The first nature documentary series on global endangered species in Taiwan, 《Orphans of the Earth》presents three new episodes in 2021 《Elves of Taiwan》,that reach out to the sky, the sea and the grasslands only to reveal precocious footages of the endangered endemic species that are known for extreme rarity, minimal sighting rate and videotaping challenges—Taiwan Grass Owls, the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphins, and the Formosan pangolins.
The production crew of “Elves of Taiwan” partakes in perhaps the most difficult animal rescue operations in line with conservation efforts and the most dignified science-based survey projects. The program unveils diversified local landscapes and endemic species completed by various angles and perspectives—from aerial rescues, ocean investigations, to underground bone excavations; it is indeed a brutally honest series that documents the conservation and restoration of the terrestrial, oceanic, and airborne endemic species in Taiwan.
The film crew participates in Taiwan humpback dolphin surveys by Ocean Conservation Administration on the sea, captures a rare humpback dolphin group, and explores root causes behind their dwindling populations. Also, we document the largest pygmy killer whale rescue effort by 2,000 people over 56 days. We follow researchers to Orchid Island, an outer islet of Taiwan, to uncover the bones of a baby sperm whale, and record the tragic deaths of stranded melon-headed whales and blue whales. Their survivals and deaths are symptomatic of a deteriorating marine environment.
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