英文基礎文法82 - 撇號使用(English Basic Grammar - The usage of Apostrophe)其它相關學習影片的播放清單: 英文單字倍增法: ... ... <看更多>
英文基礎文法82 - 撇號使用(English Basic Grammar - The usage of Apostrophe)其它相關學習影片的播放清單: 英文單字倍增法: ... ... <看更多>
#1. 今天幾月幾號/今天星期幾…英文怎麼說?「日期」 - 全民學英文
由於date的發音跟day很像,有時候想避免對方聽成我們是問今天星期幾,我們可以改成這樣問:. b.What is the date today? ... 我們可以這樣回答:.
#2. 常見英文錯誤:What date is (it) today? 今天幾月 ... - Sammy 老師
應該回答幾點而When is your birthday? 通常回答幾月幾號When did you get married? 則是年份或幾歲時) 萬一被問者提供的時間答案不是問者想要的則問 ...
#3. What's the date today? 今天幾月幾號? - 莓喵英文Fun
=What date is today? ... 因為是詢問對方當天的日期,每天問都會有不一樣的答案(皆無固定的日期,每天詢問的答案會不同),因此不須使用介係詞。
#4. 第13輯第3課What date is it today? - 神隱鮮菇の轉角小舖- 痞客邦
問人出生日期,同樣可用date字:What´s the date of your birth? / What date is your birthday?當然,你也可以問:When is your birthday?回答可以是It(或My birthday) ...
#5. 別人問What day is it today,可不是問你「今天是幾號」!
What's the date today?今天是幾號?Today is October 3rd.今天是10月3號。 ... 注意date前面要加the,而且這句話是問日期,不要給人家回答星期哦~).
#6. what is the date today和what day is it today区别是什么?
回答 要具体准确,回答的日期要精确到月和日,所以回答的句式较为具体:It's 月份+日期。 例句:. (1)what day is it today?--It's Sunday。(中文意思: ...
#7. 09 What day ...? 和What time ...? 的用法: (第二冊) - 國中 ...
What date is today? ... 想想看一:請問除了句首的What day、What time 和What date 之外,上三句的共同特色是什麼 ... 你的回答當然是直接說出即可,英文也是如此:.
#8. 今天是星期幾怎麼問?what day is it today 如果少了個it行嗎
today is monday. 句子意思相同,但回答格式不同,如上。 what's the date today?今天幾號?是對具體日期 ...
#9. what is the date today 和what day is it today 的區別 - 輕鬆奔跑
what is the date today 和what day is it today兩個句子都有詢問日期的意思,區別主要是詢問側重點不同、適用場合不同、回答方式不同:.
#10. 今天是幾號怎樣用英語回答? - 寶島庫
或者What's the date today ? what's 是what is 的縮寫(2) What is the day today? (3) What's the date? (4) Today is? 回答:(1) Today is May first.
#11. what day is it today怎么回答 - 战马教育
1. 对于what day is it today?的提问,回答可以较为随意自然,只要告诉时周几即可,不用过于在意语法。 2. What's the date today?回答要具体准确,回答 ...
#12. 常見英文錯誤:What date is (it) today? 今天幾月幾號?
實在讓人不容易分清楚(大家可參考http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=889209 ... 1. What day is it today? 問的是「星期幾」。 我們可以回答:. Today ...
#13. 【幾月幾號、星期幾?】時間的疑問詞的運用 - Language ...
What date is today? 3. What time is it? 4. When is his birthday? 1. What day is today? 問的是「星期幾」。 我們可以回答: Today is Monday.
#14. what's the date today怎么回答 - 搜索你感兴趣的问题
What's the date today?这句话的意思是问日期的,也就是今天是几月几号。比如回答是:今天是8月31号。It's August 31。 What day is it today?
#15. 七下翰林U4 文法練習-今日英雄榜2012-04-03 @ mayfw05 's Blog
What's the date today? What's today's date? What date is it? (2) 回答/表達「日期」時,會使用“it” 為「主詞」,「月份名稱」的「字首」 ...
#16. 第25題What day is today? (附答案) - 全民英語補習班
初級複試-口說能力測驗(回答問題) > ... I think it is my mom's birthday today. I better get her a present after school.
#17. What is the date today怎么回答 - 神马大全
回答 可以是: Today is Thursday. It is Thursday today. 今天是几月几号? What date is it today? What's the date today? What's today's date? What's today?
#18. 「What day is it today?」可不是問你「今天是幾號」!老外要笑 ...
What day is it today指的是今天星期,這裡老外肯定是回答星期幾。 What's the date today?這個才是問具體的日期,幾號。 今天星期幾? Monday. 星期一. What's ...
#19. What's the date today回答时为什么不加on_作业帮
What's the date today回答时为什么不加on. 限时免费领取内部精选学习资料. 作业帮APP 海量题库免费学. 搜索答疑. 多种解答. 视频讲解. 打开APP. 答案解析.
#20. 測評網[國一下][英文第二次段考]複習錦囊
類別, 問句, 答句 ; 日期. What date is (it) today? = What's the date today? = What's today's date? (今天幾月幾日?) What's the date of Mother's Day? (母親節是 ...
#21. What's the date today?怎么回答 - 雨露学习互助
What's the date today?怎么回答. 永恒删除线 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报.
#22. 今天是星期幾除了What day is it today?還有是什麼? 也就是句 ...
也就是句型轉換,1樓匿名使用者what is the date today? 2樓xx昕屬系what the date today 3樓 ... 都是對的,都是對星期幾提問,前者的回答是today is.
#23. What's the date today? It's the fifteenth of December. I learned ...
Today *is* the 15th of December. What's (what is) the date today? It's (it is) the 15th of December. ... 高評價回答者.
#24. what the date today - 搜狗搜索引擎
回答 :4提问时间:2012-08-31 [最佳答案] 1.What's the date today?是问日期的,也就是几月几号2.What day is it today?是问星期的,也就是今天是星期几.
#25. 第13輯第3課What date is it today? @ 神隱鮮菇の轉角小舖
它一定會回答星期幾. 可是如果你是說What date is today. 意思就是說今天的日期是什麼. 就要回答幾月幾日. 所以. what day is today. 意思是. ,What day is today?
#26. what date is today回答– Badivers
What's the date today?是問日期的,也就是幾月幾號2.What day is it today?是問星期的,也就是今天是星期幾. 這兩個要注意區分開來. 第一個回答是(今天是8月31號):It's ...
#27. What is the date today怎么回答 - 乐活网
What day is it today? What day of the week is it? 回答可以是: Today is Thursday. It is Thursday today. 今天是几月几号? What date is it today?
#28. 问时间的英语及回答 - 翻译知识网
3. What's the date? 4. What's the date today? 5. 今天星期几? 1. What day is it? 2. 具体时间点1. Do you have the time? *问时间时记住在time前加the ...
#29. 今天幾月幾號英文
為了避免day 和date 混淆,What date is it today? 通常也會說成What's the date today?。而我們可以這樣回答: Today is September 26. / It's September 26.
#30. 怎樣用英語問時間,日期,和星期幾 - 多學網
... 的表達問時間,what time is it 日期,what s the date today 星期幾, ... 英語中問日期和星期幾分別怎麼問,你可以找一個專業的英語老師來回答 ...
#31. 今天几月几号英语回答 - 翻译百科网
what's 是what is 的缩写(2) What is the day today? (3) What's the date? (4) Today is? 回答: (1) Today is. What date is it today what date is ...
#32. 怎麼用英語問日期? - 雅瑪知識
問日期用英文問怎麼問. What's the date today?今天是幾號? 這是一個詢問日期的句型。注意和What day is it today?的區別。後者指“今天星期幾?”。 回答日期時,表示 ...
#33. what's the date怎么回答 - 芭蕉百科网
what's the date是问日期,今天是几号。可以回答说几月几号。1、询问星期Q: What day is today? 今天是星期几?A: Today is Monday. /It's Monday. 今天是星期一。
#34. whats day 中文是什么- 头条搜索
[回答] what the day today 今天是什么日子;dayn. ... what the date、what the day语法错误。 what's the date、what day is it的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点 ...
#35. Birthdays - Oxford University Press
date today ?(今天是幾號?)引導孩子回答:It's the (1st).(今天是[1 號]。)並詢問孩子的. 生日是哪一天:When's your birthday?(你的生日是哪一天?
#36. whats the date today怎么回答- 罗辞问答网
最佳答案: 1.What's the date today?是问日期的,也就是几月几号2.What day is it today?是问星期的,也就是今天是星期几. 这两个要注意区分开来. 第一个回答是(今天是.
#37. 英文基礎文法82 - What day, What date, What time and When ...
英文基礎文法82 - 撇號使用(English Basic Grammar - The usage of Apostrophe)其它相關學習影片的播放清單: 英文單字倍增法: ...
#38. what day is today?_沪江问答 - 沪江网校
what date is it/today?=今天几号?; what day is today ... 就如同what time=几点, 记住就行了. what is the day today?= ... 回答要给出具体的日期).
#39. What's today?和What's the date today?有什麼區別? - 劇多
What"s today?的提問,一般回答可以較為隨意自然,只要告訴時周幾即可。但是What"s the date today?一般回答要具體準確,回答的日期要精確到月和日。
#40. 課程訓練:What's the Date Today? 母親節、月份與日期
△ 這是大家的手卡,Teacher Chris給我們一些時間,思考它的問題,然後寫下答案。你們看,大家回答最喜歡的節日有聖誕節、萬聖節、還有新年。
#41. 別人問What day is it today,可不是問你「今天是幾號」! - 壹讀
Today is October 3rd. 今天是10月3號。 (注意date前面要加the,而且這句話是問日期,不要給人家回答星期哦~). What day is it today?
#42. what date is today回答 - Kojin
what date is today回答 ... today?今天星期幾? 回答Today is Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday.今天星期一/星期二/星期三/星期四/星期五/星期六/ ...
#43. 用英語,今天的日期是什麼英語怎麼寫 - 迪克知識網
“今天的日期”的正式說法是the date today,如果問今天的日期是這樣說的: what is the date ... 所以本題的回答應該是it's february 11th today.
#44. what date is today回答 - Sqyiz
或What is the date today? 而不是What date is (it) today? 今天是星期几? What day is it today? What day of the week is it? 回答可以是: Today is Thursday.
#45. 有what date is it today的说法? - 英語論文潤色的回答- 知乎
通常说: What is the date today?
#46. 試題解析
這題考的是日期,假設你的生日是10 月1 日,應該回答:My birthday is October first. ... 如果問題是"What's your date of birth? ... What are you wearing today?
#47. [文法] day & date - 精華區Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊
這用法是錯的要用what is the date today? ... 先謝謝各位的回答囉^^ By the way, 因為要教小朋友聽力我發現what day和what date聽起來好像因為t是 ...
#48. what is today到底什麼意思啊 - WANNA酷
what day is it today是今天星期幾的意思. 還有一個what"s the date today今天是幾號 ... 回答:It's Monday the 13th. 絕對正確.
#49. 英语中询问日期的句型及作答 - 360doc个人图书馆
What's the date today?今天是几号? 这是一个询问日期的句型。注意和What day is it today?的区别。后者指“今天星期几?”。 回答日期时,表示在某 ...
#50. 今天多少号英语怎么说 - 百科知识站
今天是几号用英语怎么说?? what is the date today? what is today? What's the date today?~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】 ...
#51. 英语问日期的回答与问句英语日期问法及回答 - 英语学习
-What's the date today? -It's March 20th. 扩展资料:. 日期前介词的使用原则:. 1.I was born in 1999. ——年份前用in。
#52. 問明天是幾號英語怎麼翻譯
today ? 今天幾號和日期問法一樣。 What's the date today? ~如果你認可我的回答,請及時點擊【採納為滿意回答】按鈕~
#53. 别人问What day is it today,可不是问你“今天是几号”!
今天是10月3号。 (注意date前面要加the,而且这句话是问日期,不要给人家回答星期哦~).
#54. what date is today意思 - YUMK
回答 數: 5. 7、What's the date today?今天是几号?扩展资料today的用法1、today用作不可数名词时,意思是“今天”,只指白天,不指黑夜。一般用作主语,用作定语时多用 ...
#55. what day is today怎么回答 - 基尼分享网
what's the date是问日期,今天是几号。可以回答说几月几号。1、询问星期Q: What day is today? 今天是星期几?A: Today is Monday.
#56. 教室英語
生: Yes, I have What's wrong with Mary today? 瑪莉今天怎麼了? 師: What was the matter (with ... What's the date today? 今天幾號? ... 誰還沒有回答?
#57. 關於U5 What's the Date Today?的問題 - Clearnote
關於U5 What's the Date Today?的待回答問題共有1577! 「請問這題為什麼是b,謝謝」,「12.」,「請問這樣寫對嗎?有點不太確定 謝謝 」,「請問這樣寫 ...
#58. What day is it today?唱歌学英语,这个方法适合所有孩子
今天星期几What's the date today? ... It's on the first of June What date is it today? It's the … ... 可以回答说几月几号。1、询问星期Q: What day is today?
#59. 今天星期幾用英語怎么說 - Motics
由于date的發音跟day很像,有時候想避免對方聽成我們是問今天星期幾,我們可以改成這樣問: b.What is the date today? 今天幾月幾號?例:What is the date of the ...
#60. 题目 - 蚂蚁题库
看图回答问题。1. What's the date today? .2. Is Lucy's birthday in December?_____.
#61. what's the day today回答 - AbcSou
what's the day today回答,what's day today怎么回答还有what's date today - 百度,今天星期几.
#62. What day is today?与What date is today?的区别是什么?_外语
what day is it today? 问今天星期几 回答 it's monday...等 what's the date today? 问今天几号 回答 it's june 1st.等 what's today?
#63. 二、聽CD,選出符合句意的選項。(每題2分,共10分)10%
Sandra: Today is the fourth Thursday of November. ... What's the date today? (A) November fourth. ... 十、依提示回答問題(第一題3分,其餘2分,共7分)7%.
#64. 【英文口說】How are you? 你的回答將會影響對方對你的看法!
當然,如果你需要用英文與對方溝通,回答這個問題是必須的, ... I'm feeling groovy today. ... I'm good because I'm going on a date tonight.
#65. What is the date of Christmas Day?如何回答-学帮网
这样讲对吗? what is the date today What is the date taday? what is the date of your birth正确还是when is the date of your birth正确拜托了各位 What date is ...
#66. what day is it date怎么回答 - 六六作业网
what day is that date? 应该是那天是什么日子, 不管怎么样, 这句话好像有问题像楼上说的, 要不是what's the date today? 就是what day is it today?
#67. whatis date today怎么回答 - 优书网
What's the date today?是问日期的,也就是几月几号2.What day is it today?是问星期的,也就是今天是星期几. 这两个要注意区分开来. 第一个回答是(今天是8月31号):It's ...
#68. what is date today怎么回答 - 紫竹知识网
What day is it today? What day of the week is it? 回答可以是: Today is Thursday. It is Thursday today. 今天是几月几号? What date is it today ...
#69. What is the date today怎么回答_whatsthedatetoday是什么意思
What day is it today? What day of the week is it? 回答可以是: Today is Thursday. It is Thursday today. 今天是几月几号? What date is it today?
#70. What is the date today怎么回答 - 配对百科网
What date is it today? What's the date today? What's today's date? What's today? What day of the month is (it) today? 回答可以是: Today is 15 April.
#71. What date is it today - 什么都有
今天星期几What's the date today? ... It's on the first of June What date is it today? ... 回答日期的表达:It's the first of August.
#72. today造句(what day is it today怎么回答)--派克电商
whatdayisittoday怎么回答whatdayisittoday为疑问句,中文意思是“今天是 ... what is the date today和what day is it today两个句子都有询问日期的 ...
#73. what's the date怎么回答_whatsthedate什么意思- 优全网
what's the date怎么回答what's the date是问日期,今天是几号。可以回答说几月几号。1、询问星期Q: What day is today? 今天是星期几?
#74. 回答What's today's date? / What's the date today? 正确的句子是
问题:. [多选题] 回答What's today's date? / What's the date today? 正确的句子是:. A. 1. It's February 14. 2. It's Frida B. 3. It's cold toda
#75. what's the date怎么回答_英语问日期怎么回答 - 莫明知道 ...
what's the date怎么回答what's the date是问日期,今天是几号。可以回答说几月几号。1、询问星期Q: What day is today? 今天是星期几?A: Today is Monday.
#76. 问星期的英语 - 翻译知识网
问日期:What's the date today?What's today's date? ... 1、What day is it today 英[wɒt deɪ ɪz ɪt təˈdeɪ] ... 一般之用这个回答. "now is.
#77. what date is it today翻译 - 小说整理站
what's the date today翻译为今天几号。这句文具一般回答要具体准确,回答的日期要精确到月和日,所以回答的句式应该为:It's 月份+日期。资料拓展today的用法 ...
#78. what date is it today翻译 - 歪歪学习网
what's the date today翻译为今天几号。这句文具一般回答要具体准确,回答的日期要精确到月和日,所以回答的句式应该为:It's 月份+日期。资料拓展today的用法 ...
#79. what date is it today翻译 - 球座
what's the date today翻译为今天几号。这句文具一般回答要具体准确,回答的日期要精确到月和日,所以回答的句式应该为:It's 月份+日期。
#80. whatisthedatetoday的回答 - HOme - 富源网
等,开始当然不会,要引导孩子回答,每天换一两个问题,天天坚持,对日常用语的熟练了,也促进了词汇记. What date is it today? What's the date today ...
#81. what time is it now的回答 - 愿景知识站
by what's the date today回答 at 2022-05-17 16:52:53. What time is it, now?What time is it, please?What time is it now?是我们中式思维下得出的翻译, ...
#82. 问星期几和日期的英语及回答 - bianmawd
问星期几和日期的英语及回答,数字以及星期几用英语怎么写?_360问答,问今天星期几? What day is it today? 今天几号和日期问法一样。 What's the date today?
#83. 購買iPad Air - Apple (台灣)
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#88. 怎样用口语回答:What date is it today? - 问问
如果问今天几号,应该说:what's the date today?简单点,你可以直接回答。比如:10月3日,读作:October the third.如果问今天星期几,就说:what day is it today?
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问题是“ What's the date today ? (今天几号了? ) ” ,回答为“ It's ) Nov. 15. ”。因此选项 C 为正确答案。容易混淆的是问句“ What day is today ? (今天是星期几? ) ...
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what is the date today回答 在 [文法] day & date - 精華區Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
我知道問 what day is today? 是問星期幾
不過奇摩知識上有人說what date is today?這用法是錯的
要用what is the date today? 這樣問才對
想請問各位大大一下 用what date問 為什麼錯阿?
先謝謝各位的回答囉 ^^
By the way, 因為要教小朋友聽力 我發現what day和what date聽起來好像
因為t是無聲子音 cd裡的人又念得挺快的很難分別的耶 >"<
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <
作者: alease (alease) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: Re: [文法] day & date
時間: Fri May 19 17:21:03 2006
What day is today? It's Sunday.
What is the date today? It's May 19th.
※ 引述《darknest (Irish Rover...)》之銘言:
: 今天去奇摩知識看了一下
: 我知道問 what day is today? 是問星期幾
: 而用date問是問幾月幾號
: 不過奇摩知識上有人說what date is today?這用法是錯的
: 要用what is the date today? 這樣問才對
: 想請問各位大大一下 用what date問 為什麼錯阿?
: 先謝謝各位的回答囉 ^^
: By the way, 因為要教小朋友聽力 我發現what day和what date聽起來好像
: 因為t是無聲子音 cd裡的人又念得挺快的很難分別的耶 >"<
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <
作者: alease (alease) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: Re: [文法] day & date
時間: Fri May 19 17:57:38 2006
※ 引述《alease (alease)》之銘言:
: What day is today? It's Sunday.
: What is the date today? It's May 19th.
: ^_^
: ※ 引述《darknest (Irish Rover...)》之銘言:
: : 今天去奇摩知識看了一下
: : 我知道問 what day is today? 是問星期幾
: : 而用date問是問幾月幾號
: : 不過奇摩知識上有人說what date is today?這用法是錯的
: : 要用what is the date today? 這樣問才對
: : 想請問各位大大一下 用what date問 為什麼錯阿?
: : 先謝謝各位的回答囉 ^^
: : By the way, 因為要教小朋友聽力 我發現what day和what date聽起來好像
: : 因為t是無聲子音 cd裡的人又念得挺快的很難分別的耶 >"<
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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