#1. 總股數(額定股本)、已發行股數、流通在外股數 ... - 市場先生
流通在外股數(Shares Outstanding)又可以稱為流通股,指一間公司在公開市場上所有流通的股數,包含了投資人持有的全部股份、公司管理階層與員工等內部持有 ...
#2. 流通股票,outstanding stock,元照英美法詞典- 免費線上查詢!
outstanding stock. 中文. 在外股票;流通股票. 解釋. 已發行尚未償付的股票;由投資者擁有、發行公司未回購的股票。亦稱作「outstanding capital stock」;「shares ...
#3. outstanding (shares) 已发行的?发行在外的?流通在外的?
Outstanding shares 可以指普通股,也可以指优先股。在A系列优先股购买协议(NVCA风险投资协议之一)中,就说明了outstanding preferred shares是美国证券法所规定的 ...
#4. 请问outstanding shares翻译为“流通在外股票”和“发行 ... - 译问
outstanding shares 翻译为“发行在外的股份”或“对外发行的股份”是正确的。为了理解这个词,需要理解与其相关的几个词:authorized shares(批准发行的股份)、issued ...
#5. 法律英语:outstanding (shares) 已发行的?发行在外的?流通 ...
Outstanding shares are the number of shares that the shareholders own (that is, the number of shares outstanding in the hands of the shareholders).
#6. issued and outstanding shares - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"issued and outstanding shares" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#7. 什么是“发行在外的股份”(outstanding shares)?
什么是“发行在外的股份”(outstanding shares)? ... “发行在外的股份”指公司当前由其股东所持有的、以及开放给投资商买卖的全部股票。 股东包括机构投资商及公司高管和内部 ...
#8. outstanding shares-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: shares outstanding,在英语-中文情境中翻译"outstanding shares"
#10. OUTSTANDING SHARES在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译
outstanding shares 的意思、解释及翻译:the total number of shares held by a company's shareholders at a particular time: 。了解更多。
#11. outstanding stock – 中文翻译
outstanding stock · 商业活动 · 未清股票 · 国际贸易 · 已发行的股票; 净发股本; 在外股票数 · 技术 · 已发行股票; 未偿股份 · 纺织工业 · 发行在外股票; 净发行股票.
#12. 法律英語:outstanding (shares) 已發行的?發行在外的?流通 ...
混用一,如果一家公司未有庫存股或回購股份計劃,在對該公司情況做翻譯時,可混用outstanding shares與issued shares,即翻為「已發行股份」或者「發行在外的股份」。 混用 ...
#13. outstanding stock 中文 - 查查詞典
outstanding stock中文 意思::已發行股票…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋outstanding stock的中文翻譯,outstanding stock的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#14. Outstanding shares 中文
"for shares"中文翻译认购权. Issued and outstanding shares已发行股票In 1916 , durant announces that chevrolet owns 54 . 5 percent of gm ' s ...
#15. 投資辭彙 - 美股交易投資詞彙-Firstrade第一證券中文官網
共同基金付給經辦人的行政管理費用。 Shares Outstanding 流通在外股票市面上投資人所擁有的公司股票總數。 Share Repurchase 公司在市場中買回自己的股票 ...
#16. 詞彙查詢 - 臺灣證券交易所法規分享知識庫
序 中文詞彙 英文詞彙 1 (股款)繳納憑證 certificate of payment (for shares) 2 一般公認會計原則 generally accepted accounting principles 3 一般結算會員 general clearing member
#17. 流通在外股份(Outstanding Shares) - 討喜之異想天地- 痞客邦
流通在外股份(Outstanding Shares) ... 流通在外股份是一家公司的發行在外股份,指公司投資人持有的全部股份,公司投資人包括公司管理階層與員工等內部人(EX:董監事及經理人 ...
#18. outstanding shares 是什么意思 - 独特工具箱
单词outstanding shares 的含义:[0] 流通股;已发行股票. ... 本工具支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、常用短语、英英 ...
#19. shares outstanding翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
shares outstanding中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:凈發股票;流通在外股票。英漢詞典提供【shares outstanding】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#20. issued (and outstanding) shares 中文意思是什麼
issued (and outstanding) shares 中文意思是什麼 · issued: 發行的 · and: n. 1. 附加條件。2. 〈常pl. 〉附加細節。 · outstanding: adj. 1. 顯著的;凸出的,傑出的。2. 未 ...
#21. 股票流通量_百度百科
股票流通量(outstanding shares )是2016年公布的管理科学技术名词。 中文名: 股票流通量; 外文名: outstanding shares. 所属学科: 管理科学技术; 公布时间: 2016年.
#22. 攤薄每股收益 - MBA智库百科
Remember that earnings per share is calculated by dividing the company's profit by the number of shares outstanding. Warrants, stock options, convertible ...
#23. 【翻譯】 股票代號:
The Impact of Stock dividend Issuance on Business Performance, EPS, ... (6) Number of shares bought back as a percentage of total outstanding shares:.
#24. SHARES OUTSTANDING - 汉语翻译- bab.la英语-汉语词典
Shareholder free cash flow per share is defined as shareholder free cash flow divided by the weighted average number of shares outstanding for the period.
#25. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español ... 中英对照. 股票流通量. outstanding shares ...
#26. Shares Terminology – 股票术语
In the Tank tiàoshuǐ. 跳水. Closing. Transaction píngcāngjiāoyì. 平仓交易. Issued-and-. Outstanding. Stocks yǐfāxíngliútōnggǔ. 已发行流通股. Commission.
#27. FLOAT是流通股份。已经发行的股份由于各种原因可能不能流通。
许志宏:回复@耐力投资:谢谢耐力兄,有谁帮我说一下,奇虎的118M shares outstanding和24M shares float有啥意义,这个数据是准确的吗?美股不是全流通吗,这儿的流通股 ...
#28. Outstanding shares | Arcadis
At January 1 Issued shares Repurchased shares Reissued shares At December 31 2012 69,337,679 2,200,000 (1,800,000) 1,849,863 71,587,542 2013 71,587,542 785,682 (1,450,000) 2,259,784 73,183,008 2014 73,183,008 8,287,112 (1,500,000) 2,069,474 82,039,594
#29. 公司法中英文對照 - 輔仁大學法律學院
outstanding shares : In the event the total number of shares represented by the shareholders present at a shareholders' meeting of a company whose.
#30. 股本證券 - HKEX
代號 名稱 按盤價 成交金額(HK$) 市值(HK$) 市盈率 收益... 700 騰訊控股 HK$359.800. ‑2.000 (‑0.55%) 7.20B 3,439.07B 12.53x 0.44% 5 匯豐控股 HK$60.400. +2.800 (+4.86%) 2.74B 1,225.73B 10.37x 4.14% 9988 阿里巴巴-SW HK$93.600. ‑1.600 (‑1.68%) 2.74B 1,982.92B ‑ ‑
#31. Share Option Information 購股權資料
The maximum number of Shares to be issued upon exercise of all outstanding options granted and yet to be exercised under the New Share Option Scheme and any ...
#32. 「重要會計用語中英對照」 要會計用語中英對照」 要會計用語 ...
Adjusted weighted-average shares. 調整後加權平均股數 ... Exchange” and Fair Value of Equity. Instruments ... 發行股本. 748 issued shares. 發行股份 ...
#33. Outstanding, Issued and Authorized Stock - YouTube
This video explains the difference between outstanding, issue and authorized shares. This topic can be found in chapter 10 of the textbook.
#34. Fubon Financial-Shareholder Services-Factsheet
Fubon Financial. 中文. IR. Investor Relations; Shareholder Services; Factsheet ... Number of Issued & Outstanding Shares (Shares) ...
#35. Outstanding Shares (stock market) - 英文简称 - 海词缩略语词典
海词缩略语词典提供Outstanding Shares (stock market)的英文简称是O/S信息,更多Outstanding Shares (stock market)的英文简称是O/S ... 中文全称: 优秀的股份(股市)
#36. Company Act
I.In case a company has issued special shares, any modification or alteration in the Articles of Incorporation prejudicial to the privileges of special ...
#37. Company Act - Chapter - Laws & Regulations Database of ...
All special shares issued by a company shall be redeemable, provided that the privileges accorded to special shareholders by the Articles of Incorporation ...
#38. Shares Outstanding vs. Floating Stock: What's the Difference?
Many companies provide authorized shares and outstanding share information on the financial disclosures. Shares outstanding is the total number of shares issued ...
#39. Monthly disclosure of total outstanding shares and voting rights
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#40. Outstanding 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
The company had 140.9 million shares outstanding in the latest quarter. ... 巴西葡萄牙语: excepcional; 简体中文: 突出的; 克罗地亚语: izvrstan ...
#41. SPA条款翻译:shares underlying options是什么意思?怎么翻?
所以issued and outstanding Ordinary shares就是outstanding Ordinary shares,没有必要一一对应翻为“已发行且发行在外的普通股”,不符合中文习惯, ...
#42. 北京高华证券有限责任公司 高盛高华财经词典 汉英对照 Z
中文词句 English Terms English Definitions 增加抵押通知 Overcollateralization The posting of more collateral than is needed 债券 Bond 债务人 Debtor A company or individual that owes money.
#43. 2017年股权激励计划 -
本计划项下的股份。 (a) The Shares to be issued pursuant to the Awards under this Plan shall be authorized, but unissued, or reacquired Ordinary Shares. Subject ...
#44. GOOGLEFINANCE - Google Docs Editors Help
"shares" - The number of outstanding shares. "currency" - The currency in which the security is priced. Currencies don't have trading windows, ...
#45. Outstanding Shares | Dallas Business Lawyer - Vela Wood
Outstanding Shares refers to the number of shares that a company has issued to shareholders (including founders, investors, advisors, and option holders).
#46. What is Outstanding shares = shares outstanding |
Outstanding shares are simply the number of company shares which are owned by shareholders. Read our definition to see why this number can change over time.
#47. 王懷宇Wang, Raymond | 團隊| 繁體中文 - Jones Day
王懷宇律師在從業18餘年中經常為客戶提供公私營領域以及跨境併購交易方面的法律諮詢服務。他的執業領域重點包括合併、收購、換股、公司分立、公開收購、私有化交易、 ...
#48. outstanding shares (English → German) – DeepL Translate
Translate "outstanding shares" from English to German with the world's most accurate translator. Millions translate with DeepL every day.
#49. Warrants Lesson|基礎篇- 權證(窩輪)投資
就發行人的不同,權證可分為股本權證(Equity Warrant) 和衍生權證(Derivative Warrant) 兩種。股本權證的發行人是公司本身,主要作集資用途。而衍生權證則由投資銀行 ...
#50. Share information -
Hre you can find information about UPM's share capital, shares in ... The aggregate maximum number of new shares that may be issued and ...
#51. National Treasury Administration,Ministry of Finance
... email Share information to Twitter Share information to Plurk Pop-up print setting. Central Government Outstanding Debt as a Percentage of Average GDP ...
#52. invoX Pharma Commences Tender Offer for Outstanding ...
invoX Pharma Commences Tender Offer for Outstanding Shares of F-star Therapeutics. Shearman & Sterling represented invoX Pharma Limited ...
#53. 字群拆解! 10 大投資英文單字必學
In the stock market, assets are investment vehicles, ... traded company purchases all outstanding shares of another publicly traded company.
#54. Total Number of Shares Issued and Outstanding | Appendix
The appendix is a compilation of basic data such as the Articles of Incorporation, financial statements, and technologies developed by the company, ...
#55. 普通股- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
普通股(英語:Common stock, Voting share, Ordinary share, Equity shares)是公司擁有權的 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#56. European Healthcare Acquisition & Growth Company B.V. and ...
Under the merger agreement, Croma's existing shareholders will transfer 100% of the outstanding shares in Croma to EHC.
#57. ETF基本介紹
富邦美國政府債券ETF傘型證券投資信託基金並非由London Stock Exchange Group plc 及 ... 有限公司與Solactive A.G.許可協議之譯文,原文由英文翻譯成中文,僅供參考。
#58. Reopening of Linamar's public tender offer for outstanding ...
Non-compliance with the legal restrictions may constitute a breach of the laws and regulations applicable to stock exchange transactions in one of these ...
#59. Southern ITS International, Inc. Cancels a Majority of ...
The canceled shares represented more than 50% of the total issued and outstanding shares common stock prior to the cancellation.
#60. Binance to Acquire Outstanding Shares in Swipe
Fellow Binancians, Binance is to acquire the remaining outstanding shares of Swipe, the industry's leading cryptocurrency Visa card issuing ...
#61. Capital and Shareholding |
Euronext's issued share capital amounts to €171,370,070.40 and is divided into ... *Reference Shareholders ownership only including shares held within the ...
#62. Belimo Share
Stock Market Information ; Average number of outstanding shares *, 12 298 556, 12 298 480 ; Information per average outstanding share ; Earnings, in CHF *, 9.4 ...
#63. General Stock Info. | FAST RETAILING CO., LTD.
Stock Exchange Listing, Tokyo Stock Exchange, 1st Section(Japan) ... Number of issued and outstanding shares, 106,073,656.
#64. Outstanding common stock 中文 - Isaro
英漢詞典提供【outstanding stock】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等英漢詞典to effect a forward stock split. [] of all of the authorized and outstanding shares of its ...
#65. Ordinary Shares
A total of 7,602,025,126 shares were issued and RMB17,659,653,976.86 was raised in the offering. Disclosure of Shareholding (Latest). H Share, A ...
#66. Stock Data | Mitsubishi Corporation
(financial information, shareholder and share information and other investor ... Authorized share capital, Number of shares issued, Number of shareholders ...
#67. WPI - Total Outstanding Shares - Waterfront Hotels & Casino
简体中文 English 日本語 한국어. Select Language, Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Aymara, Azerbaijani, Bambara, Basque, Belarusian ...
#68. How Does the Stock Market Work? - Kubernetes中文社区
Publicly traded companies are required by exchange regulatory bodies to regularly provide earnings reports. These reports, issued quarterly and ...
#69. PT Haloni Jane Tbk (ISX:HALO) Shares Outstanding (EOP)
Shares outstanding are shares that have been authorized, issued, and purchased by investors and are held by them. PT Haloni Jane Tbk's shares outstanding ...
#70. ESG Activities Page
CDFHC Proposes to Acquire All Remaining Outstanding Shares of China Life in a Share Swap Transaction. Aug 12, 2021. Press Release. Share. Facebook Line Copy.
#71. US REIT average short interest down 5 basis points in January
Another hotel REIT, Park Hotels & Resorts Inc., was on the list of REITs with the biggest short-interest gains relative to shares outstanding, ...
#72. Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding(金融翻译) - 美股订阅
Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding 全部以发行股票,包含普通股、认股权证、以及可转换证券。
#73. GE Stock Price | GE Share Price | General Electric
View todays GE stock price, and stock price history for the past five years. ... based on the total number of outstanding shares to which voting rights are ...
... Rules for Full Implementation of Stock Issuance Registration System ... 17 Feb The First STAR Market GDR Issued and Plans to List on the SIX Swiss ...
#75. Shareholder and dividend information | HSBC Holdings plc
Its shares are also listed on the New York Stock Exchange. HSBC's financial year is the calendar year up to and including 31 December. Annual Results are ...
#76. Greene County Bancorp Declares Two-For-One Stock Split
Based on the number of shares currently outstanding the Company will have 17,026,828 shares of common stock outstanding on a split-adjusted ...
#77. 英文合同协议“快易通” - 第 218 頁 - Google 圖書結果
( a ) Outstanding Stock and Options . The authorized capital stock of Company consists entirely of 1,000 shares of common stock , par value $ 0.01 per share ...
#78. Wiley CPA Exam Review 2009: Financial Accounting and Reporting
STOCK DIVIDENDS AND SPLITS: SUMMARY OF EFFECTS N/C = No Change + = Increase ... I. Share-Based Payments SFAS 123 Revised, Share-Based Payment, was issued in ...
#79. SEC Docket - 第 1990 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Therefore , CSFB tributions ) until receipt by them of the Shares argues that these ... total outstanding voting stock of any other inCSFB argues that any ...
#80. 再保險實務 - 第 63 頁 - Google 圖書結果
表 1-13 限額再保險型態表英文名稱中文名稱性質 Finite Quota Shares ( FQS )限額 ... 原文內容為「 All outstanding losses , if any , for business covered under ...
#81. Elon Musk Has Criticized Passive Funds, But 3 Of The Largest ...
... BlackRock Institutional Trust Company and State Street Global Advisors hold about 6.85%, 3.6% and 3.13% of Tesla's outstanding shares,.
#82. 什麼是股票回購(Share Buyback) ? | 投資新手修煉必讀
2020年9月,馬來西亞的頂級手套公司(Top Glove) 不斷地作出股票回購(Share ... 一旦股票被回購,那流通在市場上的股票數量(Outstanding Shares) 就會減少,使公司的每 ...
#83. Frequently Asked Questions | U.S. Department of the Treasury
... refers to one or more blocked persons' ownership of shares of an entity ... If a decedent's estate includes securities issued by non-blocked Russian ...
#84. Destinations for portfolio investment in emerging economies
The stock of bonds issued by their governments and corporations in the ... in foreign purchases of Chinese bonds—notable even as a share of ...
#85. What is the SDR? - International Monetary Fund
The IMF distributes a general allocation to member countries in proportion to their quota shares at the IMF. LEARN MORE. SDR allocation ...
#86. 2021 Publication 946 - IRS (中文) ... outstanding shares, including any shares held by ... Your depreciation deduction for the stock for.
#87. KBR Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2022 Financial ...
Once again they delivered outstanding results across all key metrics. ... Diluted earnings per share and Adjusted earnings per share1 increased due to ...
#88. The Caldwell Partners International Announces Results of ...
... holding 14,168,220 voting common shares, representing 54.74% of the total number of Voting Common Shares outstanding.
#89. Securities - Singapore Exchange (SGX)
For instance, information on short sale volume/value may not reflect the outstanding short position in those securities. Volume/value of short sales may ...
#90. Analog Devices Reports Record First Quarter Fiscal 2023 ...
The ADI Board of Directors has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.86 per outstanding share of common stock. The dividend will be paid ...
#91. outstanding shares 是不是ordinary shares的一种? - 经管之家
outstanding shares 是发行在外的股票,就是公司发行了多少股票 ordinary shares 是普通股,又称为common stocks 是相对于preference ...
#92. outstanding stock是什么意思?是“在外股票”吗? - 律言法律翻译
outstanding stock. 在外股票;流通股票已发行尚未偿付的股票;由投资者拥有、发行公司未回购的股票。亦称作「outstanding capital stock」;「shares outstanding」。
#93. Free Float - Definition, How to Calculate, and Example
Free float, also known as public float, refers to the shares of a ... Outstanding shares refer to the number of shares held by all of the ...
#94. What Is Market Cap? - Fidelity Investments
... to the total value of all a company's shares of stock. It is calculated by multiplying the price of a stock by its total number of outstanding shares.
#95. Issued and Outstanding Shares Versus Fully Diluted Shares
Understanding the distinction between issued and outstanding shares of a corporation as compared to fully diluted shares is critical when analyzing ...
outstandingshares中文 在 Outstanding, Issued and Authorized Stock - YouTube 的推薦與評價
This video explains the difference between outstanding, issue and authorized shares. This topic can be found in chapter 10 of the textbook. ... <看更多>