以下文章轉自 會思考的狗寵物行為訓練矯正工作室
1. 管理
管理的目的是預防問題的發生,讓狗狗沒有被『引導犯罪』的機會,減少狗狗暴露在刺激中讓問題反覆發生,也就是預防勝於治療的意思。如果他會翻垃圾桶,你可以收好垃圾桶,或是用圍欄,柵欄,隔出一個狗狗可以安全活動的範圍。如果看見門外或窗外的人,車,會吠叫,將視覺刺激減少,也是一個方法。行為,不論是被喜歡或是被討厭的行為,都會因為不斷的練習,而精進。Practice makes perfect,聽過吧?
2. 訓練
3. 環境豐富化
養狗,要懂得給他好好當一隻狗的機會。當正常需求不能被滿足,就會有怪怪的狀況出現啊!你可以試試看一個月不滑手機,不看臉書,不出門,不打遊戲,不吃美食,不看電視(and the list goes on and on...)看你會不會變得怪怪的?相較,狗狗比人類需要的簡單多了,但就看你有沒有讀到他的訊息囉~身心活動一樣重要,要散步,要找朋友,沒有出門也要動動腦~漏食玩具,益智玩具,啃咬玩具,你丟我撿,有的忙的狗,也沒空去惹事了~
4. 尊重!
Successfully living with dogs can be boiled down to 3 big buckets: Management, Training and Enrichment.
With management, we put things in place that help our dogs navigate our human world successfully. Things like crates and baby gates for dogs who aren't chew or house trained can help avoid mishaps, accidents and unfortunate incidents. By getting ahead of problems, we can make it easier for dogs to make decisions we'd humans prefer. A good trainer can help you get management up and running.
With training, we teach dogs what we need from them in our human world. Do we want a dog who sits to say hello instead of jumping? A rewards-based training class with a qualified instructor can get you there.
With enrichment, we give dogs opportunities to engage in behaviors which are normal for their species. When dogs are having their needs met through physical and mental enrichment, they're more less likely to get into trouble and more likely to be attentive, and so management and training can be put into place more effectively.
And then there's a 4th bucket, which we'll call respect. By respecting that our dogs are a different species, we're more likely to meet their needs in appropriate ways that don't cause physical or emotional harm.
今天有喝咖啡心情滿好的林醫師 在 咖啡丶茶… - YouTube 的推薦與評價
愛喝咖啡小心!醫生警告:喝咖啡時千萬別碰它,否則會誘癌上身!可惜很多人卻不知道. 乐厨怡妈 · 12:00 · 美國專家研究36年,今天終於公佈:咖啡與血糖竟有這層關係! ... <看更多>
今天有喝咖啡心情滿好的林醫師 在 王姿允醫師。我的無齡秘笈。 - [咖啡一兼二顧—-減脂跟腸道菌 ... 的推薦與評價
咖啡一兼二顧—-減脂跟腸道菌最佳助攻] #因很多人問咖啡怎麼選#下一篇會分享幾個選好咖啡的關鍵給大家參考在我的「4+2R代謝飲食法」中是准許喝咖啡跟茶的。 ... <看更多>