MamaCheung's "Chinese Shortbread" a traditional Chinese snack. I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
✤✤⬇︎⬇︎往下有材料份量 Ingredients shown below⬇︎⬇︎✤✤
#張媽媽 #光酥餅 #懷舊小食
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材料 Ingredients (九個份量 9 Shortbread)
一百六十克中筋麵粉 160g Plain flour
四十五克白砂糖 45g Sugar
二十毫升牛奶 20ml milk
十毫升水 10ml water
二十毫升雞蛋液 20ml Beaten Egg
二十毫升芥花籽油 20ml Cooking oil
三克泡打粉 3g Baking powder
一克碳酸氫氨(食用臭粉)1g Ammonium bicarbonate (food grade)
Mix sugar, milk, beaten egg, oil together. Ensure the sugar has dissolved before adding in flour. Dissolve baking powder and food grade ammonium bicarbonate in water before adding into flour mix. Mix into a dough ball, then proof for 15 minutes. Divide dough into 30g dough balls then press into discs. Sprinkle flour over the discs and place them on a baking tray and proof for another 30 minutes.
Place the tray on the mid-low section of a preheated oven at 150ºC, and bake for 15 minutes. Take out shortbread and let it cool. Chinese Shortbread is then ready to eat!