Tart Telur Portugis Puff Pastri
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Tart Telur Portugis Puff Pastri
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Bagi korang yang minat tart telur, korang bolehlah buat Portuguese egg tart ni. Tak yah beli mahal-mahal kat kedai. Nak buat ni pun senang je. Gunakan puff pastri segera dan telur lepastu guna air fryer je. Memang menjadi macam kat bakeri punya. Korang bolehlah cuba ni.
Resepi Tart Telur Portugis Puff Pastri
//Bahasa Melayu
Resepi Tart Telur Portugis Puff Pastri
350 ml susu segar
100 ml krim putar bukan tenusu
150 gm gula kastor
1 sb esen vanila
secubit garam
4 biji telur
puff pastri
Cara memasak
1. Pecahkan telur dan masukkan esen vanila, gula kastor, susu segar, krim putar bukan tenusu dan garam.
2. Pukul seketika sehingga campuran sebati. Ketepikan.
3. Taburkan sedikit tepung gandum ke atas papan canai dan potong puff pastry menggunakan cookies cutter.
4. Canai dan bentukkan puff pastry tersebut pada acuan aluminum.
5. Cucuk permukaan puff pastry menggunakan garfu.
6. Tapiskan campuran telur dan tuang ke dalam acuan.
7. Bakar di dalam air fryer selama 15 minit pada suhu 160°C .
8. Portuguese Egg Tart siap untuk dihidangkan.
Portuguese Egg Tart Puff Pastry Recipe
For those who love to eat egg tart, you can try to make this Portuguese egg tart recipe. This recipe cost little budget and you don't have to buy at bakery shop anymore. This recipe also really easy to make. Only need instant puff pastry and eggs as main ingredients. Then, bake it in the air fryer. Boom! you already can have egg tart that taste just like at bakery shop! Happy trying!
Portuguese Egg Tart Puff Pastry Recipe
350 ml fresh milk
100 ml non dairy whipping cream
150 gm castor sugar
1 tbsp of vanilla essence
pinch of salt
4 nos eggs
puff pastry
Cooking methods
1. Crack eggs and add in vanilla essence, castor sugar, fresh milk, non dairy whipping cream and salt.
2. Whisk until the mixture well combine. Set aside.
3. Dust flour on chopping board and cut puff pastry using cookies cutter.
4. Roll and shape the puff pastry on an aluminum mold.
5. Using a fork press the tines into the bottom of the puff pastry.
6. Sieve the egg mixture and pour in the mixture.
7. Bake into the air fryer for 15 minutes at 160°C.
8. Portuguese Egg Tarts is ready to be served.
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