
take into account翻译 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

#1. take sth into account中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper. 我希望老師在閱卷時,能夠考慮到我恰好在考試前 ...
#2. take into account 中文- 英語翻譯 - 查查在線詞典
中文翻譯 手機版 · 對(某人或某物)加以考慮 · 將...考慮進去 · 考慮,重視 · 考慮進去,考慮到 · 考慮在內 · 考濾 · 脫下(衣帽等) · 為…著想 ...
#3. i will take into account - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"i will take into account" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#4. take into account-翻译为中文-例句英语
Such strategies must take into account the precautionary approach and ecosystem-based management. 这种战略必须考虑到预防性做法和以生态系统为本的管理。
#5. take into account (【片語】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"take into account" 相關課程教材. Confusing homophones account for many grammar mistakes, so take a close look at the examples below.
#6. take into account在線翻譯 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供take into account的在線翻譯,take into account是什麼意思,take into account的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#7. take into account 的中文翻釋|影音字典
上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。
#8. 英文take into account用法(Usage of take into account in English)
We should take into account the cost of this activity.(我們必須考量這個活動的成本。) =The cost of this activity should be taken into account.
#9. account for/on account/take into account…中文是什麼意思
(圖片來源:pixabay) 「account」名詞常常翻譯做帳戶,而動詞的話則常常翻譯為解釋、說明等等。除此之外,「account」也有多個英文片語。
#10. Take Into Account的意思 - 希平方
「考慮、斟酌」- Take Into Account ... He takes into account possible train delays or a line at his favorite coffee shop in the morning.
#11. take into account - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
ph. 斟酌, 考慮. Dr.eye 譯典通片語 · take into account · 查看更多.
#12. take into account是什么意思 - 英语翻译在线翻译
take into account 的中文意思:重视,考虑;顾及,点击查看详细解释:take into account的中文翻译、take into account的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等, ...
#13. to take into account翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
to take into account中文的意思、翻譯及用法:考慮到。英漢詞典提供【to take into account】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#14. take into account - 英文解释 - 抓鸟
take into account 的解释是:重视, 考虑… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:take into account的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#15. take into account - Websaru線上字典
take into account 中文意思: take into account [] v.重視,考慮..., 學習take into account發音, take into account例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#16. 英语-汉语take into account翻译
'take into account'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。
#17. 「take into account」的中文意思是?
His plan did not take into account the possibility of rain. 他的計劃沒有考慮到下雨的可能性。 △ 上一則英文片語 ...
#18. 【take into account中文】"takeintoaccount"中文翻譯-... +1
點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋take into account的中文翻譯,take into account的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 , 例: Don't forget to take the traffic into account ...
#19. "take into account in"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(英國)的問題
take into account in的意思If you take something into account it means you have considered/ thought about it before coming to a conclusion |1 ...
#20. 找take into account中文相關社群貼文資訊
take sth into account中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典。 The UK's tax system takes no account of children. 英國的稅制沒有把兒童考慮在內。 I think you have to take into ...
#21. take into account 中文take - Thomblake
『歐路詞典』為您提供take sth into account的用法講解,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,take sth into account是什麼意思,take sth into account的同義詞, 考慮… 同時, ...
#22. take into account - WordReference.com 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. take [sth] into account v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads ...
#23. to take sth into account, take account of sth 的简体中文翻译
'to take sth into account, take account of sth' 的简体中文Translation of | 官方柯林斯英语- 汉语词典网上词典。10 万条英语单词和短语的简体中文翻译。
#24. take into account中文翻譯,take into account是什麼意思:考慮…
简体版EnglishHindi日本語登入註冊網站工具設... | 健康急診室.
#25. 345:take into account; have an account to settle...
这里的take into account意思是"考虑"。 ... 我们再学一个习惯用语: have an account to settle。Settle有算清、了结一笔帐的意思,所以这个习惯用语从字面来看就是有一笔账 ...
#26. take into 是什么意思??? - 百度知道
take into account 重视; 考虑在内; 考虑到; &n.... take into care (把没人管教的孩子)送进教养院 take into consideration 考虑到
#27. 考慮到英文,take into account中文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 考慮到 take into account 【電子計算機名詞】 私密考慮 privacy consideration 【資訊與通信術語辭典】 優先考慮之污染物質 Priority Pollutant 【環境科學大辭典】
#28. take into account是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选take into account是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、take into account的用法、take into account是什么意思、翻译take into account是什么意思.
#29. need not take into account 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
need not take into account 中文意思是什麼 · need: n 1 必要需要。 · not: adv 不。 · take: vt (took; taken )1 (用手)拿,取,抓,握,捕,捉,逮捕;俘虜;攻取, ...
#30. take into account - 英汉词典_单词乎
汉语翻译. 重视, 考虑. 英语解释:. 动词take into account: allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something. 同义词:allow ...
#31. take into account methods of construction的中文翻譯
take into account methods of construction的翻譯結果。
#32. WE HAVE TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译
This was a demand on time that we had to take into account in our scheduling,” Erdwich added.
#33. take into account - 例句_2022最新英文解释词典 - 英语单词
英语单词大全为您提供2022 最新英文单词take into account的解释,take into account相关词组,take into account是什么意思,take into account的用法,take into ...
#34. Google 翻譯
Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。
#35. take into account翻译_用法_发音- 英语词典 - 新东方在线
take into account 是什么意思?take into account怎么读?新东方在线字典为用户提供单词take into account的释义、take into account的音标和发音、take into account ...
#36. take into account(英语→西班牙语)
使用全世界最精确的翻译器将take into account从英语即时翻译到西班牙语。每天都有数百万人使用DeepL进行翻译。
#37. account for/on account/take into account…中文是什麼意思
account for/on account/take into account…中文是什麼意思-(圖片來源:pixabay)「account」名詞常常翻譯做帳戶,而動詞的話則常常翻譯為解釋、說明等等。
#38. 王復國老師英文閱讀OK Bar-TOEIC SP-7-登峰美語APEX,英語 ...
3. 本題考正確片語的用法。 "take something into account" 是「將某事列入考慮」之意,與另一片語"take something into consideration" 意思與 ...
#39. 英文翻译中文- take...into account是什么意思?
青云在线翻译网,提供英语,荷兰语, 法语, 德语, 希腊语, 意大利语, 日语,韩语, 葡萄牙语, 俄语, ... 求翻译:take...into account是什么意思?
#40. take into account 意思、解释- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释take into account这个英文词呢? take into account这个英文词,中文意思如下:顾及。 Meaning of take into account for the defined word.
#41. take into account - 布格伦科技网
take into account. by 我们人手不足英语翻译 at 2022-01-10 09:08:45. 最佳答案: take into account 的意思是”考虑到“account的相关知识如下account [ə' ...
#42. take into account用法(Usage of take... - 輕鬆學英語 - Facebook ...
英文中,take into account表示「將...考慮進去、注意」 句型: take into account + 名詞= 名詞+ be + taken into account ( 被動式) We should take ...
#43. 翻译!take into account - 数学 - 解题作业帮
take into account 把…考虑进去,考虑到;体谅;估及,顾及;重视祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:). 翻译!take into account take everyone into ...
#44. 翻译'to take circumstances into account' – 字典中文-英文| Glosbe
The Working Group, therefore, requests the Council to take these circumstances into account. 因此,工作组请求理事会考虑到这些情况。 UN- ...
#45. 翻译:改进.NET应用程序的性能和可伸缩性(二) - 文章整合
Take infrastructure restrictions into account in your design. 在设计中,把基础架构的限制考虑在内。(译注:比较抽象,不懂)。 Consider network ...
#46. Bilstm vs crf. 6 59. Nowadays, there is a digital era, where ...
本文翻译自github博客上的原创文章,结尾有原文链接。 ... biLSTM-CRF based models were unable to take into account the visual features of the document image.
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#53. 18個用「Take」組成的英語片語動詞 - 學英文| English Learning
2) Jamie took three days off to go skiing in the mountains. (傑米休假三天去山上滑雪。) 9. Take sth. On. 意思:承擔 ...
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He made his film debut in the 2010 coming-of-age drama “Sungkyunkwan Scandal. ... Goryeo Dynasty of Korea whenever a total eclipse of the sun took place.
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We then invite you all to take a look at the architecture advice that ... "There are a series of multiple factors to take into account when ...
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The provincial government is taking action to address this crisis through the ... The speculation and vacancy tax is designed to turn empty homes into ...
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One of the most famous is a suicide maxim: 'I make it into a principle for ... and do not take into account the multitude of factors impacting decisions, ...
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We take ad-vantage of the factored translation framework in Moses (Koehn and Hoang, ... more advanced models that take contextual information into account.
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エキサイト翻訳の英語翻訳は、論文、仕様書、説明書、ビジネス文書などの翻訳に強い無料の翻訳サイトです。理学、工学、農林水産、社会学、人文学、芸術、スポーツ、 ...
#78. Unity shader path. The surface reconstruction shader uses the ...
Unity is not taking into account the per-pixel z-test rejection that the rendering pipeline is doing for you. NOTE: At the moment there are, for each SRP, ...
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We will accept static analysis queries written in CodeQL or as clang-based checkers ... CodeQL library for Java. clang-format is integrated into CLion as an ...
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Cloud backup software from Carbonite helps protect your personal & business data from common forms of data loss. Try Carbonite & download a free trial ...
#81. 中英公示语比较与翻译 - Google 圖書結果
Taking syntactic structure, rhetoric and style, etc. into consideration, it will take the place of active voice when focus is on the action or the subject ...
#82. The Seattle Public Library: SPL - Home
Close Nav. My Account · Ask Us; Hours & Locations ... 将此网站自动翻译成中文; 將此網站自動翻譯成中文 ... Written After A Massacre in the Year 2018.
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6; 4}| 1: 4}| 2: 4|| 3: 4%| 4: 4}| 5: 4}| 6: /N No || ≤ + 2 Take care or you'll ... behind by taking into account their possible changes in the future.
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You won't get a promotion if you give a poor account of yourself. ... 0173 貶一頓 Cut/take sb down (to size) She went into a tailspin after she lost her ...
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Huawei Enterprise Partner | HUAWEI CLOUD Account. ... 侧边翻译是一个简单实用的翻译插件,支持Chrome浏览器、火狐浏览器、360安全浏览器等主流浏览器。
#88. 视角: 翻译学研究 - 第 20 頁 - Google 圖書結果
翻译 学研究 ... from source texts and fail to take into account inadequate style , let alone blatant errors in the English texts , problems that arose in the ...
#89. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Ethics
“A Simultaneous Interpreter's Own Account of His IPR Being Possibly Breached by ... “A Corpus-Based Study of Stance-Taking as Seen from Critical Points in ...
take into account翻译 在 take into account用法(Usage of take... - 輕鬆學英語 - Facebook ... 的推薦與評價
英文中,take into account表示「將...考慮進去、注意」 句型: take into account + 名詞= 名詞+ be + taken into account ( 被動式) We should take ... ... <看更多>