Sometimes sous vide doesn't seem to take a lot of time, we can indeed prep the rest of the food while the sous vide cooker is doing it's job!
Let's make something appetising this time, it's called Sichuan Style Chicken if you have heard of it. It's quite hot so if you can't take a lot of heat please remember to reduce the chilli oil amount or taste it beforehand.
雞髀 2隻
花椒粒 1湯匙左右
八角 1粒
薑 1件
芫茜 2條
陳醋 1湯匙
醬油 2湯匙
花生 適量
白芝麻 適量
辣椒油 1-2湯匙
鹽 適量
Chicken legs 2 pcs
Scallion 2 stalks
Sichuan Pepper Corn 1 tbsp
Star Anise 1 pc
1 piece of ginger
Coriander 2
1 vinegar of vinegar
Soy sauce 2 tablespoons
White sesame
Chilli Oil 1-2 tbsp
sous vide chicken legs 在 唔熟唔食 Cook King Room Youtube 的最佳解答
唔知係咪天氣唔太凍,最近鐘意食啲香口野。上次美國南部海鮮之後,今次整多個美國嘢,係納什維爾嘅地道炸雞,會用到慢煮做法,唔駛搞到咁大油煙而且包滑。簡簡單單整一次,順便用埋支Hot Sauce佢 lol!
Have recently addicted to some strong flavoured food, not sure is it due to the warm climate here. After the seafood dish from the US South of the previous video, let's make another US dish called the Nashviile Hot Fried Chicken, this version is done by sous vide which can massively reduced the fumes in the kitchen and also produce a delicous meat texture. A chance to finish my hot sauce !
雞件 5-6件
雞蛋 1隻
脫白牛奶 500毫升
美式辣醬 (Louisiana Hot Sauce) 250毫升
中筋麵粉 500毫升
卡宴胡椒 2湯匙
蒜粉 1茶匙
辣椒粉 1茶匙
甜椒粉 1茶匙
鹽 1茶匙
黑胡椒粉 1茶匙
牛油 20克
橄欖油 1湯匙
酸瓜片 適量
sous vide chicken legs 在 唔熟唔食 Cook King Room Youtube 的最佳解答
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今次呢個炸脾又係一個出面茶餐廳未必容易食到嘅質素,無論價錢質數自己整點計都贏 lol
出面食嘅雞脾有啲會脆,但未必一定,脆都唔一定多汁肉滑,隨時會鞋口添,呢個慢煮版肯定會做到一個外脆內軟嘅高汁版,唔整薯條嘅話,仲可以用小啲油tim :)
How do you expect a decent fried chicken leg? You may not easy to find a restaurant that serve a crispy skin, with very tender and juicy fried chicken leg, they somehow rough in between the meat as they need to deep fry them from uncooked stage. This version is a sous vide version which you can make at home with easy, definitely crispy and incredible :)
雞脾 2隻
籽然粉 1茶匙
蒜粉 半茶匙
洋蔥粉 半茶匙
甜椒粉 半茶匙
海鹽 1茶匙
黑胡椒粉 1茶匙
生抽 1湯匙
老抽 半湯匙
中筋麵粉 1杯
炸粉 半杯
雞蛋 1隻
薯仔 2個
2 Chicken legs
1 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup deep frying powder
1 egg
2 potatoes