 模拟器免费版包含了非常多样的街机游戏在其中,分类清楚,让你通过本软件可以快速就找到自己爱玩的那一款,而且流畅的操作手法,也会带给你最 ...
#76. nullDC - DEV edition - DCEmulation
This version allows you to load elf\bin file via command line ("nulldc.exe <you_program>"), so you can easily integrate it in your toolchain ...
#77. nulldc模擬器下載
nullDC 模擬器是一款經典的DC游戲模擬器,它可以能夠讓你的電腦隨便暢玩DC游戲,此軟件不占用內存,有需要的玩家們不妨來試下經典的街機游戲,有需要的玩家可以下載體驗,接 ...
#78. NullDC Free Download for Windows 11, 10, 7, 8/8.1 - Down10 ...
NullDC Free & Safe Download for Windows 11, 10, 7, 8/8.1 from Down10.Software. NullDC is a free program for Windows that belongs to the category Games ...
#79. nullDC | The Emulation64 Network
Download the latest version of nullDC (1.0.0 BETA 1.6). nullDC is a plugin based Dreamcast emulator for x86 based computers running Windows Operating ...
#80. NullDC Naomi 1.0.4 - HyperSpin
Hi guys, Does anyone has the AHK file for NullDC Naomi emulator to load lst file extensions ? Can you please share. Thanks.
#81. Stefanos Kornilios Mitsis Poiitidis nullDC Issues - Giters
Stefanos Kornilios Mitsis Poiitidis nullDC: nullDC, a sega dreamcast emulator.
#82. NullDC pour Windows - Télécharger - Clubic
NullDC permet de matérialiser directement le menu de la Dreamcast, afin de paramétrer la console virtuelle exactement comme sur la machine d' ...
#83. What does nulldc mean - Search words by mask
nullDC is an open source Sega Dreamcast and Sega Naomi videogame systems emulator for Microsoft Windows and other platforms.
#84. NEW DreamCast Emulator: nullDC v1.0.0 Beta (Runs games ...
http://www.1emulation.com/1emu_images/dc/nullDC4-2-07/nulldcbigvh5fs7.png Congratulations to the nullDC team, this is some great work.
#85. nullDC Emulator Free Download for Linux, Windows - Retrostic
Download nullDC emulator for Linux, Windows and enjoy playing Dreamcast games on your desktop or mobile device free of charge.
#86. Download nullDC Emulator for Sega Dreamcast on Windows
nullDC ; File Name: NullDC 1.0.4-389.zip ; Filesize: 2076190 ; Downloads: 1463 ; Homepage: Link ...
#87. RossenX is creating nulldc BEAR. Netplay for everyone to enjoy!
BEAR (Beat 'Em All Raw) Is a front-end software with customized netcode to allow nullDC to be played online with minimal delay and maximum fun!
#88. NullDC - SEGA Dreamcast Emulator
NullDC is one of the best Dreamcast Emulators around, and has one of the highest compatibility rates while still achieving decent performance.
#89. NullDC in Launchbox - Troubleshooting
I downloaded NullDC and played some of my ROMs with it and all worked just fine. I then imported NullDC to Launchbox and after I did that, ...
#90. Dreamcast nullDC模拟器将支持Android_软件学园 - 新浪科技
日前从国外媒体了解到,能够在Android平台运行世嘉游戏的Dreamcast模拟器nullDC,而致力于这方面的该模拟器作者drk||Raziel已经正常在nullDC上启动 ...
#91. Naomi edition 1.0.4 r136 Emulator - Sega Dreamcast Download
NullDC - Naomi edition 1.0.4 r136 Emulator is available to download for Sega Dreamcast. This emulator works in maximum quality on the Windows platform and ...
#92. nulldc最新版(dc模拟器) - 绿色资源网
nulldc 模拟器最新版是一款非常好用的DC游戏模拟器,现在虽然在互联网上的网络游戏非常多,但是这些游戏的套路基本上都是一样的,玩的太多自然就腻了。
#93. Horrible tearing with nulldc 1.0.4 and gtx680 | Beyond3D Forum
solved: Horrible tearing with nulldc 1.0.4 and gtx680 Anyone else tried running NullDC1.0.4 with GTX680 / windows 7 64 bit? I have an Apple 30" cinema...
#94. NullDC Sega Dreamcast Emulator Being Ported To Android ...
A popular open-source project, nullDC, has been providing PC-emulated nostalgia for some time now, but this week we're seeing the first fruits ...
#95. NullDC 1.0.4 r150 with Shenmue fixes by masterchan777
The latest build of nullDC has a couple of bugs that affect the gameplay of Shenmue, one of those bugs causes the emulator to randomly crash ...
#96. Looking for an older version of NullDC (r48) for a specific reason
Disc swapping became broken on most games after this revision, and I'm playing a game where disc swapping is required.
#97. Easiest way to fix nulldc v1.0.4 r136 bios - Tommy's Computer ...
nullDC is a free, open source 32-bit emulator for Sega Dreamcast and Sega NAOMI (Arcade Edition by Sega Hardware) for Windows game consoles, ...
#98. NullDC Framerate Issues | EmuTalk.net
NullDC 1.0.4 Settings (I left the default options where not specified) Plugins Graphics, nullDC PowerVR -- Direct3D HAL
nulldc 在 Re: [求助] demul0.7a及nullDC無法執行DC遊戲- 看板Emulator 的推薦與評價
跑 nulldc 當然沒問題
用來跑最新版 demul 及 flycast 也都很順
像是較新的硬體 (如新 cpu 的新增指令集或新顯卡的新版 dx)
或是新版作業系統 / 顯卡驅動 / vc++ ...等
像是新增支援 2 個新遊戲
但卻使得 1 個舊遊戲反而不能玩
還有就是要盡量使用正確的 rom 檔
您所使用的 cdi 閹割格式
雖然一般認知是僅在 cg 動畫或 bgm 動過手腳
以前曾測試 ps2 閹割版鋼彈救世主
再改用符合 redump 格式的 iso 檔後
因此要玩 dc 遊戲的話
建議還是盡量以符合 redump 格式的 gdi 檔為佳
redump 原先的 dc 遊戲格式為 gdi+bin
但現已改為 cue+bin
幸好遊戲主體的 bin 不變
只是導引檔由 gdi 改為 cue 罷了
若已有 gdi 格式遊戲的話
只要自 redump 官網下載 cue 檔替換即可
回到您 demul 的問題...
若您使用新版 0.7 有效能上的問題
可以試試使用舊版 0.582
只是 0.582 支援的 mame 版本過舊
故在執行 naomi 之類的街機遊戲時
可能會有 rom 檔不符的問題
至於 nulldc 的問題...
請先確認已正確安裝 vc++2010x86 及 dx9.0c
常用 dc 模擬器概略比較:
demul 官網:
目前官網最新版為 0.7-171111
討論區最新版則為 0.7-180428
支援 dc / naomi / atomiswave / win-ce
naomi / atomiswave ...等街機可直吃 mame 版 rom 檔
naomi 等街機類遊戲建議首選
flycast 官方下載區:
flycast 是 reicast 的分支版本
多支援了 naomi / atomiswave / win-ce
naomi / atomiswave 可直吃 mame 版 rom 檔
retroarch 已內建 flycast 核心
故也可直接使用 retroarch
dc 遊戲建議首選
月華二 (gdi 格式) 的畫面及聲音一切正常
reicast 官方下載區:
nulldc 作者轉向支援開發的模擬器
也可將 reicast 視為 nulldc 的後繼版本
僅支援 dc
redream 官網:
目前官網最新版為 1.5.0
但模擬完成度已在 nulldc 之上
也只有單一原生解析度 640x480 可用
拿來玩 2d 遊戲是不錯的選擇
僅支援 dc
月華二 (gdi 格式) 的畫面及聲音一切正常
最終版為 1.0.4r150
支援 dc / naomi
但 dc 及 naomi 需個別使用獨立模擬器
且 naomi 遊戲需先轉檔解密
無法直吃 mame 版 rom 檔
月華二 (gdi 格式) 的片頭動畫會掉速且有雜音
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1587732035.A.4A6.html
... <看更多>