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關於bird logo的評價, HOCC

【有種感動】 呢塊隧道廣告Billboard,係我地團隊對大家嘅回禮, 而呢片空間,係你地一個一個單位,集體獨家贊助出嚟嘅。 係你地一齊向其他人證明咗,小個體也可以登上大舞台。 衷心感謝各位有種贊...

Elakkan roboh je the bee tu! Jangan Lupa! EDY J RECORDS LABEL proudly presents GERHANA SKACINTA 20th Anniversary Celebration - the band will also release 2 brand new singles “Aku Dulu Bukan Sekarang & Mutiara” on this special day!🎶📀 . The band will perform all their 20 hit songs, more than 90 mins of live performance for their beloved Gerhanalites that had supported them all these years!! Don’t miss this one Big Skakin’ on the special day of Hari Merdeka!🇲🇾 . Date: 31st August 2019 (Saturday) Merdeka Day! Venue: The BEE Publika Kuala Lumpur. Time: 5 pm onwards Ticket: RM 70.00 (Pre-Sale) RM 80.00 (CD Package) Ticket Only RM35 (At The Door) GSC show ticket package also include: 🛍 • GSC 20th Anniversary Canvas Tote bag • CD 2019 new singles (4 tracks) • GSC Coloured Poster A2 Size + Scroll Holder • GSC logo metal pin • Malaysia Mini Flag • Meet & Greet Session . Limited First 500 early bird only🔥 . Segala Pembelian & Pertanyaan (Pre-Sale) please WhatsApp to +6017 279 2118 ⬅⬅⬅ . 2 0 t h A N N I V E R S A R Y C E L E B R A T I O N 2⃣0⃣🎉🎊 #edyjrecords #gerhanaskacinta #20thAnniversaryCelebration #SinglesLaunchParty #AkuDuluBukanSekarang #Mutiara #ska #gerhanalites - @gerhana_skacinta

Elakkan roboh je the bee tu! Jangan Lupa! EDY J RE...