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Ever since it came out for the PlayStation 2 in 2004, I always wanted to play this game, but never got around to it. It was developed by renowned developer Treasure, along with Konami and G.Rev, who made the very good horizontally-scrolling shooter called Border Down on Sega Dreamcast. Back then, all we could get about videogames were screenshots, and the screenshots we got of this game were beautiful. I just remember the big red goo-balls with eyeballs on them.
In the past year, I was slowly getting more into shooters, thanks to shows like Game Sack ( I even played through R-Type III on the SNES and made a walkthrough for it ( After playing a lot of 2D shooters with sprites, I was in the mood for something with a little more visual flair.
Gradius V is a beautiful 2.5D shoot-em-up (or shmup for short), crafted with 3D polygons, but played on a 2D plane. It never got the hype that Ikaruga did, another of Treasure's games. Ikaruga was codenamed Project RS2, as in Radiant Silvergun 2. Radiant Silvergun was a Japan-only release that almost immediately was worth over a hundred dollars even back in the late 1990s. The fact that we in the West were getting its followup on the Gamecube had IGN game-journalists frothing with demand.
Gradius V, in contrast, was the fifth numbered installment in a solid but unspectacular series of shooters dating back to the 1980s; the hype-level was not very high. This is part of the reason why I never purchased it when it was available new in stores. The other part was that I was a big Nintendo-fanboy at the time. Sadly, If it had come out for the Gamecube, I would have snatched it up immediately.
Much time has passed, and last November, I finally bought a copy off of ebay (, although there is a digital version on PSN (
The game is very challenging, but there are certain options you can change so that it is forgiving and beatable, with time, perseverance, and desire. You can change the difficulty-level, number of lives, points needed for extra lives, enable an option to spawn right where you died, and even reacquire dropped satellites (or Options, or Multiples, as this game calls them) after you die and come back. Also, for every hour of gameplay, you earn an extra Credit (continue).
Gradius V is a methodical shooter, like R-Type, in that you will have to use very precise movement through the levels and against enemies, like a doctor with a scalpel performing brain-surgery. Patience and memorization will be keys in beating this game.
I really enjoyed this game. It's a treat for the eyes, even nowadays. I played the game both on my Toshiba 14-inch CRT TV, as well as on my LCD monitor upscaled to 1440x960 via the OSSC. The music is very ambient and doesn't distract you from the game. I liked how it wasn't overly cheerful, like in the other games in the series. The controls are customizable, and so you can spread the functions out more across the controller, instead of having them all on the face of the Dual Shock 2. I put rapid-fire on R1, and used X to select my power-up, and Square to fiddle with my satellites.
Some games make you feel good about yourself after you beat them, and this is one of those games. Gradius Five gets a five... out of five.
Recording footage for this game was an adventure in itself because it was the first time I had to deal with 480i. I was setting the OSSC to scale 2X, but the resolution wasn't changing. Only after trying 4X, did I get the desired 1440x960.
The game runs in a native 720x480 resolution, which is not 4:3, but 3:2. I thought something was wrong, but I looked it up, and learned that not all games that were 480i or 480p were 640x480.
I played this real physical copy on a real Sony PlaySation 2 with an HD Retrovision cable hooked up to an OSSC, which was hooked up to a Micomsoft XCapture-1. I tried using OBS for the first time, but I didn't like the results, so I stuck with Micomsoft's VideoKeeper2 software.
The song in my new intro and outro was done by Hyper Potions, and it is called Time Trials. You can check out the full song here: