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💙 今天要做啥 0:00
💙 整理桌面 2:36
💙 整理成果 11:24
💙 架設新螢幕 12:45
🙌🏻 好物推薦 🙌🏻
👍🏻 Costco Tresanti 電動升降桌 https://www.costco.com.tw/Furniture-Bedding/Office-Furniture/Desks-Workstations/Tresanti-Adjustable-Desk/p/1363151
👍🏻 手動升降桌 https://shp.ee/9yby3im
👍🏻 ADATA 威剛 軍規防震 外接硬碟 https://shp.ee/vbnjv5x
👍🏻 ADATA 外接式硬碟 https://shp.ee/i6y4c3v
👍🏻 Seagate 希捷 外接硬碟 https://shp.ee/g2gsrv9
👍🏻 乾燥花 https://shp.ee/p9347id
👍🏻 logitech 羅技 StreamCam https://shp.ee/fbvgbvc
👍🏻 RODE Lavalier GO 領夾式 小型麥克風 https://shp.ee/nx6w9vc
👍🏻 Logitech 羅技 MX Keys 無線鍵盤 https://shp.ee/ptt9wtm
👍🏻 Logitech 羅技 MX Master 3 無線藍牙滑鼠 https://shp.ee/pu9qtcc
#DeskSetup #工程師桌面 #亂不等於髒
YouTube 👉 https://www.youtube.com/c/Untyped對啊我是工程師
Podcast 👉 https://open.spotify.com/show/3L5GRMXmq1MRsliQt43oi2?si=3zgvfHlETeuGfp9rIvwTdw
Facebook 臉書粉專 👉 https://www.facebook.com/untyped/
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合作邀約 👉 untypedcoding@gmail.com
Untyped 對啊我是工程師 - There are so many data types in the world of computer science, so are the people who write the code. We aim to UNTYPE the stereotype of engineers and of how coding is only for a certain type of people.
凱心琳: 一個喜歡電腦科學邏輯推理,在科技圈努力為性別平等奮鬥的工程師。
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