因為Charlie and the Chocolate Factory而買了人生第一本英文書、為左更似Willy Wonka而去學英文丶揾到創作欲畫到所有功課都係朱古力工廠、揾到怪雞的自信。無論乜事,呢個人都是我的一部分。我怪故我在。 #我就怪
In my very young days, English was a nightmare to me. My family has reading disorder, I couldn’t identify words properly (both English and Cantonese sucked, but improved now). I failed in tests, got zero marks in dictations while the other kids in class did perfect job, I was slow in everything, unable to understand what’s going on, teachers dragged me to detention and extra classes and I hated all of it.
But then this movie came up. It’s super weird, everything in it made no sense but also perfect sense, its fun, it kind of dark but its a wonderland to me, its Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
I was completely obsessed. I adopted Willy Wonka’s character, I drawn him in every school projects, I spoke like him (that’s horrifying in real life by yeah), I even brought a walking cane hoping to be like him (and spent most of time playing in the movie’s promotional website). As to know him better and to speak more like him, I brought my very first English book. (the one in the photo.)
First time ever I wanted to read English, not forced by parents, not forced by teachers. I found the love in this language.
At that age I still confused fiction from reality. I didn’t quite understand the idea of ‘actor’ or ‘director’. The characters seemed real to me. I didn’t even know who was Johnny Depp. Later I learnt almost all the movies and characters I love were played by him and directed by Tim Burton.
When I studied movie in school writing an essay about Tim Burton, I understood why I was so obsessed with their works. It’s about the outcasted. The misunderstood people finding a way to love and be cherished.
No matter what happened, Papa Tim and brother Johnny will be there and be as strange as you are. Let’s be the weirdo together. That gave me courage. If you didn’t fit in, that’s ok.
It made up a huge part of my childhood. It is empowering.
I understand Johnny Depp is not perfect, not a saint, no one is. And that life has up and downs. We don’t know each other, I just want to say, thank you for supporting me when I was vulnerable, and I support you. I wish you to be happy.
I do not care if WB paid him a large sum, that just sounds like hush money to me. I don’t want to live in a world where people treat each other like goods, where all relationships between humans are just a trade. ‘Nah, he is less popular these days, lets drop him.’ I hate to think we are all replaceable like a tiny unimportant parts in a giant machine. As if we could be scrapped once we made a bad choice. Its horrifying.
There’s things that not replaceable.
Its our memories and love.
And I will forever cherish the bonding we have.
#johnnyDepp #justiceForJohnnyDepp #willyWonka #timburton
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由Tim Burton指导
迪士尼真人版電影 “小飛象” (Dumbo) 正式電影預告
tim burton movies 在 電影文學希米露 Facebook 的最佳解答
今天是九月十三日,是「羅德‧達爾日」(Roald Dahl Day)。或許你會想說,誰是「羅德‧達爾」呀?幹嘛還為他設定一個特別的紀念日?或許你不見得聽過羅德‧達爾,但是你一定看過一部或兩部電影是來自於他的小說所改編。
達爾(1916-90)的生日剛好就在9月13日,堪稱是20世紀最會說故事的小說家之一,尤其是為小朋友說故事,不過不只如此,他還寫過許許多多的詩、散文、小說、劇本,其中包括一部 007——《007之雷霆谷》You Only Live Twice, 1967。
2009年由魏斯·安德森(Wes Anderson)所導演的《超級狐狸先生》(Fantastic Mr. Fox, 2009, 🍅: 92),肯定是首選之一。雖然是動畫,安德森請到的配音,每一位都是大咖。
1971年的《歡樂糖果屋》(Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, 1971, 🍅: 91)也是口碑極佳。《巧克力冒險工廠》有好幾種改編版本,2005 年 Tim Burton 也曾導過一部《巧克力冒險工廠》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory),但就沒那麼成功。
1996年的《飛天巨桃歷險記》(James and the Giant Peach, 🍅: 92)也是非常好看的動畫,是我最愛動畫之一,故事裡的蜘蛛小姐,非常溫柔溫暖,是由蘇珊莎蘭登配音。
1996年還有另一部達爾小說改編的電影《小魔女》Maltida,🍅: 90),是關於一位住在孤兒院的小女生,因為聰明伶俐,又能魔法,於是把那些壞蛋大人整得團團轉,是個小朋友看了都會哈哈大笑的有趣電影。
另外,在2015年,BBC 也改編達爾的小說 Esio Trot 為電視劇,關於由一隻烏龜串起一對老人溫馨機智的愛情故事。兩位老人主角非別是 Dustin Hoffman 和 Judi Dench,光這些資料就讓人很想一看,更別說這也是一部風評極佳的影集。
2016 年由 Steven Spielberg 所導演的《吹夢巨人》(The BFG, 🍅: 75),也算是好看的電影。不過這部電影的「大英帝國感」太重了,就一位東方人來說,我會忍不住在看電影時,一直不小心出戲。誠實地說,這部不是那麼喜愛。
關於BBC影集 Esio Trot :
Roald Dahl’s Esio Trot, BBC One, review: 'a magical start to 2015'
Top 5 Roald Dahl Movies:
tim burton movies 在 暗網仔 2.0 Youtube 的最佳貼文
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我最高觀看次數的影片 (我為何不再拍暗網? 只說一次): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbihKaqEEQw&t=127s
曼德拉效應: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMutzRIE_uE&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF&index=17&t=5s
我的100K成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE
破解Kate yup事件是假的! 不是綁架! 不要被騙! (Facebook上的證據): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NJVt56ORWo&t=2s
日本最殘酷的直播節目: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E81OKVX7wc
網上最可怕的一個字 (Ft. HenHen TV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLedkSHc7Os&t=145s
Pixar卡通電影中A113是什麼? | 恐怖毀童年
Pixar迪士尼卡通電影中A113是什麼? | 恐怖毀你童年 | 神秘訊息
A113 Pixar conspiracy
(Show all Pixar movies with this code)
1, 他們都是pixar出品的電影.
2, 就是他們當中是隱藏了一段字
A113. 每一套Pixar電影也出現A113這幾個數字.
那這一集的Simpsons呢? 美國卡通American dad, South Park,
甚至Tom cruise的mission impossible, Hunger games和Avengers.
大家字又是我暗網仔, 我們一起找A113的真相看一看.
密碼, 象徵: 是人類用來溝通理念的重要工具. 國旗用來代表一個群體, 而記號可以安全地治理國家.
但這麼多年最不解用意, 是迪士尼多個兒童卡通片中的成人笑話. 有指這些都是背後動畫師互相傳遞的笑話, 也算解釋到.
A113一個有關 ‘敵基督’ 的堆測建基於2013年 ‘怪獸大學’ 這一幕和2012年動畫Brave這一幕.
怪獸大學這一幕薩利和麥克準備正式上堂. 右邊門上有A113之外薩利有角的野獸形象有指是代表啟示錄第13章提到有關 ‘戾龍同兩隻野獸’ 講
戾龍 (既是撒但的化身) 兩位手下: 一個從海裡來的野獸,
而一個就是有角的陸地上的野獸. 也是會帶來世界末日.
Brave裡面對恐怖預言更明目張膽. 畫面中可以看到A113已 ‘AC XIII’ 的型式寫出來. ‘AC’ 有指是敵基督的英文縮寫.
但所有Pixar電影中A113唯一對故事劇情有所影響的是2008年的 ‘機器人總動員’ Wall-E. 至上映以來Wall-E故事藍本已公認參考聖經裡面伊甸園: 亞當與夏娃的故事. 但故事更黑暗是講述2805年人類過份yi lai AI科技導致世界滅亡, 所有人民要乘坐Axiom飛船離開地球. A113正正是讓飛船永不回來地球的指令.
陰謀論家指其實Wall-E有另一個地方也出現了A113, 如果看Wall-E poster上的標題, 拿走前面的 ‘W’ ‘Alle’ 可以讀成 A113.
如果再張A113 tou落整體電影的主題, A1大可以leun想到AI artificial intelligence, 而13’ 可以用來代表2013年. W=World, AI=artificial intelligence 13=2013年.
當年2013年世界科技發展到底有沒有發生什麼大的juen jeen呢?
據知2013年之前Apple的Siri是gook限於女聲cho jung.
到13年6月增加了一個男聲版本. 是否就像聖經中的亞當與夏娃一樣呢? 有男又有女。 而伊甸園裡面的蘋果又是否跟Apple logo咬了的蘋果代表同一樣東西呢? 聖經中蘋果代表的是慾望但又是知識. 科技就是正正帶給我們這樣東西.
Time magazine指出2045年人類好有機會能與電腦機械2合為1. 到了那個時候人類就能夠長生不死. 但同時估計這件事情的 ‘未來主義者’ gim科學家Ray Kurzweil在自己書中 ‘The singularity is near: when humans transcend biology” 提出 ‘singularity’這個概念. 該概念就是對人類未來一種改變我們生活的假設. 就是我們雍有的科技到達一個聰明到我們控制不了的一個點.
到了那個時刻我們人類習慣也會被全面改變. 而到了這個科技全面爆炸的時刻一個超級智能superintelligence就會誔生超越人類.
其實A113是美國uy soot學院California institute of arts?面的一間班房.
1979年的時候Calarts當中學生有: John lasseter, Brad bird, Andrew Stanton, Tim Burton. 你可能對這些名字感到muk生, 但他們是末來disney和pixar幾位最有名的動畫大師.
而有指當年他們還在讀書的時候就決定把A113這個班房放入自己作品中作為友情的gey nim. 而自此A113就擴傳開了, 甚至出現在其他的hollywood作品中. 邊成hollywood其中一個最大的inside joke. 亦同時變成觀眾心目中的一個陰謀論.
tim burton movies 在 Michelle Phan Youtube 的最佳解答
I remember growing up watching Tim Burton's movies. From Batman to The Nightmare Before Christmas, I feel in love with his hauntingly beautiful characters. I know Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland comes out today, so I wanted to create a look inspired by his romantic, dark vision. Obviously this isn't something you would wear to school or work, (unless you work for Mr. Burton himself). BTW, If you are in NYC, GO GO GO TO THE MOMA to see his Exhibit, it's up there until April I think. AMAZING. But this look is beautiful without the crazy wig I had on.
Close up photo of my nails
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All products I bought except for Bobbi Brown who sent me the concealers, and Lancome.
Yes I edit all my videos.