シュークリームの作り方。 Cream Puffs Recipe https://youtu.be/YGG_XymEf5w
角食パンの作り方。Bread Recipe https://youtu.be/hnL4JWqTKwc
オールドファッションドーナツの作り方。Old Fashioned Doughnuts Recipe https://youtu.be/X9sxORdf7Dk
道具 材料の紹介!
マーブル台 https://amzn.to/2ZthpG6
強力粉(春よ恋) https://amzn.to/31Jv2Uj
バニラビーンズ https://amzn.to/2NTvIhY
薄力粉 100g
強力粉 150g
バニラシュガー 35g (無ければグラニュー糖)
ドライイースト 3g
塩 4g
牛乳 110g
卵 60g
無塩バター 30g
100g cake flour
150g bread flour
35g granulated sugar
3g dry yeast
4g salt
110g milk
60g egg
30g unsalted butter
1 無塩バター以外の材料をボールに入れ、混ぜます
2 1を台に移し、15分ほど捏ねます。
3 生地がまとまったら無塩バターを加え、更に20分ほど捏ねます。
4 生地を丸め、30℃で40~60分発酵させます。
5 生地が2倍に膨らんだらガス抜きをして、10等分にし15分休ませます。
6 手で押さえて空気を抜き、丸めなおしてクッキングシートにのせます。
7 生地を手で平たく伸ばし、35℃で50分発酵させます。
8 170℃の油で焼き色が付くまで揚げます。
How to make yeast donuts Google translate
1 Put ingredients other than unsalted butter in a bowl and mix
2 Transfer 1 to the table and knead for about 15 minutes.
3 When the dough puts together, add unsalted butter and knead for another 20 minutes.
4 Roll dough and ferment at 30℃ for 40-60 minutes.
5 When the dough has doubled, degas it, divide it into 10 equal parts, and let rest for 15 minutes.
6 Hold it with your hands to release the air, re-roll it and put it on the cooking sheet.
7 Flatten the dough by hand and ferment for 50 minutes at 35°C.
8 Fry in oil at 170℃ until brown.
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「old fashioned butter roll recipe」的推薦目錄:
old fashioned butter roll recipe 在 Cookat Hong Kong Youtube 的最讚貼文
麵糰:高筋麵粉 300g,砂糖 35g,鹽 4g,酵母 6g,牛奶 70ml,水 40ml, 雞蛋 1, 牛油 45g
紅豆餡料 50g,香腸 1,粟米 4 tbsp,洋蔥 3 tbsp,甜椒碎 3 tbsp,蛋黃醬 3 tbsp,水牛芝士 1 tbsp,蛋黃醬,茄汁,蛋液,黑芝麻,花生粉,番茜,忌廉
1. 將高筋麵粉,砂糖,鹽,酵母,牛奶,水, 雞蛋, 牛油搓勻,蓋上保鮮紙,待發酵1小時
2. 用少許麵粉將麵糰搓開,分成小件,搓成圓狀,待發酵10分鐘
3. 將麵糰壓平,包入紅豆餡料,壓成餅狀
4. 將麵糰壓成長條型,捲成圓條狀
5. 將麵糰壓平,包入香腸,用剪刀剪開,形成花狀。將粟米,洋蔥,甜椒碎,蛋黃醬拌勻,蓋在香腸麵包上面,加上水牛芝士,蛋黃醬,茄汁。
6. 麵包待發酵40分鐘後,塗上蛋液,並分別灑上黑芝麻,花生粉,番茜
7. 用180℃ 焗15分鐘
8. 花生碎長條包切開,加入忌廉
-Bread Dough (8 Serving): 300g Bread Flour, 35g Sugar, 4g Salt, 6g Dry Yeast, 70ml Milk, 40ml Water, 1 Egg, 45g Butter
1) Red Bean Bread (1 Serving)
50g Red Bean Fillings (1 Serving), Black Sesame Seeds
2) Cream Bread (1 Serving)
Peanut Flour, Whipped Cream
3) Sausage Bread (1 Serving)
1 Sausage, 3 Tbsp Minced Bell Pepper, 3 Tbsp Minced Onion, 4 Tbsp Sweet Corn, 3 Tbsp Mayonnaise, 1 Tbsp Mozzarella Cheese, Ketchup, Parsley Powder
1. Put bread flour in a glass bowl. Make a well and place sugar, salt, and yeast. Combine them and add milk and egg. Knead the dough and when it becomes one, add butter. Knead until the dough softens. Leave the dough in a warm area for an hour to rise.
2. When it’s risen, divide the dough into 8 and push out the gas. Place plastic wrap over and let it rise again for 10 minutes.
3. When it’s done, roll out the first dough and put the filling on top. Seal the dough and slightly press the middle. Use spoon to press down the middle once more.
4. Roll out the second dough and make an oval shape.
Roll out the third dough and stuff sausage. Cut the dough with scissors. In an empty bowl, combine corn, onion, bell peppers, mayonnaise and place it over the third dough. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese, mayonnaise, and ketchup.
5. Place the shaped dough in a warm and damp area for 40 minutes for second rising.
6. Brush off egg mixtures over the doughs. Sprinkle sesame seeds and peanut flour over. Sprinkle parsley powder over the dough and bake in 180°C oven for 15 minutes.
7. Slice cream bread in half and cover it with whipped cream.
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