Rager Chen, profile picture. Rager Chen. 看看勞動部首頁圖--你摸摸良心,到底是攜手維護 ... 別假了⋯1085代表什麼意思?請說清楚,有沒有週休差很多耶,攸關有沒有 ... ... <看更多>
rager意思 在 NISSAN ROGER~白色和鐵灰色那一個好看呀~~ - Mobile01 的推薦與評價
最近也要訂車,也在考慮白色與紫色,常聽人家說白色很難照顧,但因為沒有開過白色的車,所以不知道是什麼意思,請大大指點一下. 0. 引言; 留言. 回報 連結 只看此人. ... <看更多>
rager意思 在 [請益] 幾個疑問- 看板Eng-Class 的推薦與評價
1. Blame is thrown around fast and furiously.
請問這裡的 "thrown around" 是什麼意思呢?
2. Perhaps you've preached the detrimental effects of smoking, demonized
hard drink or hard living, or simply that like Mark Twain said,
"Golf is a good walk spoiled," to the sixty-two-hole-playing reprobate?
請問這裡的 "the sixty-two-hole-playing reprobate" 可能是指什麼呢?
3. 當某個人責問另一個人 "How much did you have to drink?"
我的理解是 "那時你得喝多少" 之類的,但這樣子的中文句子很怪...
4. 某個人生氣的時候 "get big" 或 "get large",
5. The distancer has one foot in and one foot out of every conflict,
confrontation, and argument.
請問這裡的 "one foot in and one foot out" 是什麼意思呢?
6. There's a tool that can turn a rager into a person who talks, acts,
thinks and feels like what indigenous cultures refer to as "human beings".
請問這裡的 "what indigenous cultures refer to as human beings",
7. I never say I'll be retiring from teaching college in two years.
這句是 "我從沒說過我兩年內就會辭去師範學院的教書工作" 的意思嗎?
8. My father grilled me when he caught me when he found marihuana in my
chest of drawers. We haven't spoken two words since.
請問 "We haven't spoken two words since",
是指 "自此之後我們就很少說話了" 嗎?
9. Too much money can make one regress. Before you balk at that statement,
think of the history and statistics of lottery winners.
請問這裡的 "balk at" 是什麼意思呢?
10. A too-long visit with our parents leaves us wanting a blanky and a bottle.
請問這裡的 "a blanky and a bottle" 是指 "一條被被和一瓶牛奶" 嗎?
(上下文同樣是在講 "無論是什麼事情都過猶不及";
而這裡應該有 "探望父母的時間太長,彼此之間就會開始起衝突" 的意思。)
11. Rachel 通常是女子名,請問也可能是男子名嗎?
若是舉例說明伴侶之間的相處情況時,說 "Julie and Rachel",
那麼 Rachel 應該也是女子,對嗎?
12. Americans are working harder and longer and with less vacation time
than ever. Cost of living rises while jobs are scarce and salaries
decline. Work is outsourced to other countries. The average American
worker is scared, exhausted, disconnected.
請問這裡的 disconnected 是什麼意思呢?
13. When illness strikes maturity, rationality, reasonability, sound
judgement and decision making go right out the door of the sickroom.
而其中 "go right out the door of the sickroom" 的主詞,
是 decision making 嗎?
14. The principal is out today but he will deal with you Wednesday.
那麼 "deal with you" 是 "等到禮拜三就有你好看的" 的意思嗎?
15. The wife says to the husband, "Honey, we need to talk." The husband
is immediately on guard and responds spontaneously, "For how long?"
"Oh just thirty minutes or so," she says. "Thirty minutes," and the
husband would say something like, "And I suppose you want me to listen
the whole time."
請問最後丈夫說的 "I suppose you want me to listen the whole time",
是因為自己懶得講話,所以說 "我只要聽就好了對不對?",
還是在怪老婆 "每次都是妳一直講,我都沒有說話的餘地" 呢?
16. My wife should call her mother and work out her issues.
請問其中的 "her issues" 是指老婆與她媽媽之間的一些爭執或衝突嗎?
(不然為何認為老婆該打電話的對象是 "her mother" 呢?)
17. 上下文講到,當我們對某個家人生氣、但需要對他說話時,
These triangles become "the tangled web we weave" because we are
actually being deceptive through omission and we are depriving ourselves
and others of the benefits adults can have by speaking directly to those
we need to speak to.
請問這裡的 "we are being deceptive throught omission" 可能是什麼意思呢?
18. 承上一題,the damage done by "going behind their back", or
"going through the back door," or "taking the roundabout way" gets
everyone involved a little or a lot angry.
請問 "going behind their back" 是在 "別人背後捅他一刀" 的意思嗎?
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