#1. 檢驗項目查詢
干擾物質: 臨床意義or 實驗室解釋:攝護腺健康指數(PHI)用來幫助區分良性攝護腺疾病(benign prostatic conditions)和攝護腺特異抗原濃度介於2.0至10.0 ng/mL間,且直腸觸 ...
#2. 前列腺健康指數Prostate Health Index (phi)- 攝護腺癌檢測新 ...
其中一種截短(truncated)形式的p2PSA {[-2] proPSA (2個胺基酸前導多肽,2 amino acid pro leader peptide)}為腫瘤萃取物發現的主要形式,對於攝護腺 ...
1. 檢驗單類別:【生化電泳及生化預防醫學(3015)】 · 2. 檢驗名稱:p2PSA (請務必同時開立PSA及fPSA以計算PHI) · 3. 健保碼:無 (自費: 2500) · 4. 院內碼: ...
#4. 彰化基督教醫院檢驗項目查詢系統
本院使用Access Hybritech p2PSA、Access Hybritech PSA及Access ... PSA檢驗試劑檢測p2PSA、PSA及Free PSA,不同平台檢驗報告不可互相比較使用。
#5. 臺灣醫學會
Prostate Health Index (PHI攝護腺健康指數)是同時參考total PSA、free PSA與p2PSA三種PSA相關蛋白質的一個數學公式〔(p2PSA/fPSA)x√tPSA〕運算的結果,自2010年 ...
#6. 攝護腺健康指標(PHI)
臨床意義與用途:1. PHI 血清檢查,結合了三個血清指標的前列腺健康指數[Prostate Health Index,phi = (p2PSA/fPSA) x (tPSA)^0.5]。針對五十歲以上、PSA ...
在各种proPSA 分子中,[-2]proPSA (p2PSA) 分子结构最稳定,且具有最佳的前列腺癌特异性,可以有效区分前列腺癌和非前列腺癌。近年来前列腺特异性抗原同源异构体(p2PSA) ...
#8. 更新日期: 107 年06 月08 日QP0701-01 檢驗項目名稱 ...
Beckman Coulter access p2PSA. 報告完成時間7 個工作天. 生物參考區間. 1. phi 攝護腺健康指標. PSA 檢驗數值在2-10 ng/mL 時,phi 數值範圍: 2. PSA:< 4.0 ng/ml.
#9. PHI; Prostate health index; 攝護腺健康指標
數據計算:由p2PSA 和 PSA 及 FPSA一同計算指數. 檢體採集量. 3 mL. 送檢方式. 人工傳送 / 氣送. 收檢時間. 24小時. 參考值(單位).
#10. 臺北榮民總醫院檢驗項目說明
PHI 是以結合三種檢驗: PSA、free PSA 及P2PSA (為不同形式的游離攝護腺特異抗原之一),經數學公式計算後得到的分數。若分數越高,攝護腺癌的風險越高,PHI可用來幫助 ...
#11. p2PSA for predicting biochemical recurrence of prostate ...
The current findings showed that p2PSA might be more sensitive than tPSA in detecting earlier BCR within 3-year follow-up. Further studies with a longer ...
#12. 前列腺特异性抗原同源异构体2及其衍生指标在预测 ...
%p2PSA和PHI预测高级别PCa的曲线下面积(area under curve,AUC)为0.770和0.760,高于传统指标tPSA,fPSA和f/t(AUC分别为0.648,0.536和0.693).进行前列腺穿刺 ...
#13. The application of p2PSA% and prostate health index in ...
Prostate health index (PHI) is a mathematical formula of three biomarkers ([p2PSA/fPSA] × √tPSA) developed by Beckman Coulter, Inc. It has a high diagnostic ...
#14. Establishment of reference intervals for serum [−2]proPSA ...
p2PSA, one of the truncated forms of ProPSA, is created after cleavage by kallikrein and has been shown to be highly associated with the ...
#15. Preoperative %p2PSA and Prostate Health Index Predict ...
Of fPSA forms, p2PSA is one of the isoforms of proPSA, which is considered a promising biomarker that is more cancer-associated. The prostate ...
#16. 前列腺癌的診斷新利器---前列腺健康指數;PHI
在多篇研究中曾針對數種用於檢測前列腺癌的指標進行分析(包含像PSA、free PSA、p2PSA、PHI等等),結果顯示PHI對於前列腺癌的篩檢擁有最佳的靈敏度及 ...
#17. p2PSA%、PHI在前列腺癌辅助诊断中的价值
#18. 什麼是phi(前列腺健康指數)? - 診斷 - 探泌CUHK Urology
#19. Test Code P2PHI [-2]Pro Prostate Specific Antigen with ...
In particular, the [-2] form of proPSA (p2PSA) shows improved performance over either total or free PSA for prostate cancer detection on biopsy.
#20. 本科公告
檢驗目的:利用PSA、free PSA、p2PSA三種指標運算攝護腺健康指數. ,可大幅提昇攝護腺癌篩檢的準確性,對於病患是否需進一步做攝護腺. 切片具有更佳的診斷指標。
#21. MP021: Prostate health index (PHI) improve ...
The % fPSA, %p2PSA (p2PSA/fPSA), and PHI ( p2PSA/fPSA The urologist didnot know the data before bx. The performance of p2PSA derivatives was ...
#22. Biology and usefulness of [-2]proPSA as a prognostic ...
Background: Prostate health index (phi) using -2proPSA (p2PSA), which is a precursor of PSA, has been reported to be useful as a marker for ...
#23. OBECKMN -
Warning Access Hybritech p2PSA should be used only with Access Hybritech PSA and Access. Hybritech free PSA to calculate the Beckman Coulter phi (prostate ...
#24. Brasil
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) isoform p2PSA significantly improves the prediction of prostate cancer at initial extended prostate biopsies in patients with ...
#25. Preoperative %p2PSA and Prostate Health ... - NTU Scholars
標題: Preoperative %p2PSA and Prostate Health Index Predict Pathological Outcomes in Patients with Prostate Cancer Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy.
#26. Genetic polymorphisms at 19q13.33 are associated with [− ...
Abstract Background Prostate health index (phi), a derivative of [−2]proPSA (p2PSA), has shown better accuracy than prostate-specific ...
#27. Preoperative Prostate-specific Antigen Isoform p2PSA and ...
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) isoform p2PSA and its derivatives, percentage of p2PSA to free PSA and the Prostate Health Index, are associated with adverse ...
#28. 聯合醫事檢驗所UCLty - #前列腺健康指數#PHI檢驗利用PSA
前列腺健康指數#PHI檢驗利用PSA、free PSA 與p2PSA 三種血清指標運算,PHI越高,罹癌風險越高;用於輔助評估前列腺癌風險應用及協助醫師於切片前的判斷。
#29. 攝護腺健康指數(PHI)
國際上目前利用攝護腺指數(PSA)、其血液中游離PSA與p2PSA三種血清指標運算而成的攝護腺健康指數(Prostate Health Index簡稱PHI)已通過美國食品管理健康局FDA、美國國家 ...
#30. P2PHI - Overview: [-2]Pro Prostate Specific Antigen with ...
Reporting Name. Lists a shorter or abbreviated version of the Published Name for a test. p2PSA with Prostate Health Index, S ...
#31. Evaluation of prostate-specific antigen isoform p2PSA and ...
OBJECTIVE: To confirm the accuracy of serum proPSA (p2PSA) and its derivatives, percentage of p2PSA to free PSA (%p2PSA) and Prostate Health ...
#32. Human prostate-specific antigen isoform [-2]proPSA ...
Product Name, Human prostate-specific antigen isoform [-2]proPSA (p2PSA) ELISA Kit. Method, Sandwich ELISA. Detection Range, 31.25-2000pg/mL.
#33. Preoperative prostate health index and ... - Yonsei University
Conclusions: This study revealed PHI and %p2PSA as preoperative biomarkers of pathological outcomes in Korean males who underwent RP for prostate cancer.
#34. Predictive value of [-2]propsa (p2psa) and its derivatives for ...
Predictive value of [-2]propsa (p2psa) and its derivatives for the prostate cancer detection in the 2.0 to 10.0ng/mL PSA range.
#35. Sheep Prostate-Specific Antigen Isoform [-2]proPSA ...
Informations about Sheep Prostate-Specific Antigen Isoform [-2]proPSA (P2PSA) ELISA Kit (MBS9394794-96)
#36. P2PSA elisa kit | Human Prostate-Specific Antigen Isoform
MBS109320 is a ready-to-use microwell, strip plate ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) Kit for analyzing the presence of the Prostate-Specific Antigen ...
#37. Prostate Health Index and %p2PSA Predict Aggressive ...
To investigate the performance of prostate health index (PHI) and percentage prostate-specific antigen (PSA) isoform [−2]proPSA (%p2PSA) in ...
#38. Clinical application of [–2]proPSA (p2PSA) and its ...
Abstract not available 中文翻译:. [–2]proPSA(p2PSA)及其衍生物(%p2PSA与前列腺健康指数)在前列腺癌诊断中的临床应用 摘要不可用.
#39. Prostate Health Index
p2PSA ), are measured in the blood sample. The so-called prostate health index ( PHI) is calculated using these parameters:.
#40. Human p2PSA ELISA Kit
Human Prostate-specific antigen isoform [-2]proPSA (p2PSA) ELISA Kit is an ELISA Kit for the in vitro quantitative measurement of Human p2PSA concentrations ...
#41. save
Clinical Use of [-2]proPSA (p2PSA) and Its Derivatives (%p2PSA and Prostate Health Index) for the Detection of Prostate Cancer: A Review of the Literature.
#42. Human P2PSA ELISA Kit (A303102)
Buy Human P2PSA ELISA Kit (A303102) suitable for serum, plasma and more. Reliably quantify 18.75 pg/ml. ✔️ High Quality ✔️ Low Prices ✔️ 100% ...
#43. Diagnostic Impacts of Clinical Laboratory Based p2PSA ...
tate volume adjusted p2PSA ([e2] proenzyme prostate specific antigen) related ... and p2PSA related indexes on any grade and high Gleason grade group ...
#44. A Germline Variant at 8q24 Contributes to the Serum ...
Introduction: The clinical performance of [–2]proPSA (p2PSA) and its derivatives in predicting the presence and aggressiveness of prostate cancer (PCa) has ...
#45. Prostate Cancer: New Insights for the Healthcare ...
Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) isoform p2PSA in combination with total PSA and free PSA improves diagnostic ...
#46. Prostate Health Index outperforms other PSA derivatives in ...
P2PSA is considered to be the most cancer-specific form, and elevated levels have been reported in the serum of men with PCa. 10 Two p2PSA-based derivatives, ...
#47. Establishment of reference intervals for serum [−2]proPSA ...
Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common cancer among men worldwide. Recent research has identified [−2]proPSA (p2PSA), %p2PSA and ...
#48. Precision Medicine and Translational Research in Urological ...
This indicated that, although the association between PCa and serum p2PSA level was stronger, which is plausible because p2PSA is a diagnostic predictor for ...
#49. Access Hybritech p2PSA Calibrators (S0-S6), 2.1ml per vial
Access Hybritech p2PSA Calibrators (S0-S6), 2.1ml per vial ... Prices are quoted in euro (taxes excluded) and apply in the Benelux (recycling fee included). They ...
#50. P2PSA 2007
Trust, reputation, copyrights, and intellectual property are also relevant for P2P applications. P2PSA 2007 covers all the aspects mentioned above. We solicit ...
#51. Comparisons of the diagnostic accuracy across prostate ...
P2PSA derivatives, percentage of p2PSA (%p2PSA) and prostate health index (PHI), are calculated based on p2PSA and are superior to free PSA ( ...
#52. 不敢做切片?攝護腺MRI,精準揪出男人「長壽癌」
而「攝護腺健康指數(PHI)」,則是利用PSA、free PSA、p2PSA(較穩定的PSA前驅物,與攝護腺癌有更強的關聯性)這三項指標,經公式運算得到攝護腺健康 ...
#53. Clinical value of serum isoform -2 proprostate-specific ...
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the clinical value of serum isoform [-2] proprostate-specific antigen (p2PSA) and its derivatives %p2PSA and prostate health index ...
#54. 2]proPSA (p2PSA), %p2PSA and prostate health index in
Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common cancer among men world- wide. Recent research has identified [−2]proPSA (p2PSA), %p2PSA and ...
#55. LOINC 97149-9 proPSA isoform 2 [Mass/volume] in Serum ...
Pro prostate specific antigen (proPSA) isoform 2, also known as [-2]proPSA, p2PSA, and 2pPSA, is one of four isoforms of proPSA.
#56. Percentage of p2PSA to free PSA (%p2PSA) and prostate ...
Download scientific diagram | Percentage of p2PSA to free PSA (%p2PSA) and prostate health index (PHI) relative to tumor stage, Gleason sum (GS), ...
#57. PHI a p2PSA
Vyšetrenie parametru p2PSA má momentálne najvyššiu špecificitu na karcinóm prostaty (až 33 %) a realizuje sa z bežného odberu krvi a ponúkame ho v rámci ...
#58. Ó Utility of PSA isoform-[-2] proPSA (p2PSA) and prostate ...
Utility of PSA isoform-[-2] proPSA (p2PSA) and prostate health index in the diagnosis of prostate cancer: A study in Indian population.
#59. Novel p2PSA marker more accurate than PSA testing
With its new prostate disease marker, p2PSA, and the Prostate Health Index (phi) Beckman Coulter reports that it has made a significant ...
#60. Prostate Cancer: New Insights for the Healthcare ...
%p2PSA and Prostate Health Index were the most accurate predictors of disease. %p2PSA significantly outperformed total prostate specific antigen, ...
#61. Usefulness of the prostate health index in predicting the ...
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) isoform p2PSA significantly improves the prediction of prostate cancer at initial extended prostate biopsies in ...
#62. アクセス ハイブリテックp2PSA
血清のp2PSA、fPSA、PSA値は、患者の臨床的評価結果や直腸診(DRE)等から得られた情報と併せて判定する必要があります。早期前立腺癌をPSAテストとDREのいずれでも検出 ...
#63. Human Prostate-specific Antigen Isoform - Elisa Kit
Our Human Prostate-specific Antigen Isoform [-2] (p2PSA) ELISA kit is to assay p2PSA levels in Human serum, plasma, culture media or any biological fluid.
#64. 血清前列腺特异性抗原同源异构体2在前列腺癌诊断中的应用 ...
中华检验医学杂志,2015, 38 (12): 813-817. ... 探讨血清PSA低水平增高病例中,前列腺特异性抗原同源异构体2(p2PSA)、百分p2PSA(%p2PSA)和前列腺健康指数( ...
#65. Management of Prostate Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Three forms of proPSA in serum ([−2], [−4], and [−5/−7] proPSA) are known where [2] proPSA (p2PSA) is the most stable form [43, 44].
#66. Annales de Biologie Clinique - Immuno-analytical ...
Immuno-analytical characteristics of PSA and derived biomarkers (total PSA, free PSA, p2PSA) Volume 81, issue 1, January-February 2023.
#67. Bedeutung von fPSA, p2PSA und PHI für die Vorhersage ...
Text. Fragestellung: Freies PSA (fPSA), [-2]proPSA (p2PSA) und der prostate health index (PHI) sind in der Diagnostik ...
#68. Prostate Health Index Density | PCFA
A PSA isoform (Protein similar to PSA) called [−2]proPSA (p2PSA) has been shown to be more specific than PSA for PCa diagnosis.
#69. %p2PSA jämfört med vävnadsprov för att diagnostisera ...
%p2PSA jämfört med vävnadsprov för att diagnostisera prostatacancer hos män med ett PSA-värde mellan 1 och 10 μg/L avseende dödlighet.
#70. PSA testing and Early Management of Prostate Cancer
Whilst the test is not reimbursed in Australia, the p2PSA test is registered with the Australian TGA and US FDA and offered by Australian Pathology laboratory ...
#71. Potential Utility of Prostate Health Index Density ...
We evaluated the clinical performance of Prostate Health Index (PHI) density with [-2]proPSA (p2PSA) and its derivatives in predicting the ...
#72. Francesco Alessandro Mistretta
M Lazzeri, A Abrate, G Lughezzani, GM Gadda, M Freschi, F Mistretta, ... ... Clinical performance of serum isoform [‐2] pro PSA (p2PSA), and its derivatives% ...
#73. Preoperative prostate health index and %p2PSA as ...
This study revealed PHI and %p2PSA as preoperative biomarkers of pathological outcomes in Korean males who underwent RP for prostate cancer.
#74. -2proPSA and Prostate Health Index Usefulness for the ...
(2011) Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Isoform p2PSA significantly improves the prediction of prostate cancer at initial extended prostate biopsies in ...
#75. The Access Hybritech p2PSA Calibrators are intended to ...
The Access Hybritech p2PSA Calibrators are intended to calibrate the Access Hybritech p2PSA assay as an aid in distinguishing prostate cancer from benign ...
#76. DOISerbia - Comparison among different precursor ...
The precursor prostate-specific antigen (proPSA) especially its isoform p2PSA is useful in the detection of prostate cancer (PCa).
#77. Evaluation of Prostate-Specific Antigen Isoform p2PSA and ...
Objective: To confirm the accuracy of serum proPSA (p2PSA) and its derivatives, percentage of p2PSA to free PSA (%p2PSA) and Prostate Health ...
#78. 免疫诊断项目:p2PSA、phi与前列腺癌的筛查、诊断
贝克曼库尔特商贸(中国)有限公司提供的资料,p2PSA、phi与前列腺癌的筛查、诊断前列腺疾病是男性常见病,50岁以上男性中70%患有不同程度的前列腺 ...
#79. p2PSA for predicting biochemical recurrence of prostate ...
p2PSA for predicting biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer earlier than total prostate-specific antigen after radical prostatectomy: an observational ...
#80. 攝護腺癌診斷與治療的新發展
PHI 是以PSA、free PSA 及P2PSA 三種PSA檢驗,經數學公式計算後得到的分數。若分數越高,攝護腺癌的風險越高,患者就應進一步切片。
#81. (-2)proPSA (p2PSA)
33 are associated with [-2]proPSA (p2PSA) levels and provide additional predictive value to prostate health index for prostate cancer. NRI, PCa, PHI, PSA, SNPs, ...
#82. Preoperative prostate health index and %p2PSA ...
This study revealed PHI and %p2PSA as preoperative biomarkers of pathological outcomes in Korean males who underwent RP for prostate cancer. Go ...
#83. 2]proPSA derivatives, %p2PSA and PHI, in the detection ...
Two p2PSA-based derivatives, prostate health index (PHI) and %p2PSA, which were defined as [(p2PSA/. fPSA) × √ tPSA] and [(p2PSA/fPSA) × 100] ...
#84. Prospective validation of %p2PSA and the Prostate Health ...
Prior to prostate biopsy, blood was drawn to measure the prebiopsy total PSA (tPSA), fPSA, and p2PSA levels. Patients then underwent transrectal ...
#85. Extended use of Prostate Health Index and percentage of
(%p2PSA) in Chinese men with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) 10–20 ng/mL and normal digital rectal examination (DRE).
#86. Poređenje različitih derivata p2PSA u predikciji karcinoma ...
Poređenje različitih derivata p2PSA u predikciji karcinoma prostate kod bolesnika sa serumskim nivoom antigena specifičnog za prostatu manjim od 10 ng/ml.
#87. Clinical utility of %p2PSA and prostate health index in the ...
Background: %p2PSA and prostate health index (phi) has shown valuable results in the detection of prostate cancer (PCa), improving the ...
#88. 2]proPSA and Prostate Health Index for Prostate Cancer
The %p2PSA and PHI appear to improve detection of PCa and provide prognostic information. Go to:.
#89. Preoperative prostate-specific antigen isoform p2PSA and ...
CONCLUSIONS: Both %p2PSA and PHI are significant predictors of unfavourable PCa characteristics at final pathology; however, %p2PSA and PHI did ...
#90. p2PSA
p2PSA je proenzym prostatického specifického antigenu, která je frakcí volného PSA, který cirkuluje v plazmě. Dostává se do krevního řečiště a jeho množství ...
#91. Prostate Health Index (PHI)
The Prostate Health Index (PHI) is a mathematical formula that combines total PSA, free PSA and a new serum marker known as [-2] proPSA (p2PSA) into a single ...
#92. Clinical value of serum isoform [-2] proprostate-specific ...
Receiver operator curves (ROC) were used to assess the ability of p2PSA, %p2PSA and PHI to predict aggressive PCa (pathologic Gleason score≥7) ...
#93. Alerta 4184 (Tecnovigilância) - Informações técnicas - Anvisa
Nome Comercial: Access Hybritech p2PSA. Nome Técnico: Antígeno Prostático Específico (PSA). Número de registro ANVISA: 10033120916.
#94. Utility of Prostate-Specific Antigen Isoforms ... - Thieme Connect
prostate-specific antigen (tPSA), its isoform [-2] proPSA (p2PSA), and prostate health index (PHI) in the diagnosis of metastatic prostate ...
#95. Prostate Health Index and Prostate Health Index Density as ...
Background. To evaluate the diagnostic potential of [-2] proPSA (p2PSA), %p2PSA, Prostate Health Index (phi), and phi density (PHID) as ...
#96. Utility of PSA isoform-[-2] proPSA (p2PSA) and prostate ...
Utility of PSA isoform-[-2] proPSA (p2PSA) and prostate health index in the diagnosis of prostate cancer: A study in Indian population. Language: English
La prueba consiste en un ensayo por quimioluminiscencia con partículas paramagnéticas que determina en suero el valor del p2PSA, que junto con ...
#98. 2]propsa (p2psa) and its derivatives for the prostate cancer ...
ABSTRACT. ARTICLE INFO. Introduction: To assess predictive value of new tumor markers, precursor of prostate specific antigen (p2PSA) and ...
#99. References phi :
antigen (PSA) isoform p2PSA in combination with total PSA and free PSA improves diagnostic accuracy in prostate cancer detection. European urology.
#100. Índice de Saúde Prostática - PHI
O p2PSA é a principal isoforma encontrada em extratos tumorais e, por isso, é considerado o marcador sérico mais específico para o câncer já descoberto até o ...
p2psa 在 聯合醫事檢驗所UCLty - #前列腺健康指數#PHI檢驗利用PSA 的推薦與評價
前列腺健康指數#PHI檢驗利用PSA、free PSA 與p2PSA 三種血清指標運算,PHI越高,罹癌風險越高;用於輔助評估前列腺癌風險應用及協助醫師於切片前的判斷。 ... <看更多>