11/4 凌晨三點多更新了新版本1.6.7,失事貨船事件任務調整,
我們重新啓動了失事船的活動 船長和他的團隊設法逃脫被囚禁, 但許多寶貴的資源留在了殘骸周圍. 你可以假裝貨物部分, 如果你對付它的飢餓的守衛. 但現在還有更多的人, 更多! 這個事件會更經常發生, 你需要得到適當的準備
Today’s update is not a big one again. We’ve relaunched the Wrecked Ship event. The captain and his team managed to escape from captivity but lots of valuable resources were left around the wrecked ship. You can pretend to a cargo part if you cope with its hungry guards. But there are more of them now, way more! The event will appear more often, you'll need to get properly prepared for it.
There weren’t significant updates last week and some dishonest players started spreading rumors that the Dev Team went off on holiday, gave up on the game and that there wouldn't be updates anymore. No, the team is not having a vacation, we keep working hard every day, just our efforts were focused on the solving technical tasks and implementing them which is essential for further game development. So we encourage you not to panic and don’t blame the team off the point. The work is humming =)
Dear iOS users, the update will be available in the App Store in 2-3 days. Thanks for your support!
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